ofviolins · 4 years
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like for a starter?
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ofviolins · 4 years
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     “Really?” He supposes he shouldn’t be so surprised by such compassion from his sister. But after getting himself practically banned from Diego’s place after one too many shenanigans, the last thing he expected was for any of his siblings to actively invite him over into any space. He’s never been the best house guest— he smells, he’ll eat everything in the fridge, and steal anything of value. It’s not something he’s proud of, but he figured out a long time ago that it’s best to take advantage of his time with such luxuries, because he will always, inevitably, get himself kicked out either way. 
     But Vanya’s offer somehow seems different. No expectations, no strings attached. Such pure hospitality almost makes him want to say no, because surely he is undeserving of such a thing. But unfortunately, Klaus is desperate. With nearly a dozen consecutive sleepless nights under his belt, Klaus is not in the position to reject her, at all. 
     So instead he offers her a small smile, a slight bow of the head. 
     “I…if you don’t mind…I could really use a nice bed.”
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“Yeah, sure, it’s the least I can do ever since--” the book, but Vanya lets the words hang in the air. She isn’t sure if Klaus read it, she hasn’t seen him in so long, but he’s her brother, book or no. “It’s not much, a couch and some blankets, but...” it wasn’t like Vanya had much of value to steal anyway, save her precious violin that was the only thing she could remember Dad giving her. “I’m sure it’s better than whatever else you’ve been living with.”
And Vanya’s apartment, indeed, isn’t much. One bedroom, one bathroom with no attaching door, a dull color painting the walls and not much, if any, art to speak of. There are old, very old, music books in a bookcase that are falling apart, things she’s thrifted over the years for practice and audition pieces and teaching. But she can see how tired her brother is, how unhealthy he’s been, and he’s never been the picture of health, but the years they’ve spent apart have only served to make him sickly-looking, and her heart ached for him, especially knowing she might have partly contributed to his current state.
“Just, you know, my meds. I don’t really care what you do, but please don’t take those, I have to go back to Dad’s for refills. And the violin, I can’t afford another one.”
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ofviolins · 4 years
stay with me while the storm is strong
we all need someone sometimes, and you often don't feel like you are worth someone remaining. you are, though. i know that you crave for someone to be there and rest their hand against your back during the bad times. for a loving voice to lull you to sleep with a cadence of compassion and a desire to remain. you just want someone to remain. through and past the bad parts when you know it is difficult. you want to fall asleep to their voice and wake up to them still there in the morning. you want them to know the way that you take your tea and keep a box of your favorite flavor in their pantry in case you have a bad night and need to come over. you want to trust someone enough to give them a key to your house. and you deserve it, love. you deserve for someone to linger. you deserve to place your trust in another and know that they'll help you brush your hair if you're just too tired. you deserve for someone to remain.
tagged by: stolen from @theseancekid
tagging: everyone
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ofviolins · 4 years
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY ROLEPLAY MASTERLIST. this is a list for roleplay blogs only.
not harcest friendly
updated frequently 
reblog (likes/comments wont count) and add;
canon (if canon who) or original character 
or do they have a tua verse
single or multimuse blog
luther hargreeves / single muse blog
original character / tua verse / multimuse
tua verse / single muse blog 
find the masterlist here or list of blogs we follow here
we also reblog promos!
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ofviolins · 4 years
@ofviolins​ ♥’d (”Brain Stew” by Green Day)
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“I’m having trouble trying to sleep.”
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“I have room at my apartment,” Vanya immediately replied, sitting across from Klaus. “And if you want to talk about it, you can come to me.”
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ofviolins · 4 years
feel free to delete or add questions !
nicknames: Lia
zodiac: Virgo
height: 5′5″
sexuality (if comfortable): let’s GO lesbians
favorite band / artist: i’ve been vibing with hozier and the coup lately
song stuck in my head: the guillotine by the coup
last movie i saw: mucho mucho amor
last thing i googled: "difference between terrorism and insurrectionism” (dont ask)
do i get asks: no ;-;
following: 19
Followers: 26
average amount of sleep: 6
what i’m wearing: peasant top and jeans
dream job: civics teacher at a high school
dream trip: Hanoi
favorite food: LOVE me some tex mex
favorite animal: love, love, love ball pythons. they’re baby that i boop
play any instruments: flute + sax
eye color: blue
hair color: atm? pastel fringe with dark purple hair but im always changing it
languages you speak: english and kinda german
random fact: i’ve gone from biochem to bio to environmental science to political science for my major ;-;
tagged by : stolen from @theseancekid
tagging: whoever idc steal it
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ofviolins · 4 years
i’m not gonna do it, but i totally get it.  @ofviolins​
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Keta splashed water in her face in the nearly empty bathroom. It had taken her forever to pinpoint the location that was the center point for the origin of the apocalypse. Weeks of planning her trip to the states and making sure that everything was in order — she had expected to find demons or something equally nefarious when she got there. Instead she was met with an orchestra practicing angelic sounding music that left her in awe. The last thing she’d meant to do was strike up a conversation with one of the musicians — she needed to wait for all of them to leave so she could inspect the building to see what made it so important to the destruction of the world. 
“Long day for you too?” She looked up at Vanya through the tall mirror, afraid that the weariness was obvious. “I didn’t actually mean I wish I could blow up the world myself, but it sure does feel that way sometimes.” 
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Practice had been rough, complete with more snide comments from Helen about her mediocrity and a day full of beginners at lessons after practice. She had, of course, noticed a person coming in. Though the practices for the orchestra were typically closed, it wasn’t a hard policy, and she honestly just assumed the other woman was waiting to pick up another person from the orchestra. Family members would sit in on practice often, especially family members of new or younger instrumentalists. But that clearly wasn’t the case, seeing how most everyone had left by this point. 
“Long day ahead of me, more like. My family does make it tempting, though, if you know anything about them. My brother should be arriving in town today.”
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ofviolins · 4 years
like for a starter!
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ofviolins · 4 years
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▌█ ∵   🎩   ∵ █ ▌    Things had changed for EVERYONE she doesn’t blame her for how she felt. Sometimes she MISSED traveling with other people like herself. Not with POWERS but outliers in the world.  She offers a SYMPATHETIC smile lightly placing her hand on the others shoulder.  ❝ Don’t apologize, I have been kind of a dick to all of you since we met, the least you can do is insult my family. It doesn’t detract from your situation either, you deserve good things Vanya. ❞ Slight quip in her words before TAKING a moment to collect her own thoughts, tame a GALAXY BRAIN that had been a constant in her own life. Her world, her life could always be WHATEVER she wanted nothing was too far for her reach or POWERS. Goodbyes were never needed for her anyway. She GAVE UP on that when she stopped projecting her mom years ago. No one was worth one again.  ❝ It’s okay to be upset. Sometimes I want to go back, I spent so long in a different life, in a new world it became home. I know that the others want to deal with whatever we all screwed up but, would it be better if we could find out what happened to both Sissy and Harlan for you before that ? I can take the heat from Five if he says shit about it too. I mean, the kid went for themannequinn last time when he needed peace again the least he can do is this for you ❞
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“Come on, Faye. You haven’t been that much of an ass.” Vanya offered a small smile. Team Zero had tried to make everyone get along better, but just renaming the Academy wasn’t going to magically make everyone like each other. Ever since discovering her powers again, the world had become too much for Vanya to process, too fast, too loud, too overwhelming to try and stop her emotions from taking over. So, at Faye’s offer, eyes started to turn white, wind began to blow all around them. Part of Vanya wanted, more than anything, to find what happened to Sissy and Harlan. But another part, a bigger part, knew that finding out was admitting defeat, that she’d never be safe to bring them to 2019. Slowly, she calmed down, focused on her heartbeat without letting the energy build. “I’m coming back for them, when it’s safe. Finding out what happened to them, that’s admitting that I won’t see them again.”
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ofviolins · 4 years
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY MASTERLIST. a masterlist for roleplay blogs based in the universe of the umbrella academy. in the tags please list your character(s) and if they are canon, original, or have a tua verse. promos and / or links to promos can be submitted to this blog to be boosted. this masterlist is NOT harcest friendly.
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ofviolins · 4 years
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“It’s not family. I know I lost them when I wrote the book. I lost them again when I blew up the moon. I get that they don’t forgive me. I don’t know if I’d forgive me. But Sissy and Harlan, how do you say goodbye to people who were your whole life, that you’re leaving behind like that?” She’d barely gotten a chance to say goodbye, and now Sissy was probably dead, and Harlan was old, maybe institutionalized somewhere. They’d lived an entire life together, and now they had to live an entire life apart. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not like I lost my family the way you lost yours, but that month, it was the most peaceful I’d been my whole life.” Part of her wanted to be numb again, turned off to the world.
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@ofviolins​​ said: ’ i don’t want to be alone. ’ 
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▌█ ∵   🎩   ∵ █ ▌   She had never been alone, not until she was 19, she didn’t UNDERSTAND things the same way Vanya did but, she KNEW what it was like to feel outcasted. School had always been HARD for her. It was clear she just needed SOMEONE she could count on and it was TRAGIC to think that none of her SIBLINGS would offer that to her. Being an ONLY CHILD gave Faye some advantages and this was ONE of them.   ❝ Look, Vanya I know I just kind of stumbled into all of this and your family but— If you ever need someone I am here okay? ❞ Faye was never the NICEST person especially after she was kicked out of her HOUSE but, she was trying to be BETTER. Vanya was kind and in that kindness Faye saw a deep desire to just connect with someone. What happened to her, from the brief skimming that Faye did of her book wasn’t FAIR. And if she could offer anything to the other, even to just be there for her when she needed she was GOING TO DO THAT.  ❝ I know what it is like to have family betray you so if you ever want to get a drink and talk about it, or just you know, talk about anything I’ll be your girl deal ? ❞
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ofviolins · 4 years
‘  you’re  are  depraving  some  village  of  their  idiot .  ’
‘  i  miss you .  i  miss  you  every  day  that  i’m  not  with  you .  ’
‘  i  didn’t  think  it  was  possible  to  miss  a  person  this  much .  ’
‘  if  you  love  music  then  you’re  in  the  right  place .  ’
‘  the  ties  that  bind  you  together  make  you  stronger  than  you  are  alone .  ’
‘  i  can’t  just  call  him  in  the  afterlife  and  be  like ,  ‘ can  you  please  stop  playing  tennis  with  hitler  for  a  moment  and  take  a  quick  call ? ’  ’
‘  get  up .  we’re  going  to  save  the  world .  ’
‘  it’s  not  spandex ,  it’s  leather .  and  you  used  to  like  it .  a  lot ,  if  i  recall .  ’
‘  we  can  accomplish  anything  when  we  accept  responsibility  together .  this  is  what  creates  trust .  ’
‘  you  never  know  when  to  stop ,  do  you ?  ’
‘  you  got  enough  material  for  your  sequel  yet ?  ’
‘  i  bet  you’re  loving  this ,  hm ?  the  team  at  it’s  best .  it’s  just  like  old  times .  ’
‘  he  hated  children  too  and  he  had  plenty  of  us .  ’
‘  if  you  believe  in  yourself ,  just  once ,  great  things  are  gonna  happen  for  you .  ’
‘  i  know  that  i  let  you  down ,  but  i  could  do  anything  for  you .  ’
‘  you  know ,  i  liked  you  a  lot  better  before  you  got  laid .  ’
‘  oh  yeah ,  it  is  your  skirt .  i  found  it  in  your  room .  it’s  a  little  dated ,  but  it’s  very  breathy  on  the …  bits .  ’
‘  you’re  the  most  important  person  in  the  world  to  me .  ’
‘  best .  funeral .  ever !  ’
‘  sometimes  men  are  unredeemable  shits .  ’
‘  we  were …  we  were  just  kids .  little  kids .  ’
‘  we  all  came  home .  since  we’re  here ,  we  might  as  well  save  the  world .  ’
‘  i’ve  decided  you’re  the  only  one  i  can  trust .  ’
‘  if  you’re  raised  to  believe  that  nothing  about  you  is  special ,  if  the  benchmark  is  extraordinary ,  what  do  you  do  if  you’re  not ?  ’
‘  eternal  peace  is  probably  overrated .  ’
‘  we  all  wanted  to  be  loved  by  a  man  incapable  of  giving  love .  ’
‘  one  grows  used  to  things ,  even  if ,  sometimes  one  shouldn’t .  ’
‘  look ,  you  wanna  pay  your  respects ?  go  ahead .  but  at  least  be  honest  about  the  kind  of  man  he  was .  ’
‘  you  of  all  people  should  be  on  my  side .  he  had  to  send  you  a  million  miles  away .  that’s  how  much  he  couldn’t  stand  the  sight  of  you .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  we  should  stop  him ,  but  then  again  i  also  just  kinda  wanna  see  what  happens .  ’
‘  you  make  me  want  to  wake  up  each  day  and  you’re  in  my  dreams  every  night .  ’
‘  you  also  told  me  that  licking  a  nine  volt  battery  would  give  me  pubes .  ’
‘  i’m  just  gonna  go  murder  mom ,  i’ll  be  right  back .  ’
‘  last  time  we  tried  to  stop  it ,  we  all  died .  what  makes  this  time  any  different ?  ’
‘  we  actually  have  the  chance  of  saving  the  lives  of  billions  of  people .  ’
‘  it  wasn’t  his  fault  ‘cause  he  was  ridiculously  high ,  right ?  and  the  girl ,  she  thought  he  was  a  furry …  ’
‘  i  think  maybe  you’re  the  only  person  who  really  knows  who  i  am  and  still  likes  me  anyway .  ’
‘  you  don’t  get  to  blame  your  problems  on  anyone  but  yourself .  ’
‘  we  didn’t  choose  this  life .  we’re  just  living it .  ’
‘  than  christ  he’s  not  our  real  father ,  so  we  couldn’t  inherit  those  cold ,  dead  eyes .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  apologize  just  for  existing .  ’
‘  when  something  seems  to  perfect ,  it’s  usually  anything  but .  ’
‘  all  the  what - if’s  start  to  haunt  you .  ’
‘  i’m  done  playing  their  games .  i’m  ready  for  a  change .  ’
‘  i  would  love  to  play  cops  and  robbers ,  wear  a  mask ,  and  feel  important ,  but  guess  what ?  recess  is  over .  it’s  grown - up  time .  ’
‘  we  have  a  great  job .  the  best  job .  we  got  it  made ,  asshole .  ’
‘  people  still  don’t  take  me  seriously .  i  wanna  be  numb  again .  ’
‘  i  stayed  because  the  world  needed  me .  ’
‘  at  least  i  make  my  own  decisions .  ’
‘  i  have  been  left  out  of  everything  for  as  long  as  i  can  remember .  ’
‘  nowhere  to  go .  no  way  to  change .  ’
‘  but  now ,  i  know  nothing  in  my  life  was  real .  so  i’m  starting  over .  ’
‘  you  do  whatever  it  takes  to  survive .  or  you  die .  ’
‘  i  don’t  belong  anywhere ,  thanks  to  you !  you  made  me  a  killer !  ’
‘  i’ve  done  unimaginable  things ,  things  you  couldn’t  even  comprehend ,  just  to  get  back  here  and  save  you .  ’
‘  she  needs  our  help  and  we  can’t  do  that  if  she’s  locked  in  a  cage .  ’
‘  i  mean ,  it  must  be  scary .  terrifying ,  really .  to  discover  that  you  can  do  something  that  you  never  thought  you  could  do .  ’
‘  it’s  not  difficult  to  accept ,  it’s  impossible  to  accept !  ’
‘  what  are  you  still  doing  here ?  we’re  trying  to  have  a  serious  conversation .  ’
‘  what’s  going  on  with  you ?  and  don’t  tell  me  everything  is  alright  because  i  saw  you  in  there .  you  were  crying  like  a  baby .  ’
‘  you  saved  my  life !  ’
‘  i  don’t  want  them  to  see  me  like  this .  besides ,  you  know ,  i’d  just  hold  them  back .  ’
‘  how  about  we  ask  him  after  we  kill  him ?  ’
‘  maybe  they’ll  brood  each  other  to  death .   ’
‘  you’re  a  real  sick  bastard .  ’
‘  would  you  stop  it ?  why  are  you  putting  this  shit  in  your  body ?  ’
‘  he  must  have  been  a  very  special  person  to  put  up  with  your  weird - ass  shit .  ’
‘  you  were  my  greatest  disappointment .  you  only  scratched  the  surface  of  what  you  were  capable  of .  ’
‘  i  lost  someone .  the  only …  the  only  person  i’ve  ever  truly  loved  more  than  myself .  ’
‘  you  know ,  before  you  kill  him ,  you  might  want  to  hear  what  he  has  to  say .  ’
‘  we  all  came  home .  since  we’re  here , we  might  as  well  save  the  world .  ’
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ofviolins · 4 years
❛ You were trying to get yourself killed, which is what this family does best is get killed. ❜
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“I couldn’t let her go, Five. I was protecting them. Carl was going to send Harlan off to an institution and Sissy would’ve been trapped in that marriage, and--” You forget how small your world is, her words echoed in Vanya’s mind.
“We weren’t supposed to get caught by the cops, okay? Carl sent his brother to make sure I didn’t take her or Harlan. How was I supposed to know they’d think I’m KGB? I didn’t even know what KGB was.”
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ofviolins · 4 years
oh.  now  this  is  interesting.  quick  turn  of  heel,  hands  already  folding  one  over  the  other  and  to  his  chest.  navy  silk  crumbled  under  fingertips.  eyebrows  already  raised  in  a  surprise  he  didn’t  even  bother  to  hide.  she  must  be  a  fan,  right?  of  course  she  was.  instant  laugh  of  realization  had  a  hand  already  going  out  as  if  ready  to  thank  her  for  a  compliment  she  hadn’t  voiced.
“did  i  say  that?  ah — well,  you  know….you  can’t  knock  it  until  you  try  it  and  all  that.”           a  quick  wave  of  the  hand  that  already  hovered  between  them.  to  be  honest,  klaus  didn’t  know  why  he  had  come  to  the  show,  a  compulsion  if  you  will,  maybe.  a  whisper  in  his  head  he  couldn’t  bother  to  silence.  almost  like  all  of  his  ‘whispers’.  quick  smile  and  he’s  blocking  out  those  thoughts  with  some  tried  and  true  deflection.           “so,  the  music  thing  huh? — you’ve,  uh,  been  doing  that  long?”
There was a lack of recognition in Klaus’ eyes that filled Vanya with a sense of dread. The gestures, the expression and surprise, it was all her older brother, or what memories she had of him, anyway. The same looks he gave when she caught him with his hand in the unicorn for his stash when they shared a room when Vanya was home for winter break. Unless he... forgot?
“well, i guess you’re right, you haven’t wanted to go to any of my concerts unless i -” wait. Was Klaus the type to fall into fortune, enough for this kind of outfit, twice? Or was Klaus, her Klaus, not this one. The question was what sealed it for her. “yeah, i’ve only been doing music since i was seven,” she replied. “i’m sorry, you’re just the spitting image of my brother.” But if he answered to Klaus? He very well could be Klaus, just not her Klaus. “Vanya Hargreeves. And you are?” she asked, holding her hand out in introduction.
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ofviolins · 4 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ I can’t help you unless you talk to me. ❜
❛ She has no regard for her life, or anyone else’s. ❜
❛ Promise me you’re not gonna over-react. ❜
❛ It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay. ❜
❛ So, how scary was I? ❜
❛ With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain.❜
❛ It’s my first war wound, think I’ll wear it with pride. ❜
❛ Whoa, what are you doing? ❜
❛ I smell something witchy. ❜
❛ Look at me. I look like a drowned rat! I need my blow dryer. ❜
❛ I hate camping. ❜
❛ What the hell happened here? ❜
❛ You’re changing the subject. ❜
❛ Let go of me so I can blow him up. I’m gonna blow you up! ❜
❛ Let go of me! I have to save them! ❜
❛ It was my fault. It was my fault. ❜
❛ Magic’s always been inside of you. ❜
❛ If you’ll put your nose any deeper into that coffee cup, you’re gonna need a snorkel. ❜
❛ You wanted a normal life, remember? ❜
❛ It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing? ❜
❛ You’re bleeding. ❜
❛ I was just trying to help. ❜
❛ I love you. ❜
❛ I don’t understand why magic can’t fix this. ❜
❛ It’s not like we haven’t cheated death before. I don’t understand why this time isn’t any different. ❜
❛ You gotta be more careful. ❜
❛ How am I? Are you kidding? ❜
❛ But if there’s one thing you learned over the last three years it’s that there’s always a reason for everything. ❜
❛ What the hell is the matter with you?! ❜
❛ I’m not angry. I am pissed off!  ❜
❛ You were trying to get yourself killed, which is what this family does best is get killed. ❜
❛ And I thought my family was screwed up. ❜
❛ I didn’t even have time to change. ❜
❛ Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid? ❜
❛ It’s okay to be angry. ❜
❛ I’ll play the bitch, you play the witch, ok? ❜
❛ I just want to find out the truth. ❜
❛ It’s okay, it’s just a graze. ❜
❛ I’m not doing this anymore. I give up. I quit. ❜
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ofviolins · 4 years
It's 2020. Marketing a gay couple with barely any airtime counts as queerbaiting now. I'm the mean bitter lesbian who's done with Netflix overmarketing Sanya I make the rules.
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ofviolins · 4 years
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prompts below are a compilation of song lyrics from my spotify. PART II.
“  we go together.  ”
“  i’m a sucker for you.  ”
“  say the word and i’ll go anywhere blindly.  ”
“  and you can tell me where this goes.  ”
“  you’ve got scars beneath your clothes. you didn’t do this on your own.  ”
“  we end where we begin.  ”
“  i’ll never stop.  ”
“  i’m not giving in.  ”
“  you don’t have to to do what they’re asking of you.  ”
“  no, i never should’ve let you go.  ”
“  i wanna hold you like i did before.  ”
“  take my hand.  ”
“  my heart is coming back for more.  ”
“  you’re a natural.  ”
“  that’s the price you pay.  ”
“  i’ll do whatever it takes.  ”
“  ‘cause i love the adrenaline in my veins.  ”
“  always had the fear of being typical.  ”
“  did you find something better there?  ”
“  suddenly we’re in a hurry.  ”
“  don’t come here asking for help.  ”
“  you’re still the only thing i’ve done right.  ”
“  will you love me when my phone turns off?  ”
“  i got the good side of things.  ”
“  left you with both of the rings.  ”
“  baby, i apologize.  ”
“  i didn’t call ‘cause it wouldn’t be fair.  ”
“  found arms to fall right into.  ”
“  someday i’d hope that you’d understand.  ”
“  catch up on everything.  ”
“  i’m so tired.  ”
“  just wanna go home.  ”
“  i can’t be alone.  ”
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