olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Hearing the other woman approach, she snapped her head up to take her in. Letting out a light laugh, she sat back in her chair and winked, “That distinction solely depends on the situation, though I’d venture its worst most of the time. Besides, we need to split sometimes, or the bosses will get too suspicious.” The levity in her voice was a defence mechanism, a way to mask the fact that the reason for their meeting still made her want to puke. Dirty was the perfect way to describe her position, as it still was how she felt. She supposed it was a good sign, that this had not fully morally corrupted her. It was stomach it, or be disposed of, and she knew that. Her only saving grace in certain situations was knowing she was not the only one. “Anyone specifically you want to know about? We could be here awhile if I had to rattle off all hunches.”
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Dilan furrowed her brow when she found Olivia on her own. “Funny to find you without your ——” the woman paused to think of her words. “What do you consider her — your best or worst part?” The woman said with a lift of her lips. Partners in crime more, less figuratively and more literally nowadays with their various affiliations. Wincing slightly at the whine of metal against the concrete floor, the woman pulled on the chair and took a seat next to the dirty officer. “I was hoping to gain a bit of information on what our fellow men in blue are doing.” It was a normal occurrence for her to find the women and ask if anyone had her or her associates on a radar before a job. They would be able to tell her who was under surveillance and couldn’t be sent out to do what she needed them to. As well as if anyone had decided to attempt to infiltrate their organization like they had so many fucking times in the past. 
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Attending clubs wasn’t normally where one would catch Dante Luciano. Normally, at this time, he would be in his home sitting in his nook, reading a heavy book or researching information for a case. However, it had been too long since his blood thirst had been quenched and Dante was beginning to go through a twisted withdrawal because of it. Las Vegas tourists go missing all the time with news outlets never reporting on it as it was such a frequent occurrence. Standing by the bar, Dante sipped on an expensive glass of Bourbon peacefully until he heard a voice directed to him. Looking down at the woman, Dante gave a small shrug, wiggling the glass her way. “Bourbon,” he answered curtly. “Seems to be the only thing that’ll do it nowadays at my age.”
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“Dante Luciano, in the flesh!” she exclaimed before catching the bartender’s attention. As she waited for her drink to be made, she cast her attention back onto the district attorney. “Now you know the ground rules, right? One shot for every mention of a current case.” They both came here to get away from work after all, and she never understood people who wanted to chat about work while drinking anyway. Grinning brightly as her glass was placed in front of her, she raised it to the man next to her in cheers before taking a long sip. “Can’t say I’m a bourbon girl, more of a Jameson or Bushmills and ginger type. Maybe one day I’ll get to your level, especially in my line of work.”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Rounding up the shot glasses he had purchased for the few officers he decided to have a night out on the town with, Ethan smirked down at Olivia, lightly shaking his head. He knew her a little too well to know, just by hearing her voice, she was pretty tipsy. “I got shots for everyone,” the man informed her, beckoning for her to follow him to their table. Handing out the small glasses to each person, Ethan rose his glass in the air, saying a brief toast to the Blue Line family; he gulped the drink as if it was nothing. Slamming the glass down onto the table, Ethan let out a breath and let out a sound of appreciation. “Up for another?” he asked his ex-girlfriend.
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Olivia thanked her summers in Ireland for her drinking tolerance, and her ability to be mostly composed when drinking. Still, the man in front of her knew well enough to see through her. Following his lead, she tossed the drink back, weirdly enjoying the feeling in her throat. Despite being around her ex, her department was definitely her preferred choice of drinking companions. “Ethan Parker, you know me better than to ask me that question, no matter how much I’ve had to drink,” she teased with a laugh. Their relationship was strange now, there was no denying it, but at least they did not hate each other, and could still have some fun from time to time. “I do believe this rounds on me, if I’m remembering correctly.”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Charlie had ventured off to the bar, needing more alcohol coursing through her veins after the week she had. It was astonishing how much shit she was taking from the mob; but she knew eventually it would all be worth it once she got the information she wanted. Ordering a shot of tequila with a Sprite chaser, she ordered another one for her partner in crime, and in life - her best friend. It wasn’t uncommon for Charlie to lose her in a bar/club, but Olivia eventually found her way to her. When Charlie finally heard Olivia next to her, the woman pushed the shot of tequila toward her best friend. “Same thing you’re having bitch, bottoms up.”
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“I need to keep you on a leash, you asshole,” Olivia chided with an exaggerated yet playful eye roll. “You know how many creeps are in one space?” Laughing off any idea what she was serious, her focus narrowed in on the glasses being placed in front of her. Smirk sliding into place, she picked up the shot glass. “Sláinte! Or I should probably know the Spanish but whatever,” she exclaimed before downing the liquid, grabbing almost instantaneously for the lime that should accompany it. Shaking her head as it went down, she let out a laugh. “I’m gonna need at least three more of those.”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Rebekah’s reasons for being at the club was solely based on trying to get information on the whereabouts of her best friend. Ever since they were younger, they had a weird connection where they were able to know what the other was feeling, even when they were no where near each other. Her heart told her Natasha was either in the club or somewhere near it. Looking around, analyzing each face passing by her, Rebekah hadn’t realized someone was talking to her until the bartender tapped the counter in front of her. “Huh?” Her gaze pulled away from the crowd, Rebekah looked to the woman next to her. “Oh, um … it’s a Cranberry Vodka but you really don’t have to.”
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A grin slid across her lips as she help back the laugh caused by the other woman snapping to attention. “No worries, you can get the next round. That is, if I haven’t located by friend by then. But knowing her, that may have to be the deal,” Olivia replied with a good natured nudge. “Besides, as that friend is my usual drinking buddy, I’m in need of a conversation parter. And this guy already knows too much,” she exclaimed while playfully wiggling her finger at the bartender. “Two vodka cranberries, bud.” Turning her full attention back to the woman, she leaned casually onto the bar. “Name’s Olivia, by the way.”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
The bar scene wasn’t hers to take up. Samara didn’t drink, in fact, she had never had an alcoholic drink in her life. The woman was a firm believer to never put something into her body which could alter her mind from rational thoughts; in her line of work, it was too high of a risk. However, whenever Samara was meeting up with a client and the bar was their known hang out spot. Keeping her icy blue eyes to the crowd, she heard a question directed to her. Shaking her head to the woman, Samara had to do a double take; the face belonging to the voice was beautiful. “I actually don’t drink,” Samara informed her. “I’m looking for someone too.”
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“See, I should probably be more like that,” Olivia laughed, motioning to the bartender she wanted to order. “Not that I’m an alcoholic or anything,” she added quickly, “Just kinda comes with the territory of my job.” Quickly giving her order, she turned back to focus on the woman she was speaking to. She knew Vegas was full of beautiful woman, but damn. This town was not easy for someone like Olivia, but it did make her nights out rather interesting. “Let’s hope the person you’re looking for is less elusive than my friend, or you’re going to be waiting a while.” 
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Rafe wasn’t big on trusting people and he was even less likely to trust someone that was a cop. He had a bad track record with them and the last thing he wanted to think about was how he put a gun to the head of one of them —– one that had actually meant something to the young soldier he was back then. “Many would argue it’s not a pleasure at all,” Rafe countered, raising his eyebrows. He was good at avoiding and he was good at making sure he only said what he wanted to say, leaving no room for anything to slip out when it shouldn’t. Rafe looked Evelyn over once, raising his hand as she slid the shot glass over to him. “I don’t drink on the job,” and he was always on the job. Alcohol could change people and he had been on the receiving end of his father’s changed behavior. 
“Slow day at the office?” He didn’t make it a secret that he didn’t trust someone, not to their faces. Unless of course, that someone was Dante. That was a whole different issue. 
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Olivia knew how few people trusted her, her badge practically acting as a repellent. If her were her choice, she would have half of them sitting in jail cells by now, but she had been the stupid one. She had allowed her emotions to get the better of her, and had let herself get seen by the wrong person. There was no end to her sentence, not that she could think of anyway, so she might as well just grit her teeth and get on with it. There was nothing that said she had to like them, but she would at least be cordial with them. "Right, more for me when we're finished here, then," she replied, sliding the shot back in front of her. 
"This is Vegas, sweets. There's no such thing as a slow day at the office," she said with a dry laugh. "Now, let's get to business, shall we? I know neither of us are too fond of small talk."
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Her fingers lightly tapped against the keyboard, her eyes following along with each individual letter showing on the screen. Writing reports was her least favorite part of being a detective, but it came with the job. Without the reports, the trials to put away the murders would be pointless. Plus, Charlie grew tired of being chewed out by not only her lieutenant, but the District Attorney for the reports not being complete. Hitting the backspace, Charlie attacked it a few more times growing impatient with its malfunction. Hearing the soft sigh from her partner attracted her attention. “What’s another way to say the criminal was an asshole?” Charlie asked, sitting back in her seat. “Once I finish this report, you can buy me however many drinks you please.”
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Olivia knew first hand how tedious investigation reports could be, despite their importance. It was that importance that made them so stressful, with one missed detail possibly leading to a mistrial because of of mishandling of evidence. Peering around at the screen, she chewed the inside of her cheek for a second before shrugging her shoulders. "I usually go with 'hostile behaviour' or 'uncooperative', but neither of them really give the full effect of meaning behind them,” she replied, accompanied by a slightly over-dramatic sigh before pulling out her phone to pass the time as she waited. "And who said I was buying your drinks? Last I checked, you still owe me at least two rounds."
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
imessage to: unsaved contact
Liam: This is Dragon
Liam: Password, detective.
Olivia: With you to the end of the line.
Olivia: Everything good?
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
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Minka and her pup 😍😍😍
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
Open Starter
“Excuse me, have you seen an angry brunette charge through here? About my height, answers to Charlie?” This was not the first time she had lost her in a club, and would undoubtedly not be the last. She always made an attempt to find her at the beginning and if she did not resurface in a few hours, but for now, she was not too worried. It was not like Charlie could not handle herself, anyway. Resolving herself to at least start the process of getting drunk, she made her way to the bar and flashed a smile at the bartender and person next to her. “Alright, what are we drinking tonight?”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
starter for @mcntoya
Fitting in to the crowd she was in had alway been a strength for Evelyn, luckily enough for someone in her situation. It had been harder when she was first pulled in, disgusted by the very people who she was supposed to be helping. But as time went on, she was able to push past that and even start to see some of them as the person underneath the criminal. That was when she knew she was nearing the point of no return, and she needed to watch just how deep she went. This hesitation, however, could also mean her life in the wrong situation. And so, she took great care when in the company of people like Rafael Montoya, the ones who were much harder to fool than others.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure today?” she said casually, sliding a shot over to the man who walked up beside her.
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
closed starter for @cchcrliie
Vegas’s finest, my ass. Walking through the precinct, Evelyn had to force herself not to roll her eyes overhearing some of her colleagues as she made her way to her destination. She really wondered how some of the people in her department even made it out of the police academy. They did have some of the best minds in criminal justice, and Ev made sure they were who she associated with, at least for the most part. Collapsing with huff on another other detective’s desk, she let out a dramatic sigh, “I don’t know about you, but I need a goddamn drink. Or five. You in?”
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
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she used to be mine // sara bareilles
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
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Michael Trevino and Jeanine Mason as Kyle Valenti and Liz Ortecho in The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico teaser trailer. 
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olivia--sullivan · 5 years
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