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Name: Harry Potter Date of Birth: 31 July 1980 Occupation:  Auror Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
The story of the Boy Who Lived is one known across the world. When only a child, Harry Potter survived an attack that killed both his parents with only a lightning-shaped scar as proof that the most powerful Dark Wizard of all time had stood against him–and lost. After growing up as a Muggle, raised by his abusive aunt and uncle, Harry discovered that he was a wizard, that magic existed, and that there was a chance for a better world than what he’d known. He had no way to know that the world he was about to enter was far more dangerous than anything he’d yet faced.
Battling Lord Voldemort was a never-ending task. Over the next seven years–most of those spent at Hogwarts–Harry and his closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, went into battle against forces of darkness in the hopes of defending themselves and each other, as well as the rest of the school. The same skinny, nervous boy who’d once hid behind trash cans went to war time and time again, and when called upon to turn himself over at the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry went to his death willingly. His bravery was rewarded: somehow, he survived a Killing Curse from Voldemort himself, and went on to destroy the so-called Dark Lord.
The aftermath of the battle was like nothing Harry could have ever imagined. Angry and traumatized by his experiences, Harry refused to return to Hogwarts to complete his education, turning instead to the job he’d dreamed of years before. He was accepted into the Auror Department without hesitation as a reward for his service and dedication. Going to war again and again, it seemed, was the only way for Harry to keep going. His demons were everywhere, and nothing–not sleep, not work, not drinking–could keep them at bay. Torn between anger and apathy at the lives lost and the constant presence of evil, and his own worry over what to do once Voldemort had been destroyed and his purpose seemingly served, Harry turned his attention to tracking down the last of the Death Eaters. Though he felt some ambivalence regarding Minister Shacklebolt’s Registration Act, he didn’t hesitate to use it to his advantage in his new hunt.
But at what point does dedication become obsession? And can Harry truly remain the hero he once was, or must he become a monster in order to destroy one?
+ Brave, Compassionate, Heroic, Selfless.
-  Discontented, Obsessive, Self-Destructive, Single-Minded.
Hermione Granger: Friend.
Draco Malfoy: Rival.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Colleague, friend.
Ginny Weasley: Ex-girlfriend, friend.
Ron Weasley: Friend.
Face Claim: Suraj Sharma Harry Potter is OPEN.
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Name: Draco Malfoy Date of Birth: 5 June 1980 Occupation: Politician Status: Registered
The Story So Far:
Born into wealth and privilege, Draco Malfoy was raised to believe he deserved the very best of everything the world had to offer. As an only child, he carried on his shoulders the weight of his family’s legacy. For all young Draco was a Malfoy, he was also a child of the House of Black, and with one of his aunts in Azkaban and the other estranged from the family, Draco was the only heir to all the Black family’s power, money, and history. Even at a young age, Draco was always aware of the importance of both his bloodlines and he grew into a proud and arrogant boy, cruel to those he deemed inferior to himself, warm and affectionate to his family and closest friends, though that was a side of Draco not many got to witness.
At Hogwarts, he was immediately sorted into Slytherin. Though the rivalry between himself and Harry Potter soon became public knowledge and Draco was extremely confrontational with students from the other Houses–especially those who criticized his father–he thrived in Slytherin, surrounding himself with friends and allies, drawn to the power and privilege of the Malfoy name. At the end of Draco’s fourth year, everything started to change. It marked the Dark Lord’s return–something his father had been preparing for as long as Draco could remember–and Draco soon began to learn the Dark Arts necessary for him to one day join Voldemort’s army, first from Lucius and then from Bellatrix Lestrange herself.
Draco’s relationship with his father had been complicated since the start, with Draco never feeling like he was quite capable of living up to his father’s expectations of himself–and his relationship with his aunt was even more so, with Draco terrified of her, but still eager to impress her. With Lucius in Azkaban and news of the Dark Lord’s return spread throughout the country, the chance to prove himself finally came. Draco took the Dark Mark eagerly, grateful for the opportunity to show the world what he was really capable of. However, the war soon began to take its toll on Draco and he started to grasp both the enormity of the mission he’d been assigned and the risk his family would be under should he fail, which led to him starting to question everything he’d been taught his whole life.
When the war ended, Draco was cleared of all charges, due to his age and evidence of abuse and brainwashing. Still, not everyone in England is happy to forgive and forget, and Minister Shacklebolt’s new Registration Act is further proof of that. Registered as a former Death Eater and working in the Department of Magical Cooperation,  Draco can’t help but to hear the whispers of the Carrows’ return to England. It looks like his loyalties are about to be tested once more, and this time Draco’s intent on coming up on top and clearing his name once and for all.
But how far will he have to go to earn redemption? And once he has, will it be worth the price he will have to pay for it?
+ Ambitious, Intelligent, Resourceful, Strong-willed.
- Arrogant, Narcissistic, Pretentious, Rude.
Astoria Greengrass: Girlfriend.
Pansy Parkinson: Friend, ex-girlfriend.
Harry Potter: Rival.
Ron Weasley: Rival.
Blaise Zabini: Friend, roommate.
Face Claim: Aaron Tveit Draco Malfoy is TAKEN.
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Name: Hermione Granger Date of Birth: 19 September 1979 Occupation: Ministry Official Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
Hermione Granger has been an overachiever all her life. The first person of her family to show signs of magic in hundreds of years, Hermione grew up completely unaware that she was a witch and of her own powers. She was an extremely studious and gifted child, always with her nose hidden behind a book, and though her parents were surprised by how driven their young daughter could be, they loved her unconditionally and Hermione’s childhood was a happy one.  Still, there were plenty of things about Hermione neither her parents nor herself could explain–how books would fly off shelves and straight into her waiting hands, how Hermione would appear to levitate off the ground when she was upset at something–and it was only when she turned eleven that they learned why.
It turned out Hermione was a witch, and she had been offered a place at Hogwarts, one of the best wizarding schools in the world. Though her parents were hesitant at first, eventually they relented–it didn’t seem fair, after all, to hold their daughter back from any of the opportunities she was given. At Hogwarts, Hermione’s Sorting was complicated. The Hat hesitated, unsure if she’d be a better fit in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, though it eventually leaned towards Gryffindor. At first, it seemed like a terrible mistake. Hermione was bossy, arrogant, impatient–she didn’t have any friends and her first few months at Hogwarts were terribly lonely. Things only started to change at Halloween, when Ron Weasley and Harry Potter protected her from a vicious troll, and the three of them ended up becoming inseparable.
By the end of their first year, Hermione was fundamental in helping Harry protect the Philosopher’s stone and thwart Voldemort’s plan to come back to power. In their second year, she discovered what the monster Salazar Slytherin had hidden in the Chamber of Secrets was, and just how it’d been travelling across the school–something no one had been able to figure out for over a thousand years. Throughout the following years, she played an indelible role in helping Harry protect the school and the world from Voldemort, displaying outstanding magic and skill, especially for one so young. When the war seemed lost and the trio’s only option was to camp in the wilderness while looked for the remaining Horcruxes, Hermione stayed even after Ron had left, refusing to admit theirs was a lost cause.
Fortunately, it wasn’t, and when the war was won, Hermione was the first to roll up her sleeves and do what had to be done. Initially returning to Hogwarts to finish her education, she joined the Ministry as soon as she was done, hoping to make the world a better place. One of the people responsible for the Registration Act, and one of its loudest supporters, Hermione wants to make sure the mistakes of the past won’t be repeated, and the innocent will always be protected
But in an ever-changing world, who has the right to define what innocent means? And how far can you go before protection becomes oppression?
+ Brave, Hard-worker, Intelligent, Perfectionist.
-  Bossy, Close-minded, Uptight, Vicious.
Draco Malfoy: Rival.
Pansy Parkinson: Rival.
Harry Potter: Friend.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Colleague, friend.
Ron Weasley: Boyfriend.
Face Claim: Antonia Thomas Hermione Granger is TAKEN.
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Name: Ron Weasley Date of Birth: 1 March 1980 Occupation: Shopkeeper Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
From his earliest days, Ronald Weasley seemed destined to always be second-best. The youngest of six sons, and older only than his sister, Ron grew up feeling largely unremarkable: anything he could do, his brothers had already done. Contrary to his ever-growing fear of inadequacy, the Weasleys were, from the start, a supportive and adoring family, and though they had little to spare, practiced an unmatched generosity. Like all his brothers before him, Ron was Sorted into Gryffindor, and unlike them, seemed doomed to mediocrity in everything he attempted. Academically, he was average at best, and socially, he was seen as Harry Potter’s friend, and nothing more. His greatest desire was to prove himself, and establish himself as extraordinary, but he never felt as though he succeeded.
In spite of his insecurity, Ron Weasley was remarkable, even at a young age. Brave and loyal to a fault, Ron never seemed to believe in the possibility of a no-win scenario. Although he was academically weak more often than not, he was strategically brilliant, as evidenced by his ability to improvise and his mastery at chess. Though his temper often got the best of him, he displayed an unparalleled capacity for love and compassion, even if he was sometimes incapable of properly expressing either. Trapped in a never-ending cycle of self-deprecation and the subsequent lashing out, which only made him feel worse about himself, Ron resigned himself to his own idea of mediocrity.
Though he played an indelible role in fighting Voldemort, year-in, year-out, credit always seemed to go to Harry–a celebrity at a year old–or Hermione–a Muggleborn, and, thus, an unlikely hero. As much as he loved his friends, he grew to resent being forced into their shadows. This was magnified when he began developing romantic feelings for Hermione, whom he felt would never reciprocate his interest. Though at times, he couldn’t suppress his jealousy, either regarding Harry’s fame or Hermione’s skill–and, later, romantic entanglements, Ron loved them both enough to want them to succeed. While hunting down the Horcruxes, Ron was manipulated into abandoning his friends while under the influence of Dark Magic, and as soon as he was freed from that influence, he returned. After fighting bravely in the Battle of Hogwarts, and overcoming his own prejudices and conservative inclinations, Ron began a new life, one marked by both celebration and grief.
Once, he had feared Hermione would never notice how he felt–now, he and Hermione were navigating the beginnings of a relationship. Once, his family had been full of life–now, he was burying a brother, as well as countless friends, and trying to navigate a life marked by loss. Despite his desire to become an Auror with Harry, Ron–true to form–put his own wishes aside in favor of helping his family, where he felt he was most needed. He took a job at his brothers’ shop, Weasley Wizarding Wheezes, helping George run the business and deal with Fred’s death. Suspicious of the Registration Act, worried for Harry’s health, and completely in over his head with Hermione, Ron still somehow muddled through.
At what point does he have to stop, and focus on himself? Is there such a thing as too much selflessness?
+ Brave, Loyal, Protective, Steadfast.
-  Immature, Insecure, Insensitive, Temperamental.
Hermione Granger: Friend, girlfriend.
Draco Malfoy: Rival.
Harry Potter: Friend.
George Weasley: Coworker, friend.
Ginny Weasely: Sister
Face Claim: Rupert Grint Ron Weasley is OPEN.
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Name: Luna Lovegood Date of Birth: 13 February 1981 Occupation: Naturalist Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
To say that Luna Lovegood had an unusual childhood would be an understatement. The daughter of a renowned spell tester for the Ministry of Magic and the Quibbler’s editor, Luna grew up surrounded by exceptional magic and believing in extraordinary things. As an only child, Luna sometimes felt lonely, though her parents’ love and support was a constant presence in her young life. Tragedy soon struck, however, and when Luna was only nine years old, her mother died in front of her, hit by one of her own backfiring spells. The terrible accident changed Luna forever, but also made her grow even closer to her father, so much so that she considered not attending Hogwarts for his sake.
Xenophilus was adamant she went, however, and so she did.  Hogwarts wasn’t easy for Luna; Sorted into Ravenclaw, a House that prized intellect almost above all else, Luna didn’t quite fit in. Though she was bright, she had an unusual way to look at the world and absolutely refused to be anything less than exactly what she was. She was shunned by most of her classmates, all to happy to pretend she was never there at all. Not everything was bad, though: she struck up a friendship with Ginny Weasley, who’d always been kind to her, which later led her to join Dumbledore’s Army, where she was accepted by most of the members and developed close friendships with some of them, including Harry Potter. For the first time in her life, Luna had friends.
It was for those friends that Luna followed Harry Potter into the Department of Mysteries, trying to save Sirius Blacks life. Upon returning to Hogwarts, where everyone now believed in the Dark Lord’s return, Luna found herself to be the center of attention, most people praising her for everything she’d done and the bravery she’d shown. Luna thanked them for the most part, but ignored it otherwise–if they couldn’t like her when she was just a girl with radishes for earrings, they didn’t have the right to ask for her friendship now. Luna kept on being herself, and though she was kidnapped by Lord Voldemort’s followers durring the war, she never lost her peculiar way to look at the world–or her kindness–and the moment she was released she insisted on returning to Hogwarts, where she led the DA along with Ginny and Neville, acting like a beacon of hope for the other students at the school.
When the war ended, Luna walked away relatively unscathed. Her father survived, as had all of her friends. But too many lives had been lost during the war, and Luna soon grew uncomfortable with all the measures taken by the Ministry to protect everyone. She understood their concerns, but she couldn’t see how making a target out of innocent people could help at all. Conflicted, she left England, looking for the species her father had written about. When she returned, it was to learn that the Ministry’s measures to defend them against the Dark Arts had only grown stricter.
But is too late to change anything? And if it’s not, should she even interfere at all?
+ Brave, Enthusiastic, Intelligent, Tolerant.
- Absent-minded, Blunt, Eccentric, Withdrawn.
Hermione Granger: Friend.
Nevil Longbottom: Friend.
Harry Potter: Friend.
Ginny Weasley: Friend.
Ron Weasley: Friend.
Face Claim: Juno Temple Luna Lovegood is OPEN.
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Name: Neville Longbottom Date of Birth: 30 July 1980 Occupation: Former Auror Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
On 31 October 1981, when Lord Voldemort came into Godric’s Hollow to kill the boy of prophecy, to stop his own downfall, Neville Longbottom slept peacefully in his bed, his parents safe and sound just a room over. That safety and serenity didn’t last, and within a matter of weeks, Neville had been relocated to his grandparents’ home while his parents, tortured by remaining Death Eaters, were brought to St. Mungo’s in the hopes of a recovery which never came. Mere months before his fifth birthday, Neville saw his grandfather die of a heart attack, leaving him to be cared for by his grandmother alone.
She was not an unkind woman, but she hadn’t expected to be made to care for another child, and she certainly hadn’t expected to have to have her son and daughter-in-law committed to long-term hospital care. She was hard on Neville, reminding him constantly of his parents’ honor and bravery and scolding him when he didn’t live up to their legacy. Soft, gentle, and caring, he didn’t display any indications of magic as a child, and everyone around him was convinced that he was a Squib. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, his family was intent on finding magic somewhere, and their attentions eventually paid off, when an absent-minded great-uncle dropped Neville out a window when distracted, and Neville bounced to safety.
While at school, Neville faced immense opposition from everyone around him, including within his own house. Thought too gentle for a Gryffindor, and too cowardly for a legacy of bravery, he had few friends, and he did poorly in most classes, especially Potions. He was tormented by Professor Snape, and only occasionally supported by others – but rather than becoming cold or hard as a response, he remind soft, and kind. He joined Dumbledore’s Army in his fifth year, and became a valuable member despite his difficulties with the advanced magic they tried to learn. He came with them to the Ministry of Magic, ready to die to protect the prophecy from falling into the wrong hands.
During Snape’s tenure as headmaster, Neville routinely picked fights with the Carrows, refusing to let them continue targeting younger students. He helped lead students out of the castle to keep them safe, and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. After the war, he became an Auror, hoping to help rid the world of the remaining evil – though it soon became hard to decipher which side was good anymore. As the Ministry declared more and more restrictions, including the Registration Act, Neville resigned in protest, instead becoming an herbologist to pursue his own passions, and remove himself as much as possible from the Ministry, and actions he couldn’t support.
But how far is too far to defend your beliefs? Is there anything more important than defending the greater good?
+ Courageous, Forgiving, Gentle, Kind
-  Anxious, Clumsy, Hesitant, Indecisive
Hannah Abbott: Aquaintance.
Hermione Granger: Estranged friend.
Luna Lovegood: Friend.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Former boss.
Ron Weasley: Friend.
Face Claim: John Bradley Neville Longbottom is OPEN.
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Name: Ginny Weasley Date of Birth: 11 August 1981 Occupation: Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
It’s been two years since the war, and Ginny Weasley has moved on. She’s playing on an internationally renowned Quidditch team; she’s stopped trying to get in touch with her ex, Harry Potter; she has a flat, a roommate, a cat, a life. So what if she’s got more security charms on that flat than there are at Gringotts? So what if she’s shown a penchant towards aggression whenever approached by the press? She’s fine. She’s fine. But Ginny knows that some things never end - she’s known that since she was eleven years old.
Born the only girl out of seven redheaded children, Ginny grew up in a loving, but impoverished, family. Like her brothers before her, she received her letter to Hogwarts and was duly sorted into Gryffindor, but as her first year at school progressed, Ginny’s world became a nightmare. Her diary, slipped into her belongings by Lucius Malfoy, turned out to be a Horcrux, one with the power to control its owner. Young and trusting, and hoping to believe in the good of things, Ginny didn’t realize what had happened to her until she was already too far under Voldemort’s control, blacking out and behaving erratically. Her health suffered, physical and mental. Months of possession culminated in a near-death experience, and Ginny has never been the same since.
She’s been stronger. Vivacious and fiercely intelligent, Ginny grew up into a young woman capable of heading a revolution. Refusing to be defined by anyone but herself, Ginny made it clear that she wasn’t just another Weasley – she was her own woman. Despite Umbridge’s attempt to control the school, Ginny took part in Dumbledore’s Army and, eventually, battled the Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic. This was the beginning of a pattern, rather than an isolated incident, and under Snape’s regime and with the help of other members of Dumbledore’s Army, she led a resistance against the Carrows. Despite her age, she snuck back in to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. 
She’s earned the right to settle down, she thinks. Now with a job, doing something she loves, and a space to call her own, shared with a good friend, she’s certain that she can do just that. She’s earned the right to move on. But a war doesn’t end after its last battle, and what one deserves isn’t always what one gets. Perhaps she’s earned the right to move forward; the question now is, can she?
+ Compassionate, Outgoing, Resourceful, Tenacious.
- Impatient, Rebellious, Reckless, Vengeful.
Hermione Granger: Friend, former classmate.
Astoria Greengrass: Friend, roommate.
Neville Longbottom: Friend, former classmate.
Luna Lovegood: Friend.
Harry Potter: Estranged friend, ex-boyfriend.
Face Claim: Rose Leslie Ginny Weasley is TAKEN
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Name: Hannah Abbott Date of Birth: 2 March 1980 Occupation: Bartender Status: Exempt
The Story So Far:
Hannah’s earliest years were filled with both laughter and sorrow. Growing up on a farm outside of Kinvarra, Ireland, she knew of her father only through photographs and silences from her mother, and her grandfather’s gruff insistence that they were better off without him. In a way, Hannah agreed – anyone who could make her mother that miserable didn’t deserve to be in their lives – but she couldn’t help but wish she’d known more of him than that he was a Muggle who’d left when he’d learned the truth about his wife. Despite this, her mother and grandfather gave her everything she could have wanted, and Hannah never felt as though she’d been slighted, working hard to maintain an optimistic outlook no matter how difficult things got.
Leaving home was difficult, if only because she would have to leave her mother and grandfather. Regardless, she did well at Hogwarts – she was Sorted into Hufflepuff, where she flourished. The hard work and dedication she’d learned from her mother and grandfather, working with them both on the farm, lent itself well to academics; though she didn’t get the top marks in the year, she always did well, despite teasing from her classmate when her imagination tended to get ahead of her. In her third year, she was the first to realize that Sirius Black was sneaking into the castle using transfiguration, though she guessed plant rather than Animagus.
Made a Prefect in her fifth year, Hannah’s loyalty and kindness grew into a warm and almost maternal character, making her a safe and comfortable leader for her Housemates. Contrary to what they might have guessed, Hannah’s kindness neither made her weak nor cowardly: despite her fears, she joined Dumbledore’s Army. In her sixth year, tragedy struck – her mother was killed by a Death Eater, and Hannah returned home to help her grandfather, whose health was failing in the wake of his daughter’s death. Hannah did not return to school until the next year, during which time she worked hard to try and keep spirits up. It was during this year that she and Neville Longbottom got to know one another, as she helped lead the revival of Dumbledore’s Army, under his leadership. Despite the tragedy around them, Hannah always managed to bring some laughter back to the halls of Hogwarts.
That laughter faded on 2 May 1998. The Battle of Hogwarts dragged all of them into the deadliest parts of the war, and though it would have been safer elsewhere, Hannah insisted on staying, to defend her friends and to stand for what she felt was right. But battles aren’t ever as clean as they seem in stories, and if Hannah hadn’t realized just how vicious thing were becoming, and just how little they could save, she certainly did now. Watching her friends fall was horrific, and Hannah did her best to try and stay standing, though she nearly died, waking up two days later in St. Mungo’s with a plethora of healing injuries and her grandfather at her side.
Traumatized and exhausted, Hannah withdrew for some time, recovering in isolation back home in Ireland, and when Hannah Abbott came back to Hogwarts the warmth was gone from her eyes, her smiles were forced, and her hands shook. She struggled to finish school, prone to overload and unable to stand large crowds, and when she graduated, she did so with pride; stronger, now, than she’d ever been, she took a job to support herself, moving into one of the rooms above the Leaky Cauldron thanks to Tom’s kindness and helping to tend bar – all while trying to regain her laughter.
But when does it become too much to try and pretend that everything’s going to be fine?
+ Amiable, Earnest, Sensitive, Sympathetic.
-  Cautious, Insecure, Reactionary, Secretive.
Susan Bones: Friend.
Lavender Brown: Friend, coworker.
Neville Longbottom: Acquaintance, crush.
Ernie Macmillan: Friend.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Antagonist.
Face Claim: Penelope Mitchell Hannah Abbott is TAKEN.
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Name: Astoria Greengrass Date of Birth: 7 April 1982 Occupation: Unemployed // Heiress Status: Registered
The Story So Far:
There were a few things which Astoria Greengrass knew to be true even before she realized what that meant. First, that as her father’s daughter with his mistress-turned-second-wife, she would never manage to meet his, or his family’s, expectations – though that didn’t stop her from trying. Second, that as a woman in “high society,” she would be valued for her beauty more than her ambition – though that didn’t stop her for striving to embody both. And third, that as the “spare” Greengrass daughter, she would be expected to make sacrifices the rest of her family wouldn’t dream of making.
As a child, Astoria was happy and loud, though her happiness began to fade as the increased pressure of becoming the perfect daughter weighed her down. Her closest ally was her sister – who lived, primarily, with her mother, and thus away from Astoria. In her sister’s absence, Astoria’s greatest solace was the daughter of a family friend – she and Alice Reynolds grew up as close as family, and adored one another from the start. Working herself to exhaustion to try and make her father proud, Astoria was already an accomplished young woman when she went to Hogwarts and was Sorted into Slytherin. There, she slipped easily into popularity, recognizing that a pretty face and a clever tongue could get you anything you wanted. In her first year, she developed a fascination with healing, and in her second year, began volunteering in the Hospital Wing. She juggled academic success with social success, and did so with ease – not beginning to struggle until her fourth year, when she met her cousin and godmother, Alecto Carrow, who decided to make Astoria into something great.
The summer after her fourth year, when Albus Dumbledore lay cold in his grave, Astoria was moved into the Carrows’ abandoned home in Somerset to be educated. There, she was taught both to withstand and to cast the Imperius and Cruciatus curses, and she received the Dark Mark two weeks before the beginning of term. Once at school, she was no longer the Astoria everyone had known – she was pale, and easily frightened; she was too quiet, too thin, didn’t sleep or eat enough, and tortured her classmates on the Carrows’ order. Desperate for her safety, and for their approval, Astoria was even made to torture a close friend. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Astoria fought with the Death Eaters, freeing the Carrows from Ravenclaw Tower in the process; at the end of the Battle, she was arrested by bewildered Aurors, who wouldn’t believe what she was until she showed them her Mark and begged to be taken in, turning her wand over without argument.
Though she spent the summer in Azkaban, she was released and cleared of all charges due to the obvious proof of emotional abuse and brainwashing that she’d suffered at the Carrows’ hands. Astoria played the part beautifully, manipulating everyone around her into seeing an innocent child who’d been tainted by war – then again, there’s only so much brokenness to be attributed to acting, after what she’d been through. Deciding that she would be safer away from her former classmates, Astoria’s mother sent her to Beauxbatons to finish her education; though she struggled academically and personally, reaching her lowest point days before her seventeenth birthday, she graduated and has returned home to England to pick up where she’d left off – if her Registration, or the Carrows, will let her.
But will Astoria keep doing what she’s told without a fuss? Or is she angry enough to reject everyone – the Carrows and the Ministry alike – who’ve put her in this position? What does the good of the many matter when you’re sacrificing yourself?
+ Adaptable, Ambitious, Charismatic, Poised.
-  Arrogant, Cold, Manipulative, Power-Hungry.
Beau Armitage: Ex-boyfriend, former friend.
Draco Malfoy: Boyfriend.
Alice Reynolds: Close friend.
Ginny Weasley: Friend, Roommate.
Emilia Zabini: Close friend.
Face Claim: Blake Lively Astoria Greengrass is TAKEN.
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Name: Elena Macmillan Date of Birth: 21 June 1982 Occupation: Muggle Magician Status: Registered
The Story So Far:
Blonde, beautiful, and charming, Elena Macmillan had a gift for wrapping people around her little finger almost since the day she was born. The youngest child of two loving parents who’d fought in the First Wizarding War, Elena was taught to always do the right thing, no matter how difficult it was. Unfortunately, that was a lesson young Elena never quite learned, preferring instead to do the thing that would get her out of trouble, regardless of the other consequences. Still, she grew up surrounded with love and laughter that didn’t diminish even when she became the first person in her family sorted into Slytherin in generations.
Although she didn’t share most of her House’s views on blood purity, Elena easily fit in otherwise and had no problem making friends, both inside and outside House Slytherin, effortlessly charming almost everyone around her. The friendships she’d built during her earlier years–as well as a natural inclination to downplay her intelligence and skills–helped keep her safe during the war, despite her brother’s known loyalty to Dumbledore’s Army. She was barely more than a child when the war started, and one with friends in both sides–picking a side would only result in her having to hurt someone she cared for. It was only during the Battle of Hogwarts that she picked a side, staying behind to protect her brother. As the battle waged on she was bitten by Fenrir Greyback and left for dead in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.
Just to spite him, Elena decided to survive, and vowed to get revenge.
Recovering from a werewolf’s bite and learning that she herself was a werewolf was a long, arduous process, made even more complicated by the sudden realization that there was something her parents couldn’t love through, after all. Elena stayed just long enough to complete her education, taking off as soon as she graduated from Hogwarts. She lived amongst her own kind for a while and learned to control her powers, only returning when she could make sure no one would ever look at her with pity in their eyes again.
Coming back to her old life wasn’t that easy, though. England had changed, and not for the better–due to her previous association with Death Eaters (all of them children her own age) and her lycanthropy (something she had no control over), Elena was forced to register as a werewolf and a possible blood supremacist. Pissed at the Ministry and everyone associated with the Registration Act, she started working as a Muggle Magician, mixing actual Magic with her tricks and theatrics whenever she could get away with it. Soon, something will have to be done about the Act–but for now, she just wants to have some fun.
But how long can she keep being wild and carefree, with the rising tensions in the wizarding world? When she has no choice but to face the real world, will there be anything she can do to change things?
+ Charming, Enthusiastic, Self-reliant, Vivacious.
- Frivolous, Hedonistic, Manipulative, Vindictive.
Astoria Greengrass: Friend.
Daphne Greengrass: Friend, part-time crush.
Fenrir Greyback: Sire, nemesis.
Ernie Macmillan: Brother, best friend.
Luna Lovegood: Friend.
Face Claim: Margot Robbie Elena Macmillan is TAKEN.
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
We've moved! Find us at our new blog!
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
Hey, lovelies! After a lot of discussion, we've come to a decision about the roleplay group, the members, and the characters.
Spoiler alert: we are not closing. We've been up and running for more than two years now and we're still as in love with these characters as we've been from day one. Here's what we've decided so far:
On the Group
We will be undergoing a revamp over the next five-six weeks. This blog will be archived, and we'll be moving to a new blog, where we'll start fresh with a similar, but more clear and concise, plot. This will, hopefully, serve two purposes:
Without the pressure of two years of plotting, it'll be easier for new writers to jump in and join us.
By dropping any and all plots and characterization in which we're no longer interested, we'll find renewed passion for these characters.
By the end of the week, we'll have moved this URL to the new blog; we'll post an announcement here when we do!
On the Plot
While the exact plot has not been decided upon, we will be keeping both Carrow siblings as antagonists. All plot will be taking place two and a half years following the Battle of Hogwarts, so that the characters will have graduated.
On the Characters
The following characters will be coming with us over the revamp:
Beau Anderson [fc: undecided]
Everon Anderson [fc: undecided]
Alecto Carrow (Natalie Dormer FC)
Amycus Carrow (Michael Fassbender FC)
Eva Dolohov (Katie McGrath FC)
Astoria Greengrass (Candice Accola FC)
Daphne Greengrass (Tatiana Maslany FC)
Elena Macmillan (Caitlin Stasey FC)
Draco Malfoy (Aaron Tveit FC)
Pansy Parkinson [fc: undecided]
Anita Salceda (Lana Parilla FC)
Caden Scott [fc: undecided]
Kris Scott [fc: undecided]
Zacharias Smith (Toby Regbo FC)
Ginny Weasley (Rose Leslie FC)
Blaise Zabini (Charles Michael Davis FC)
The following faceclaims are being considered and held by our current writers: Matt Bomer, Lucy Hale, Kiko Mizuhara, Manny Montana, Zoe Kravitz, Daniella Pineda, Kaya Scodelario, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley
Of our remaining writers, we have:
Ani, writing Alecto, Astoria, Caden, and Blaise
Marta, writing Amycus, Eva, Elena, and Draco
Rachel, writing Daphne, Anita, Kris, and Ginny
Shay, writing Beau and Everon
Tage, writing Pansy and Zacharias
Anything else?
If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, either here or, when we move, at the new blog. Thank you so much for two fantastic years in the RP community--here's to many more!
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<3 Admins Ani and Marta
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
A Quick Announcement:
Hey, loves.
Given the incredibly long period of inactivity, we've discussed what we want to do next and have decided that the best course of action is to see where everyone stands.
I get it: you're busy, you have lives. Nobody can fault you for that. When you're in a group, though, it's really only fair to give your admins a heads up when you'll be inactive for any period of time. So here's the deal:
In two weeks time we'll be going through our masterlist. If you are not active within that period of time, your role will be either reopened or retired.
What counts as activity?
Posting a starter and interacting with other characters. That means replying to any responses you get.
Responding to an open starter.
Messaging the main or posting in the OOC blog that you intend to remain part of this group.
What's going to happen then?
We have a lot of options, really.
First would be to just pick up where we left off. Pros: nothing to rework. Cons: you're all pretty inactive as is, and given the length of time this group as been running, it's a bit intimidating to new writers.
The next option would be a revamp of plots and characters and, in essence, starting fresh. We'd set things two years after the war's end, with the Carrows trying to regain power--no complicated backstories. Pros: this makes it easier for new writers to join us. Cons: we lose a ton of work.
And the next would be to just close the group. Which we definitely don't want.
So what now?
Now, let us know where you stand. On staying in the group, if you're a member--joining the group, if you're not--whether or not a revamp would be a good idea, if you're a member or a lurker. We want your opinions, so we can know how best to move forward with the group.
We've put so much time and love and effort into this group and we definitely don't want to see it die out. <3 Get in touch with us by 23 October 2014 at 6:00pm EST to let us know!
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<3 Admins Ani and Marta
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
Quick admin note:
I! am going to be moving back on campus this weekend, so if I'm a bit sporadic, forgive me.
The semester is starting, which means I'm going to need some help with this place. Please welcome Marta as a new co-admin (the lovely writer of elenaxmacmillan, the-incredible-draco-malfoy, augustusxrookwood, siobhanxmonaghan, and evadolohov fame)! I may be accepting one more co-admin, depending on if I need more help, and so if you want to apply, do so here.
<3 Admin Ani
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
What lies behind us and what lies before us are two different things than what lies within us.
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
The role of Neville Longbottom has been closed.
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ohthewar-rpghasmoved · 10 years
Quick character updates:
Stella Rowle's faceclaim is being changed to Janina Gavankar.
Melody Dumont's faceclaim is being changed to Juno Temple.
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