oldcastielrip · 7 years
His Favorite (Negan x Reader)
Title: His Favorite
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Warnings: smutty goodness, negan’s usual foul mouth, oral & vaginal sex, rough sex, bit of breath play, mentions of a mental disorder (bpd to be exact)
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: can’t really come up with a good summary right now omg just read pls
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Ever since the breakout, you had been with your father. Not that you were much help, not with your condition.
Papa called it a “delicate personality,” while the doctors called it “borderline personality disorder,” but people just saw you as “crazy.”
You just weren’t naturally inclined to survive, at least not on your own. And there was no doubt that you were 100% dependent on the man you called father, and it could be exhausting.
So when you both just happened to come across a large group of men and women, your father begged to be able to join them. Normally, they would decline, not liking the way you would act irrationally or impulsively. And your father could do nothing, he couldn’t just abandon you.
Then came the Saviors.
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
Let Love Bleed Masterlist
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader AU
Warnings: Mentions of death, survivor’s guilt, mentions of suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, smoking, fluff, smut
Summary: After a terrible accident leads to the death of your husband, you go back to Lawrence to live with your dad and his wife. Not expecting to even remotely survive this tragic event, a green-eyed man seems to spark your interest in living again.
Part 1: The Accident
Part 2: It’s Up to You
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
Let Love Bleed Pt 2 (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Title: Let Love Bleed; It’s Up to You
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader AU
Summary: After a terrible accident leads to the death of your husband, you go back to Lawrence to live with your dad and his wife. Not expecting to even remotely survive this tragic event, a green-eyed man seems to spark your interest in living again.
Warnings: none in this one really
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“Stop.” You giggled softly as you tried to get away from your husband. Castiel’s eyes shined with mischief as he looked at you across the table, already trying to figure out how he was going to catch you.
“Babe, I swear I just want a kiss.” He pouted innocently, something you quickly saw through.
“You go get cleaned up, I’ll kiss you all you want.” You laughed lightly, shaking your head at your husband.
A squeal fell from your lips as he moved around the table rapidly, not giving you enough time to move yourself. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back against him.
You struggled softly in his grip, already knowing it was too late. You threw your head back in laughter as he kissed your neck gently. He had won.
You woke up with a small gasp. Tears soaked your cheeks as you quickly realized it had just been a dream.
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
Let Love Bleed (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Title: Let Love Bleed: The Accident
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader AU
Summary: After a terrible accident leads to the death of your husband, you go back to Lawrence to live with your dad and his wife. Not expecting to even remotely survive this tragic event, a green-eyed man seems to spark your interest in living again.
Warnings: Mentions of death, survivor’s guilt, mention of suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, smoking
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It’s been two months since the accident. Two months without him. Two whole months since you’ve been able to fully breathe.
Of course, the accident had been your fault. You were the one who insisted on going out that night. It was had been raining so the roads were slick. You basically signed his death certificate when you begged him to take the motorcycle out for a spin.
He loved you so much, that he couldn’t even bare to argue with you, still deeply in the honeymoon phase of your relationship. If it hadn’t been for you and your stubbornness, he’d still be here.
He would be alive.
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
I Miss You
Request: “Could I request a jackxreader where reader has been out hunting on their own for a week or so and returns to the bunker to jack who missed them a lot and is very glad to see them.”
Title: I Miss You
Pairing: Jack Kline x Reader
Warnings: angsty, mentions of blood and an injury, grief, mentions of emotional pain
A/N: i was in an angsty kind of mood hehe, hope y’all enjoy!
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Being away from home had become sort of a blessing and a curse. It had become a relief.
You were sick of all the fighting between Sam and Dean. You were tired of Dean lashing out on Jack. You were all mourning, but he had no reason to treat the kid like he was a piece of trash.
Unlike either of your brothers, you really did try to connect with the nephilim. And you did, you developed an incredibly strong bond with Jack. You knew Sam was trying as well, but he was also clinging onto the hope that your mom might still be alive and that Jack controlling his powers might somehow enable him to open the portable again.
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
ok so i have decided to move blogs.. i couldn't quite give up castielrip (hence the word “old” being in front of this url)
so my new account is @castielrip
i will not be closing this one down only bc i've become attached to it, sue me... tho i will no longer be posting on here 
so all the people who have sent me requests, they will still be posted but all on @castielrip  i’ll still reblog them on here just in case y’all don’t read this
feel free to hit me up on the new account, let’s be friends! or just send me requests.. i’m good with either lol
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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Christmas icons for all! 🎄
Please like or reblog if you use :) [More icons here]
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
What I want for christmas
Santa: So what do you want for christmas? Perhaps a doll or maybe a nice soccer ball.
me: Mmmm I'm thinking something a little more Misha-
Santa: Don't
me: Collins.
Santa: *chokes on beard*
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
ok so an anon asked me a few days ago if i only had one url and i’m barely beginning to figure out what they really meant (i’m slow, i know, bare with me)
so this is actually my secondary blog and i’m having the biggest internal struggle of making a new account and just like basically “transferring” everything over buuuut i’ve already posted like 10+ of my own writing on here and all my followers are on here and i dOnT knOW wHaT TO dO 
but i really want to able to follow/comment/review stuff without it being my primary blog popping up.. should i just do it? make a new account? 
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
Brotherly Instincts (Jack Kline & Dean Winchester)
Request: “Yo! Can I request a Jack sick fic, where Jack experiences a human cold or flu for the first time and while Sam is getting him medicine, Dean has to deal with a miserable half angel kid who insists he’s fine, but Deans older brother instincts say otherwise. Dean is also still salty at Jack because this is before the episode when Cas comes back, so Dean is still mad but helps Jack anyway, even though he hates to admit it. Thanks!”
Title: Brotherly Instincts
Characters: Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Sam Winchester
Warnings:  basically dean’s salty af older brother 
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“He’s sick?” Dean exclaimed incredulously, looking over towards the nephilim who laid in his bed under plenty of blankets. “You mean to tell me that an all-powerful celestial being, not to mention Satan’s actual spawn, has a snotty nose and a temperature?”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, of course he couldn’t believe it. The eldest Winchester spent more time disparaging the poor child than actual getting to know him.
“He’s half human too, Dean.” The youngest Winchester reminded. “It looks like he has the flu. I’m going to have to go pick up some medicine and chicken soap.”
“He’s also half angel, he’ll heal.” Dean snapped irritably.
Violent coughing caught both of their attention. Jack sat up in bed, his face flushed red as he tried to stop the coughing. His throat was burning as he drank some of the water beside his bed.
“I should be back in an hour, two tops. The pharmacy is quite a drive from here.” Sam stated quietly, giving his brother a pleading look as he rolled his eyes. “Please keep an eye on him, Dean. He’s still a kid.”
The hunter didn’t reply and just walked away, not even wanting to discuss the subject anymore. He felt a hundred percent certain that Jack could take care of himself. It was so easy for him to sling him across the room, how difficult was it for him to heal away the flu?
It was only a few minutes later when Dean walked into the kitchen, stopping mid tracks as he noticed the nephilim right in front of the fridge.
“Hey.” Jack sniffed quietly, turning around to face the eldest Winchester.
“Hey.” Dean answered blandly, his entire body stiffening as he walked over to the fridge as well, the nephilim moving aside to let him through.
Neither said a word again as Dean grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Then, Jack coughed again. It only lasted a few seconds before he stopped, groaning softly. Dean watched the nephilim out of his eye as he wobbled towards a chair to sit down.
“Didn’t Sam put you on bed rest?” Dean asked him unamused, raising an eyebrow as he saw the nephilim shiver slightly, as if he were cold.
“I’m fine.” Jack croaked softly, pulling the sleeves of his jacket closer to his body mindlessly.
Dean shrugged off the ill-looking nephilim and began to walk out of the kitchen, though something in the back of his mind was preventing from doing so. He sighed inaudibly and stalked back towards Jack.
He ignored the hopeful look in the boy’s eyes and placed a hand against his forehead, feeling the hotness from his skin almost immediately.
“Okay, off to bed you go.” Dean urged him, pulling him off the chair and pushing him slightly towards the hallway.
“But I’m fine,” Jack insisted quietly, giving the eldest Winchester a look as he shuffled out the kitchen.
“Don’t be an idiot and get to bed.” The hunter scowled, once again shoving the nephilim softly to get him walking down the hallway.
Instead of answering, Jack broke out in a coughing fit. Dean stood by him in a minor concerned, yet slightly irritated way. The hunter was struggling in admitting that he wanted to help the nephilim, but he couldn’t help the brotherly-instincts that were kicking in.
“You done?” Dean grunted softly, his annoyance rising as the nephilim stood still for a moment. Jack nodded after a minute and began slowly walking towards his room, the hunter trailing after him.
Once they got there, Jack waddled in and sat at the edge of his bed. Dean not really knowing what to do, just stood in the doorway and watched the nephilim awkwardly.
“Just stay in bed, okay? Wait for Sam to get home, he’ll know how to deal with you.” Dean muttered the last part, giving him one last glance before walking back towards his room.
The house seemed to be silent for the next half an hour. Usually Dean would be drowning in music, his headphone set on and the music on full blast. Yet, when he laid down in his bed, he couldn’t really bring himself to do it.
A crashing noise caught his attention. He quickly got up from his bed and race towards the sound, which led him towards the kitchen. He walked in with wide eyes and guns high.
Though once he quickly realized it was just Jack, he put the gun away.
The nephilim leaned against the counter with his eyes closed, both his hands gripping the edges tightly. Pieces of glass were scattered across the floor, letting the hunter know that the nephilim has dropped a glass cup.
“What the hell happened?” Dean barked out loudly, immediately regretting it as Jack grimaced at sudden noise. “Sit down for crying out loud.”
The nephilim didn’t protest and walked over slowly towards chair. Jack watched as Dean cleaned up the broken pieces of glass. He glanced back towards the ground once Dean finished, turning over to look at him with such an intense gaze.
“What happened?” He asked again, raising an eyebrow at the boy as he waited for his answer.
“I just wanted to get more water.” Jack mumbled softly, his gaze still on the floor. “I got dizzy. I dropped the glass on accident, I’m sorry.”
Dean let out on exasperated sigh, beginning to look for something in all the kitchen’s cabinets. When he finally did find it, he handed towards the nephilim and got him a glass of water.
“What do I do with it?” Jack asked in a small voice, looking at the small stick that Dean had handed him. It was a thermometer.
“Well you could stick it up your ass,” The hunter answered sarcastically, setting the glass of water on the table. “But I guess your mouth will do. Stick it under the tongue.”
The nephilim did as told, letting the thermometer rest under his tongue. An awkward silence surrounded them as they waited for the small stick to take the nephilim’s temperature. When it finally beeped, Dean quickly took it the thermometer out of his mouth before Jack could even get a chance too.
101.3°F it read, causing another groan to fall from Dean’s lips.
“What the hell is taking Sam so long?” Dean grumbled to himself as he let the thermometer drop on the table.
“Is it bad?” Jack coughed slightly. “I swear I feel fine.”
“Would you stop lying! Of course you don’t feel fine, your insides are practically melting.” Dean answered the nephilim harshly.
Jack didn’t reply afterwards and only watched as Dean grabbed a rag and began rinsing it in the sink. He also grabbed a few ice cubes out the fridge before plopping them into the glass of water.
“Alright c’mon, back to your bed.” Dean ushered the nephilim, throwing him a pack Sam’s yogurt and a spoon. Jack fumbled with the items slightly but followed the hunter’s orders anyway.
Once they got to the room, Jack laid down under the covers, watching Dean with wide, curious eyes as he placed the wet rag across his forehead.
“Drink the water and eat the yogurt.” Dean muttered sternly, giving the nephilim one last look before walking out the room.
He was halfway through the hallway when he bumped into the Sam, a inaudible sigh of relief falling from his lips.
“Took you long enough.” The hunter scowled as he looked up at his younger brother. “Kid has a fever.”
Sam didn’t get a chance to ask Dean how he knew, by that time he was already at the end of the hall. The youngest Winchester walked towards Jack’s room quickly, raising an eyebrow in surprised as he saw how Jack was.
“I ate the yogurt.” Jack said simply as he motioned to the empty package beside the bed.
A/N: hey y’all ok so due to some difficulties.. i have moved blogs so this one will no longer be active, i’ll just keep it up bc of all my old posts
so please feel free to follow me at @castielrip and feel free to send me REQUESTS there as well
sorry for the inconvenience
thank you!
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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One scene from Sam, Interrupted with captions for the Wincest-impaired. 
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
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