ohgodmytummy · 4 days
A dude who catches a virus that lies dormant and flares up occasionally like cold sores do - the initial infection had his stomach swell up like he's very very VERY pregnant, rapidly over the course of a week from how intensely his body fought the virus, and then he was "sick" with it for a month or two before the swelling went down. Now every time he's stressed, or traveling, or his immune system is occupied/worn down in other ways, he puffs up, his abdomen filling with fluids from his body fighting the infection. He doesn't get quite as big as he initially did, but he'll spend a week growing, and a while after that waiting for it to go away, and he's changed his wardrobe to have clothes that fit him in case he has a flare.
(Now imagine him getting knocked up and having the immune system changes that come from a pregnancy. Dude gets WAY bigger than he's supposed to ehehehehehehe)
Ooo that’s so good, the fluid build up on top of being pregnant??? Imagine having multiples with that condition as well, just his luck he gets knocked up with twins or triplets. He’s bloating up constantly, having to go to a doctor to drain the fluid build up every other week or more. At 9 months his poor tummy is absolutely massive, the fluid inside him making him look nearly twice as big as he’s suppose to be, and twice as heavy.
When he goes into labor, it triggers the worst fair up he’s had yet, causing his belly to fill up rapidly with more fluid. The pressure quickly becomes so unbearable he thinks he might actually burst, his body straining painfully around his contracting belly. Stuck under the added weight, he can’t move or call for help, there’s no one around and he’s unable to get to the hospital. He’s forced to give birth alone, clutching his swelling stomach as he desperately tries to push through the blinding pain, each contraction making him scream as the pressure mounts higher and higher.
His babies kick and writhe inside him, eager to leave as their space gets tighter from the fluid build up. Each push feels like torture, and soon enough his belly is so tight and full he’s scared if he keeps pushing his tummy might really burst. It hurts so much all he can do is scream and cry in pain as the pressure forces his babies down, stuck crowning around a huge head while his belly creaks and groans, hoping they come out before it’s too late
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ohgodmytummy · 4 days
I just!! Want to hear someone moan and tell me about how much their belly hurts like pls thats not only the cutest shit but fuck it’s hot dude
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ohgodmytummy · 4 days
I love the idea of desperate massaging. Like your tummy hurts so bad that in your pain ridden mind the only thing that helps is shoving your fingers into your sides and punching yourself?
Me likey (I swear I'm not a masochist)
ooh this this this (i am quite the sadist in my fantasies). also a big fan of rocking back and forth in the fetal position from pain, or them laying on their side and digging their knees into their chest/stomach.
or maybe even begging their partner for a rough massage, hoping that it will sort out the chaos in their stomach, a sort of “don’t stop no matter how hard i wince or cry because it needs done” type thing.
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ohgodmytummy · 4 days
I'm in a silly fantasy/fairytale mood again, so...
Arrogant asshole prince who treats anyone he considers to be below him terribly gets cursed by a witch to have a difficult pregnancy and to not be able to give birth to his child, until he treats a servant with genuine kindness and respect. (Your call whether the prince is already pregnant, or if the curse makes him pregnant, or if the curse will be dormant until it gets triggered by him getting pregnant.) The prince of course is utterly unaware of the conditions of the curse, or even of the curse's existence in the first place.
So the months of pregnancy pass, the pain and difficulty brought on by the curse only putting the prince in a worse mood and makes him behave worse. Still, he has the best physicians at hand and servants to tend to his every need, to make things as easy for him as is possible, and no one really suspects anything's wrong.
But the nine months run out, and the prince goes into labor... only to make the horrifying discovery that no matter how intense the contractions get or how long they've gone on, the baby simply will not move out of his womb, held in place by some power greater than nature.
oooo there's no way this guy figures out how to break the curse on him, he just keeps getting worse the longer it lasts. Perhaps it was cast by one of his servants who got tired of his nasty treatment and wanted to teach him a lesson, letting him get more and more uncomfortably pregnant just to watch him suffer. Do they ever end up telling the prince how to break the curse, or do they let him labor endlessly, pushing and sobbing for someone to help, not knowing why his baby refuses to budge
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ohgodmytummy · 1 month
Alright Gang, you ask and you shall Receive
Since its never too early to start whumping, we're officially getting our lists together :)
But this year we want to hear YOUR suggestions as well. If you have an idea for a prompt, or even a theme that you think we should implement in our listing this year, than this is the form for you! You can fill it in as many times as you like, so if you have multiple ideas you can form to your hearts content no problem. AILESS WHUMPTOBER ENTRY FORM
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ohgodmytummy · 1 month
Omg please write Bradley’s sickest experience!! 😍😍
Here it is, the 4,000 word monster. I apologize in advance for any medical inaccuracies. The few times I’ve been in the emergency room, I arrived by ambulance or wasn’t a priority case. So I’ve been at both extremes. Also, tumblr always gets rid of my italicized text when I paste from google docs. I can’t be bothered to fix it word by word. This fic is a new fav of mine, and I have a new appreciation for serious conditions in fiction :).
Bradley was concerned. Really concerned. He hadn’t gone to the bathroom in 6 days, and he was beginning to feel kind of ill. When he woke up that morning, even standing up was a pain. Not debilitating by any means, but certainly uncomfortable. His stomach was vaguely unsettled, and he didn’t want to go to class.
Cade was asleep against his side, and he looked across to run his hand down his stubbly face; he hadn’t shaved in a few days, and Bradley was digging the look. Although, he was a little too distracted in that moment to appreciate it. Bradley knew he couldn’t lay in bed all day and not tell his boyfriend what was going on, but he was embarrassed. Really embarrassed. He considered hiding his predicament, but decided against it. They were best friends, totally open with each other. Cade had all sorts of digestive problems and he always told Bradley what was going on; he figured he was obligated to do the same.
Bradley rehearsed what he would say dozens of time before deciding he would be upfront, and ask his boyfriend to buy him some Milk of Magnesia. He knew the market down the road carried it; he’d seen it when picking up antacids for Cade several times. Now he was regretting never having bought some, ‘just in case’, because right now was the case.
Cade sniffled and smacked his lips sleepily as he began to rise from sleep. Bradley nearly jumped, but he sat up against the headboard and tried to ignore the way his lower belly felt like it was going to explode. He clutched it with his hand and grit his teeth. He didn’t know what had caused this, but he really wanted it to be over.
Cade sniffed again and rubbed his eyes before opening them. “Morning,” he yawned, and Bradley gave a small smile.
“Morning babe,” he returned, fighting a grimace. Cade sat up and stretched, before leaning over and giving Bradley a quick peck on the lips.
“You have class today, shouldn’t you be up?” Cade asked, rubbing his large hands down Bradley’s neck.
“Uhm,” Bradley started, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks. His tongue felt like a foreign object in his mouth, but he managed to say, “I decided not to go. My stomach’s not doing too hot right now.”
“Hey, don’t be embarrassed,” Cade chuckled softly, noting the bright red decorating Bradley’s cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
Bradley leaned his head back on the headboard and sighed heavily. “I don’t know how else to say this,” he started, “but can you do me a favor?”
Cade frowned. “Probably? What do you need, babe.”
Bradley shuddered a little and turned his head away. “Can you go to the store and get me…uhm…can you get a laxative?”
Cade brushed his hair out of his face and furrowed his eyebrows. “Yea, sure thing. Are you-“
“Don’t really wanna talk about it, Cade,” Bradley cut him off. “I just…it’s been a few days, and it hurts.”
Cade nodded and kissed him, hopping out of bed. “Do you think it has something to do with your hernia?” He asked as he got ready
“No, I’ve had that for months; never had this problem before. Can we just not talk about it?”
Cade hesitated, worry clouding his gaze, but eventually nodded. “I’ll be back soon; hang in there love,” he kissed the crown of Bradley’s head, and, still looking like he’d just gotten out of bed, left.
Bradley was almost relieved to be alone. The pressure in his stomach had been building, and now that he was alone, he figured it would be the perfect time to let out some gas. But to his shock, he couldn’t. The urge was there, at the top of his bowels, but nothing was coming out.
This was worse than he had anticipated it to be. Bradley was restless; he’d been put out of official games for two months now, and every day he grew more concerned that they were going to drop his scholarship. The surgery to get his hernia fixed was scheduled two weeks from now.
He experimentally pushed down on his belly, avoiding the slight protrusion of his hernia to the left of his belly button. It was hardly a relief when a deep burp gurgled up instead of something going down. It didn’t make him feel any better. If anything it made him feel worse.
But just for the sake of wanting to reduce the pressure occupying his stomach, he continued to burp until a particularly juicy one bubbled up from the bottom of his belly. It left a sour taste in his mouth, and he groaned. He decided to stop, but the case of hiccups he had now developed was unrelenting, each one deep and wracking his frame. As if not being able to shit was bad enough, now this.
It was only about fifteen minutes later that the apartment door opened, and Cade called out his name.
“In bed!” He called, flopping back with a hand on his stomach. Cade came through and shook a little bottle between his fingers, tossing it to Bradley.
“Thanks,” Bradley murmured, and Cade laughed.
“It’s really no big deal, Brad. It’s just me.” Cade reminded him, and he breathed out a held-in sigh. “By the way, I got the tablet form,”
“Okay,” Bradley huffed, popping open the bottle and taking two of the tablets. “Do you know how long it’s supposed to take?”
“The cashier seemed very invested in my intestinal health and said it was anywhere from half an hour to six.”
Bradley groaned slightly, and leaned forward in bed as a gas bubble gurgled down and back up again when he couldn’t pass it.
“Brad? You okay?” Cade stepped forward, planting a steadying hand on Bradley’s shoulder.
“Ah, yea,” he said breathlessly, “just kind of bloated.” To showcase his point, he lifted up his shirt and pointed down at his swollen stomach. His hernia was bulging out too, and the spot was tender.
Cade’s eyes widened and he sat down at the edge of the bed. “Babe, that’s not normal…I think I should take you to the hospital.”
Bradley shook his head. “No, the tablets will work, I’m sure. Just need to wait a while.”
Cade was clearly unconvinced, but he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Brad, I gotta go to my 9 o’ clock class, but promise you’ll text or call if it gets worse okay? If you text or call I’m leaving class,” He said fretfully, and Bradley, sinking back into bed and pulling the covers back over his shoulders.
“Love you, see you soon,” Cade called before he left. And then Bradley was alone get. He tensed his stomach muscles go coax something out, but his efforts again failed. He gritted his teeth as his stomach turned.
Eventually, Bradley forced himself out of bed. He was starving, and the lack of food in his belly was exacerbating the pain. He waddled into the kitchen, still cradling his swollen stomach. He opened the fridge and settled on yogurt.
Every bite he took dulled the hunger pains, but introduced a new kind of hell; nausea. It was slight at first, as it usually was, but once he’d forced the whole yogurt down, he found it had reached a peak.
He picked up his phone, remembering what Cade had told him.
“If you text or call I’m leaving class.”
He didn’t want to make Cade come home early, but he really wanted his boyfriend’s comfort. Opening Cade’s contact, he hovered his finger over the call button, before biting the bullet and pressing down.
The ringtone went on for a while, as he figured Cade was probably rushing out of class to avoid disruption.
“Baby?” Cade’s voice was distorted for a minute as the audio adjusted, and Bradley dipped his chin to his collarbone as a burp gurgled up. “What was that?”
“Can you come home? I don’t feel good at all.”
“Already walking home, Brad,” Cade assured him. “Any luck with…y’know?”
“No. But I feel horrible. My stomach is really upset. I can’t stop burping and I’m starting to get nauseous.” He listed his symptoms off, realizing he was worse off than he’d originally thought.
“Babe, not to be embarrassing, but that really doesn’t sound like constipation to me.”
Bradley still blushed despite himself, and ran a hand through his messy hair. “I don’t know…” His voice cracked on the last word and he sniffed.
“Oh baby, don’t cry. I’m five minutes away, okay? Hang in there.”
Bradley palmed at his belly and accidentally burped into the receiver, not bothering to excuse himself. He was about to say something when his phone died. Fuck. He hadn’t looked at the battery once since he woke up.
True to his boyfriend’s word, Cade showed up not but five minutes later. Bradley offered a feeble wave, leaning into the couch with one hand lingering over his gurgling stomach.
“Sorry; phone died.”
Cade shook his head and dropped his bag on the floor, sliding off his beanie and ruffling his wild hair. “No worries, but you–you look really unwell, Bradley. I’m seriously worried.”
Bradley didn’t make eye contact, too focused on the way a sudden pain had shot through his stomach. Cade started to say his name, but it didn’t really register; for the next moment, Bradley leaned ever so slightly forward, and a massive wave of vomit projectiled onto the coffee table. He hadn’t even been expecting it himself. Tears filled his eyes immediately; he just felt so sick.”
“Oh, fuck!” Cade yelled, rushing forwards. Bradley gasped out in pain and clutched his belly, choking on a retch that sent up more of his stomach. It was like floodgates had been opened. He hadn’t even felt that nauseous, up until his insides were in front of him.
“Ahh-ow!” He yelped, assuming a death grip on his swollen stomach. Cade lifted his shirt up to inspect his stomach, and his face dropped.
“I’m taking you to the hospital, right now!” He said firmly, and his tone was so commanding Bradley knew he couldn’t object.
“What’s wrong with it?” He sobbed, leaning forwards. The laxative was making his stomach bubble, and he burped, with no other outlet for relief.
“Baby, your stomach is huge. Your hernia is bigger.” Cade informed him, his voice wavering with worry. “I’m getting a trash bag and a towel, go get whatever you think you need.”
Bradley went to stand up, but vomited again, all down his front this time, and he collapsed back onto the couch with a screaming sob. “It hurts so bad,” he cried, choking on a hiccup.
Cade didn’t respond, busy rooting under the sink for a large trash bag. He dashed for his keys and returned to Bradleys side, and pulled him up, everything he’d been carrying shoved under his arm. He delicately wrapped an arm around Bradley’s waist, and guided Bradley’s hand onto his far shoulder. It was awkward maneuvering his taller boyfriend around when he was debilitated with pain.
By the time they reached the car, Cade was almost carrying Bradley. He set him down in the passenger seat as delicately as possible, but it didn’t stop the boy from crying out in pain. He’d puked down the flight of stairs to the parking lot, and then again by the car. Cade was on the verge of panic, but he was keeping as straight of a face as possible.
He started up the car and handed the trash bag to Bradley, laying the towel on the floor of the car haphazardly.
He pulled out of his parking space a little too quickly for Bradley, who wrapped his arms around the back of the headrest and pulled his arms forwards, pressing his head into the headrest hard and gritting his teeth. His stomach looked like it was going to pop, and he belched, wet and loud. The puke on his clothes was quickly turning cold.
Cade took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. For the first time, he was grateful that their college was so big; the furthest hospital was only twenty minutes away; the closest fifteen. He stole glances at his boyfriend every few seconds, monitoring him closely. He had no idea what was going on–it had all come on way too quickly to not be something serious.
Bradley belched again and choked, lurching forwards and grabbing the bag, only getting half the subsequent fountain of vomit in the large trash bag. “Oh my Goddd,” he moaned, on the verge of hyperventilation.
“No, no, Brad, you’re okay. Deep breaths.” Cade instructed, reaching across a hand to rub his boyfriend’s back.  He didn’t understand how he could still be bringing up such large quantities, especially when, to his knowledge, Bradley had hardly eaten anything today.
Bradley was in hysterics the whole drive, and Cade was honked at more than a few times because he couldn’t focus on the road at all. He was far too preoccupied with more important things.
Finding a place in the emergency department to park wasn’t a simple task, but Cade actually managed to snag a spot close to the entrance. When Bradley attempted to get out of the car with Cade standing at the passenger side door, he threw up bile onto Cade’s shoes and leaned forward into Cade’s waist.
“Shh, it’s alright,” Cade didn’t even flinch at the feeling of puke soaking through the thin mesh of his sneakers. “Come on, baby,”
He managed to hoist Bradley into a standing position, and dragged him into the emergency room, supporting his entire weight at this point. Bradley was skinny, but he was an athlete; all muscle, so he was a lot heavier than he looked. Upon entering the waiting room, they were greeted with a nurse almost immediately.
“Hello, sir. Can you tell me the reason for your visit today?”
Bradley couldn’t even speak, but gestured at his stomach and doubled over, stomach acid dribbling onto the tile right then and there. Another nurse briefly hurried over, shoving a cardboard emesis bowl into his shaking grasp. The nurse turned to Cade for an explanation.
“He woke up this morning and told me he’d been constipated for the last few days. I bought him a laxative, but it didn’t work, and I came home early from class. His stomach was swollen, and he started vomiting shortly after that.” His words were quick and stammering, and the nurse furrowed her eyebrows.
“This sounds serious. We’re gonna take him to an exam room immediately so I can get his vitals in check. Any previous medical history that might be relevant?”
Cade thought for a moment. “Oh–uhm–yea, he developed a hernia a few months back; he has a surgery scheduled in two weeks to fix it. When I looked at his stomach it seemed bigger.”
Bradley was sobbing loudly, and the entire waiting room seemed to be focused on the sick boy.
Cade helped Bradley lie on the exam table, and the nurse started taking down all his vitals. She lifted up his sick-stained shirt tenderly, and ran her hand over his bloated belly. She drew her attention to the slightly protruding hernia and her eyes widened imperceptibly.
“What’s wrong with him?” Cade demanded, squeezing Bradley’s trembling hand.
She couldn’t respond for the next moment a doctor walked in with a easygoing smile that made Cade uneasy. Surely he’d already seen something awful today, how could he be smiling?
The doctor went over Bradleys symptoms, relying on nods or head shakes from the ailing boy.
“Alright,” the doctor flipped up his clipboard to check the name, “Bradley, have you been able to pass any gas?”
Bradley shook his head, eyes squeezed shut.
“Forceful vomiting?”
“Has it been more than five days since your last bowel movement?”
A shake of the head.
“Has it been more than two days?”
The doctor turned to the nurse. “I’m ordering a barium enema, x-ray of the lower abdomen; if there’s no visible results do a colonoscopy and a CT scan. I’m thinking complete bowel obstruction, probably from a hernia complication, but we can’t rule out other possibilities. He’s not our top priority, but don’t wait too long on him. Get those tests done as soon as you can.” And before Cade could object to the doctor’s comment about priority, the tall man was out of the door.
The nurse typed some more notes into her computer, and Cade tapped his foot impatiently, worry for his boyfriend outweighing his common sense.
“Why isn’t he a priority? My boyfriend is sick,” he demanded, and the nurse turned and gave him a pitying smile.
“I know, sir. I’m sorry, but you must understand that although Mr. Fisher is in severe pain, he is not on the verge of death. He is a high priority case, just not the top. If you can help him change into a gown, I’m going to insert an IV line and he’ll probably still experience bouts of vomiting periodically. Feel free to press the call button or step out and yell for someone if his condition substantially worsens,” Cade nodded along, listening intently to every word while rubbing his thumb over Bradley’s fingers, and she continued, “If he passes gas or has a bowel movement, get one of us immediately, as that means what we suspect as a total obstruction is probably partial, and that will change our course.”
“Okay,” he shakily agreed, “anything else?”
“Oh, yes. In a few minutes, I’m going to come back in a few minutes and insert a nasogastric tube. I’ll explain how it works when I get back. For now, just keep him company. That’s all you can do for him at the moment. Any questions?”
Cade shook his head and the nurse left after administering an anti-emetic. Bradley was breathing heavily, squeezing Cade’s hand so tightly it felt like it might break.
“Cade,” he moaned, and Cade felt his heart break. His boyfriend saying his name like that wasn’t fair, and it made his eyes water.
“Shhh,” he kissed Bradley’s white knuckles and ran his thumb over them. “You’re going to be alright. I promise. Eyeing the neatly folded hospital gown set on the counter, he loosed his grip and stood up.
“We gotta get you in this so she can put in the IV and stuff,” he sighed, glancing across at Bradley and the miserable look plastered on his face. “I’ll help you, alright?”
Bradley nodded and eased himself into a sitting position, curling in on himself with a sob.
“I know it hurts. I’m sorry,” Cade whispered, kissing the top of his head. “Arms up.”
He managed to get Bradley out of his puke-stained clothing relatively quickly and stripped down to his boxers. Now he could see how truly and horrifically bloated his stomach was. It was nearly uncanny.
“Jesus,” he breathed out, tying the back of the gown lightly and easing Bradley back onto the firm bed. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and grunted in discomfort.
“I’m gonna barf,” he warned, and Cade grabbed the cardboard emesis bowl, shoving it under his chin to catch the tiny dribble of stomach acid that came out with a loud burp.
When he’d finished, Cade pulled out his phone and called Bradley’s dad.
It rang for a while and he tapped his foot impatiently.
“Hey, Daniel, it’s Cade.”
“Oh, Cade, my boy-”
“Listen, man. I’m in the emergency room with Brad right now. He’s super sick, and I don’t really know what’s going on, but they’re ordering some tests. Thought you should know-”
“Sick how? Is he okay? Can I talk to him?”
Daniel’s question was answered when a burp sounded, and a splatter of liquid hit the bowl.
“I gotta go, Bradley needs me. Don’t come, they only allow one visitor.” Before Daniel could object, Cade hung up the phone, probably sounding a lot ruder than he had intended to.
He was in the midst of rubbing Bradley’s back when the door swung open again. The nurse was back, with a strange device clutched in her hands. She waited for Bradley’s heaving fit to calm down, and instructed him to lie back down.
“I’m going to insert the IV now, alright?” She warned, and Bradley nodded, hardly flinching when the catheter went in. “Good job. Now comes the hard part.”
Cade quirked an eyebrow. “What’s that thing?”
“It’s a nasogastric tube. I’m going to insert it through his nostril and down into his stomach. The cap will be off, and that will allow any gas or bile to be vented and drained out into the bag attached to the end. Has he experienced any more forceful vomiting?”
Bradley spoke up. “The nausea is starting to go away. I just feel so full,” his voice was deep as he held back a burp.
“Perfect. The NG tube will help with that.”
The insertion only took a few minutes, and it broke Cade’s heart to see the tube taped to Bradley’s face, looped around his ear, along with the pain still etched into his face. He looked far better than he had an hour ago, but it still hurt him to watch.
The nurse checked his vitals again, and took her leave.
Bradley breathed deeply, hand resting on his lower belly.
“You okay?” Cade scooted closer.
Bradley’s face had a sheen of sweat on it from just how much he’d been straining the whole day. He glared at Cade. “I feel fucking fantastic,” he snapped.
Cade chuckled softly and stood up. “Stupid question, I’m sorry.” He leaned over his boyfriend and smoothed his messy black hair back, kissing his sweaty forehead.
“You need a shave,” Bradley managed to grin, reaching up feebly to run his fingers over the sharp stubble of Cade’s chin. His condition had greatly improved thanks to the NG tube and anti-emetic.
“Aww, I was actually starting to like the look on me,” Cade pouted dramatically, and Bradley traced a finger over Cade’s lip.
“Can’t say I hate it. It does look good on you. Just makes your kisses tingle a little.” He replied, and yawned, eyes drooping.
“Sure, whatever,” Cade smiled softly, “get some sleep before they run their tests.”
Bradley furrowed his eyebrows. “By the way, did I hear something about an enema?”
Cade winced. “Yea, I think you did. Barry enema, or something like that.”
Bradley’s cheeks flushed and he looked away. “I don’t want to.”
Cade huffed a laugh through his nose, nostrils flaring. “I’m thinking it might be a necessary evil, babe. They also mentioned a colonoscopy.”
Bradley quirked an eyebrow, and rolled his head over to look at Cade. “The hell is a colonoscopy.” His voice was flat and irritated because he could already tell he didn’t want to know the answer.
Cade clicked his teeth, and he felt his own cheeks flush slightly. “I had to do one in high school, back when things were really bad…uhm…basically they shove a camera up your ass? And then you fart for like an hour. I’m not gonna lie, it’s unpleasant.”
Bradley pressed his head into the pillow and swallowed, tears rising to his eyes. “I wanna go home. Shoving things up my ass is your job.”
Cade choked on his spit. Even through the pain, Bradley was still himself.
“The sooner we figure out what’s going on, the quicker we can leave. You’re doing a lot better; I’m sure we’ll be out of here by morning. Anything–Anything going on down there?” He said awkwardly.
Bradley breathed out and closed his eyes. “Nothing. Hurts like a bitch, though.” As if to prove his statement, a pain stabbed through him, the strongest one in a while. “Fuck,” he hissed, the tears lingering at the back of his eyes dripping down his cheeks.
“What? What’s wrong?” Cade demanded in alarm.
“I’m-I’m okay. Just hurts.” Bradley moaned, moving his long legs restlessly.
“Hey,” Cade cooed, “It’ll pass. Why don’t you try to get some rest?”
Bradley nodded stiffly, but stared at Cade with pleading eyes. “Can I ask you for a favor?”
Cade tilted his head. “Anything.”
“Can you sing to me?”
Cade felt his heart melt, and his eyes creased with compassion. “Of course.”
Bradley drifted off to his boyfriend’s smooth, quiet voice:
When you’re weak, I’ll be strong
When you let go, I’ll hold on.
When you need to cry, I swear that I’ll be there to dry your eyes
When you feel lost and scared to death,
Like you can’t take one more step
Just take my hand, together we can do it
I’m gonna love you through it.
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ohgodmytummy · 2 months
Whumptober Days 8 + 9 = Appendicitis
Raging fevers
Drenched in sweat
Uncontrollable shaking
Searing stomach pain, bad enough that Caretaker can barely touch Whumpee
Eyes glazed over/unfocused
Exhaustion, but whumpee can't fall asleep
Hospital whump, but is whumpee afraid of needles?
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ohgodmytummy · 2 months
Deciding Monthly Themes Round 3 (Final)
Recovery, Captivity, Intimate Whumper, and Hero/Villain whump placed highest on round 2, which means they automatically pass round 3 and are already part of the final list of monthly themes which will be used in this event! This poll will determine the rest of the list.*
Ones that don't make it into the final themes are likely to make it into the alt prompts, but as week-long themes instead of month-long.
So many good options...whichever get eliminated, I'll be sorry to see them go.
*(or uhh… at least most of it. I might end up picking just one or two of my faves from this list to make it into the final one. I figure they must be fairly well-liked if they made it this far. And it's my event after all 🙂. But at least 10 of the 12 final themes will be determined by votes.)
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ohgodmytummy · 3 months
Hot bellyache starters
“When will the bubbles in my belly stop...”
“My belly is all bubbly...”
“These bubbles are starting to hurt...”
“It feels like... Blowing bubbles in milk... But it's inside my tummy....”
“All these gas bubbles have my stomach feeling like a fizzy drink...”
“M–My belly's bubbling again...”
“I can feel the bubbles moving inside my tummy...”
“(pointing to lower, upper, middle,etc.) “It's really bubbly right here”
“(s/o name) can you please help me with all this bubbling...”
“You can hear the gas bubbling inside of my belly...”
(Rubbing stomach) “So... So Many bubbles...”
“Stop bubbling...” ( smacking belly)
“Why are you so bubbly...”
“Please stop bubbling... That hurts...”
“B–Bubbles...” (pressing hand against their belly)
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ohgodmytummy · 3 months
I cross-posted my fics to AO3 today! You can find them here.
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ohgodmytummy · 3 months
Butter’s comprehensive guide to writing visceral emeto/vomiting and nausea. For whump/sickfic and Kink purposes❤
Keep reading
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ohgodmytummy · 3 months
What up, whump fam?!
June of Doom 2024 Prompts!
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We've brought back some old favorites/ popular prompts from last year with a healthy dash of new!
Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
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Two rules this year!
As with last year, tag your stuff with appropriate warnings, plzkthnx.
AI-created content is highly discouraged and frowned upon. I have no way of "checking", but I respect the time and effort people put into their crafts and encourage everyone to do the same. This isn't a contest for best written or prettiest art — it's a challenge, so challenge yourself.
Text list below the cut for easier crossings-off. And don't forget to tag @juneofdoom so I can reblog your awesome here! Have fun!
“Help me.”                                        | Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |
“It didn’t have to be this way.”             | Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
“Well, well, well…”                            | Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
“Does that hurt?”                               | Impalement | Fracture | Punishment |
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”                 | Bite | Swelling | Disfiguration |
“They don’t care about you.”               | Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
“What happened?”                            | Nightmare | Isolation | Stumbling |
“This is your last chance.”                    | Drowning | Chair | Prisoner Trade |
“I made a mistake.”                            | Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
“Can you hear me?”                           | Fear | Smoke | Phone Call |
“We’re out of time.”                           | Bleeding Out | Collapse | Flatline |
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”        | Dehydration | Grief | Coma |
“Wait!”                                             | Sacrifice | Adrenaline | Cornered |
“What were you thinking?”                  | Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
“Get me out of here!”                         | Rescue | Chainsaw | Presumed Dead |
“At least it can’t get any worse.”           | Secret | Stranded | Setback |
“You don’t want to do that.”                | Struggle | Blackmail | Desperate Measures |
“I’m fine.”                                         | Self-defense | Allergies | Headache |
“This can’t be happening!”                  | Sobbing | Straitjacket | Dissociation |
“I can handle it.”                                | Scrape | Panic Attack | Neglect |
“Let’s play a game. “                           | Stairs | Pressure Points | Trap Door |
“What’s the bad news?”                      | Poison | Bedridden | Cauterization |
“You’re doing great.”                         | Trembling | Gaslighting | Rules |
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”                  | Blankets | Stitches | Bandages |
“I should have listened to you.”           | Guilt | Backseat | Failure |
“Don’t lie to me.”                               | Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
“Or what?”                                       | Defiance | Display | Last Resort |
“Say something.”                               | Numb | Cold Shoulder | Gag |
“I’m so cold.”                                    | Delirium | Fever | Exposure |
“Breathe, damn you!”                         | Shock | Asphyxiation | Emergency Room |
“Who did this to you?”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not okay.”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“You poor thing.”
Attending Your Own Funeral
Broken Glass
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ohgodmytummy · 4 months
we are officially one week out from whump: the musical!!! yippee!! how exciting!! i hope you all have had so much fun creating so far and continue to do so!! i am very excited to see all the work you guys have done!! speaking of: let's do a little bit of last minute house-keeping, or as i like to call it— tech week!
so drumroll pls... here's our ao3 collection!!!
very excited to see all of you utilize that. now, for those who do not use ao3 or choose to post on tumblr, lets go over the tagging system. to be reblogged onto this blog, you will need to tag this blog while also using the event tag.
event tag: whump: the musical
that tag is the only required one. however! to keep things neat and tidy, i will ask for you to put the day number and the prompt you use somewhere in the posts intro or tags!! you'll have a better chance at being reblogged if you do! also it is mandatory to properly trigger your content! as I said before, there are some sensitive prompts and we don't want anyone being in danger while consuming the content in this event! all forms of media will be accepted and has a chance of being reblogged, but i will request that no ai is used. although, there's nothing i can do to stop it, i feel like that ruins the fun of creating!
as for the completionists! it is a very daunting task to complete all of these fics, and if you do so, it's something that should be appreciated! near the end of the month of march i will put out a google form where you can submit your user if you have finished all the prompts so i can compile a list.
as your director, i am so excited for our premiere. break a leg, ingénues!
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ohgodmytummy · 4 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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ohgodmytummy · 4 months
hi. go buy esims for gaza. go preorder a kufiya from hirbawi. buy insulin for palestinian diabetics who need that help. if you live in the states use this to email your reps (this takes maybe 5 seconds to do). check out this massive list of resources where you can educate yourself in a meaningful and actionable way even if you don't have the financial means right now. from the river to the sea palestine will be free. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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ohgodmytummy · 4 months
if you are unable to donate financially to help palestine, you can donate your time by protesting, boycotting, and putting up posters!
if all you have is your device and internet access, you can put your clicks to good use on arab.org. they use the advertising revenue generated by your clicks to help good causes.
and i would urge those able to spare a few dollars to donate to one or more of the following organizations:
eSims for Gaza
Direct aid for Gaza
Care for Gaza
Women for Women International
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children Relief Fund
Muslim Aid USA
Direct Aid for Gaza
Palestinian American Medical Association
Urgent support for medical professionals in Gaza
Emergency Relief for Gaza
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ohgodmytummy · 5 months
The Five Stages of Grief
Denial - "This can't be happening" // "I'm going to wake up any minute...it's only a nightmare..." // "None of this real, it can't be!" // "There's been a mistake!" // "They...they wouldn't leave me like this, they'll come rescue me, they will!"
Anger - "You can't do this to me!" // "Fuck you, you fucking psychopath!" // "I don't have to listen to you!" // "You're a goddamn coward!" // "Let me out of here so I can break your neck!" // "You'll be sorry when they come find me, creep!"
Bargaining - "Please, no, anything but that!" // "N-not the cattle prod, please, I'll do whatever you want!" // "No, don't hurt them! Hurt me instead, I can take it!" // "I'll let you touch me however you want just please don't use that!" // "I'll tell you whatever you want if you just let me go!"
Depression - "Do whatever you want, what's the point?" // "I don't think I have anything left to scream for you" // "Just kill me and get it over with" // "Just...just leave me alone..." // "Why are they taking so long to find me? Don't they care? Don't they love me?"
Acceptance - "I knew I deserved this..." // "I'll be good, I promise" // "I love you, too" // "They were never looking for me, were they?" // "Yes, sir/ma'am" // "What do you mean 'leave'? I can't leave, that's against the rules"
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