ohmydokidokii · 7 years
I agree.
Also many things were weird at  a certain point of story.
Siwon at the beginning of the story is described as a loser always alone and that committed suicide because of his awful school life bullying (we see him in Tae min dream- the persons bullying him were not the ones who gangraped him i think, there were also girls)
Then, around half the story we see that he was so popular everyone wanted to know him and was so praised by everyone, he could talk back and he himself went to save his twin brother and he got gang-raped instead of his twin (so now we should believe he decided to commit suicide after that single episode- but thats not the way he is portraied at the beginning of the story).
Too many things are off, TaeMin desrved better but Siwon too in my opinion .
And i agee Woojin having no empathy is seriusly disgusting, i don’t get how Taemin would fall for him after that single line, he sounded like a sociopath.
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No thank you. Give me answers. I HAVE QUESTIONS.: I legit don’t even care for Taemin ending up with Woojin, I WANT TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING ELSE.
How did their bodies switch? How does this phenomenon happen? Am I expecting too much from a BL series? This was one of the rare BL series with massive potential and a solid story. I wanted to see Jiwook tortured and put in jail. Why was Jiwook even so important in the last chapters? No one ever gave a fuck about trash?? What about Taemin’s real body? Where is it, where is he buried if he died?? How is his life in his new house? We never see him train his body but he does become strong to take over others in Siwon’s body which is acceptable to some levels, I would’ve still preferred if he actually trained and kept being the mad dog he was in school. 
I feel this was rushed, nothing like her first chapters which was really interesting and made me want more. Why did Woojin always have an upper hand? Why is oh so mysterious all the time? Yes I don’t like Woojin. I mean he’s okay at times but majority of his behaviour is a turn off. Woojin was just a “I care for you, listen to me, I know everything, you don’t need to know anything, I’m teasing you so you will depend on me, I still won’t tell you anything, I’ll just kiss you anyways”. BIG FUCKING MEHHH.
Yoon Taemin deserved better. I legit hoped he’d get his body back, he worked hard af in his lifetime to get where he was. I never really liked Woojin so much, esp when he said:
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This was Siwon getting gangraped. I know he’s supposed to only feel for Taemin, and that’s supposedly a thing people love, but this is high key NOPE for me. Eat a bag of empathy or something wtf. I was sick to the stomach and I my mood was horrible the day I read the chapter where we see real Siwon getting raped. Ugh I wanted to much more from this but I’m sooooo disappointed. I don’t like this at all. 
I wanted to see Taemin’s school life, him growing up, studying, living his life, moving on properly from his dead self (???). Suddenly everything was about Taemin asking Woojin for answers and Jiwook being a fucking idiot. I’m so very disappointed.
Yoon Taemin deserved better.
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
In this way you are all pratically saying that for a girl exposing skin is “inappropriate”, and are saying that when teachers impose girls not to wear  certain clothes  because they could “distract” is correct.
Lets not forget the costume is designed by her, so, fictionally it’s Yaoyorozu that decided to wear that costume.
And the logic that it is the mangaka that decided that so he’s *sexualizing her* it’s ridiculous, the OP is male too as far as i see and he’s slutshaming indirectly girls that may decide/like to dress that way.
The OP personally sexualize boobs(female boobs) so he felt offended by them and needed to cover them up, i’m female and i don’t see how Kirishima costume is any different from Momo .
What is next? To ban bikini beacuse they are from male desiners and a bunch of males bigots decided they are *too shameful for women since they expose skiiiiiin* and return  to wear full piece like in 1920?
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redesigning midnight and yaomomo’s costumes!!!!! why? You Know Why
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Because you are a hypocritical sexist that is totally fine with males characters exposing skins but can’t accept to see females exposing skin without thinking that it has been done to sexualize them?
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redesigning midnight and yaomomo’s costumes!!!!! why? You Know Why
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Why people still tag the netflix Death Note movie as “whitewashing”.
It’s not whitewashing since L is black in case you haven’t noticed (you all pretending the black guy doesn’t exist?).
Just call it “americanized” version, not “whitewashing”.
If you all stop buying the americanized version of japanese movies/manga i’m sure they will learn the lesson and won’t product again an american version of japanese media.
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
My L: -Takes one dainty piece of candy between his fingers and into his mouth-
Light Turner's L: -Fists the entire bowl of skittles. Candy flies everywhere. All over himself. All over the documents. All over my cherished memories. Watari sings in the distance-
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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Why is he so fking funny
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Seungbitch’s Thoughts (Probably)
“Hell yeah”
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“Got dat perf hiding spot”
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“holy FUCK he’s like right there lol but he ain’t gon see me.”
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Last chapter: Bum tries everything he can think of to make Sangwoo forgive him: calling him Sangwoo-ya, offering obedience, telling Sangwoo to punish him. Attempts suicide when it doesn’t work.
This chapter: Sangwoo tries everything he can think of to make Bum forgive him: acting cute and flirty, offering emotional reassurance, offering sex. Attempts murder when it doesn’t work.
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
“I can’t believe killing stalking is gonna be sold in stores now lol. So fucking gross.”
Should I tell antis about Game of Thrones ooorrrr…
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
“antis make fandoms spaces unsafe!”
really?  are you sure it’s the antis who make fandom spaces unsafe?  
what about the people who choose to produce harmful content that sexualizes and romanticizes mental illnesses, pedophilia, abuse, etc?  
what about the people who target minors with hate, and complain when survivors tell them that the ship or content they made makes them uncomfortable?
what about the people who refuse that what they ship is problematic and makes others uncomfortable, and when this is pointed out, they say that they’re being harassed?
no, antis don’t make fandoms spaces unsafe.  it’s the anti-antis, and anti-ship hate blogs, or whatever else the disgusting apologists call themselves. 
(and if you send death threats, anti or not, go fuck yourself.  sending death threats is not the way to prove your point.  don’t be an asshole just for the sake of being one.)
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Antis are a bunch of manipulative cry babies that can’t tell apart fiction from reality, they have some serius issues.
antis always telling us to unfollow them as if their blog was worth a shit in the first place
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
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I am in tears
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ohmydokidokii · 7 years
Killing Stalking - Chapter 27
That bathtub scene…omg
Sangwoo’s personnality is so deep that I’m drowning (sorry not sorry)
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