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/The man racks its own mind with inquiries, and odd thoughts - trying to cease the need to possibly 'flash' the stranger. It was attempting to reform, with a small sigh - the man nodded its head slowly, a solemn expression crossing upon its feature./ I suppose so. I heard you can help... I'd be willing to pay as much as is needed for a-- session? Is that the word... /The man begun to mumble to itself, confirming its own thoughts./ Oh, yes it is.
{`the offer was tempting--any amount of money for a single session? it almost sounds too good to be true, but the cheshire was known for being a risk taker, and this seemed like the perfect one to take. the therapist crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing the other male a bit skeptically before darting his tongue out to swipe over his lips, putting on a sly grin} Any amount at all, is that correct? I'm not sure exactly what your situation is, but I'd be willing to take as much as you offer, considering it's a reasonable amount. 
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/Trying to play it cool, he bows his head a bit - familiar with the custom of the town, or the country. He kept its trench coat upwards, fingers playing along the fabric for a moment nervously./ -- I've seen you around. Aren't you that... person? You know that owns the place? /The man speaks, obviously he's being rather vague with his description due to the fact that he's new to the town./ -- Oh, you're that... therapist, right?
{`there was an awkward air between the two as they conversed, observing the man's actions with a slight squint of his eyes. it was no secret that the stranger in front of him seemed nervous, but for what reason was beginning to plague his thoughts. although he doesn't necessarily keep tabs on people and fables alike, it was definitely safe to assume that this man was new in town, and he had an aura about him that practically screamed 'fable'} Park Chanyeol, yes. Are you seeking my services or--?
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/A man, tall in stature, wearing a shabby trench coat of some sort spots the male in front of him, his hair is pulled back in a slicked motion, but his eyes seem to glisten momentarily, he tapped a few fingers along the male's shoulder in hopes to catch his attention./ Sir.
{`a slightly startled jerk passes through the cheshire's body at the small tap; his senses usually picking up the presence of another being about, but not detecting this particular one. he turns around, eyeing the man a bit wearily as he bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement of the male's presence} Can I help you?
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welcome  to  café  weixiaos! a little source for happiness.
Have you ever wanted to send treats to somebody? Maybe a small coffee to wake up that friend of yours, along with a good morning message? Café WeiXiaos is the place to do it! Here, we try to make your people’s days brighter, even just a little bit. Why not stop by and order something from us? If not, we hope you enjoy your day as always, beautiful!
About || Menu || FAQ ; Open to roleplayers and non-roleplayers alike.
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Hi there; thanks for following Cafe WeiXiao! I hope you have a wonderful day! (ノ● ◡ ●)ノ*:・゚❤
{`a glance at the small box of the dessert piqued the cheshire's interest as he eyed the vivid red treats, wondering what they were--and more specifically why they were in the shape of hearts. the design reminding him so much of the queen of hearts as he gave a nod and flashed a forced smile} You're welcome, and I'll be sure to. 
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He watches the female with guarded eyes, returning the bow as he averted his gaze momentarily as to not alert her. He let her words sink into his mind, listening to each one and conjuring questions he wanted to ask her in his mind already. She seemed quite unsure of herself, from what he could tell. Nervous, most certainly, with the way her fingers tapped against the smooth texture of the table as she spoke. "Sanctuary? I've never heard of doing that before, but I can assure you that whatever you wish to achieve, I'll do my best to help you acquire it."
'Politics, hm," the thought filtered through his mind as he didn't believe it as much as he should, but he didn't want to try any deeper into her just yet. As his job, it was mandatory that he learn as much as he could about his patients; so even if he could sense that the woman wasn't telling the truth, he could coax it out one way or another. "That sounds stressing, so I can understand why you would call for a bit of help," he chuckled, flashing a sliver of his pearly teeth again. "It's hard to always keep a strong front, you know. Even if you did let your work get to you, I'm glad you came to me."
The words flowed sincerely from his lips as he spoke, darting his tongue out to swipe over them as they slowly became chapped. Little actions of the other female gave him the impression that talking of work was one thing she didn't particularly like, and he hoped to find out why soon enough. With a wider grin, the male gave a brief nod to the other as he beamed, "I can guarantee that I'll help you find your sanctuary. Park Chanyeol never lies," he lies, putting on a front of his abilities.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his mundane device--a smartphone--and begins to open (or figure out how to open) his memo app. "It would be unprofessional for me to discuss anything further here, so I was wondering when you would like to schedule an appointment for us to speak more?" Finally setting everything up on his phone, the daunting task of having to type everything in was next on his to-do at the moment. More than anything, the one thing the Cheshire didn't enjoy doing was showcasing his lack of ability to adequately conjugate words and sentences fast enough to be considered 'texting'. He only hoped the female wasn't paying too much attention to him as his fingers brushed over the screen slowly.
"Are you free on Tuesdays and Fridays?"
❧ Chanyeol & BoA
She nodded as her lips playfully pressed onto the edge of her cup. BoA pulled away slightly, eyes locked on his facial features. “I agree, there is always more than meets the eye. With everyone,” She tilted her head to the side as she put her cup down. Inwardly, she was cursing at herself, giving herself the strength to sit up straight and proper. “So, Chanyeol—will you be able to help my find my sanctuary?”
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The daily agenda for Chanyeol was the same as usual, it seemed: Talk to a few clients, give out (incomprehensible) advice, and schedule another meeting. His idea of work seemed a but skewed, but for the Cheshire himself, it all made perfect sense. Why give out the correct advice and have them fix their lives? Although it was the job of a therapist to help solve modern-day crisis such as these, once his clients were on the path of recovery, then what? If the male gave the right answers to everyone who walked past his door, he wouldn't have much work to look forward to on a daily basis.
It was the fact that he constantly gave cryptic advice, the reason people were forced to keep coming back. He would hide truth and cover up the real answers they searched for with a charming smile, or a good laugh here and there. The thought alone made the male grin devilishly at his own scheme, opting to twirl himself around in his plush, leather chair as he awaited his next patient.
Kwon Yuri was her name, and judging from the conversation they had on the phone previously, she seemed like the right type of entertainment for him. Her incessant ramblings, and track of mind made the male even more eager to put an image to the name. She seemed like the type who might actually need the help of a therapist, but that was something she would only receive with someone other than himself. Lucky for the male, with the easily persuaded mundanes, his name got around quickly as the go-to person when you need help. 
At the feeble knock upon his door, he stopped half-way through a twirl in his chair to avert his gaze towards the wooden object. The female was scheduled to arrive today, and judging from his watch, she was right on time. With a languid grin graced upon his features, he adjusted his posture the moment the door peeked open slightly, reaching a hand up to to muss with his hair before ushering her to come in. "Kwon Yuri? You're right on time. Please, come in, have a seat and make yourself comfortable." The words spilling from his lips as if they had been rehearsed and recited for ages.
Reaching over for his mug, he gave it a light swish before taking a sip of his now lukewarm milk, savoring the sweetness as he tried to collect his thoughts. 'Where to begin, where to begin..', was the constant question lingering in the crevices of his mind as he eyes the female carefully. The immediate aura he got was that she wasn't an ordinary mundane like he expected, she was a Fable. A few moments pass, and the more he concentrated, the more he could feel it. 
Definitely a Fable.
He motioned for her to sit on the offered couches across from his desk, wanting to give her the impression as if she were at her own home, instead of at a vexatious office. He lifted a slender finger to push at the bridge of his glasses, adjusting them once more before finally speaking once again, "Miss Yuri, it's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you. We spoke..briefly...on the phone, but I wasn't quite able to get much in the way of information to work with. Would you mind telling me a few things about yourself? What brings you here today?"
◤ A ⒨ad meetiиG || Chanyeol & Yuri ◥
Yes indeed, the young woman was lost in the wonderland of her own mind as she reached the wood door and knocked once before turning the doorknob and peeking in. “Hello? Anyone home?” her voice danced against the path of air as it exited her mouth through smiling lips. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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Hyunseung drums his fingers absent-mindedly on the table’s surface, slumping back in his chair, letting out an exasperated sigh. Once again, he is in a coffee shop sitting, drinking coffee and watching the world go by - alone. 
Frowning, his expression visibly darkening, he picks up his phone, scrolling through his contacts.  It takes him no time at all. No one to call. Leaning back he opens his e-mails. He wouldn’t usually send one of these, but he’s not sure how else to go about it. Opening a blank page, he starts typing;
Hi. The name is Hyunseung, and I wouldn’t usually send round one of these chain-mail things; they’re tacky as hell, but I’m sitting in a coffee shop alone again, and I’ve really come to conclude that either I am one of those people who everyone steers well clear of, or I’m just not that great at socialising. I’d like to think it’s the latter. 
Think of this as my way of reaching out. I’m new and I don’t have many friends here, - actually, I don’t even have many acquaintances  but i would like to make some.
I can’t promise to constantly entertain you, but I am a rather nice and outgoing guy once you get to know me - even if I do say so myself. And well, who knows where a beautiful friendship may lead? 
Ok no, scratch that last part, that was corny, but you get my point right?  I’d really like to make some new friends. So if you could reply (reblog, follow, like), I’d really appreciate it.
- Jang Hyunseung (JS)
Not entirely satisfied with the end product he shrugs, to lazy to go back and re-write the whole thing, considering he’s not sure anyone will even read it. But he would really love if they did. Please like, reblog or follow
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It was unlike the feline to be treated with such discontent, so as the stranger in front of his did his best to sway him away, it only further made the animal want to stay by. As much as he enjoyed the various attention he got from mundanes and Fables alike, being a burden to a stranger with an obvious distaste for cats seemed like the perfect plan for the day. 
The man's attempts at trying to get him to leave only furthered his want to annoy the person, only dodging the swat to step aside before going back to the male's leg to nuzzle against it. It was definitely a risk, now knowing what all this male could bestow upon his animal form, but he didn't seem like the type of man to cause any actual physical harm, so it was assurance enough to continue. As the Cheshire's eyes peered at the guitar case, his interest was piqued. For as long as he'd been around the mundanes of Seoul, he never came across a musician yet, and he was actually quite fond of playing guitar himself. 
The anticipation of watching the male performed was eminent, and he only let out a soft mewl as he pranced away, careful to not get swatted for his rebellion to leave. 'Maybe,' the feline thought as he began to take his rest a few feet away, 'if I stay out of his way, I could get a free show.'
He doesn’t like animals (never did, the disgusting creatures) so the feline cat circulating around his legs is doing nothing but dragging a snarl onto his thin, dry lips. His eyes cast downwards, lifting his leg just so before dragging the heel of the dark leather boots on the paved ground, dangerously close to its tail.
“Get,” he hisses simply though there had been no reason to talk to an animal (a momentarily slip of sanity). Kneeling down to swat at its head pointedly, he places the guitar case on the ground, fingers only pausing to brush the deep red velvet before enclosing on the neck of the locked instrument inside. 
He’s picked this place for the day, cat or not, he was going to play.
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130515: chanyeol playing in his seat
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➤ 손나은 → Son Naeun | Sleeping Beauty | Ballet Major & teacher in Universal Ballet Academy — —
once upon a time ;
A tale was abruptly stopped before it could reach the customary ‘happily ever after’. The once peaceful realm crumbling down and all tried to flee to lands far and wide, only to be caught in the clutches of the new regime. Sleeping Beauty in the tower knew nothing of this, for the unfaltering beauty of over one hundred years spent almost all her life in a steady, dreamless sleep. But before her time was up she was woken by the kind fairy who saved her as a child, not the prince that she was destined to love. Whisked away with nothing more than the clothes on her back — and her puppy that was woken along with her — she found herself in a strange house, all alone and completely awake. 
and a year has passed ;
The seemingly nineteen year old girl hurried out of class, her large duffle bag bouncing against her thigh as she weaved in and out of the crowded streets of Seoul, South Korea. Her deep red hair was replaced with rich brown locks, and bright blue eyes now a shade of golden hazel. She looks like a normal university student, although an exceptionally beautiful one at that. It wasn’t until the ballet academy came into view did she heave a small sigh of relief and burst through the front doors, hurrying to the classroom on the second floor and dumping her bags and coat on the corner near the CD player, students already milling around the barre and making sure that there wasn’t a strand of hair sticking out of their perfect buns. 
❝Alright girls, I hope you’ve all done your warm-ups. I’m expecting perfect développés today, we’re going to work on your attitudes.❞
⋊ the sleeping beauty sleeps no more, but she is in need of friends and enemies. follow/like/reblog and come say ‘hello’.
⎨au ⨳ literate ⨳ para & script ⨳ about ⨳ possible 18+ content ⨳ fables rp ⎬
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“I’m tired of these stupid voices in my head. Telling me what to do and when to do it.”
-Cho Kyuhyun is the name. In all honesty, just looking for a few friends. Hopefully you don’t mind that sometimes I talk to myself, scratch at the wall, and talk to my imaginary friends. If you don’t mind that at, let’s try to be friends.
Like/Reblog | Independent Role-player | AU | Para friendly | Literate.
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Without you, she’s merely half a wing - - 蝴蝶 
In another life, she went by the name of Zhu Yingtai, the Chinese maiden who left her luxurious life in order to pursue the knowledge of the world. Though, it seemed that fate had other plans for her. Both a blessing and a curse, she meets her fated half, Liang Shanbo, but under the sworn brother oath, does she find herself falling deeper and deeper for the man.
“And together, we can fly…”
When she believed that life could not get any better, does tragedy strike. Lured home to an unwilling marriage, she forces herself into a coma like state, hoping that her fated half will come in time to rescue her. Brushing lips with death, he makes it in time before her final breath, but once again, fate plays a cruel trick. Escaping the wrath of the Adversary, the two lovers barely make it out in time; however, are unable to make it far before they utter their final words of love and transform into the symbols of love: Butterflies.
However, Zhu Yingtai has found herself on Earth in her physical body, residing in a place called Fabletown, then finding residence in Seoul, South Korea with the name of Liu Yifei or Crystal Liu. A Kindergarten teacher and a Wushu practitioner, she fights for the alliance of the good and to seek justice for the one who fuels the only burning hate in her heart.
- - - Please like/follow/reblog - - -
au | literate | para friendly | story | - - from the fables community
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