oldfmddax · 5 years
hyeju’s background was never a secret. with some digging, netizens were quick to figure out that she came from a lavish background. she just kept it at that, and just stuck to the bare minimum, mentioning them only when she deemed it appropriate. if people wanted to whisper behind her back and come up with rumors as to why she was distant, they could. she could care less. 
she jumps in her seat at the sudden company, but lets out a bitter laugh upon seeing who had decided to join her. “i guess she doesn’t get the message. damn, she must be really persistent if this is her fourth time.” hyeju’s parents didn’t bother contacting her after she made it clear that she didn’t want to be their daughter anymore. they sent her christmas cards as if to show off that they were still living this perfect life even without her. she kept them only because she wanted to make sure the smile on her brother’s face was still genuine. 
“oh, i’m sure she’d figure out your new number in a heartbeat. i’ve tried it, it doesn’t work.” with a click of her tongue, she took another glass from the bar and started sipping on it. hyeju had an odd relationship with her own parents where both sides pretended like they wanted nothing to do with one another, and yet kept tabs on everything. she wanted to make sure her brother was okay, but she wasn’t quite sure why they made sure to keep up with her. her guess was that they didn’t want anyone tainting their name. “you could move to the north pole, and i’m sure she’d show up in a day.” 
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dax knows he gave his family a promise: a promise to come back, a promise to keep up the family business, to be the model son they expected him to become. hell, one of the only reasons they let him leave thailand in the first place was so that he could get out of their hair to then come back so famous that he would bring in extra business for the hotels and restaurants. but back then, he was so eager to get out of the life he felt stuck in that he would have jumped at any opportunity to leave. idol life just seemed to be the right chance for him. how was he supposed to know that he’d end up falling in love with being a star?
“right?!” dax sighed, sinking into the seat next to hyeju and rolling his eyes before fixing them back on his phone screen, hoping that it wouldn’t go off again. “for such a smart woman, she sure is bad at taking a fucking hint.” dax likes talking to hyeju. she’s always been easy for him to talk to, to vent about family problems. he knows all about her family situation and can relate on more things than one when it comes to coming from families like theirs. he was sure at this point she was tired of hearing all the same stories and feelings over and over again but he couldn’t help himself. he was wired to make sure people knew exactly what he was feeling. heart on his sleeve and all that. 
at her words, dax rolls his eyes again and takes a long sip of his whiskey, feeling it burn and travel down his throat to his stomach. he really should have eaten before coming to this party. “she could figure out a new phone number faster than she figure out when to leave me alone.” he glances around to look at everyone else at the party hoping they weren’t feeling as pitiful as he was. “some call it motherly instinct, i call it hiring a private investigator to keep tabs on me. cheers,” he finishes with a scoff before lifting his glass in the air in a mock toast to wherever his mother was. 
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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     one of the things that duri happens to be good at is listening. he simply could just sit there and listen to someone talk for as long as they needed to. to be quite honest, he really does like listening to others, someone who would never talk over someone, and let them have the floor for as long as they needed. he also did his best to give advice; he wasn’t entirely sure if his advice was even good. but, he still did his best to give it, in hopes that it would help them out in some way or another.  
dax was someone that duri had become rather close to. one of the little brother figures that he has, a little brother that he had always wanted. he did his best to keep a close eye on him, just to make sure he was okay, and someone that he simply took care of; as he had done most people, of course. however, duri probably wasn’t really that good at protection; as duri was probably someone who needed to be protected the most. but, he had always tried his best at giving that older brotherly advice to the younger. 
he sat on the bed, eyes reading the book that sat within his hands. it was one of the ways you’d be able to find him, cooped up, and reading a book when he had the time. when dax plopped down upon his bed, his attention was taken towards the other, smiling softly towards him. he closed the book, placing it next to him. “what’s wrong? is everything okay?” 
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dax came to korea when he wasn’t even 13 yet. he was a smart ass who wanted to get his way and had no parents or nannies there to make sure he was doing what was considered to be acceptable behavior. he spent his trainee days whining about wanting practice to be over, hat he knew steps and didn’t need to rehearse anymore, that he was hungry, hat he was tired. really anything that he could complain about, he would. dax was used to getting his way and being trainee was the opposite of that. he couldn’t charm his teachers and coaches like he could his nannies who would fall for a cute dimpled smile from him. 
it was different when duri came to train. he was a smart and kind guy that dax immediately looked up to. duri was calm and caring and didn’t turn away with a scoff when dax wanted to vent about something like the other trainees tended to do. as the years went on, he was grew up and was able to rely on his other hyungs for more things, but it was always duri first. he was the one that dax could trust without a doubt. 
dax stayed flopped on he bed and turned his head so tat his mouth wasn’t entirely in the pillow, allowing duri to easily hear what he was saying. “no everything is not fucking ‘okay’.” he moved to sit up from his position and sat with his legs crossed over one another, snagging the pillow and clutching it his chest like a child. “i just got into it with my father. yet again.” he huffed, blowing apiece of his bangs away from his eyes and looked across the room at the wall, not wanting to make eye contact. “i’m just getting really tired of it. i don’t want all this pressure to be someone i don’t want to be.”
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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closed starter for @fmdhyeju concert wrap party
dax was sitting by the pool in a comfortable chair, whiskey glass in one hand, cell phone in the other. he took a long sip of his drink and looked over the rim, watching all the people around the pool laughing and giggling with each other. he felt his phone vibrate and looked at the screen before immediately sliding his finger on the screen to reject the call and taking another sip of his drink. it was the third time he’d gotten a call that evening and the third time he’d ignored it. dax put his phone face down on his chair after standing up to refresh his glass at the bar, quickly drinking down the remaining drops of alcohol. 
as he waited for the bartender to finish topping off his glass, he saw his friend hyeju a ways away. the bartender slid his drink back into his hand and dax flashed her a quick grin in thanks, watching her cheeks flush a bit in response. he could hear his phone ringing once again and he rolled his eyes while stretching his neck from one side to the other. it was getting a bit ridiculous at this point; surely his mother could take the hint that he wasn’t in the mood to talk to her about his ‘family duty’. he quickly snatched his phone off the chair and switched the ringer to off before sliding it into his pocket and heading over to hyeju.
dax was sure that his face was saying exactly what he was thinking before even getting to his friend. they talked often about their families, their issues. he trusted her to be a listening ear when he needed to explode from time to time about what it was like to come from a family of expectations. “this is now the fourth time she’s called me today. fourth!” he exclaimed, setting down his drink before running a hand through his hair and getting out his phone as if to show her the evidence. “i’m this close to throwing my phone into the pool and changing my number.”
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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hey there everyone! i joined in here right when i got super busy at work so i haven’t been able to be on much. i’d like to apologize if you think i ghosted you or anything because that isn’t the case! i just got very worn out from work and didn’t have much time come on!! but good news, i’m back to a regular schedule now which means i’ll be able to get around to doing things on time! i’m gonna be answering all of my ims today because i’m ready to get some exciting relationships going for my boy here. so if you’re wanting to plot and i haven’t messaged you before / haven’t gotten back to you in a long time, feel free to like this post and i’ll get to you asap. thanks for your patience! 
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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closed starter for @durifmd
it’s been happening ever since dax left thailand to become a trainee. the phone calls from his parents started off light-hearted and easy, with just a slight hint of reminding him about his responsibilities back home. as he grew older, the calls became more pointed, more forceful. dax didn’t know what to do. through out his life as idol, he’s been able to separate his duties back in thailand with his duties in korea. now that he’s getting older, it’s been harder to keep his mind focused on only being an idol. what’s usually separated into two boxes in his mind have been merging to become one and leaving dax stressed. 
he’s been lucky, though. he has some really great friends who don’t mind listening to him drone on and on about how nervous and confused he is. his members have put up with it for a long time now and he’s surprised none of them have forced him to stop complaining yet. the one exception is duri. park duri, the man who’s kept a close eye on dax for as long as they’ve known each other. he’s been an older brother for him when dax had no where else to turn and was the king of giving him advice when he needed it most.
and that is how dax found himself searching out for duri in the dorms one evening after a particularly long international phone call with his mother. dax found him in his room after letting himself in and throwing himself face down onto his group mate’s bed.“hyung,” dax whined as he kept his face plastered into the pillow on duri’s bed, “help.” he said softly,his voice muffled by the pillow, trying to sound as pitiful as possible to his friend.
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oldfmddax · 5 years
prompt: task 007, solo about a memorable trainee memory time: 4 months in to training, january 2011 word count: 988
dax had always been someone who could get what he wanted with the snap of his fingers. he could flash a cute smile to his nannies and have them wrapped around his finger in a heartbeat. he could pout a little and get away with whatever his heart desired. but it was different in the trainee world. during training, no one fell for his dimpled smiles and puppy dog eyes because everyone was there for one thing and one thing only: to debut. he was young and in a new country, still struggling with the language barrier and somehow not yet keeled over from sleep deprivation. surprisingly, he had made some acquaintances but nothing too substantial as he was still fairly new.
even if he knew that he couldn’t get away with things, dax knew he still had to try. maybe there would be that one trainer who would be swept up in his still round face and let him slag off in a rehearsal. the day he tried, it was unbearably hot. the mirrors were fogged up around the edges and everything felt sticky, the air conditioner in the ceiling seemingly working on overload to keep the room slightly cool. it seemed like dax could see the steam coming off from the shoulders of the taller boys in front of him. the room was crowded, all of the boys learning the same choreography for a training evaluation in the upcoming week, and the trainer was new to him. the trainer called a break time after what felt like hours of non-stop dancing and he immediately fell to the floor resting his sweat sticky arm over his eyes to give him some sort of a break from the lights.
with his eyes closed, he could easily picture what was going on in the room. most of the boys would be huddled around the water cooler filling tiny paper cup after tiny paper cup full of water only to chug it all in one big gulp. there were a few boys sitting on the ground near him, talking about how tired they were and how they wished this practice could end already. there were even a few brave souls who were still upright and practicing the moves in front of the foggy mirror. before dax knew it, the trainer was clapping her hands together loudly, calling for everyone to get back in line to start again.
he rolled his eyes, groaning slightly at the thought of even standing up. anything would be more enjoyable than going back to practice a dance he knew the steps to and to continue sweating out all of the moisture in his body. just one more second, he told himself, keeping his eyes blissfully shut, until he could feel the atmosphere around him change.
"are you going to practice?" he heard from above him and forced himself not to scoff out loud. slowly, he peeled his arm from his face and let his eyes adjust to the lights in the room once more. “it’s time to start.”
dax made his way up onto his feet and glanced at the clock, realizing that they had been at this for almost 3 hours now. he rolled his eyes and slouched forward, making himself smaller so he wouldn’t be as visible. one good thing about being one of the younger kids in there was that he could blend into the background easier since he was a decent bit shorter than the other boys in the room. usually, dax wouldn’t half ass performing. it’s what he loved to do. but at that point, he had learned all the steps and didn’t think he really needed to practice anymore. there he was, barely going through the motions for a few minutes, before the music came to an abrupt stop. he didn’t think much of it until he saw the boys in front of him parting from one side to the other. 
he looked up to see the trainer glaring at him. “you,” she said fiercely, pointing at his chest. “come up here.” dax glanced around to see the other boys looking at their feet or at the walls, anywhere but at him. carefully, he walked to the front of the room where the trainer was standing and put on his best puppy dog eyes. “yes, teacher?” dax said softly and looking up at her from his eyelids. she glared back. “is there a reason that you’re barely moving back there?” dax thought about his options and decided to give it a try. “i’m just,” he whined, looking down at his feet before glancing back up, “sooooo tired.” she tilted her head skeptically. “will we be dancing much longer?” 
the trainer studied dax’s face for a moment, causing him to think that he had done it. he had finally won over a trainer. his moment of feeling happy for himself faded quickly though as her face changed into a glare again. “let’s see you dance then.” before he knew it, the other boys shuffled to either side of the room to give him more of the floor and the music was playing. stumbling over his feet in surprise, it took him some time to come into the dance and even when he found the spot in the choreography, his moves were sloppy and no where near debut ready. the music stopped and the tension in the air was palpable. the trainer was silent as was dax, his embarrassment turning his face and ears red. he could feel the boys judging him from where they stood and he could hear the whispers floating through the air. 
suddenly, she clapped her hands and motioned for the trainees to get back into position, leaving dax in the front row. “and that is why we train,” she said sharply before turning her attention to the rest of the room. “again! 5, 6, 7, 8!”
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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task 007: idol concept
when dax was training, he was still very young. a 14 year old’s ideal concept? bright colors, loud sounds, bass drops and quick beats. he idolized the music from the 80′s, the fun and fresh sound that took over and led to people getting up to dance. ballads were nice, r&b was nice, but a retro dance and beat heavy pop sound would have been the perfect thing for dax. knight has gone in a direction that goes along pretty well with what he wished the group would have. tracks like critical beauty, love me right, and power are songs that are right up dax’s alley when it comes to style. he likes that the group experiments with their sound, but the songs that stick to a modern yet retro pop sound will always be his favorite.
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oldfmddax · 5 years
after 3 days of jet lag and a messed up sleeping schedule, i finally finished setting up dax’s pages! i’ll be getting around to messaging everyone who liked this post before (and if you had missed it, feel free to like it this time around if you’f like to plot!) and people who messaged me earlier. thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!
plots | profile | bio
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hi hello everyone! my name is blake and i’m so happy to be back here in famed! it’s been over a year since i was in this rp, but i’m truly so happy to rp with old muses and new ones! i’ve already received so many welcome messages which is so lovely and i’ll be getting around to messaging back soon. it’s been a while, but you might remember my boy here. this is my son dax: same stage name, same group, same faceclaim as before but i’ve completely changed his background. i’m putting some info about him under the cut and if you’d like to plot, give this post a like and i’ll send you a message! i haven’t made any of his pages yet, but i’ll be making them soon!! if you prefer to plot over discord, feel free to ask for my username and we can shift things over to there. 💜
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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hi hello everyone! my name is blake and i’m so happy to be back here in famed! it’s been over a year since i was in this rp, but i’m truly so happy to rp with old muses and new ones! i’ve already received so many welcome messages which is so lovely and i’ll be getting around to messaging back soon. it’s been a while, but you might remember my boy here. this is my son dax: same stage name, same group, same faceclaim as before but i’ve completely changed his background. i’m putting some info about him under the cut and if you’d like to plot, give this post a like and i’ll send you a message! i haven’t made any of his pages yet, but i’ll be making them soon!! if you prefer to plot over discord, feel free to ask for my username and we can shift things over to there. 💜
basic info:
official name: phichit suppanad
stage name/name used with family and friends: dax
birthday: october 26, 1996 (scorpio or bust for him tbh)
age: 22
hometown: bangkok, thailand
group: knight
position: maknae/lead dancer/rapper
born in bangkok, thailand
he’s an only child and is going to be the successor to his family’s business
his dad’s family owns a shit ton of luxury hotels around thailand and worldwide and his mom’s family have many well known gourmet thai fusion restaurants around the country
so his birth was literally planned so that his family had someone to take over the companies when they retire lol
spoooooooiled brat tbh
was a super cute kid who could get anything he wanted and get away with anything he wanted
this turned into him throwing tantrums to get things and thinking he could do literally anything he wanted with zero repercussions 
was sent to private boarding school when he was 8 in hopes that it would help him settle down and to help him focus on learning
surprise tho he took that as a massive rejection and it hurt him a lot
when he turned 11 he got in a lot of trouble at school for not bing a good student/missing curfew/not doing his homework so his parents thought it would be a good idea to sign him up for boxing to teach him some discipline 
dax hated boxing but he did start dance lessons in the same building after convincing his parents 
he was scouted at a recital when he was about to turn 13 and then moved to korea to train (which took SO MUCH time to convince his parents to let him do)
the only way he was able to go train was by promising his parents that he’ll take over the companies with no fight after he’s done being an idol
debuted with knight when he was 15 which means he is baby
1 part tony stark and 1 part draco malfoy tbh
cocky and outspoken 
on stage, he’s known for being bright and compelling
he can switch from a charming smile to a sultry smirk in a heartbeat 
dax has a boyfriend like image because he is charming and sweet, so he’s probably that one member at the knight fansigns that would have no issue putting on flower crowns that were given to him and holding hands for almost too long as the fans went down the line
uses his “language barrier” (that’s almost completely irrelevant at this time because he’s smart and picks up languages quickly) when he just doesn’t want to talk/ham up being cute on camera by not understanding something
bratty maknae lbr
when he’s not doing idol stuff, he’s more loud and brash and thinks too much before speaking to come up with the most witty comment possible
he’s not afraid to tell the truth without worrying about whether it’ll hurt anyone’s feelings
in that same vein, he’s very protective of the friends he does have because not many people have stuck around with him over the years 
you wanna drink and not go to sleep until 10 am? wow so does dax! 
he’s not good at self discipline and not good at following directions 
he just wants to have fun and sleep around and drink too much and wear trendy clothes and not have to worry about authority telling him what to do
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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Whoa, is that PHICHIT SUPPANAD? I love him! You might know him as DAX. He’s the MAKNAE, LEAD DANCER, AND RAPPER of KNIGHT, and he’s a ‘96 LINER! He’s one of my favorites under BC ENTERTAINMENT. Don’t you think he looks a little like CHITTAPHON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL (TEN)?
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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oldfmddax · 5 years
tag dump.
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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ten (wayV, nct)
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