ohmywondaland · 1 month
I want an opportunity to live a safe life without wars.
my name is Reham Tayseer, I am 23 years old.I write to you from the heart of suffering, destruction, hunger, and displacement in Gaza. My life was beautiful and normal, full of hope, dreams, and hard work until the war came and destroyed everything.
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Before the war, I was studying Public Relations and Media at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza, and I was also working in design and editing for a company in Gaza. I had many wishes and dreams. I lived a simple but beautiful life and dreamed of a bright and beautiful future. But the war changed everything for the worse. My university was destroyed,
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I lost my job, my house was destroyed, I lost family members, and I lost everything and became homeless.
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I was displaced from northern Gaza to the south, thinking it was a safe place, but there is no safe place in Gaza; everything around us was destroyed and became rubble. Every day we live in a nightmare, with no opportunities for education or work, and I suffer from poverty, loss, hunger, and homelessness.
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I am now looking for an opportunity to live in a safe place outside the Gaza Strip, but this is very costly, and I am in dire need of your support and assistance. I want to provide a better future and a dignified life for myself my family.I believe that humanity and compassion still exist and that someone will respond to my painful voice. Every donation, no matter how small, will have a significant impact on my life. Your donations will help cover all the travel costs for me, my mother, and my father to live in a safe and stable place where there is no hunger, fear, or destruction, to give myself and my family a new life full of hope.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and my family and standing with us in these difficult times. I believe that goodness still exists and that someone shares our hope for a better life.Thank you for considering supporting me and my family. I am grateful for any help you can provide.
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ohmywondaland · 2 years
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Big Michael booba 😳
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ohmywondaland · 3 years
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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Finding out you’re going to be a mother is like accepting one of the most prestigious jobs in the world, but for women in the athletic industry, it’s one that also comes at a very expensive price point.
In May, Allyson Felix, who now holds the record for earning the most gold medals in World Championships history, opened up about how starting a family required her to take a 70% pay cut from her Nike endorsement deal. Recently, in a shocking tweet, WNBA player Skylar Diggins-Smith revealed that she was scoring buckets with a baby full of belly for an entire season due to fear of lack of support from her organization.
The Indiana-born 29-year-old Dallas Wings player started her professional career in 2013 and six years later, after becoming a four-time WNBA All-Star, wife, and mother, spoke her truth via Twitter last weekend.
Athletic companies don’t seem to care about Black mothers and athletes like Allyson Felix and Skylar Diggins-Smith refuse to be silent about it any longer. Skylar, who gave birth to her first child in April, first announced her pregnancy last October nearly two months after finishing out the five-month season.
Since then, she has taken maternity leave to focus on her family and received backlash from internet trolls and sports fans alike as a result of her absence. But Skylar had a classy clapback for her critics and opened up about that she had been hiding from the world for months:
“I played the ENTIRE season pregnant last year! All star, and led league (top 3-5) in MPG….didn’t tell a soul.”
In the tweets, Skylar also revealed that postpartum depression had played a huge part in both her hiatus from the sport and her new journey as a mother. Although WNBA rules state that if a player becomes pregnant, they are entitled to half their salary and have all of their medical bills paid, it’s unclear if Skylar’s employers kept up their end of the deal because the athlete went on to say that she was offered “limited” resources for recovery. 
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Black women in American face the highest infant mortality rates. The amount of stress, disrespect, pressure, ridicule and health disparities that Black women are subjected to during and post-pregnancy, jeopardizing the wellbeing of our children and ourselves to be everybody else’s content and willing superhero mule 24/7 is fucking insane. Why can’t we too enjoy our pregnancies and be treated with care and respect?…
For decades, Harvard Chan alumni have shed light on high maternal mortality rates in African American women. Finally, policymakers are beginning to pay attention.
Serena Williams knew her body well enough to listen when it told her something was wrong. Winner of 23 Grand Slam singles titles, she’d been playing tennis since age 3—as a professional since 14. Along the way, she’d survived a life-threatening blood clot in her lungs, bounced back from knee injuries, and drowned out the voices of sports commentators and fans who criticized her body and spewed racist epithets. At 36, Williams was as powerful as ever. She could still devastate opponents with the power of a serve once clocked at 128.6 miles per hour. But in September 2017, on the day after delivering her baby, Olympia, by emergency C-section, Williams lost her breath and recognized the warning signs of a serious condition.
She walked out of her hospital room and approached a nurse, Williams later told Vogue magazine. Gasping out her words, she said that she feared another blood clot and needed a CT scan and an IV of heparin, a blood thinner. The nurse suggested that Williams’ pain medication must be making her confused. Williams insisted that something was wrong, and a test was ordered—an ultrasound on her legs to address swelling. When that turned up nothing, she was finally sent for the lung CT. It found several blood clots. And, just as Williams had suggested, heparin did the trick. She told Vogue, “I was like, listen to Dr. Williams!”
But her ordeal wasn’t over. Severe coughing had opened her C-section incision, and a subsequent surgery revealed a hemorrhage at that site. When Williams was finally released from the hospital, she was confined to her bed for six weeks.
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Like Williams, Shalon Irving, an African American woman, was 36 when she had her baby in 2017. An epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), she wrote in her Twitter bio, “I see inequity wherever it exists, call it by name, and work to eliminate it.”
Irving knew her pregnancy was risky. She had a clotting disorder and a history of high blood pressure, but she also had access to top-quality care and a strong support system of family and friends. She was doing so well after the C-section birth of her baby, Soleil, that her doctors consented to her request to leave the hospital after just two nights (three or four is typical). But after she returned home, things quickly went downhill.
For the next three weeks, Irving made visit after visit to her primary care providers, first for a painful hematoma (blood trapped under layers of healing skin) at her incision, then for spiking blood pressure, headaches and blurred vision, swelling legs, and rapid weight gain. Her mother told ProPublica that at these appointments, clinicians repeatedly assured Irving that the symptoms were normal. She just needed to wait it out. But hours after her last medical appointment, Irving took a newly prescribed blood pressure medication, collapsed, and died soon after at the hospital when her family removed her from life support.
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Viewed up close, the deaths of mothers like Irving are devastating, private tragedies. But pull back, and a picture emerges of a public health crisis that’s been hiding in plain sight for the last 30 years.
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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“You go and be a warrior, ‘cause I’m gonna go be a mother.”
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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↳ Bleach + favorite brotp for Anon
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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— Jennie Kim cons ♡
— reblog/like if u use or save ♡
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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Just thinking about it is scary, and there’s a gloomy look on my face. But I will never tell you that... my heart fluttered a little.
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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211 notes · View notes
ohmywondaland · 4 years
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binnie + nonstop mv
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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oh my girl ; nonstop (2020)
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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yooa – nonstop 🍒
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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If one day we were stranded on a desert island, and it was the two of us left. What would you do? Just thinking about it is scary, and there’s a gloomy look on my face. But I will never tell you that my heart fluttered a little.
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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Nonstop, OH MY GIRL
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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ohmywondaland · 4 years
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mimi – nonstop 💙
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