lunima · 6 years
tugs ezra in for a kiss >:w
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THE  BREATH  LEAVES  HER  LUNGS  AS  SHE  IS  SWEPT  INTO  HIS  ARMS,  silent laughter wracking her frame as Ryan’s lips descend to meet hers. She can’t resist meeting him half way. Standing on the tips of her toes to wrap her arms around his neck. He feels like home as she breathes him in, sighing contentedly as slender fingers sweep dark hair away from his face. When finally they part, a faint glow hangs around her person, gentle, steady and pale as the moon –– her unfettered joy made bright and real.
                                                       ‘I miss you even when you’re right beside me.’ 
leaning forward she nuzzles her nose against his in an eskimo kiss, sighing in contentment as her head comes to rest on his shoulder a moment later, holding him tight. pink cheeks ache from how hard she’s grinning. no matter how she tries to relax her features, it simply will not budge.
‘I love you.’
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peaceificarchived · 6 years
If I’m one of your favorite blogs send me “hey loser”
HIGHPITCHED SCREAMING. I’ve known you for such a long time, but tbh I’ll always be one of your #1 fans. Your writing is so exceptional and you’re such an incredible person, Jordy. I love you. I love Ryan. You’re a real gem.
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lyriumechoed-blog · 6 years
     "interested in combat training?” 
     he looks up from his reports- fingers stained in ink falling to his lap.  it’s not that it was necessarily a RARE thing for those to ask for his aid on the field, the commander being known for his prowess, but it still always threw cullen for a loop, a brow rising as he stares the man down with some consideration.  “whats brought this on?” 
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brannscr-blog · 7 years
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          ‘  yours is a precious fire ----  why must you hide it so?  ’
// @urulxce
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moonjeweled · 7 years
SHE  FIGURES  SHE  MIGHT  AS  WELL  ASK, weeks of  being an utter unapologetic creep it’s only right. He sits in the same window nearly every day she is there with the same order and the same expression on his face. Ezra is instantly ENAMORED with his dark curls and full lips and had whipped out her sketchbook almost at once and began to draw. She was required to fill half of it with life drawings, and where better to start than in a coffee shop. The girl WOULD get distracted by the more attractive person in the room though, thus defeating the purpose of the exercise. 
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❝ –––––– ––– –––  I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bother you. . . & this might be a little creepy and you can totally tell me to take a hike, but can I DRAW you? I’m required to do a few sketches for school, and I’d be lying I said you weren’t the most aesthetically pleasing person here.  .  . ❞  Svelte arms loosely clutch the tattered book before her, a shy smile spread across her lips like honey drizzles across ripe fruit. 
&. @urulxce
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peaceific-a · 7 years
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Noah had to admit - things had been odd with Ryan lately. Not between them, really, just ... with Ryan in general. Now he was aware of at least some of the ... mysterious things in his friend’s life, but it had never kept him from seeking him out. If anything at all? It had made him want to stay close and keep him company even more so.
A quiet hum, fingertips dancing down the man’s side, hopefully spreading warmth while caressing bare skin. Ryan was beautiful, still, but there was something more radiant about him than just his looks. It was his ... his soul, the fire burning inside (ha, that was a good one, everything considered - Noah wasn’t sure Ryan would currently appreciate the joke, though, so he would keep it to himself for now.)
Either way, Ryan was gorgeous inside and out. Friend or more - in the end it didn’t matter, really. They had always been good at comforting each other and offering a place for each other’s heads. Noah would gladly let  Ryan rest by his side, skin to skin, familiar hearts beating as one.
“... You comfortable?”
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waywardsignns-a · 7 years
@urulxce || Aubrey
“...How come it looks like it does?” the question fell from the child’s lips without thought, hunkered in close against Durion’s form as she took in the appearance of the home he had taken her to. Frowning just a touch, it wasn’t that she was scared of it per say... as the fact that it was new territory for the small child. She was entirely unwilling to stray too far from him at this point, even if her expression screamed of the curiosity that made her want to draw forward and explore her new surroundings. 
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silverwilled · 7 years
shake  of  head.      ❛   actually,   no.      i  didn’t  find  much.   ❜      he  still  spent  a  few  hours  in  the  institute  library,      poring  over  some  books  that  may  have  contained  the  information  the   WARLOCK   seeks.      however,   nothing   more  than  already  common  knowledge  was  found. 
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❛   i  could  tell  you  more  about  dragonidae   &   vetis  demons  than  anything  on   mythical   dragons.   ❜      //   @urulxce
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elegiaced · 7 years
@urulxce / / 
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                                         👻 —- —- red . there is so much of it . staining his clothes & dripping down his cheek . he is faded and he looks DRAINED . so tired with fighting against the world he looks ready to simply give up . ( so would you if you died every week ) . uninvited & unannounced in a stranger's room . . . everywhere he touches leaves a handprint of blood ( as temporary as the boy who left it ) . ❜ can you help me ? ❛ he whispered , voice strained and stripped of life .
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archeir-a-blog · 7 years
For every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I will mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user.
Note: These are in no specific order.
@electrumbeaute Okay so I know you aren’t around much anymore but I love you to bits. We’ve written different things on different platforms and everything we’ve started or had the opportunity to develop has been amazing and I’ve cherished every single little thing. We clicked from the start and you were the first person to wholeheartedly welcome me into this fandom. In spite of all the negativity surrounding it and existing within, you showed me the positive side to it. You were the light that existed within it. And truly, from the bottom of my heart I love you for that and I love just you overall. The chances of you seeing this any time soon isn’t very likely. I’ll tell you about it next time you pop in but just know that no matter if you’re here or not, you’ll always be cherished by me. You’re such an amazing person and the kindest I’ve ever really known? I can talk to you and feel so comfortable. I miss you a lot but I’m glad you’re happy where you are and I’m glad you still come around and grace me with a message whenever you can.
@omamoribane Zelda is amazing. I’m not the only one who thinks so either because the birds have flocked to her and showed her crazy amounts of love (which I feel she is entirely deserving of). Listen, I love her Magnus and I’ve gotten to know her pretty well ooc. We click really well. She gets me, she gets what it’s like to be a part of this fandom. We share a lot of the same views on it and relate really well and I just love that I can rant to her about so much and she gets it because she feels the same way. As a writer, she’s insanely talented? I actually was intimidated by the first starter she ever posted for me. I didn’t want to disappoint her because I felt like she captured Magnus’s voice and mannerisms so well and I wanted to be on that same level with her as Alec. I don’t know if I succeeded but even now I still try. I look forward to everything she writes or we write (there’s a reason we have multiple threads open right now). Her writing incites so much feeling and emotion inside me and it’s very easy to get into and reply. I love seeing her on my dash. She’s kind, and sweet and honest and very truthful. She understands Magnus in a way that goes beyond the show, she delves deeper, and really brings light and depth to his character. I appreciate it so much because I also feel like through her writing, I have a better understanding of Magnus and who he his, how he thinks, where he comes from. She really pushes the bar and makes everything so fleshed out and believable. There’s always new layers to be explored. I’d def recommend for Magnus lovers.
@harlykinns Okay but I love everything about this Harley. From the headcanons, to the actual in character writing and journey, to her endless fantastic verses. And the mun omg, this mun is incredible. So awesome, so nice, so bursting with skill? I can never get enough of her on my dash. And I don’t think I ever will. I’m super honored that I get to write with her and delve into another fandom that I may not know my way around completely but it doesn’t seem to matter with her. She’s super accepting and exceptional at what she does. I also like that despite how Harley is portrayed in some verses and versions, she sticks to what she feels is right and does justice for the character and I actually love what she does with Harley as opposed to anything else I’ve seen? Like the love and belief she has in herself and in her portrayal is something I aspire for myself. I keep saying this but I cannot get enough of this blog or mun. I tell her this in IMs so she knows I mean it and I get excited whenever I see her around. It’s like a cool, nice surprise every time she comes back and busts out all these amazing replies and I’m sitting here like how??? do?? you?? do??? this??? Teach me okay, just teach me. FRICK
@urulxce If you thought I wasn’t gonna talk about you, lemme tell you friend you were DEAD ASS wrong. How can I resist an opportunity to embarrass and expose myself as a weirdo fangirl who stalks you on the dash? I mean, I hope nothing I say scares you off from one day granting me the honor of roleplaying with your son. If it does, I take it back. (No, not really tho because you need to hear it.) I mean for starters you’re just a positive human being, even if you’re having a bad day (and I’m sorry when that happens to you bc you’re great and deserve more ok) you still go out of your way to make others feel loved and appreciated. You did that to me when you sent me that sweet message and this whole time I’m still flabbergasted you even acknowledge my presence or think so? when I look at you and see how marvelous you are IC and to your followers. Your writing is magnificent. The inner monologue is always so interesting and in depth and ofc I love it. The fact you conjured up and created this amazing character out of thin air (which I wouldn’t even know was completely original bc thats how crazy good the bio, background and headcanons/meta are) is mindboggling?? How in the world did you do that?? Are there tips you can share with the class? Because truly, I am interested to know. I challenge anyone to read Ry’s bio and try and tell me its not a character that already belongs or exists in film? Its too real. Reading the meta I sent you the other day I kept thinking like how do you come up with this stuff? And all on your own too? I could try to do the same but I wouldn’t even come close. When you write a book one day (who knows maybe you already have? I’d believe it), all I ask is that you don’t forget about us little people (like me) because you bet I’m gonna hit you up for an autograph. And Idk maybe writing books isnt what you wanna do but if it is, you’ll be phenomenal at it and I could see a series being born out of the fantasy world you created. GO BIG DARLING. You have what it takes and more. I mean I may not be a publisher but I know good shit when I see it and yours is goooooood shit. Fantastic shit. (The good kinda shit, obvs.)
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oinaztargi-blog · 7 years
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    ❛ you — have a familiar scent about you.  you aren’t human  ,  are you  ? ❜
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natussaevire · 7 years
continued from | x | @urulxce
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     his eyes BURNED with innate fury, an inferno that rose unchecked in peridae’s absence. the tension between the two seemed to at last reach breaking point.  ‘ NOT going to happen. ’  the air crackled and sparked as demonic energy seeped forth. diplomacy was never the half-demon’s strong suit, but he was willing to give it a SHOT, as the alternative would lead to more problems for peridae. so he reined himself back in.  ‘ don’t do this, dûrion. ----- fighting amongst ourselves only benefits the ENEMY.   ’
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skulltie-a · 7 years
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        FALLS  ON  DEAF  EARS  ,   since  jim  has  long  since  looked  upon  the  flock  and  realized  he  was  not  one  of  them  ,  though  the  conviction  certainly  does  bring  a  smile  to  his  face  ,  and  sheep  don't  have  teeth  like  that  .      ❛      DOES  THAT  MAKE  US  LIONS   ?      ❜      MAYBE  NOT  .  something  screams  animal  ,  but  it's  an  obscure  noise  surrounding  the  other  man  .  a  little  more  wild  .  and  that's  coming  from  jim  .      ❛      I  DUNNO  THAT  I  LIKE  THE    .          sound  of  that  either  .  simba  always  seemed  like  too  much  of   a  whiny  baby  to  me  .        ❜          @urulxce
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altarbled-blog · 7 years
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OH GIRL IN THE          moons very image- girl with a beast of a heart- with ravenous teeth and a gaping gullet and an insatiable appetite for everything fragile. her eyes are dark pits in her face- swallowing the light in one foul sweep. alina looks at him and her mouth is such a hard thing- it is as though it has never known the taste of softness and as though she may never.  ❛     if you wanted softness- if you wanted a girl with a peach for a heart you have come to the wrong place.    ❜
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abhorrors-a · 7 years
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she gave wicked grin with unpredictable undertones. there wasn't much room for genuity anymore. ❝ y'look like you're up t'no good. --- lookin' for a partner in crime? ❞    @urulxce / starter call.
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waywardsignns-a · 7 years
@urulxce || Raoul
“You know, having a drink with somebody else is always better than having a drink alone,” Raoul mused as he slid into the open seat beside the man. It wasn’t all that often that somebody catches his interest as this one did... and he would be damned if he didn’t try to talk with him at the very least. Looking to the dark haired man, Raoul had a somewhat crooked yet charming smile on his lips, his fingers drumming against the bar top twice in quick succession before he rested one on top of the other. 
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