oh-amnesia · 9 years
It’s been a year of intense growth.
dauvoire (via kushandwizdom)
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
Some Sirius Black Headcanons That No One Asked For
He is incredibly short, and he loves it. Every time he can’t reach something he’ll just tilt back his head and shout “TALL PERSON” and either Remus or James will come running to his aid.
He is actually one of the most sensitive people on the planet. He’ll just be joking along about whatever strikes his fancy, but the moment he notices someone’s discomfort he’ll stop immediately and ask them why so he knows what to never do again. Also he’s very good at sensing what people need, like that time that Lily was sobbing in the common room after a letter from home and he could just tell that everyone should just leave her alone already.
He loves being a beater because he always feels the need to vent his anger and stress, and he worries that if he doesn’t take it out on a bludger one day he will wind up exploding at someone he loves.
He joined the Quidditch team after his brother was sorted into Slytherin (and subsequently stopped talking to him).
He loves Regulus deeply, even though he may not show it in public, and every time Regulus publicly renounces him it’s like a dagger through his heart (and yes, he knows he’s being dramatic, but it’s how he feels, and there’s just no other way he can express it).
He is the most dramatic drama queen to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts. Ever. This often results in screams of mock outrage ringing through the halls at entirely inappropriate times of day, and even the occasional Great Hall row, table-standing and all. 
The day that he found out that Andromeda got disowned for marrying Ted Tonks was the first time he ever got drunk, because he decided the news was too amazing to celebrate sober. It was also the first time he cried in public (tears of happiness, of course) since the age of five.
He absolutely loves writing. He’s very good at prose, usually dramatic fiction. His essays often resemble action stories though, and his poetry - well, let’s just say he gets an A for effort.
As you can probably tell from my URL, I firmly believe that he is entirely asexual, and has no idea where his reputation as a sex god came from. (For the record, it was started by a jealous Ravenclaw boy in third year who wished people would pay attention to him for once.)
His mother only ever sent him one howler, when he initially got sorted into Gryffindor, because he responded with one of his own, with the voices doubled over and twice as loud as his mother’s.
He sometimes sneaks out in the middle of the night to go study, so he can keep up his grades while still keeping up appearances. He’s incredibly jealous of James in that regard, who seemingly doesn’t need to study at all to ace his exams. Unbeknownst to Sirius, James had been sneaking out on alternate nights for even longer than Sirius had.
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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October | 31st | 1980 - the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
Wait till I see babe today. Out all fuckin night partying aha got another thing coming today bihhhhhhh
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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Omg…. Yesssss
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
He says that when you make a Horcrux out of another living thing, you take on certain attributes/characteristics of that other being. Well, Voldy made a Horcrux out of Nagini, remember? Nagini, WHO IS A SNAKE. So, when he did that, HE ENDED UP WITH A SNAKE NOSE.
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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People never wondered why the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in the girl’s bathroom. They knew Tom Riddle had opened it, and that it had been made by Salazar Slytherin and assumed all the Heirs of Slytherin had been male.
Of course that wasn’t the case. Salazar knew the men of his line were rash and unthinking, and recalled his mother, wise and thoughtful, who’d taught him to speak Parseltongue, how to conjugate verbs and use the past tense in a language of hisses and sibilants.
It was the women of his line who opened the Chamber first. They didn’t use it to remove Muggle-borns, they were of the belief that Muggles were to have no place in wizarding society but that anyone with magic of course deserved a place, even if educating them with true wizards was a bit much. Instead of killing Muggle-borns they killed anyone who advocated for Muggle rights, or goblin rights or for simply supporting Muggle knowledge of their world.
In 1268 Herpeta Slytherin killed the two children of a Minister who suggested helping Muggles with magic.
In 1306 Serket Shafiq, daughter of the last Slytherin to bear the name, killed four Weasleys.
In 1448 Medusa Gaunt killed a half-blood who thought to share magic with Muggles.
In 1513 Ariadne Gaunt killed three and petrified four of a group who were planning to set up a healing center for Muggles.
And so on and so on. Maia Gaunt I killed fourteen, the most of any of the Slytherin girls; Ophidia Malfoy II killed a fellow Slytherin who’d had ambitions into the muggle political sphere. Vipera Selwyn-Gaunt, the last Slytherin girl, elected to seal the Chamber of Secrets, after the Basilisk almost killed her, making it almost impossible for anyone to get in for two centuries. No one dared try to breach her enchantments.
Until Tom Riddle, stubborn and rude, pushed his way into the girls toilets and noticed the snake carved onto the tap.
Open, he said, let me in.
I must not, the metal snake replied. It is forbidden.
But I must, he said, Muggles have infiltrated our fair school. Squibs and half breeds are allowed here.
It is forbidden, the snake said with a note of finality, and spat a mouthful of water at the boy.
Tom sighed and unlooped Nagini from his neck, where she hid during the day. Talk to it, sweetling? He asked and she bobbed her head and complied.
May I enter, sister snake? Nagini asked.
You may, the snake said. But he must not. The Chamber is sealed to all wizardkind.
But he is my friend, my trusted friend, she said. He would do no harm there.
He is of wizardkind. The last Heir forbade it, the metal snake said.
But this Heir asks it, replied Nagini.
This Heir has no right to! What is said by one Heir speaks for all Heirs! The snake snapped.
Then why may I enter? If I associate with wizardkind then, by the thinking of many snakes I am as they are, Nagini said.
You greeted me as sister. You may enter and seek sanctuary. He may not.
But he is a brother to me as you are sister dear sister snake. Won’t you let him in? Nagini replied.
The little metal snake started running over the metal of the tap, confused, distraught. It had never been intended to put up with such reasoning when Salazar had placed her there. Salazar had never though such a thing might happen; divide within his own house.
Please sister snake, in Slytherins name? Nagini whispered.
Finally the metal snake nodded, and snake and Slytherin entered the chamber.
(written and submitted by the lovely essayofthoughts; once again, essayofthoughts provides us with a clear and well-written picture of Tom Riddle and Slytherin house, nuanced and fascinating, without letting up on the horrifying aspects one bit. Just how I like it.)
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
We know that Nagini was one of Voldemorts Horcruxes. The reason Harry didn’t die in Deathly Hallows part 2 was just that. Voldemort created two living Horcruxes, Harry and Nagini. Because part of Voldemort lived inside of Harry, Harry couldn’t die because Nagini was still alive so instead of killing Harry he ended up killing the part of himself that was in Harry. Therefore Nagini ended up being Voldemorts final Horcrux. When the part of Voldemort that was in Harry died, and Nagini was killed, then was Harry finally able to defeat Voldemort.
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
When you gotta sleep but you're too busy binge watching house on netflix
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
For all those times you went through hell so others wouldn't have to. I appreciate you. Always.
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oh-amnesia · 9 years
I guess it's greener where the other people's grass grow.
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