soldierqueer · 4 years
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[ @ouijatap​ liked for a starter ]
DAVE was dead. Of that, he was certain. He’d been fighting in Vietnam and had been shot through the chest. Everything had faded to black and then he was back. Only, he wasn’t in Vietnam anymore. Instead, he was in some kind of studio with people talking and laughing and a man staring straight at him. He swallowed, feeling confused and bewildered. 
“Wh-Where am I?” He asked quietly, feeling out of place and a little afraid. “Who are you?” He looked at the man who was staring at him. “Who are all these people?” He walked in a small circle, feeling very uncomfortable indeed. 
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ofviolins · 4 years
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“Klaus?” Vanya said, a bit surprised. Her brother was the type to come and go as he felt, but she hadn’t seen much of him since Reginald had turned the siblings away, and the Umbrella Academy had certainly avoided Vanya’s concerts, obviously afraid that she would lose control of her powers again.
Yet, here Klaus was, in a suit. But how did Klaus have suit money? Or ticket money, for that matter? She’d stopped paying for tickets to be set aside after their second concert with five no-show seats where she’d reserved them. 
“Klaus, I thought you said you didn’t do classical music.”
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hecarried · 4 years
👀 + what was one of your life goals, or dreams that you've always had for yourself?
     “   uh  ...   never  dreamed about  being  drafted and sent to vietnam,  for starters,  “   dave  says,   the  comment  wry  and  sarcastic  :    he  wrings  his  hands  slightly,   thinking ,   and  then   shrugs.    “  you  know ...   it’s  funny.  since i was  little,  i  never  really had  any  delusions  that  i  was  somebody.  and  i don’t  mean that  in a self deprecating  way !  i mean it  in,   uh  ...  like,  i’m never gonna change the  world  or  make  headlines.    probably just  gonna impact  one or two people’s  lives  and  pass on  without  a trace.  and  i’ve always  been  fine  with  that.   “   dave  spreads his  hands  open  as if to say,  que  sera,  sera.    “  so  i never  really had  any  big  goals or  big  dreams  or  plans.   hell,  stayed  in the same old town for most of  my life  just  ‘cuz  i liked being around my  mom  and  felt  no  reason  not   to  be  near  her.   s’  not like  i had anything  huge to contribute to society anyways.   it  was kinda just a  day to day,   thing.      so ,   yeah.    i’m  sittin’  easy breezy,  i guess.  “   he  grins  playfully. 
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fakesmagic · 4 years
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@ouijatap​  said: 12, 24, 44
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12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
It really depends on how she is feeling during the day. She likes to pick at people and is rather good at containing her own. When it comes to her work or magic or illusions she can get really angry really fast if the stage crew and staff don’t do things properly. If it comes to like, being picked at she is really good at holding her own and not being pissy. In general however, she really doesn’t like to wait for things, and she hates like being stuck in traffic and things like that but she is able to handle and deal with it.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
100% Lives by the philosophy of carpe diem and seizing the day. Faye loves her life at the current point just before being pulled into everything. She has all the things she has dreamed of and is content doing what she loves. She loves being able to try different foods, to show people what a little bit of magic and not being able to understand things can do. She lives in the world she wants and really in the one she creates for herself. Sometimes she gets lonely because Faye has little to no friends but she is okay with that. Life is full of magic itself for her and Faye rolls with it and the punches she just has an advantage because of her powers and sometimes she is gonna use that and whatever else she can. Life is for living in her eyes, if you follow a pattern or an outline or a schedule are you really living for yourself?
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?
Oh god. This ties into the patience thing. It really depends on what the criticism is on, if it is on her work oh my god be ready for a verbal smackdown. Faye puts everything, every fiber of her being into what she does. Faye loves magic, and she does everything to keep her secrets and to make her shows appealing to everyone. But, you know how it goes, you can never please everyone, so she does have that stigma of not taking criticism well but it is from a place of her doing everything in her power to make her shows good because she loves what she does so much. When it comes to everything else she can kind of be sassy back to whoever is giving her criticism and see if she likes what they are suggesting or not because she knows she isn’t going to nail everything or be completely perfect in every single way. She combats things with sarcasm if it is a little touchy but aside from her work Faye has no issues taking constructive criticism, if it is mean criticism though, again get ready for a verbal smackdown lmao.
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truesighted · 4 years
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▌█ ∵   🦋   ∵ █ ▌     ❝ If I were you, then I’d stop talking  ❞ Shift of weight in her shoes, slight QUIRK of her eyebrow. Glancing down to her WATCH for a moment before looking to the DOOR. Time, both her favourite AND least favourite thing. ❝ Because soon you’ll be a dead man walking ❞
                         ▌╳  ​ @ouijatap​   ❤️‘d for a lyrics starter !                      Absinthe by I Dont Know How They Found Me
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whiteviolintm · 4 years
@ouijatap​ ♥’d for a starter
Vanya wasn’t even sure how she was supposed to proceed. Everything was so messed up. Being thrown back into 2019 but having it be a different 2019 was mind boggling in and of itself. But a few days ago, as she was scrolling the internet to find out what happened in this version of reality, an ad came up in the video she watching. Vanya was looking at Klaus...but not? After some initial digging, the woman learned bits and pieces of Other Klaus. And this one had done well for himself, using his powers to earn money. A small part of her was disappointed she didn’t have a power to profit from, but also a little relieved. She couldn’t control it as is, how could she control it for money?  She didn’t tell anyone. Didn’t dare say a word to any of her siblings. There was no telling how anyone would take it and didn’t want to open the can of worms of everyone looking for themselves here. Vanya did one search for herself and, when it came up empty, left it at that. Ignorance, she figured, was bliss. But this Séance person was an enigma. In the end, she figured what was the harm? Obtaining his contact information via his website, Vanya took a deep breath and dialed the number. A voice answered on the other end and she released her pent up air. “Yeah, um, hi. My name is Vanya and I was hoping to speak to Klaus H-uh...sorry, speak to The Séance. I was curious about ghosts but like from alternate realities?” I should have thought through what I was going to say first before calling him. “And if, like, he could...if he could channel their spirits? And no,” she rushed to say. “This isn’t a prank.” 
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soldierqueer · 4 years
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[ @ouijatap​ liked for a starter ]
DAVID KAIN was a huge fan of Specters & Spirits. There was just something incredible about someone being gifted with the ability to speak with the dead, to channel them, and to bring them back, even if it was only for a short time. It was truly jaw-dropping. Dave had always been a fan of anything out of the ordinary. These incredible things simply delighted him. Specters & Spirits, The Sparrow Academy, and anything like it caught Dave’s attention. 
Dave was sitting in a bar, sipping on a drink when he heard the bar door open. He wasn’t really paying attention to who entered until the figure took a seat beside him. Dave’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, you’re Klaus Wagner, aren’t you?” He questioned, a grin spreading across his face. “I’m a huge fan.” He admitted, placing a hand to his chest. “My name’s Dave.” He offered his hand for the person to shake, if he would accept it. 
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fakesmagic · 4 years
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@ouijatap​  said: 6, 28, 30
I answered 30 here ! but here are the other two !!!! I did put them under a cut because it got a bit lengthy lmao
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If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why?
This was surprisingly easy for me ???? Season of the Witch specifically by Lana Del Rey. I like this version because it is beautiful but a twinge unsettling at the same time and that kind of fits Faye in personality. She is beautiful she is known by so many people because of her magic but the things she does the feats she pulls off that other magicians can’t is unsettling. She has definitely had critics and people call her a witch and that term followed her pretty heavily in the second season arc given how I wrote that out. The lyrics also kind of speak to me on a level of her. Specifically because at times during that year she was with her dad after her mother's death the line for her of what was real and what she doing got so blurry even for her that it kind of threw off everything for her. Additionally this specific version really vibes with like that vintage kind of magic feel which is the aesthetic Faye has so because of that I also think it is a great pick. The song talks a lot about paranoia and paranormal occurrences and it touches on a dark and foreboding atmosphere and Lana’s version of it makes it a little more vibey in the sense like when I heard it I saw in my head exact things I could see Faye do in relation to the show because of the role I see her playing in it if she were real and that is super duper cool. 
Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
Faye honestly doesn’t contemplate morality and death much. Her only relationship with it is when her mother died and she never got a chance to mourn her because she had to create an illusion of her for a year. If anything she just kind of ignores the fact that death exists. Even in her attempt to offer the Hargreeves condolences was met with literally running into a fight and kind of just shrugging off why she was there and making jokes about magic when she was asked. It’s not that she is afraid of death but that the concept isn’t something that she wants to touch because she didn’t get that luxury so like, yeah it didn’t happen right. In fact it is more of like a denial thing, she refuses to even talk about her mother and when she does it is in a complete and utter full breakdown emotionally. It’s just a hard concept for her to grasp too because like, in a sense where Klaus sees Ben, Faye can make someone she loves an illusion and pretend they are still around and she has done that before. As for regrets, that is one of them. She regrets in life is letting down her mother by using her powers how she did during that time, and then using them to lie and cheat and get herself out of a bad situation and now to make money off of people. In a sense sometimes she just regrets existing because of the choices she has made. But, I think the biggest regret she has is doing that illusion of her mother for so long because of the psychological effect it had on her father and the fact it destroyed their relationship to the point of it not being able to be repaired ever because of what he said when she put an end to it.
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fakesmagic · 4 years
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@ouijatap​  said: “ cold nights make staying alert so hard . ”
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▌█ ∵   🎩   ∵ █ ▌   Breeze greets them as door SWINGS open, a shrug from Faye at his words before she stops. Eyebrow QUIRKING alert, now what on Earth would he need to stay alert for. Obviously those little BRATS that grew up from the SPARROW academy werent’ great to run into but she could take them. PROBABLY. Twinge of concern at his words before opening her bag. Spare GLOVES she always had an extra set. ❝ I will absolutely give you these gloves, if your hands fit if---- and only if you tell me what makes you say that.  ❞ Swinging them around like they were the LAST pair in the world she takes a moment to clear her thoughts before looking at the street lamps.   ❝ In fact if you share this with me, I will even make it seem like the lamps have heaters and trick you into think it is warmer. But do tell me what is oh so spooky when it is colder.  ❞
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fakesmagic · 4 years
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▌█ ∵   🎩   ∵ █ ▌   Coffee in hand a brow ROSE and it hit her like a ton of BRICKS. The name rang in the back of her mind a few people MENTIONING it after her shows at meet & greets. As if she could know whatever happened with him, MAGIC was very different from whatever it was THE SEANCE did. Perhaps it was boredom, or perhaps it was for a chance to FINALLY meet him. Boot clad feet carry her over and she takes a seat across from him.  ❝ You're Klaus aren’t you? Or the Seance or whatever. I have heard more about you the last two weeks I have done shows than anyone else. So what is it exactly, that you do? ❞ 
                          ▌╳  @ouijatap​ ​​  ❤️‘d for a starter
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soldierqueer · 4 years
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Feel free to delete or add questions! tagged by: @conjuredead​ (thanks!)
nicknames: Dennis, Denny, Orpheus (my middle name) 
zodiac: Aries
height: 5′6″
sexuality (if comfortable): Queer and Polyamorous 
favorite band / artist: The Mountain Goats
song stuck in my head: None at the moment, which is unusual for me
last movie i saw: Onward
last thing i googled: Loras Tyrell Fanart (I was curious as to how people who read the books saw him) 
do i get asks: I get in-character asks, which is a blessing and I love all of you who send them in!
following: 66
followers: 45
average amount of sleep: Nine hours
what i’m wearing: Avengers pajama pants and a hoodie
dream job: Author
dream trip: Greece. I was actually supposed to go to Greek in June, but then everything happened
favorite animal: Bats!
play any instruments: Nope
eye color: Green
hair color: Brown. It’s usually dyed red, but I haven’t gotten to it this summer 
languages you speak: Just English
random fact: I have two romantic partners who are absolutely amazing and I enjoy talking about them any chance I get
tagging: @songbird-not-found​, @ouijatap​, @isshelonely​, and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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