ofwindex-blog · 7 years
okay y’all gimme a few i gotta make new icons and shiiiii
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ofwindex-blog · 7 years
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
muse headcanons!
send me a symbol and i’ll tell you:
☠: my muse’s biggest fear ☮: when my muse feels the most at ease ☺: something that makes my muse happy ☹: something that makes my muse upset ♫: my muse’s favorite song, band, and/or music genre ✇: my muse’s favorite movie, director, and/or film genre ♔: my muse’s celebrity crush(es) ❤: what my muse looks for in a person they like ☂: my muse’s favorite season or time of year ∞: if my muse believe in ghosts, aliens, etc. ✧: what my muse’s netflix queue looks like ✎: what my muse’s best subject in school is/was ♧: something my muse is really good at ✺: something my muse loves and never gets tired of ✗: something my muse hates or gets angry about ☆: what my muse would be famous for if they were famous ✿: what my muse would like to do when they’re older ✈: where my muse would go if they could move anywhere ✆: the last person my muse called and what it was about ✉: the last person my muse texted and what the text said
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
‘ you just gotta prove you’re not a pussy anymore. ‘
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          ‘ first of all –  watch that filthy mouth of yours. it’s disrespectful to be speaking to a lady like that. second of all – ‘ she’d pause to look at the abandoned house before her. her skin would crawl at just the uncleanly state of the lawn alone, but now she had to go in and actually spend the night ? paisley would much rather kill herself than go inside that filthy, disgusting, revolting, dirty, grimy... trash can. 
          she was squirming and shuddering already with thoughts of having to even breathe in that air. she didn’t want to be called a chicken by any means, but she wasn’t sure she’d survive the trip inside that house. she needed to go in there, she needed to do this dare, she needed –
          ‘ oh, i can’t !! filthy, filthy, filthy !! ‘ and out comes the little hand sanitizers, the paper mask, another set of pristine gloves to go over her current ones, as well as a rag and a travel bottle of mutlisurface cleaner. she wasn’t messing around. she wouldn’t go in.
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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          ‘ and what makes you so sure of yourself, hm ? you’re awful cocky for a beginner negotiator. ‘ paisley would keep her voice stern and sharp, legs crossed beautifully over one another, hands clasped elegantly together. her usually gentle glass blue eyes were unforgiving and cold, but she would still smile like she were in the company of a misunderstanding child. 
          a brush of some dust off her thigh, before she’d turn her eyes back before her. ‘ if i choose to supply you, what is in it for me ? surely you know that the blaser family only supplies firearms to, well... to those who will pay us back in a reasonable time. so, is that something you think you can do ? ‘
          a smile as gentle as spring rain now crosses her face, offering a small gesture for the other to continue their end of the bargain.
open starter !
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
‘ i believe i’m a good person. ‘
‘ i know life can be beautiful. ‘
‘ if we changed back then, we can change again. ‘
‘ get away, nerd ! ‘
‘ fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze ! ‘
‘ i rented “the princess bride”. ‘
‘ why do i cry myself to sleep ? ‘
‘  i’d like to kidnap [ name ] and photograph her naked in an abandoned warehouse and leave her tied up for the rats. ‘
‘  if I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, i’d have matching halves. that’s very important. ‘
‘ it’s a beautiful frickin’ day ! ‘
‘ you got a bone to pick ? ‘
‘ listen up, biotch ! ‘
‘ you just gotta prove you’re not a pussy anymore. ‘
‘ that freak’s not your friend, i can tell in the end. ‘
‘ shut up, [ name ] ! ‘
‘ hey, mr. no name-kid. ‘
‘ so who might you be ? ‘
‘ could you be seen with me and still act proud ? ‘
‘ hey, could you hold my hand ? ‘
‘ i’d fight you you. ‘
‘ no point in planting roots, cause your gone in a hurry. ‘
‘ seems every time i’m about to despair, there’s a 7-11 right there. ‘
‘ i pray at my altar of slush. ‘
‘ get lost in the pain. ‘
‘ happiness comes when everything numbs. ‘
‘ who needs cocaine ? ‘
‘ the world doesn’t owe you a cent. ‘
‘ the sky’s gonna hurt when it falls so you better start building some walls. ‘
‘ fight pain with more pain. ‘
‘ let nothing remain. ‘
‘ it’s time to rage ! ‘
‘ time for big fun ! ‘
‘ whoa, a hot guy smiled at me without a trace of mockery ! ‘
‘ i think that’s what they call “ third base “. ‘
‘ thirty hours to live, how shall i spend it ? ‘
‘ i’m a dead girl walkin’. ‘
‘ shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities ! ‘
‘ i’m hot and pissed and on the pill. ‘
‘ you say you’re numb inside but i can’t agree. ‘
‘ so the world’s unfair. ‘
‘ i think you tore my mattress. ‘
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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           You see, there’s this boy; he is BROKEN and mouthy and COLD.  Most would call him unfeeling. CRUEL.  PERHAPS HE TRULY IS.  But this boy is loyal and unpredictable and true. No one would call him so, no one would call him kind.
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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Pixiv ID: 54588760
Member: Lora
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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   perhaps not entirely ‘still sleeping’– infact, Ai’ was unsure if she ever did fall asleep or rather was simply on a plane between reality and subconscious && has been stagnant at such for the past few hours. there were no dreams && she was aware of her surroundings for the most part, but there were always skips of time && general disorientation she couldn’t put her finger on. it’d probably be best she wakes up now lest risk getting sick… if not from backwards fatigue it’d be from starvation— lunch sounded wonderful right now.
  when Paisley adjusted the blanket she tossed and turned a bit– fluttering her eyelashes open with an exaggerated yawn, staring through a half-lidded gaze as the smallest smile crept upon dainty features. she was so pretty… it was a wonderful sight to wake up to !!
  “heheh… i’m not really sure what my sleep schedule is doing anymore… but that’s a conversation for when i’m more awake… r-right now my brain is wired to food. especially yours.” the girl would blatantly admit, moving to lay on her back and stretch the entirety of her five-foot form out with a tiny squeak. “…what’d you make?”
          paisely would soon return from setting the table with lots of delicious food and drinks for ai ( even her favorite little cartons of juice boxes ) before returning to ai. she would give her a wet nap to wipe those little hands with before lunch. another one after that, for extra clean fingers. she had an awful habit of extra cleanliness - some may even say an obsessive habit. but nonetheless, she would help ai to sit up after confirming she was awake. ‘ oh, do you like my food that much now ? ‘
          to say the least, paisley was pleased that ai seemed to take so kindly to her cooking. it made her feel needed, wanted, loved even. she enjoyed having a ‘ child ‘ in a sense - though she would never have one of her own. ‘ oh, i just made some goose and mashed potatoes. and of course, a couple of peanut butter and jam sandwiches for you ! ‘
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          she was still adjusting to her german cooking. the last time she had made hungarian sausage, it had been too spicy for the poor girl. ‘ but if you’d like anything else, you just let mama paisley know, okay ? i’ll whip it up really quick ! ‘
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
below the surface everyone is pretty complicated. based on your answers, we think the following three traits are important strands in your personality. TEST HERE.
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You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focussed where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of mess.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
tagged by:  @dangerbound tagging: anyone who reads this bc i don’t want to like triple tag everyone hAH
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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          ‘ ai, darling ? are you still sleeping ? ‘ tender blues would lock onto the smaller female resting on the couch, paisley’s knees bent and resting just at the edge of the snowy couch. she kept her house ridiculously clean, and very rarely let visitors into her home. but ai had a very special place in her heart, one that she couldn’t ever replace with anyone else. 
          ‘ lunch is ready. did you not sleep again last night ? oh... poor thing... ‘ she’d smile now and adjust the blanket around her just in case that ai continued to sleep through lunch. not that she was too worried about that - that shy little thing could scarf an entire buffet if she were hungry enough. 
          besides, she needed to talk to ai. make sure that everything was okay... at ‘ home ‘.
@dangerbound → starter ! 
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
"Touching leads to babies...” ( Actual virgin olive oil knowledge. ಠ_ಠ )
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          ‘ and that’s right ! so ai, what do you do when some boy touches you ? ‘ perhaps paisley was trying to give flaky a little relationship advice undercover. her little extra virgin olive oil was just so innocent, so tender, and in all honesty the woman didn’t care too much for her - erhm - boyfriend ? paisely wasn’t sure what to call him. but she would still smile and give the little flake gentle acceptance and encouragement to her knowledge. if she could teach ai that yes indeed touching leads to babies, maybe paisley could protect her just a little while long.
          ‘ if you answered scream and run home to mama paisley, then you are right ! ‘ 
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
Sleep Starters
“How late were you up last night?”
“You’re not pulling another all-nighter, not if I can do anything about it.”
“Aren’t you cold? I can go get you some blankets!”
“Are you alright? I thought I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Don’t worry, you’re alright. It was just another nightmare.”
“I don’t want to get up!”-“You can’t make me go to bed!”
“Can you turn your music down? Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“That looks highly uncomfortable. How do you even sleep like that?!”
“I didn’t mean to wake you up…”
“Don’t you think it’s getting awful late?”
“Sweet dreams!”
“I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.”
“You said some interesting things in your sleep last night.”
“Did you have another bad dream?”
“Come on, let’s just go to sleep.”
“You look exhausted. Did you get any sleep last night?”
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
Random Sentences Starters
“Alright, I love you, but you need Jesus.”
“Are you done?”
“Are you reading fanfiction?”
“Can I have your fries?”
“Coffee is the only substance I drink.”
“Did you get my text?”
“Eat my whole ass.”
“Hey, don’t insult memes!”
“How long have you been playing that game?”
“I don’t know whether to be insulted or impressed.”
“I like your taste in music.”
“I said I’m sorry!”
“I think your gayness might be affecting me.”
“It’s a damn shame.”
“I’ll be home in five minutes.”
“I’m just gonna nope out of this situation.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I’m three feet away from you, why did you text me?”
“Let me go.”
“Like a good neighbour I’m gonna take your shit and never give it back.”
“Me. I meant me.”
“Nice voice crack.”
“Our friendship is weird as hell. But so are we. So it’s perfect!”
“Please don’t do this…”
“Suck my ass through a straw.”
“Touching leads to babies.”
“Wait up!”
“What are you talking about?”
“What the hell is that?”
“… What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s going on?”
“Why are you like this?”
“Your taste in music is shit.”
“You’re trash for her, aren’t you?”
“You’re trash for him, aren’t you?”
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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                       but may happiness rain on you like                              the long awaited winter sun.
                                                                penned by lambie.                                                   independent . selective . canon divergent                                                                      ( enter. )
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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OUT.  tag dump !! 
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ofwindex-blog · 8 years
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the original sketch is really old but HOLY SHIT i loved happy tree friends dude
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