okcards · 10 years
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Dear Carson
One day a pirate lost his leg.
If you find a leg in your lunch don't eat it.
We should give the pirate back his leg tonight.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Hello Cole,
Don't give the small people any food in the lunch room,
because they are really mice.
Love Dad!
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okcards · 10 years
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Hello Cole!
If you find some ninja stars in your lunch, don't throw them at anyone.
Because guess what, 
you are not a ninja.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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I saw a fox outside reading a book.
I love fox books, they are so small.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Dear Carson,
Drink lots of water today,like a whole bunch.
But don't drink a whole lake because that would make the fishes homeless.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Dear Carson,
Always remember to reach for your Dreams.
They are in the garage, on the shelf, next to the paper towels.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Dear Carson,
Remember to be kind to all animals.
Especially be kind to giant ants. Because giant ants will take over the world some day and if you are nice to them maybe they will make you a manager or something.
Love dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Hi Carson
Today is Elf Day!
Look out for Elfs - they do magic
and shoot lazer beams out of their eyes.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Dear Madi,
You are so great.
But don't try to box a kangaroo because they will knock you right out.
Love Dad
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okcards · 10 years
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Hello Carson,
I made you a pancake hat! But then I ate it, sorry.
Pancake hats taste like hair spray.
Don't eat Hats!
Love Dad
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