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It’s time for our seventh task! As always, please note that tasks are not required, but encouraged, and are only to inspire character development and activity. Everyone is free to do only what they have the muse for!
This task will be about your muse’s trainee days. It’s a period every idol goes through, and it may be as short as a few months to as long as several years, but it no doubt played a key role in making your muse the idol they are today, for better or for worse, so go ahead and explore what your muse was like back then! How different was their personality? Did they have different goals and plans for the future? Did they ever think of quitting before their career could even start?
Please keep in mind god-modding established NPCs and executives without permission is not allowed, but you have freedom to write mentions of miscellaneous trainers and instructors into your self-paras and threads that may have been involved in your muse’s trainee days as long as they don’t affect the company as a whole on a major scale!
Be sure to tag any completions of this task with #fmdtask007 so the admin can verify the earned points with a like!
Write a self-para about a memorable moment during your muse‘s trainee days. This can be something defining or something small related to training that your muse remembers for some reason. Examples of what might be a memorable moment for them would be the day they were confirmed for debut or the first time they got a positive evaluation from their trainers. It could be their first day as a trainee or their last day, or any day in between, and does not necessarily have to be under their current company if they trained under another company beforehand, as long as it happened while they still had the status of trainee! The self-para should consist of a minimum of 400 words and does not count toward your monthly limit. This can be completed once for three points.
Write a flashback thread with another muse taking place during their trainee days. The thread should consist of at least six posts (a starter and two replies from one side and three replies from the other). The six posts don’t have to be completed by the end of the task but the starter must be posted between the start and end date and points cannot be collected until the thread has reached the aforementioned post threshold. There is no word count minimum for each post, but they should be a length that allows for development. This can be completed once for three points.
Create an aesthetic and/or a playlist of what your muse wanted their idol concept or sound to be when they were a trainee. A brief explanation should be included to accompany these. A playlist should consist of at least seven tracks and an aesthetic should consist of at least six different images as usual. These do not count toward your monthly limits. This part of the task can be completed once each (one aesthetic and one playlist) for two points each for a total of up to four points.
A total of ten points is available for this task for each muse.
This task runs from 12AM EDT Monday, August 5, until 11:59PM EDT Sunday, August 18.
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fmdjaewonarchive · 5 years
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ONE SHOT – a  park jaewon playlist.
i. monster -  knight // ii. skydive - alien // iii. under cover - a.c.e // iv. killing me - ikon // v. miroh - stray kids // vi. move - sixc (produce x 101) // vii. hala hala - ateez // viii. nalina - block b // ix. shoot out - alien // x. queen - history
to say jaewon had feared for the worst with unity’s concept would be an understatement. with both senior boy groups under dimensions (especially alien) not having shied away from darker, grittier concepts in the past and rap heavy sounds, it felt like a long shot to hope for something in the similar vein for unity. not to mention that with 7rophy, their direct seniors still releasing their more bright, pop-y stuff around that time and the mainly younger lineup unity boasted, things weren’t looking good for jaewon, very well fearing something like an adore you 2.0. luckily for jaewon’s sanity, none of that was the case and while unity’s sound is a little more experimental than he had envisioned as a trainee, he genuinely enjoys the music they put out and the concept they showcase.
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fmddevin · 5 years
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                          𝐝𝐚𝐞𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐦; 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐨. ( # 2 )                                    ↪ ft. polar opposites, synchronized dancing, countless pranks.
if you asked trainee daein what he wanted to do, it would always revolve around dancing. it’s his number one love, and above anything else is where is passion lies. daein’s always wanted something out of the box, and longed to be apart of something experimental. above anything, he wanted to be in a dance-based duo, especially one that would be co-ed. he wanted a hip hop duo that challenged the company’s norms and was different than he was expected to be apart of. think jus2 but like...co-ed? especially since he was such an introvert back in the day, he’d like being in a more intimate group considering the lessened social interactions. while it’s likely the group would be more niche and less well received than impulse, he probably would’ve liked the lack of attention better anyways. 
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fmdjoosungarchive · 5 years
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【✧】━━━━━ ♥ c o n c e p t     a e s t h e t i c ♥ ━━━━━【✧】
grace /ɡrās/ noun. simple elegance or refinement of movement
imma be real with y’all, sung may have trained for eight years but the bih never sat down and was like hm what do i want to debut into. his taste in music is too eclectic for that, so we’ll save that for the playlist, but this is more of what he wanted from himself? he wanted to be graceful and well put together, to be inspired as much as he wanted to be a muse, to be kind and warm. and to sing. he still wants that. if it were up to him, he’d debut as a singer and dancer in a highly conceptualized girl group known for a wide variety of music and a complex group storyline
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jiminfmd-blog · 5 years
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❝ don’t be surprised, cupid shot him. ❞
jimin's ideal concept: innocent and pristine.
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 5 years
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fmdtask007 → desired debut concept.
he wanted something sweet and romantic with all the innocence of young love. by the time he debuted, he may have only experienced love once and had all the idealism of a newly-turned sixteen year-old, but he was excited by the prospect of singing about the high of it. he was tasked with being mysterious and brooding instead, a major shift from the hello 2.0 he’d been hoping for.
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durifmdarchived · 5 years
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    every time he had entered the cafeteria in bc entertainment, his stomach would simply just churn like no other. he wasn’t entirely sure what it was. the food was decent and healthy, to say the least. so, it really couldn’t have been that. however, it probably more so had something to do with all the people that were lingering around the cafeteria. usually, duri hadn’t been someone that was really nervous around people, always the friendly one, ready to kick up a conversation. but, for whatever reason, he choose to purposely sit by himself during whatever things may be. he felt a bit calmer, less anxious with that choice. it wasn’t something he had understood; but, it probably had something to do with the fact that he wasn’t the best when it came to change. it was simply just how it was for him and this was one of the bigger changes. yet, he was still excited because he was chasing his dreams
he had moved through the line, gathering up his food for that time, before going off. his dazzling eyes scan the cafeteria for somewhere, finding his way among a very empty table somewhere in the back. he placed the tray down, sitting down upon the chair. for the past month, this was just how it was, to say the least. the voice that filled the training hallways, yet a boy that simply kept to himself to ignore his racing heart.
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fmdhyejuarchive · 5 years
summary: “have you ever considered what you’ll do if you never end up debuting?” date: sometime early 2012 location: bc entertainment training room word count: 617 words ooc note: fmdtask007 // trainee moment; hyeju hears that she's debuting 
"have you ever considered what you'll do if you never end up debuting?"
hyeju finishes taking a sip from the water bottle in her hand before looking at her fellow trainee. the question takes her by surprise, and she takes a seat on the floor, leaning her head against the wall. she's been living the same repetitive life for over three years now, and it's only now come to her that she's never even considered where this trainee life would take her.
did she want to debut? maybe. did she have to? not really. but then what would she do if she didn't get to debut? forever wait for her chance? what if it never comes? what if one day, they decide they want nothing to do with her anymore? what will happen to her then? a simple question thrown out by some junior high girl had a million questions popping into her head.
she had never considered it. hyeju couldn't even explain why she was here. because she passed her audition? that would explain the first couple of months, sure, but it definitely doesn't explain why she decided to stay. realistically, she likes the fact that she has a place to stay, that she has food to eat and something to do with her days when she's back from school. but does she like all this? all the dancing, the singing and twenty other things they have her learning? the answer isn't no, but it's definitely not a yes either.
sometimes she thinks back to her life back home. she thinks about what would have happened if she decided to stay. perhaps there would have been no harm in staying ━ it's not like her parents cared about her anyway. but then, she knows she wouldn't have been able to stand it. the dinner parties, the balls, the stupid getaways that they tried to disguise as family vacations. more than anything, she couldn't bare to stand in the same house that hyesung had suffered in.
so then what would she do if she never made a debut lineup? how long did she think that she could survive living this trainee life? she realizes how late her answer is, but she can't seem to come up with one, simple answer to it. right now, it's probably "i don't know", but that's not the answer that she wants to give. hyeju takes this question as an opportunity to think about it all.
maybe she'll go back home. her parents wouldn't bat an eye ━ she'd be surprised if they even realized she'd been gone all these years. they're good at pretending. they'll probably make up some story about having sent hyeju to her aunt in america, how she went to study for high school, and then they would go back to ignoring her, pretending like nothing had ever happened for three years.
but hyeju also knows that she doesn't want to go back. she's about ready to answer the younger female's question. something along the lines of 'i'll probably pack up my bags, go look for another job and hope that i can make monthly rent anywhere'. that's when one of the company directors walks in. on instinct, the two of them stand up and bow. when hyeju's back is straightened, he's standing right in front of her.
"min hyeju, right? congrats. you're debuting."
the other trainee is as surprised as she is, a loud gasp leaving her lips. hyeju's not sure if she should be offended or not, but that's not her main concern at the moment. she takes another sip of her water bottle before looking right over at the other girl.
"guess i'll never know."
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fmdxyoungjoo · 5 years
For @fmdhyeju  Time Period: Around Jan 2009  Premise: Joo and Hyeju meet in that cafe that they frequent so often, even though they both don’t know each other are trainees.
Young-joo never intended to have stayed in the gold star practice rooms till she was locked inside them--she did stay in the practice rooms overnight intentionally, of course, but never unintentionally, like she did for today. Maybe it was just some strange work at hand, or just the irreversible fact that she was so tired from endlessly practicing the dance routine over and over again. Her bones ached, her muscles ached--even her skin ached (was that even possible..?) 
Joo gave a wide yawn, stumbling slightly down the path to the cafe that most of her friends went to for breaks from their regular practice. It was somewhat of a well known commodity amongst the gold star trainees, and ever the familiar but welcome sight to Joo’s tired eyes. 
“One coffee.”  She mumbled, placing her change on the counter with an ease that only spoke of over familiarity with the staff that were working in the cafe, shuffling her tired body over to the same spot where she’d always drink her coffee, or take short, minute naps during the various daylight hours during her breaks. “ Fancy seeing you here.” Joo barely manages to muster up a tired smile as she slids into her same seat, moaning quietly to herself as the warm coffee slid its way down her throat, her long lashes fluttering as they caught onto the familiar girl that she had befriended slowly over the course of her multiple visitations to the cafe. Hyeju, that was the girls name that she eventually learned. This had to be the fourth time they were meeting. Or was it the fifth? They’d already exchanged numbers with each other, and Joo never felt happier with her new found friend, whom she felt was more like a little sister to her half if not all of the time.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not wearing make up, I haven’t slept my full eight hours, and every piece of bone and muscle in my body is creaking like a failed machine. I look terrible.” Joo croaked as she sipped on her coffee.
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fmdminheearchive · 5 years
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hey,  bc  entertainment!  let  minhee  be  cute!  as  a  trainee,  minhee  wanted  to  debut  in  a  group  like  aria,  and  when  wish  debuted,  she  found  herself  wishing  she  hadn’t  been  chosen  for  lipstick.  cute  and  quirky  has  always  been  the  concept  she  enjoys  the  most,  a  natural  born  force  of  aegyo.  luckily,  bc  answered  her  prayer  with  lip  gloss  and  her  more  recent  solo  activities,  but  it  was  a  long  time  coming,  much  longer  than  trainee  minhee  ever  expected.  the  following  songs  are  all  bubbly  and  cute,  and  some  are  from  minhee’s  own  discography.  
cheer  up  -  wish.
my  copycat  -  lip  gloss.
jelly  -  minnie.
mr  chu  -  aria.
crush  on  you  -  leebada.
pow  pow  -  elris.
tt  -  wish.
a  girl  like  me  -  gugudan.
wow  -  aria.
rollin’  rollin’  -  pd48  love  potion.
dkdk  -  fromis_9.
mr  potter  -  dia.
semina  -  jam!
high  heels  -  7rophy.
i’m  jelly  baby  -  lip  gloss.
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oldfmddax · 5 years
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task 007: idol concept
when dax was training, he was still very young. a 14 year old’s ideal concept? bright colors, loud sounds, bass drops and quick beats. he idolized the music from the 80′s, the fun and fresh sound that took over and led to people getting up to dance. ballads were nice, r&b was nice, but a retro dance and beat heavy pop sound would have been the perfect thing for dax. knight has gone in a direction that goes along pretty well with what he wished the group would have. tracks like critical beauty, love me right, and power are songs that are right up dax’s alley when it comes to style. he likes that the group experiments with their sound, but the songs that stick to a modern yet retro pop sound will always be his favorite.
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fmdwooshik · 5 years
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BELIEVE IT OR NOT, WOOSHIK’S very happy with the sound that decipher has. they’ve done just about every style of music there is, and he’s enjoyed most of them. of course most of their songs are pretty vocal heavy, which adds to his enjoyment of them. as long as he gets to sing, he’s happy. as a trainee, he wanted bc to give them music and concepts that would be vocally intense and would challenge them, which they have and continue to do. that being said, there are some of his junior groups that he wishes decipher could snag a song or two from. 
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fmdruan · 5 years
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❝ it’s my sin to be wanted so much. ❞
june's ideal concept: effervescent and not yours.
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fmdyujinarchive · 5 years
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when someone mentioned idol groups, yujin immediately thought of fun and quirky. idols were meant to entertain, give joy to their listeners and watchers. she liked energetic music that she could sing and dance along to. those hook songs that people claimed to be bored of? she loved every single one of them. to her, music doesn’t always have to be deep or full of meaning. there’s nothing wrong with music that’s simply made for people to enjoy. that’s exactly the kind of music that she hoped to do when she debuted. songs that are bright and easy to sing along to.
roly poly // t-ara
juliet // decipher (shinee)
twinkle twinkle // girl’s day 
what is love // wish (twice)
mr. chu // aria (apink)
dumb dumb // fuse (red velvet)
hola hola // element (kard)
step // kara 
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fmdyonghee-blog · 5 years
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R E P L A Y,                       a geun yonghee playlist.
spoiler - decipher ||| dynamite - decipher ||| beautiful - decipher ||| stranger - decipher ||| evil - decipher ||| odd eye - decipher ||| an encore - decipher ||| shift - decipher ||| all day all night - decipher || the chaser - decipher ||| BTD - decipher ||| lady - golden child ||| treasure - ateez ||| promise - ateez ||| twilight - oneus ||| vvwith - nu’est ||| look ( a starlight night) - nu’est ||| lucid dream - the boyz ||| no air - the boyz ||| absolute - ab6ix 
it’s a known fact that yonghee is a avid fan of decipher. they were the ones that inspired him to become an idol and as such, their sound was something he was familiar with and enjoyed. although he knew they couldn’t copy their seniors, yonghee always hoped they’ve have a similar sound to the 11 years group. he always liked the experimental songs and hoped his group would also be a trendsetter when it concerns beats and melodies.
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fmdalyssia · 5 years
For @fmdhyeju Past Trainee Thread: Mid 2009-2010 
Being Alyssia was awkward. So awkward that she couldn’t even reconcile it with her own self--why had she even chosen to craft someone like this...? Right--it was because she had to stay. There was no choice that she had in that, unless she wanted to return home, and god help her she never wanted to return home. But even as awkward as everything was in being someone she was not, Da-hee was seeing the fruits of her labour come into fruition. 
People gradually moving towards her, gravitating towards her, taking more than just a passing glance without a care. For once--in her lifetime, she was being noticed. Perhaps not in the best way, but such results didn’t really matter to her anymore. It was proving successful in the first friend she ever made--Min Hyeju, another trainee that had approached her rather cluelessly but happily in an attempt to make friends.
Alyssia would never tell Hyeju this--but the first time that the other girl had came up to her and reached out that hand of friendship, her heart had nearly beat itself out of its chest. Her head had whipped over to her manager as she grasped Hyeju’s hand, so tightly as though she didn’t want to ever let it go, the largest smile on her face as she huffed out a laugh and brushed everything aside to take a step forth into the new prospects of her career with a friend in tow. 
The only thing that Alyssia would ever regret was--not having made friends with Hyeju much earlier. They were so similar in personality that it was almost creepy to even herself. Both of them were couch potatoes, disliked the taste of bitter coffee and craved sweet foods....all the time. Which was why she was standing in the practice rooms, with two big doughnut bags in hand and one chocolate and vanilla milkshake either hand respectively.
“I’m back~” She fluttered towards Hyeju in the practice room with a sing-song voice, smirking as she blew a kiss and handed the milkshake to her best friend with a slight cackle. “Chocolate milkshake, just the way you want it. I ran all the way back to make sure the ice didn’t melt too much.” The sound of the doughnut wrappers being torn filled the airconditioned practice room as she flopped onto the ground, crop top riding slightly over her stomach. Her teeth sank into the sugar glazed doughnut with a hum, and Alyssia propped a hand up behind her head as she glanced at a sweaty Hyeju with a slight grin. 
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