ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
I'm slow as fuck lmfao, "relearning the basics" isn't just about swordplay, it's about how to be a friend & equal to others without the shadow of a decades long broken relationship hanging over your head. The candle flames Izzy held himself over in S1 when trying to keep his ties to Ed get extinguished as he starts to be Stede's first mate & starts to advocate more for the crew's needs & points of view. In my defense I was distracted by the tits
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
“using a bit of fiction to cope with your trauma” holy FUCK it’s the kraken
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
thinking about all that effort mary and stede went to to make sure that stede was legally dead, only for him to be introducing himself as "stede bonnet" to everyone he meets fdfsk
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
stede being like “okay yes, i am here for this metaphor, let’s be patient and catch some fish, but also, please let me dissect this metaphor and map its elements onto their literal analogs. just to be sure” he’s just like me fr
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
i’m obsessed with lucius’ outfit like the pants, the shirt and the scarf?? and then his beard and the cigarette in his hand??? he ate that up
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
What is life but the time between episodes of my favorite shows
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
Interesting thing I noticed upon rewatching. So in episode 5, after Ed's speech, the only ones clapping are Fang, Roach, Black Pete and Stede.
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Fang is obviously very attached to Ed, Roach and Pete were not there so they don't know how bad things were, and Stede is... well, Stede. Oluwande on the other hand doesn't clap, probably because Jim told him what happened. Frenchie, bless his heart, does one (1) clap and then shakes his head.
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But then, interestingly, after Lucius gives him the middle finger, Ed looks to his right. He's not looking at Stede though, Stede is further right. No, it really looks like Ed is staring directly at Izzy.
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I don't know what his face is trying to communicate here, but as far as we know Ed and Izzy are yet to talk to each other after the whole... mess.
So... yeah. Just another thing to lose sleep over until next week :)
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
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don't mind me, am just here painting and pretending I'm not terrified of the potential heartbreak the next 3 episodes might bring
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
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OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH (2022— ) Episode 1.10 / Episode 2.05
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
I remember seeing this quote about Susan Sontag, after she wrote On Camp (tone marker: one of the most famous queer treatises in history) when everyone was speculating, wait what the fuck is Susan Sontag a leSBiAn ? Is she BiSExuAL ? (Tone marker: Da VInkY?) Is she allowed write about this?? And I forget who said it but there's this quote that's like, "Does the author of On Camp even need to come out?"
Like, the book was so obviously queer, so obviously and intentionally centred the interests and wellbeing and knowledge of the queer community, that like 1) it couldn't not betray her queerness (which ofc it turned out she was in private) and 2) it didn't matter because her personal identity was irrelevant to the heavy lifting her writing was doing. Like if the work is queer, like deeply textually and subtextually queer, intentionally queer, and it's having a positive impact on the queer community, then that work is queer regardless of who made it and how publically queer they are or are not.
(And also ftr being openly queer is not a guarantee of your work being actually meaningfully queer, either. We know this because Pete Buttigieg exists.)
Anywas I think about that quote literally all the time. Like with Con O'Neil before he came out, or Taika Waiti. Occasionally people will jump all over some minutiae some celebrity said in an interview and pick apart how publically gay you have to be to say x or y, and it's homophobic to say z unless you're gay, or we're gonna willfully misinterpret everything you say. Or whatever. But what about when we're talking about people who have been hiring queer people, creating queer stories, for in some cases decades?
Like Con O'Neil has been playing beautiful well rounded queer people since before a lot of y'all were born. And did he ofc ultimately come out, yeah. But did he have to? What did it change, really? Does the actor who originated Izzy Hands and Val Uncle and Michael Scarborough Ahoy! have to come out? Does a producer and star of Our Flag Means Death have to come out? Why does the author of On Camp need to come out? And for whose benefit?
Like ok listen at some point idk if you're on the lease at gay house but you've been sleeping on the couch long enough that you do just live here now. It just seems plain rude not to let you get your mail delivered.
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
i need stede to tell ed what was the straw that broke the camel's back. like yeah of course he was panicking in general, but the fear of ruining ed played such a big part in it and i need him to tell ed about it
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
Y’all my brain is rot.
“My exactly and your exactly are different exactly’s”
“I think my basics might be a bit more basic than your basics”
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
Love how Flag dances all over the line between the absurd and the mundane. Buttons can turn into a bird, or maybe Ed was just kind of high. Frenchie can get cursed, except he's actually got a peanut allergy. Stede can get possessed by the devil, wait no that's just what he looks like when he sees an amazing coat he wants to nab.
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
I DEEPLY love Zheng Yi Sao, if anyone cares
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
laying in bed i just remembered i am once again in a period of time where i get to witness our flag means death coming out and got a rush of adrenaline. sometimes you know for a fact when you’re in the good old days
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ohnoohnoohnoo · 8 months
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I hate you. I've always hated your guts.
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