oktaha-blog · 8 years
One of my recently published articles. 
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oktaha-blog · 8 years
Regime Change in the U.S.
Regime Change in the U.S.: The Coming Third American Dynasty
                                 2043: R.I. P. White Majority
          First the Red Man     Then the White Man          Next the Brown Man  
                           In Dances With Wolves Kevin Costner’s character tells Kickingbird that many more white people are coming. Kickingbird asks “How many?”  He replies “Like the stars”. Kickingbird shakes his head in recognition that the long reign of the Lakota was nearing its end.
The times are changing again.  America is in the midst of a regime change so epic it has happened only once before. The Dynasty of the Red Man gave way to the Dynasty of the White Man as Kickingbird foresaw. The demise of the Red Dynasty and the rise of the White Dynasty was due to seismic changes in demographics.
The White Majority in the U.S. will end in the year 2043 as forecasted by the U.S. Census Bureau. This singular phenomenon of the impending demise of the White Dynasty has and will usher in a myriad of changes in the U.S. including the very definition of what it means to be American. More than globalization or anti-elite fever, it is responsible for the election of Trump as U.S. president.    
Manifestations of the dying gasp of the White Dynasty in America abound. Most prominent was the election of a black man to the U.S. presidency, an office that might heretofore be considered as the crown jewel of the White Dynasty and one that was exclusively the province of the white male. Also, in 2016 Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be the presidential nominee of a major party.
That Trump is now the president of the U.S. is both inexplicable and repugnant to much of America. Predictably this is true for the vast majority of Democrats but rather surprisingly for many Republicans as well.  
Trump and his slogan “Make America Great Again” is a rallying cry if not a fight song for his supporters who are disproportionately white. Trump supporters include a large number of people who identify as evangelicals. To those of us who have not drank the Kool-Aid the truculent and widespread support of evangelicals is especially mystifying.                      
The answer to the Trump conundrum can be found in the prospect that America stands at the threshold of regime change and the establishment of the Third American Dynasty, that of the Brown Man.
Like Kickingbird, many whites have a gut level feeling that America is changing and they are losing control. Their way of life is disappearing. Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again is coded language that promises a return to the halcyon days when the White Dynasty and White Privilege ruled supreme. Many believe that Trump intends to Make America White Again.
The continuation of the White Dynasty is a forlorn hope and is already a lost cause. The vociferous Trump supporters sense this innately and fear it greatly. There is great fear among the Trumpians. Its litmus test is hate and anger but such emotions are grounded in fear.
The Republican elective victories in November can be viewed as the last gasp of the White Majority in America. A more diverse and browner America is establishing supremacy. Republicans have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections. The shift in the demographic makeup of the U.S. continues to tilt in favor of the diversity of the Democrats and will accelerate as younger minorities attain voting age in the near future.
In four states Whites are now the non-majority. This “brown out” of America will continue as state after state becomes brown in domino-like fashion and in 2043 the teeter totter of demographics will tilt America to a brown majority. Just as the Red Regime assimilated into the White Regime, so too must the White Dynasty now be absorbed into the Brown Dynasty. How many are coming? Like the stars.
J.D. Colbert (Chickasaw/Muscogee-Creek) is president and CEO of Holisso Hakv Inc. a mergers and acquisitions advisory consulting firm based in Prosper, TX.  
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oktaha-blog · 8 years
Regime Change: The Coming 3rd American Dynasty
Regime Change in the U.S.: The Coming Third American Dynasty
                                       2043: R.I. P. White Majority
First the Red Man           Then the White Man           Next the Brown Man                             
In Dances With Wolves Kevin Costner’s character tells Kickingbird that many more white people are coming. Kickingbird asks “How many?”  He replies “Like the stars”. Kickingbird shakes his head in recognition that the long reign of the Lakota was nearing its end.
The times are changing again.  America is in the midst of a regime change so epic it has happened only once before. The Dynasty of the Red Man gave way to the Dynasty of the White Man as Kickingbird foresaw. The demise of the Red Dynasty and the rise of the White Dynasty was due to seismic changes in demographics.
The White Majority in the U.S. will end in the year 2043 as forecasted by the U.S. Census Bureau. This singular phenomenon of the impending demise of the White Dynasty has and will usher in a myriad of changes in the U.S. including the very definition of what it means to be American. More than globalization or anti-elite fever, it is responsible for the election of Trump as U.S. president.    
Manifestations of the dying gasp of the White Dynasty in America abound. Most prominent was the election of a black man to the U.S. presidency, an office that might heretofore be considered as the crown jewel of the White Dynasty and one that was exclusively the province of the white male. Also, in 2016 Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be the presidential nominee of a major party.
That Trump is now the president of the U.S. is both inexplicable and repugnant to much of America. Predictably this is true for the vast majority of Democrats but rather surprisingly for many Republicans as well.  
Trump and his slogan “Make America Great Again” is a rallying cry if not a fight song for his supporters who are disproportionately white. Trump supporters include a large number of people who identify as evangelicals. To those of us who have not drank the Kool-Aid the truculent and widespread support of evangelicals is especially mystifying.                      
The answer to the Trump conundrum can be found in the prospect that America stands at the threshold of regime change and the establishment of the Third American Dynasty, that of the Brown Man.
Like Kickingbird, many whites have a gut level feeling that America is changing and they are losing control. Their way of life is disappearing. Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again is coded language that promises a return to the halcyon days when the White Dynasty and White Privilege ruled supreme. Many believe that Trump intends to Make America White Again.
The continuation of the White Dynasty is a forlorn hope and is already a lost cause. The vociferous Trump supporters sense this innately and fear it greatly. There is great fear among the Trumpians. Its litmus test is hate and anger but such emotions are grounded in fear.
The Republican elective victories in November can be viewed as the last gasp of the White Majority in America. A more diverse and browner America is establishing supremacy. Republicans have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections. The shift in the demographic makeup of the U.S. continues to tilt in favor of the diversity of the Democrats and will accelerate as younger minorities attain voting age in the near future.
In four states Whites are now the non-majority. This “brown out” of America will continue as state after state becomes brown in domino-like fashion and in 2043 the teeter totter of demographics will tilt America to a brown majority. Just as the Red Regime assimilated into the White Regime, so too must the White Dynasty now be absorbed into the Brown Dynasty. How many are coming? Like the stars.
J.D. Colbert (Chickasaw/Muscogee-Creek) is president and CEO of Holisso Hakv Inc. a mergers and acquisitions advisory consulting firm based in Prosper, TX.  
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