oktoberkind · 3 years
i've been on tumblr for over 10 years and i feel like i've come to a place where it's the right time to leave.
i'm in a transition stage in my life where i have to find myself again. and currently it doesn't involve spending time here.
thank you everyone, thank you tumblr. i had a blast. feel hugged ♡
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oktoberkind · 4 years
“I mourn, too, from time to time. Do not blame me. Losing a self is also worthy of grief, and my mouth is more of a graveyard than a house for white teeth.”
— Beyond Survival, ‘Ophelia’ by Aditi Nagrath (via decreation)
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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East Lothian, South East of Scotland 
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
I just wanted to remind you guys that part of the journey is continuing to try. I understand viscerally how frustrating it is when those trials don’t result in achievements directly, but it’s also important to be cognizant of the fact that everytime you try at something, you’re one step closer to getting where you need to be. Some of us start on the doorstep of the door we need to be knocking on; others aren’t even in the neighborhood. Yet another few aren’t even in the country of the door they need to knock on that will hold their happiness when answered. But if we keep trying, we will all eventually get to the place we need to be— sooner or later.
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
“For a wound to heal, you have to clean it out. Again, and again, and again. And this cleaning process stings. The cleaning of a wound hurts. Yes. Healing takes so much work. So much persistence. And so much patience. But every process has an end and an appointed term. Your healing will come… And like all created things, your worldly pain will die.”
— Yasmin Mogahed (via wordsnquotes)
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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got it before you. | via Tumblr on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/X4bfZM
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
Reminder that it’s okay to feel guilty or awkward about setting boundaries sometimes. Boundary-setting isn’t always comfortable, even if it’s the right thing to do. Over time, you’ll get better at tolerating the discomfort and setting boundaries will become easier and easier.
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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p s y c h i c
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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oktoberkind · 4 years
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139K notes · View notes
oktoberkind · 4 years
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191 notes · View notes
oktoberkind · 4 years
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