oilgroove · 2 years
Having home air filters ensures that you are safe and secure in your home
Having home air filters ensures that you are safe and secure in your home. You are at peace knowing that the air you breathe is free from any Sleeve Bush With Oil Groove  Suppliers  unseen air particles that could bring you an unexpected illnesses. There are some who oftentimes neglect to keep the air they breathe at home clean and pure as possible. Sometimes, negligence can truly cause adverse effects to the health of your family. This is the reason why home air filters should be present at home. It is a common misconception to think that just because you are at home, the air you breathe is much safer and cleaner than the air outside since you cannot see a lot of dust or black smoke discoloring the air. However, there are a lot of particles present in the air we breathe at home which can not be seen by the naked eye, but are felt by the body once they enter the respiratory system. Some of these harmful particles in the air include pet dander, pollen, molds, bacteria, and very fine dust. 
You may not be suffering from any respiratory ailments for now; however, prolonged exposure to these particles may actually trigger asthma or allergies. In order to prevent any occurrence of respiratory ailments, as well as lessen the chances of asthma and allergy attacks on those who already have such conditions, a home air filter is what you need. You wont be the only one to greatly benefit from this, your family will as well, especially if there are young children at home. Over time, home air filters have played an important role in maintaining the family’s health. The particles that fill the air get trapped in these filters, purifying the air to a very safe level for you to breathe. Having an air filter at home could be the best defense you could have when it comes to having allergies, or other respiratory problems.  When you have an air filter at home, you must remember to change the filters every now and then. 
These filters get clogged after having been used for quite a long time. The frequency of changing the filters would depend on your usage. If you run your air filter continuously, then it would also clog up faster, as compared to when you don’t use it often. One of the most popular and best air cleaners that is available on the market today is the Honeywell air filters, these are highly durable and can be used for longer periods of time. These filters have been utilized by many homeowners due to there well known reliability in purifying the air in your home. There are actually a lot of air filters you could take a look at, in case you still don’t have one. You can have an electronic air filter if you want, or a custom made filter.  If you desire to stay healthy and protect your respiratory system from illnesses such as allergies or asthma, one answer would be home air filters. These devices would ensure that the air you breathe is always pure and free from harmful particles which could pose a health threat to you and your family.
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oilgroove · 2 years
One look around you can probably show that dietary supplements are failing masses
What You Gain By Burning Calories In FoodFortunately, weight loss candidates are now exploring age-old realities about the human body, with its unique and specialized talent for positively adapting to and FLOURISHING in its surrounding diet / health / fitness / nutrition and weight management atmosphere. To encourage you to complete this comprehensive objective, your body recruits its greatest weight loss selection. It chooses burning calories in food you eat. This procedure involves allowing, processing, plus exploiting your calories consumed.Here, essential truths will reveal for you that, in order to shed unwanted body fat, you have only one proper solution. But, in regards to HOW you wish to achieve that goal, there are countless choices you might select.For example, in popular weight loss culture,Chinese Bronze Bushings Factory  thousands of people are employing the use of various diet-dipper, cholesterol-clipper, metabolite-mediator, carbohydrate-cutter, trim-topper, muscle-magic, pro-powder, slim-shaker, or "butt-breaker" style of body fat aid. But, ultimately you can only accomplish one meaningful event - and that is, to transform unused calories into usable energy, burning calories in food you consume.Want to see another display of how the fundamental fat-loss process really works? 
Essentially, these basic facts regarding “burning calories in food” describe uniquely positive plus potentially explosive advantages you can utilize.For instance, even when you elect to dance, run, cycle, swim, walk, spin, jump, climb, remain still, or just "vibrate in place,"... your body merely accomplishes one meaningful goal. When these things happen, you simply fulfill the objective of burning calories in food that exists within your digestive tract.Crucial Challenge for Burning Calories in FoodConsider sleeping, for example, as minute amounts of calories experience minor transformation (for males, it is about 1,700; and for females that amount is around 1,200 calorie). Suffice it to say that there is a primary focal point for you to continuously consider.The common objective is to smartly institute the mission of burning calories in food. For example, in our global weight loss society, even the most astounding instructional guidebooks online (like the fat-loss-for-idiots styled intellectual programs) still utilize calorie-shifting methods in burning enough calories for you to see weight loss results.Therefore, when you think of it from this point forward, you may want to adopt this beneficial suggestion:  although it may be intellectually challenging to accomplish, do your best to accept this challenge - think of overweight issues from a wholly "refreshed" viewpoint. And, in case you are wondering, “How can I benefit from doing this,” here is a reliable reason: You may feel confident about adopting this exceptional and highly useful "fat-loss imagery" technique because the data you are now studying comes to you from a distinctively knowledgeable university graduate with a background that covers immense, approved fitness production plus successful hands-on expertise in showing everyday people how to achieve maximized and optimal diet related results.It is likely that you are quite serious about reducing unwanted fat and burning calories in food. 
And, we therefore encourage you to go forward without hesitation in visualizing weight loss ideas accordingly with terms like calorie transformation, calorie function, calorie processing, calorie expenditure, calorie comprehension, calorie control, calorie balancing, calorie aggregation, and calorie assimilation.Can you guess which two of these terms are the most essential ones? The answer would be calorie comprehension and calorie transformation. Why does this ring true? Because, continuously burning calories in food ultimately requires that you clearly comprehend why and how transform.Your Benefits From Burning Calories In FoodThousands of weight loss prospects get stranded by the wayside while “testing” the newest gadget or informational hearsay, but there is a tried and true way that you can easily avoid going down the tubes - plus, experience weight loss triumph, instead. One look around you can probably show that dietary supplements are failing masses of people; improperly performed exercises are quickly falling short of their intended benefits; plus, informational materials that lack journalistic truth are leading countless weight loss candidates toward wild goose chases that provide little more than emotional and physical dissonance.Such outcomes are occurring predominantly because human beings often learn the “correct” fat loss methods in a very roundabout manner. The direct road can show you that weight loss achievement comes by way of unfailing and long-lasting principles that you can depend upon, such as burning calories in foods you ingest.
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oilgroove · 2 years
The researchers engaged in the study of the technology
China has been put into the equipment can produce siliconaluminum alloy ingots that silicon content is 27-70%, ¦300mm × 1200mm.The alloy material of the silicon content is 50%, compared with steel, theweight loss 2/3 or more, double the rate of the thermal conductivity, thermalexpansion coefficient is the same. The alloy materials have been used by an Instituteof Electronics, material expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, strength,air tightness and density performance indicators have reached or exceeded theinternational level of similar products, and verify that the materialmachining, welding, surface treatment and other process performance, to meetthe needs of practical application.The history of preparing metal materialsusing injection molding technology is more than 30 years in the internationalarena, but for a long time this technology and products are blocked and Bush With Oil Groove Suppliers controlled.
The researchers engaged in the study of the technology for nearly 20 years, hasmastered the injection molding technology to produce high-performance aluminum,aluminum-silicon alloy electronic packaging materials, the core technology ofthe three types of new materials for high-speed tool steel, and independentintellectual property rights .For a long time, because of its excellentconductive properties, copper and copper alloys have been to see the firstchoice for the manufacture of conductive materials, However, with the sharpreduction of the amount of global copper resources and increasingly exhausted,the trading price of copper is soaring. According to the metal powder exporter, thecurrent trading price of per ton of copper reached $ 7,000, resulting in such ahigh investment cost prices of copper wire and other products, making theworld's electricity workers clearly recognize that improving or looking for anew electricity transmission is importance and urgency of the line.
China hasbeen carry out research in this area in 1980s, but are focused direction ofhigh-purity aluminum alloy, that the blind pursuit of lower aluminum alloycontent of impurity elements (Si, Fe, Ti, Cu,  45%), but because of the silicon contentin the alloy is too low, resulting in low alloy strength, abrasion resistanceis not high, still unable to meet the requirements of long distancetransmission. For exploration and study of the performance of high siliconaluminum conductive few research institutions for the study of high-siliconaluminum mostly focused on how to improve the silicon element solubility inaluminum matrix, how to improve the strength of the aluminum alloy, abrasionresistance, heat resistance etc.It is based on the full use of bauxiteresources in the high silicon features, in the case of lower silicon content,by adding to the Al-Si-based alloys degenerate elements optimize the structureof in-depth study for the mechanism of high-silicon aluminum alloy conductive aswell as the use of advanced preparation process starting by adding rare earthelements (La, Ce, etc.), to make it generate compounds with silicon elements asmuch as possible, so as to change the grain morphology, particle size, andchange the crystal structure, reducing the aluminum atom lattice distortion,improve the conductivity of high silicon aluminum.
So the experiment will castalloy Al-20Si-0.35RE gas atomization to get the ingredients uniformly high siliconaluminum alloy powder of rare earth, follow-up with high-energy ball milling,combined with the multi-pass pressing deformation process, preparation ofcerium compounds, lanthanum high silicon compounds as well as primary siliconcomposite strengthening high-performance aluminum alloy.
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oilgroove · 2 years
Do you struggle with features that stand out or that make you stand
Cosmetic surgery is a type of procedure that alters the way a feature or area of the body looks. These procedures may seem to do little to improve the way the body works, but they still have an incredible impact on a person's life. If you are considering having any type of procedure that falls under this category, it is best to seek out a trusted professional to do the work for you. Then, you need to consider which treatments are best for your desires. Before making the decision to go ahead with it, you need to know how it China self lubricating bushing could impact your future.
Before you make the decision to have any cosmetic surgery, you will need to have some type of psychological testing to ensure you are making this decision with the best intentions and that there's no reason for you to not have this procedure. Though these types of surgical procedures are often under fire for being vane, most people do not realize the sheer impact it can have on the quality of someone's life.
Do you struggle with features that stand out or that make you stand out in the wrong way? Sometimes, these surgical procedures are ideal for helping a person to get to a place in his or her life where they feel like they look good. Do you have an area that you would like to see a boost to just because it would make you feel more appealing? Sometimes people have augmentation of the breasts, for example, because they want to feel sexier for their own reasons. That's acceptable.
Do you want to have this procedure to give you the confidence you need to get the job you want? Sometimes, having these procedures can do a lot for your life including helping you to get jobs or helping you to stand out in your local area.Do you want a procedure to improve the way your body works? Sometimes these surgeries are not just about the way a person looks. For example, changing the structure of the nose can help to allow a person to breathe better or to stop snoring.
There are many reasons to have cosmetic surgery. You should not let anyone stop you from having this procedure if it is the one you want to have. The good news is that your doctor can help you to determine if the surgeries are going to benefit you in the long run and accomplish the goals you have. Discuss those with your surgeon long before you head in for a surgery, too. That way, you can feel confident in the steps you are taking.
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oilgroove · 2 years
A ball bearing is a form of rolling element bearing that utilizes
A ball bearing is a form of rolling element bearing that utilizes balls to sustain the distance between the bearing races.The function of a ball bearing is simply to help reduce rotational friction as well as assist radial and also axial loads. It attains this by utilizing a minimum of two races to consist of the balls and also transfer the loads via the balls. In many functions, one race is fixed while the various others are connected to the revolving assemblage, e.g., a hub or perhaps shafts. As a group of the bearing races revolves it, Bronze Bushings Manufacturers results in the balls revolving equally well. Since the balls are spinning, they have got a considerably decreased coefficient of friction as compared with if two smooth surface areas were sliding against one another.
Ball bearings are inclined to possess reduced load capacity for their dimensions compared to other types of rolling element bearings as a result of the smaller sized contact part between the balls and also races. On the other hand, they are able to endure a bit of misalignment of the inner and also external races.Fabrication categories include Conrad, slot-fill, rows, and flanged, caged, ceramic hybrid ball bearings making use of ceramic balls and also self-aligning.
The estimated existence for a bearing is dependent on the burden it bears together with its operational speed. The industry average functional bearing duration is inversely relative to the bearing burden cubed. A formal maximum burden of a bearing as described for illustration in SKF data sheets can be for duration of one million rotations, of which at 50 Hz, i.e., 3000 RPM is life duration of 5.5 operating hours. 90% of ball bearings of that variety have got a minimum of that life-span, as well as 50% of ball bearings have a duration of a minimum of five times as long.
The manufacturer's normal life estimation is primarily based via the work of Lundberg and also Palmgren accomplished in 1947. The formula considers the life-span to be restricted by metal exhaustion and also that the life-span distribution which can be explained by a Weibull distribution. A lot of different versions of the method exist that consist of aspects with regard to material properties, lubrication, together with loading. Factoring for loading may be thought to be a tacit admittance that up-to-date materials display a different association between load and life-span compared to Lundberg and Palmgren established.
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oilgroove · 2 years
Certain occupations and sports are more often associated
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, is the most common joint disorder and has unknown causes.  It is a condition that is usually seen in older people, in their larger, weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and spine. It can also affect the hands and feet, or other joints.The smooth cartilage lining of a joint begins to flake and crack through age and general wear and tear.  As the cartilage deteriorates, the underlying bone can become thickened and distorted.  This can make moving the joint so painful and restricted that the associated muscles are used much less.  This leads to the degeneration of the unused Chinese sleeve bush muscles.
Pain, swelling, and stiffness can occur at intervals of months or years.  Although osteoarthritis often affects several joints, it rarely causes symptoms in more than one or two joints at a time.  Pain may gradually become so sever that it disturbs sleep and limits everyday activities.
Swelling can vary from being hardly noticeable to making the joint appear extremely knobby and enlarged.  The pain from osteoarthritis can be felt directly in the affected joint, or indirectly. That is, the pain may transmit to other parts of the body in what is known as referred pain.  For example, the front of the thigh or knee may be very painful for someone with osteoarthritis in the hip.
X-rays show some degree of osteoarthritis in most people over 40, whether they have symptoms or not.  There are no life-threatening risks and it seldom becomes a serious problem.  Certain occupations and sports are more often associated with the development of osteoarthritis, such as ballet or football.
There are self-help treatments to help with the pain symptoms of osteoarthritis.  If a person is overweight, losing weight can help release some of the strain on weight-bearing joints.  Resting frequently or using a cane can help ease pain.  Heat is often an easy self-help treatment for joint pain.Most importantly, regular exercise prevents the muscles around the affected joints from becoming weak and minimizes symptoms.  Physical therapy including exercise, massage and heat treatments are often recommended.  Aspirin or ibuprofen can help relieve pain, but a doctor can prescribe another painkiller.For severe pain, an injection of a corticosteroid drug into the joint can help.  However, if it is used too often it can be damaging.  Joint replacement through surgery can also be common. 
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oilgroove · 2 years
Build saver would help you sail through this problem
If you wish to lead a majestic life and if you wish to be the King and Queen of your home then you can make your house a royal palace. You can fulfill all your wishes by simply changing the décor of your house. It’s time for you to give your house a classic touch and a royal look. Stylish brass door knobs and elegant glass door knobs would offer your house a China DU Flange Bushings classic and a wonderful look.You can simply change the décor of your house by replacing the old door handles that may have rusted with time with new door knobs. What you need to do is simply search the internet and get all the details about the suppliers and manufacturers for the door knobs. When you go online you may be lured by different suppliers and you may end up picking some low quality door knobs. But the quality may not be up to the mark as it would change its color easily and it would also be difficult to clean.
Build saver would help you sail through this problem and it would offer you high quality door knobs. They offer you products in a wide range like brass, chrome, wooden, crystal glass door handles and knobs in antique and contemporary styles. It is a leading door supplier and it offers a wide range of glass door knobs, handles, locks that are available in variety of shapes, sizes and colors. You would also find a wide collection of door handles and knobs as well. There are further sub categories in it so you can choose your pick!<br /></p><p>While buying the knobs do make sure that you check how the screws are attached to the knob. The screws that are used should be mounted on the cabinets so it won’t detach so easily when it is pulled to open the drawers. So when you buy the screws make sure that they are of the right size and shape. There may be some dials that may just fit the small drawers and some may easily fit the small ones.
Interior and exterior door furniture would allow you to give a smooth and smart shape to your doors on both inside and outside. If you are in the look out of door knobs that offer you great style and quality then Build saver is the one that will offer you the best. So when you have to choose something to change the decor of your house, simply choose the door knobs as it will give you the best style and your doors would get a new shape that you would just love to hold.
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oilgroove · 3 years
A carbon steel thrust bearing withhardened steel components
Ball thrust bearings, sometimes referred to as aflat-race thrust bearings, are composed of ball bearings supported in aretainer ring and are held between two thrust washers. Thrust bearingsallow smooth rotation under high thrust loads at low and medium speeds.Whether the rolling element is a ball, needle or a roller, they aredesigned for pure thrust loads, and can handle little or no radialload. Complete thrust bearing assemblies usually include two thrustwashers and a ball retainer and self lubricating bushing Manufacturers typically come in standard and metricsizes, with custom sizes available.
Depending on the conditionsin which you will use your thrust bearing, there are someconsiderations in choosing it's construction materials.The ballretainer can also be made of different materials, such as nylon ormetal. A nylon retainer offers several advantages over a metal one.Injection molded, heat stabilized nylon retainers are lightweight,provide a natural lubricity eliminating the need for lubrication. Nylonretainers are corrosion resistant, provide quieter operation and a longservice life. Another important advantage is that nylon retainers areless expensive and make a great economical choice.The remainingcomponents, the ball bearings and thrust washers, should be chosen tomatch the application and environment in which they will operate.Typical material choices include stainless steel or hardened carbonsteel. Stainless steel works well in environments where moisture,corrosives may be present. They are widely used for food and beverageprocessing machinery, medical devices and a wide range of applicationswhere moisture may be present.
A carbon steel thrust bearing withhardened steel components is a great choice for non-corrosiveenvironments.Combining the cost saving and performanceadvantages of a nylon ball retainer with the strength and durability ofsteel creates a new generation of economical high-performance thrustbearings. Typical applications include advertising signage, printingequipment, marine hardware, point of purchase displays, medicalinstruments, manual valves, and pharmacy automation.
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oilgroove · 3 years
The great thing about an automatic lawn sprinkler system
As with many things these days, the choice of which lawn sprinkler type to choose can be boiled down to one that is basically whether to go for a manual lawn sprinkler or an automatic version. This article will take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of either type and some of the considerations that need to be borne in mind when choosing a sprinkler system for your lawn.
If you decide that a manual lawn sprinkler system is for you, you have to understand that you will have to spend quite a lot of time making sure that the sprinkler is turned on whenever it is needed. During the height of summer it may simply be a case of turning it on in the morning and turning it off in the evening, but at other times of the year you may have to turn the sprinkler system on and off several times during the day. If you have plenty of time on your hands this may not be a problem, but if you're busy you need to think about this carefully. The good thing about a manual system is that you can control the water flow very easily, which means you can give your lawn or flowers exactly the right amount of water, Flange Bushing Factory and you can also turn off the system in order to save water when you feel like it. If you decide to go for an automatic system you will find that you do not need to spend any time at all in looking after the watering of your lawn, because the system will do it all for you.
The great thing about an automatic lawn sprinkler system is that you can simply forget about your lawn maintenance for most of the time and the system will take care of it. Some systems actually come with sensors that can judge whether or not the lawn needs watering at a certain time. The drawback with an automatic system is that you do not have as much control over water flow as with a manual system, and if you really do want to keep control then you might want to think whether or not an automatic sprinkler system is for you. Take time to look at the various sprinkler systems that are available on today's marketplace before deciding which is the best one for your needs.
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oilgroove · 3 years
The leading names in the industry have the right wig solution
There could be any reason like illness, lack of vitamins and other vital ingredients or any other problem; but the fact is that most of the men and women are suffering from hair fall and looking for the right wig that can fit on their head and make them the original hair. If you are also one of those people looking for Chicago wig to wear, you should first of all look for a reputed and reliable name of the industry After wearing the right hairpiece, you can swim, Chinese Flange Bushing Factory enjoy your favorite sports, sleep, or do anything in your selected Chicago wig or hairpiece.
No matter what is your requirement or what you want in Chicago wig, you will get the right solutions if you have selected the right name in the market. Right from theatrical to therapeutic to personal enhancement for all men, women and child, the reputed names of Chicago wig industry leave no stone unturned in providing you the right solution that you have expected from a reputed name. The experts of a reputed name promote you the broadest selection, the finest undetectable quality, very competitive pricing and personalized as well as compassionate attention in the most effective way. When you reach to a reputed name for Chicago wig, you will save a considerable amount of money you spend on the entire process. The leading names in the industry have the right wig solution for men, women and child at the price tags that you can afford easily. Apart from this, they have become a bit famous for 100% European Human hair hand made wig and hairpieces as well.
Because of offering the best quality Chicago wig, the leading names have also got A+ rating with better business bureau. When it comes to select the right Chicago wig, what all you need to do is to reach the right and renowned clinic or hair care center and select the right wig or hairpiece according to your choice. These stores also sell you Chicago wig online. In this way, you can also get them from the comfort of home with all precise information about their wearing.
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oilgroove · 3 years
Lacquered copper – usually decorative items – has a finish baked
Although copper is harder than silver, it is still softer than either brass or bronze. For cleaning purposes, it comes in two varieties – lacquered and unlacquered. Lacquered copper – usually decorative items – has a finish baked on at the factory. Unlacquered copper – mostly cookware – tarnishes easily but will brighten with elbow grease and the right techniques.
To clean a copper item with lacquered finish, you only need to dust it as part of your regular cleaning process. If it is dirty, you might want to wipe it with a damp cloth. If cracks appear in the lacquered finish of a piece, it must be stripped of its coating with acetone or paint thinner, applied full strength with a cloth. Or boil the item in a large saucepan or preserving pan, using 4 litres water and 100ml soda crystals, as suggested by cleaners Balham. The lacquer should peel off. Wash with dishwashing  detergent, rinse with running water and dry with a soft cloth. If you want the piece lacquered again, get it done by a professional.Never use any scratchy cleaning tool on copper cookware. You run the risk of leaving marks. And bleach will seriously discolour copper if it stands for a few hours more
Sprinkle the piece with salt and a little white vinegar and rub gently. Alternatively, cut a lemon in half, Bronze Bushings Factory dip it in salt and rub. And if the piece can stand the heat, boil it in a large pan filled with water, 100ml white vinegar and 50g salt.Whatever method you use, always rinse with fresh water, dry well with a tea towel and buff with a soft cloth. If you want more shine, apply a commercial copper cleaner according to label directions.Crevices can be tough to clean and can be magnets for paste-polish build-up. Use a cotton bud or natural horsehair brush and methylated spirits to banish the grime, as advised by cleaners Balham.     
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oilgroove · 3 years
The tannins and polyphenols in lemon balm have both an antibacterial and a antiviral qualit
Have you ever heard of Melissa officinalis? It is the official name for the herb lemon balm but is also called bee balm, Melissa, sweet balm, and cure-all. Lemon balm is a member of the popular mint family from the Mediterranean region. Lemon balm leaves give off a strong lemon scent when rubbed. It's a hardy perennial that grows into a bush about 24 inches round. It can be cut two or three times during a growing season. Lemon Balm looks very similar to mint, with light green, ridged leaves.
Today lemon balm is found growing throughout the world. The leaves, stems, and white flowers of lemon balm have all been used for centuries. The claims for lemon balm from literature as far back as the 1600’s make it sound like the proverbial cure-all miracle medicine.
The tannins and polyphenols in lemon balm have both an antibacterial and a antiviral quality. Therefore it has been used to help treat mumps, strep, and yes, herpes. Creams and ointments using lemon balm have helped to heal cold sores or genital sores induced by herpes. However, lemon balm doesn’t cause unpleasant side effects like vomiting, nausea, and irregular menstruation like prescription drugs might.
Lemon balm both helps speed the healing of wounds and also relieves pain. A traditional use of lemon balm is for treatment of nervous disorders such as chronic nervousness, anxiety, and slight insomnia. Like mint, lemon balm has a soothing effect on the stomach and digestive system. The volatile oils, including citronellal and citrals A and B are responsible for this.
Lemon balm extract has been administered intravenously to help with an overactive thyroid. It particularly helps with Graves’ disease. Lemon balm also seems to help block some of the secretion of the thyroid gland and the thyroid’s ability to release hormones in the body. An important note: If you are currently taking any thyroid medication, be aware that lemon balm may interact with your prescribed medications.
Lemon balm has been shown to help relax spasms affecting the uterus and intestines. Therefore it is used bronze bush to treat premenstrual syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. Lemon balm may improve memory and lengthen attention span in Alzheimer's patients. The aroma has been used to affect the mood of a patient. One person made floor cleaner by mixing three-parts water to one-part white vinegar. Then she added a few sprigs of crushed lemon balm. The fragrance both masks the vinegar smell and adds some antiseptic qualities.
The typical dosage of lemon balm is 1 teaspoon of extract daily, or 1½ teaspoons of tincture. Use 1 to 3 teaspoons of the dried lemon balm per cup to make tea. Or add some leaves to your bath, as you like. If you have stomach problems such as flatulence, or bloating, or if you have difficulty sleeping, try lemon balm. Lemon balm is available in creams, tablets, capsules, teas, tinctures, and extracts. Children can be treated for cold sores with lemon balm. Adjust the amounts on the understanding that the above dosage is based on a 150 pounds adult.
Beekeepers have loved lemon balm for centuries. It has the ability to attract and nurture swarms of bees, as well as to provide a remedy for bee stings. Lemon balm may increase the effects of other sedatives so do not take them together without checking with your doctor.
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oilgroove · 3 years
This is proof positive that the character attacking ads of the Bush campaign worked
Yes, it is true that George W. Bush received the most votes of any elected President in our history. He also received more votes against him than any other elected President in the history of our country. The margin of difference between those who want Bush as our President and those who do not is a measly 3%. The fact is that the electoral map is almost identical to that of the year 2000. Bush did win the popular vote by 3.5 million votes but he nearly lost the election, had just 68,001 votes switched in Ohio. The 3.5 million more votes came entirely from small states that have predominantly rural voters that typically vote Republican or lean Republican but don't always vote. Who voted for whom? If you are young (18-29), a working woman or a non-working woman, black, latino, Asian, or other, belong to a union, make under $100,000, have a post-graduate education, are a moderate or liberal, never voted before, a Jew, a Buddhist, or a Hindu, a single civilian, homosexual, don't own a gun, your values and concerns are education, unnecessary war, health care, and the economy, and you believe we are less safe from terrorism, understand that things are going horribly wrong in Iraq, your family economic situation is worse today than 4 years ago, believe that Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and have lost a job, then the odds are that you voted for John Kerry. If you are a rich old white male conservative, a religious zealot who has some college, don't belong to a union, a married veteran who goes to church at least once a week, and your values and concerns are taxes, terrorism and "morals", you have a job but don't work more than full time, you think things are going swell, believe Iraq is tied to terrorism, your family is doing better than 4 years ago, you own a gun, think things are going well in Iraq, not concerned with health care, want abortion completely outlawed, hate homos, believe the economy is just great, think attacking Iraq made us more secure, and live in a small town, then the odds are that you voted for George W. Bush. What's next? What many fail to recognize about this election is that while the majority of people who voted for Kerry were voting against Bush, 30% of those that voted for Bush were actually doing so as a vote against Kerry. This is proof positive that the character attacking ads of the Bush campaign worked. They were successful at making people believe that Kerry truly was a flip-flopper and electing him would actually bring on terrorist attacks, homosexuals would be allowed to have sex with our children and our pets, and the bible would be banned. The real success of the Bush campaign was the strategy of fear, fear, fear, and "divide and conquer". They pushed their sanctimonious "moral" issues and people bought it, hook, line and sinker. Now we hear about Bush's agenda. Is Bush going to work on health care, the economy, and education? Is he now going to push an agenda to outlaw abortion, make sure everyone has an assault rifle, or finally ban stem-cell research because it's unethical? NO. Well why not? After all he now has a majority in congress and should be able to do anything he wants. No, we find that his agenda is social security privatization and tax code reform. Finally! The American public has agreed in all the polls that tax code reform is the most pressing issue facing us today. Whew! Thank God for George Bush. In 4 years George W. Bush and the Republican controlled congress will no longer have any excuses, (especially 9/11), nor will they be able to blame John Kerry for not being able to live up to their promises. The next 4 years will be a testament to the inherent flaws of the neo-conservative ideology and their policies. Unfortunately the majority of the American people have not recognized the failing example of the last 4 years.    PTFE bush
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oilgroove · 3 years
That is a very upbeat statement
On 20 January 2004, George Bush Jr. the President of the United States gave his last (?) State of the Union Address. In this article, I will point out 25 fallacies of the speech on the war on terror. Fallacy 1. "By bringing hope to the oppressed and delivering justice to the violent, [the American servicemen and women] are making America more secure." Apologists of the war on terror are quick to point out that there have not been any major attacks on the U.S. since September 11, 2001. But what of the numerous terror alerts? And how did the deadly toxin ricin recently find its way into the US Senate for the second time! Or did & PTFE Bushes Manufacturers 8216;Senator' Ricin, the ‘terrorist,' win a re-election into the upper house? Does that not show that the terrorists still present a clear and present danger? Clearly an early warning signal! Fallacy 2. "Each day, law enforcement personnel and intelligence officers are tracking terrorist threats; analysts are examining airline passenger lists; the men and women of our new Homeland Security Department are patrolling our coasts and borders. And their vigilance is protecting America." Americans and indeed the world should not live under the false hope of being protected by the intelligence officers. Because the terrorists themselves are becoming more creative. Who has ever heard of shoe bombers before? The U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi exposed this illusion in her speech: "One hundred percent of containers coming into our ports or airports must be inspected. Today, only 3 percent are inspected. One hundred percent of chemical and nuclear plants in the United States must have high levels of security. Today, the Bush Administration has tolerated a much lower standard. One hundred percent of the enriched uranium and other material for weapons of mass destruction must be secured. Today, the Administration has refused to commit the resources necessary to prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists." In this case, is America protected? If the answer is no, what about other countries with less security measures and porous borders? Fallacy 3. "We have not come all this way, through tragedy, and trials, and war, only to falter and leave our work unfinished." The war on terror is an unfinished business. In fact, the battle has only begun. Commenting on this, the New York Times Magazine said that the war on terror "is the beginning of an epic battle." And to support this, La Repubblica newspaper said: "Today we get the feeling that we are living in the middle of a tornado, an unparalleled catastrophe." Those are not the right words to describe the end of a story. Fallacy 4. "And by our will and courage, this danger must be defeated." That is a very upbeat statement. On 24 July 2003, US Vice-President Dick Cheney also sounded oracular when he said: "One by one, in every corner of the world, we will hunt the terrorists down and destroy them." Al-Qaeda has now mutated into multifaceted anonymous groups. And this new phase is more dangerous than the former centralized visible organization. Take a warning: Do not go to some radical Muslim country to search for terrorists. Because that your prodigal son, or your estranged husband, or in fact, that distant relative of yours may be a terrorist. A roll call in the prison at Guantanamo Bay reveals that even some Americans and Britons—citizens of two nations in the forefront of the war on terror—have been "Talibanized." Besides, these groups are becoming more desperate. They have succeeded in their use of surface-to-air missiles (SAMS)—tumbling down military aircrafts at will in Iraq. And make no mistake about it: these cave dwellers may crack a dirty nuke somewhere someday, or unleash a deadly plague. In that case, how would the world respond? Detonate a nuclear bomb? So you can see that "we are perilously near a new international anarchy" according to the Washington Post. The war on terror, therefore, is not winnable. Fallacy 5. "And one of these essential tools is the Patriot Act, which allows Federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their cells, and to seize their assets." Terrorism can not be wiped out by legislation. After all, these are man-made laws and man himself is imperfect. There must be loopholes, and the terrorists exploit the weakness of the system. Now, what if they stop living in cells? Or what if they stop keeping their money in banks? Then they would be as elusive as the shadows. Fallacy 6. "We are tracking al-Qaida around the world and nearly two-thirds of their known leaders have now been captured or killed. Thousands of very skilled and determined military personnel are on the manhunt, going after the remaining killers who hide in cities and caves—and, # one by one, we will bring the terrorists to justice." It is true that most of the key terrorist suspects—including Saddam Hussein—have either been arrested or eliminated. But according to Time Magazine, "Lopping off the beast's head may not kill the body." If Saddam or Osama bin laden are hanged today, more Saddams and Osamas will rise tomorrow. Terrorists want attention. And that is why various groups are eager to claim credit for any attack—even though they are not responsible. In like manner there may be a lord of the flies waiting for Saddam and Osama to pass on before taking center stage and bringing his pursuers to ‘justice.' Fallacy 7. "The United States and our allies are determined. We refuse to live in the shadows of this ultimate danger." Right? Wrong! We must continue to live in the shadows of the terrorists. This is because terrorism is as old as the history of man on this planet—6,000 years. We have never left its shadows. Rather, terrorism continues to increase with the passing of the day. It is no wonder that Time Magazine remarks: "Determining whether the West is gaining in the fight against terrorism requires interpreting shadowy, shapeless data. Yet this much can be safely said: international terrorism existed long before 9/11 and will continue long after that." This is the message of my published book, CHASING SHADOWS!: A Dream. (A book that reveals the terrorists' master plan to finally set the world on fire! ) Terrorism starts from the heart and mind, and this is fueled by the hypocrisy and double standard in this world—two things that are not in a hurry to go away. In this regard, killings and destruction will exacerbate, rather than stop terrorism. When will the world address the issues that cause this evil, instead of chasing shadows? Fallacy 8. "The first to see our determination were the Taliban, who made Afganistan the primary training base of al-Qaida killers. As of this month, that free country has a new constitution, guaranteeing free election and full participation by women." Afganistan is not a free nation. Terrorist attacks and bombings are the order of the day—signifying that the Taliban and al-Qaeda are back. Warlords are also doing their thing. The only ‘free' place in Afganistan is the capital Kabul. Some Afgans even long for the return of the Taliban because of security concerns. Democracy itself is not an insurance against terrorism—some ‘democrats' are known to terrorize their subjects. Ask Zimbabweans. Fallacy 9. "Since we last met in this chamber, combat forces of the United States, Great Britain, Austrialia, Poland and other countries enforced the demands of the United Nations, ended the rule of Saddam Hussein—and the people of Iraq are free." The U.N. did not send any country to invade Iraq and change its regime. It was a unilateral action, a pre-emptive war, which itself is a weapon of mass destruction. Says Nancy Pelosi: "But even the most powerful nation in history must bring other nations to our side to meet common dangers. The President's policies do not reflect that. He has pursued a go-it-alone foreign policy that leaves us isolated abroad and that steals the resources we need for education and health care here at home." The Iraqi government was toppled on the excuse that it possessed dangerous weapons that could sink the world in 45 minutes. (Sorry, Lord Hutton has cleared British Prime Minister Tony Blair, for sexing up the report on Iraq. Let's blame the BBC.) But about a year after the invasion and the collateral damage of Iraq—and after a thorough search of the deserts and tunnels in that country, no such weapons have been found! Again in the words of Nancy Pelosi: "The President led us into the Iraqi war on the basis of unproven assertions without evidence; he embraced a radical doctrine of pre-emptive war unprecedented in our history; and he failed to build a true international coalition." Fallacy 10. "These killers, joined by foreign terrorists, are a serious, continuing danger. Yet we are making progress against them." This was in reference to the American war in Iraq. The President did not mention the over 500 American troops that have been killed and the thousands that are wounded. Nor did he mention the scores of daily attacks against American soldiers, or the crashing planes. Is it progress when servicemen and women are killed or maimed? This reminds me of the saying: winning the war is not winning the peace.
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