oikawaweek · 7 years
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greedy fox!oikawa for @oikawaweek
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru word count: 4,001 (1/7) additional tags:  Modern with Magic, Supernatural Elements, Aged-Up Character(s), iwa-chan is a tennin, and he’s also a really good dancer but that’s not the point for now, oikawa is human(?), Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Build, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
All through this—the trials, the confines, and the quest—Iwaizumi is still a tennin, a spirit of the heavens.
He should count such a blessing, even as a bruise blooms angry red on his jaw and his nosebleed has only stopped a few minutes ago. But it’s nothing short of a trial as well, when sometimes all he can think about are his friends, his home, and the ignorance of never dwelling on physical pain before.
“Are you an alien?”
—and how he never had to deal with Oikawa Tooru.
“No,” Iwaizumi presses once more. Don’t kill the human. He attacked you, yeah, but you broke into his house first. “I’m not an alien.”
Oikawa Tooru is a sinner with a lot of potential (hopefully for the better). But he isn’t, really. He’s a good guy. Relatively.
Still, in order to reclaim his lost heavenly virtues, Iwaizumi is suffering assigned to his case.
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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OIKAWA WEEK 2017 Day seven // Pride // Humility
Happy Birthday, Oikawa! We’re all really proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself as well ♡
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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Oikawa Week Day 7 | Pride/Humility
“This insignificant pride of mine. You had better damn well remember it.”
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Oikawa Week || Day Seven || Pride
It’s the last day of Oikawa Week 2k17! What a ride! Here’s my last fanfic for the week:
Day Seven;; Pride||Humility Pairing;; Oikawa x Kuroo Platform;; AO3 Fanfic Content;; Adult/NSFW Rating;; Mature
Check out the tag #Oikawa Week 2017 Or the blog @oikawaweek for all the previous submissions for the entire week!
Thanks to the host for running such a fun week for one of the best Haikyuu!! characters!
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oikawaweek · 7 years
oikawa week 2017, day 7.
oikawa week 2017, day 7: pride/humility
pairing: oikawa tooru & iwaizumi hajime
both prompts were used for the very last day of oikawa week (aah this was a blast!) because i’m decidedly indecisive :P also this was just an excuse for me to write about demon king oikawa because i’ve always wanted to
❝Welcome to the end of eras, Ice has melted back to life, Done my time and served my sentence, Dress me up and watch me die.❞ —Emperor’s New Clothes, Panic! At the Disco.
Oikawa Tooru has cultivated his patience, as endless as the somber dark that never fails to not catch his eye. He waits only for the things that entertain him, like a face that dare challenges him, or a succubus that leave their wings behind them and their advantages by a pillar somewhere, for it was Oikawa who could reduce them to their knees with a simple ‘pop’ of his lips.
After all, existing- existing, not living, for a time long enough the advances of humankind have no term for the times he’s curled and flavored, allowed him practice that he could sit and lose himself in his own head for days at a time until an air that brings only crispy heat reminds him he’s got no better things to do. Humans were particular with the things they involve themselves in, and finely-aged things of wither and nonexistence were shoved away rather harshly, like the time Oikawa came to existence from nothing but soot and the first dirt; he had driven the earth to its first falling, its first division, seeded the first concepts of anger and spite so deeply into the creation of God that no caress of His holy hand could dare uproot something that has grown into viciousness.
Oikawa decides he’s proud of the things he’s ruined.
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Day Seven Prompt : Pride/Humility  Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Explicit Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru  Additional Tags: Oikawa Week 2017, Prompt Fic, Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues, Can be read as one shots, Alternate Universe, Relationship(s), Romance, Sexual Content, Supernatural Elements, Angels and Demons Summary:
Oikawa Week 2k17
This will be a continuous story, however it can also be read as single one shots.
Last chapter! All cards are laid on the table. Plus, zoo lights. 😂😋
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oikawaweek · 7 years
oikawa week 2017, day 6.
oikawa week 2017, day 6: envy/kindness
pairing: oikawa tooru & iwaizumi hajime
❝What if, What if we’re hard to find, What if, What if we lost our minds, What if, We let them fall behind, and they’re never found.❞
—Youth, Troye Sivan.
“Aren’t you scared?” Oikawa has always asked him.
“After you do this for a while, you’ve really no reason to be,” Iwaizumi replies, as if he’s not a delicate mistake away from being between the jaws of a manticore snorting away flies.
They’re like dogs, Iwaizumi had explained the first time and if Oikawa tries to remember it now he can only find himself fragments and phrases because there was one lying right next to Iwaizumi with eyes of amber. (“Dogs that could bite your head off if they so wanted,” Oikawa reminded Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi replied with a clever: “Regular dogs could do the same, too, you know, it’s just that we evolved all of the violence out of them and filled it with obedience instead.” and Oikawa’s got no reply to that besides a sideways movement of his nose and a proud ‘hmph’.)
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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here comes someone else to share the air we breathe
day six: envy // kindness
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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Oikawa Week 2017 Day 3: Greed // Charity
❤ happy birthday you bastard ❤
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oikawaweek · 7 years
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Oikawa Week 2017 Day 6 – Envy // Kindness
Second piece for @oikawaweek! This time Oikawa gets to represent Envy cause that’s my most dominant sin. Tomorrow’s the boy’s special day!!!
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Oikawa Week || Day Six || Envy
Day Six;; Envy||Kindness Pairing;; Oikawa x Sugawara Platform;; AO3 Fanfic Content;; Adult Rating;; Mature
Second to last day of Oikawa Week 2k17! Check out the tag #Oikawa Week 2017 for the other submissions! Cheers!
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Day Six Prompt : Envy/Kindness  Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Explicit Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Additional Tags: Oikawa Week 2017, Prompt Fic, Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues, Can be read as one shots, Alternate Universe, Relationship(s), Romance, Sexual Content, Supernatural Elements, Angels and Demons Summary:
Oikawa Week 2k17
The chapter where Oikawa sneaks Iwaizumi into the reptile exhibit for some one on one 😋
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Oikawa Week || Day Five || Wrath
Whoop, day five! Check out the tag #Oikawa Week 2017 for great content featuring one of the best setters and captains of Haikyuu!!
Day Five;; Wrath||Patience Pairing;; Oikawa x Yachi Platform;; AO3 Fanfic Content;; Adult but SFW Rating;; Mature
The characters are all aged up in this series. Each day is a new pairing. The one shots revolve around the theme of this fandom week – The Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues. Oikawa is a saint surrounded by sinners.
Thanks and please enjoy the rest of Oikawa Week 2k17! Cheers!
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oikawaweek · 7 years
oikawa week 2017, day 5.
oikawa week 2017, day 5: wrath/patience
pairing: oikawa tooru & bokuto koutarou
❝So won’t you smile for me, And I’ll take your picture, Make it last a lifetime, Replay it in my eyes.❞ —Smile, The Vamps.
Once upon a time, in an existence that isn’t yours, beloved reader, a universe was birthed from where it was tucked underneath great, old feathers of time. A universe supplied with a thing that fabled young children yearn for (maybe, it’s crossed your mind, too,) : magic, the skill to control it, and all the endeavors in between.
Take a seat, beloved reader, if I’ve gotten your interest. Take a seat, if you’ve the time for a story; a story of two boys in the years of their youth. One with golden eyes and a heart just as righteous and pure, one with the eyes of only the sweetest chocolate.
It was summertime, with all its joyful, painted colors and all the selections and whims that define you as a person. The sky was cloudless, the sun blaring at those who dared to peer at its majesty. The children were set free to skip stones with ones who had the time, who had symmetric smiles to spare. Tooru could hear nothing behind him when he sat at pointed grass blades but he can imagine the laughter, because he’s so used to it he doesn’t know what to do without it except to look for a word, a funny narrative to start a conversation before he thinks Koutarou is going to fall asleep looking at the earthly tones between his soft calves.
Koutarou hasn’t smiled for a long time. That’s the day Tooru counts (the days Tooru gets to spend with him,) and all the days in between.
“Hey, Tooru,” Koutarou says, softly enough that Tooru has to lean in closer, awkwardly, “I saw a couple of kids on the way here and they were doing some really cool magic. You know magic, Tooru?”
Tooru sticks his lower lip out when he thinks. A habit. “A little,” Tooru admits, “my dad showed me, but it’s not ‘really cool’.” But it’s amazing enough that Koutarou’s eyebrows rise up and a sound leaves him, something like an excited chirp. It’s the closest thing to a smile, and Tooru receives it with his own humble grin.
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oikawaweek · 7 years
Day Five Prompt : Wrath/Patience  Fandom: Haikyuu!! Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Additional Tags: Oikawa Week 2017, Prompt Fic, Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues, Can be read as one shots, Alternate Universe, Relationship(s), Romance, Sexual Content, Supernatural Elements, Angels and Demons Summary:
Oikawa Week 2k17
This will be a continuous story, however it can also be read as single one shots.
The chapter where Iwaizumi let’s his anger get the better of him. 
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oikawaweek · 7 years
oikawa week 2017, day 4.
oikawa week 2017, day 4: sloth/diligence
pairing: oikawa tooru & iwaizumi hajime
❝He’s so bossy, He makes me dance, Tryna sit in the back of his whip, And just cancel my plans, Sweet like candy, But he’s such a man.❞ —Moonlight, Ariana Grande.
A knock at the door is enough to lead Tooru away from a daydream without any images; they exchange the obliged information: name, purpose and Tooru’s verbal affirmation is lazy and sounding like he’s been drained of all vigor. The prince of the blue castle grew rather torpid when he wasn’t in the company of others and as much as he’d like to nod and be done with it, in his sealed, lonely room, he’d only look as if he’s just seen a fly fall soundlessly to its demise.
The door opens as far as the oiled hinges can bring themselves to, moving a little back onto the man passing through them like some kind of whiplash. Tooru would have flinched, told the person at the doors to handle them with a little more care had Tooru not expected the unnecessary loudness.
The man had knocked the door fiercely, enough that Tooru already had an inkling of who it was even before he sings his questions. He was one of the bodyguards of Oikawa Tooru, picked by Oikawa Tooru (“It’s an honor!” Tooru had told him, and he didn’t believe it,) and a fighter, possessing the low-sweeping eyes of one. He practiced his craft seven days out of seven, long enough he no longer needed to roll up the sleeves of his tunic to catch the sight of a younger girl red-faced and ready to swoon; long enough Tooru would look down at his own biceps, maybe flex them if he was feeling audacious, and shrink a little at his own pathetic biceps while Iwaizumi Hajime’s own upper arms reminded Tooru quite frighteningly about a pod of peas ripe enough to burst.
“It’s already well into three o'clock, you imbecile, you were supposed to meet me fifteen minutes ago and you’ve been trained well enough that you know never to be tardy,” Hajime barks at him.
“Ah, it must have slipped my mind!”
“Right.” Hajime raises an accusing brow at him, “Listen, Oikawa, if for some reason your whim to suddenly learn how to ride a griffin doesn’t sound as appealing to you anymore then tell me. I’ll have the griffin returned back to Semi and tell him you’ve changed your mind, he’ll understand.”
“I still want to,” Tooru says, adds a few vague gestures he expects Hajime to be able to interpret, “imagine how awe-inspiring it would be for the great Oikawa Tooru to wave at the adoring masses at the back of a proud griffon.” Tooru sighs dreamily, his shoulders shaking from a delight Hajime doesn’t quite understand.
“Get a dragon instead, then. I’ve heard they’re quite popular among little children nowadays,” Hajime suggests flippantly.
“Dragons are too wild and scary, Iwa-chan! I don’t want to make any babies cry.”
“I’m certain you can accomplish that even without a dragon.”
“Mean, Iwa-chan!”
“Iwa-chan, all I’m saying is, what if something happens and I fall off and die?”
“I would get down on my knees and yell ’Hallelujah’,” Hajime raises his voice at the word, leaving Tooru startled and wrongfully offended. Hajime’s yell echoes somewhere around them, sure to turn the head of a bashful servant.
“Iwa-chan, I’m being serious,” Tooru presses. From where they’re walking, in between pillars of shadow and three o'clock afternoon light, Tooru turns to face Hajime with a mask so serious it merits a little bit of thoughtful silence from the other man.
“Oikawa, are you scared?” Hajime finally asks, bringing Oikawa to speechlessness because it’s not the loving, caring words he’d expected to fall out of Hajime’s lips and because he can’t conceive a laughed lie quickly enough.
They pass through a pillar’s shadow turned diagonal from the sun’s position, taking their sweet time, and Oikawa turns up to the intricate pathways of joined wood laid across the ceiling for some form of guidance. Hajime, however, widens his eyes, realizing.
“You’re scared to fly a griffon,” Hajime reiterates, for posterity, or maybe because it sounds so much more hilarious when said out loud. Tooru doesn’t look down from the ceiling, tries to whistle but fails. “That’s what this is about.”
Hajime’s shoulders begin to shake in anticipation as a rare smiles plays on his lips. Oikawa’s laughter was shrill, like what old men imagine banshees to sound like, often condescending and when it was genuine nobody influential was ever around to hear it, while Hajime’s laughter was a strange entity, loud and unexpected, like a thunderstorm and it shakes you to the very roots of the vessels of your blood- at least, is what Tooru thinks about it.
When Hajime does laugh, it’s short and forgiving but enough that Tooru frowns sulkily even after Hajime wipes his mouth and pulls of the laughter from his face while he was at it.
“Be quiet, Iwa-chan,” Tooru grumbles, walking in a faster pace that takes Hajime a few footsteps and no apologies to catch up to.
“You are literally the noisiest, most irritating man I have ever had- ever will have, the displeasure to work for, do not tell me to be quiet,” Hajime fires back, too quickly, like he’s been waiting for the right turn of a conversation to tell Tooru this.
“I’ll show you, then, Iwa-chan, I’ll become the most impressive griffin rider ever and the masses are going to love me even more and you’re going to want to suck up to me but you’ll have wasted your chance!” Tooru cackles to himself, and again, Hajime doesn’t quite understand the odd human he’s decided to stick to for most of his staying years in the blue castle.
Tooru skips ahead, a determination that, too, is a mystery to Hajime, sticking out strangely in the glorious sunlight for all of two beats of his foot against stone. Hajime finds himself perplexed, breathing a little louder, as he follows the young, immature prince Oikawa Tooru to wherever his foolishness leads him to.
Iwaizumi Hajime was a guard who practiced his craft seven days out of seven, and Tooru quizzed him with his idiosyncrasies both day and night but he was a dear, irreplaceable friend-
-yet, that doesn’t make Hajime stop cackling, not at all, upon hearing Tooru’s shriek-and-stumble when the griffon snaps its jaws at the prince’s direction.
(“Iwa-chan, I almost died!” But Tooru gets no pity whatsoever, just another round of laughter and a click in the back of the beast’s throat that makes Tooru want to throw a branch at it.)
(“It was meant to be playful, you dunce; it wants to play with you.”
“Well, it’s an obvious ‘no’! Tell it to piss off!”
“Do I like I can fucking communicate with it?”
Tooru wants to sneer a challenging 'maybe,’ at Hajime’s face but one look at his arms is enough to silence the unchangeable prince; one prickly remark and Tooru might just be thrown at the griffin instead.)
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