oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“Yeah. Nothing’s gonna change...” She murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear before moving on from the subject. She was just going to miss him. “Deep down, I know you’re right but if I give myself any slack, that’s when I’ll mess up bad. I have to remain a workaholic.” Olivia smiled, hoping to show that she was just fine. “I’m sure you’re gonna do fine. Let me know if you need help with paperwork or whatever, really. I have your back.”
“Well there you go, nothing is going to change anytime soon.” Riley offered Olivia a smile and a nod. It didn’t take a lot to know that the two were close with one another, so she knew that they were going to remain the same way. “I’m the same way so I understand. But being here has made me realize that sometimes there’s no way to do that.” A small frown working its way across her face. “It’s definitely been a challenge, but I feel like I’m starting to settle in. Ask me again though once shit really starts to hit the fan.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“We wrote before he got here and we’re still gonna write now... I know they’re only so much we can do but I’m determined to do more. I wanna catch them before something bad happens. How’s the whole head guard ordeal going for you?”
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“Knowing how close the two of you are, I’m sure that he’s going to. It wouldn’t make sense for him not to you know know? No one is going to have your head. There’s only so much we can do here. As cheesy as it sounds, you’ve just got to do your best. Let these villains no that you mean fucking business.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“Yeah, he’s way better off but I’m not. He’s my other half. I’m going to forget my left foot without him so I’m hoping he’s going to write. Getting back to work regardless. More injuries and everyone’s going to have my head. Including my mentors.”
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“Oh yeah, I heard that he had left a little bit ago. That’s awesome that he’s back there doing his shit, and I’m sure that he loved that you came with him. Oh, don’t worry about here. This place is always insane, never quiet.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“I’ve been alright. I left to London so I could see Roland off. He’s got a big lead surgeon position there. It was nice to see him so happy but I feel like I’ve missed plenty.”
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“No, you’d never do something like that. Obviously it was because you were studying. I’ve been well. What about you? I feel like I haven’t seen you around in a while.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“Certainly not because I found it lying there on the floor and just had to try it on. That would ridiculous and careless while I’m on the job... Anyway, how have you been, Riley?”
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“It’s all about the clip, yes. Wonderful findings. I totally believe you, why else would you be putting on a veil if not for scientific research?”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“It’s the clip. The clip is what keeps it... In my hair. Mystery solved. You’re right, it was totally successful. Nod your head and pretend you believe me.”
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“Scientific business. Totally. So, what were your findings then? Because to me, it looks like it was a successful study.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“Oh, I--- I was just trying it on to observe how it worked. Scientific business.”
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“You know, that veil really suits you.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
-Silent Starter-
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“That was a bit quirky, wasn’t it? I apologize, I’m a human dictionary.” She tried to smile over at him but it only sort of came out that way. She couldn’t help it, she felt strange sometimes. “It’s what I do to save people. If it saves just one person then it’s all worth it.”
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“Well…. alright then… I guess innocent works for me…” Reid stated slowly with a little bit of a shrug because he still didn’t see it but he saw it how she did which was an interesting view. “So you want to stay at what you’re at for the rest of your life? You can’t hold yourself to a standard of perfection.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
[ a tiny rose was taped to her door with a note attached || xo -Ratigan ]
“...Dirty rotten scoundrel.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
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“Innocent: not guilty of a crime or offense or without experience or knowledge of. People don’t understand you so you provoke them. But not purposely. You just want to help people, thus you lack the experience of someone that has seen the bad in everyone. Innocent is an interesting but good word for you.” She knew it wasn’t what most people thought of but that’s how she had used it. “I don’t have time to make mistakes. Mistakes can mean someone is hurt or worse, killed. There is no room for growth anymore.”
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“But being not a bad person is very little in the whole big picture. Innocent though? Really?” He had to admit he was dumbfounded by that. “You don’t. you let yourself get hurt and rebuild to make yourself stronger. You can’t grow without making mistakes.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
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“I think I could figure you out no problem. Just from what you’ve told me I know you’re not a bad person. You’re just--- innocent in a way.” That little smirk he had just made her laugh a little more. “That’s how things work in my world. It’s not pleasant but it’s my life. How I protect myself.”
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“Pretty much hence why I provoke people. People get irritated when they can’t figure out something.Or in my case someone.” He stated with a smirk laughing all the while. “You’re human, you can’t be unfeeling all the time. That’s not how things work. Is can’t be very pleasant either.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
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“You are a contradiction at every turn, Reid,” She teased, smiling back at him. “But I can’t appear to have emotions and feelings. I need to be logical and all knowing... Most of time, I succeed in that. As much as I can at least.”
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“A smart ass that likes to provoke people and avoid conflict. It works somehow for me.” He shrugged smirking at her. “Irrational shows you have emotions and feelings. Not everyone stops and thinks. It’s not a bad thing.”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
“I think I’d be happy no matter where I am. Women are confined in my time but the men in my life don’t put me down like others try to. They treat me just as they would any boy and I appreciate it.” Admittedly, she thought about staying in a more modern era but truth be told, she valued her friendships more than she valued other things. “Most men, yes. I think that’s why I don’t exactly do relationships. I don’t play well with others anyway.” Though she was glad that she ran into someone like Tristan. It was rather refreshing for her. “Needles? Hardly! Fencing is a complex and competitive sport!” She laughed, testing the weight of her weapon a little longer. “I’ll stick it out. I actually really like this sword.” She gave him a smile of a reassurance and nodded carefully. “Mrs. Judson, Basil’s maid brings plenty of sweets but I’m never allowed to have any until I finish my lessons for the day. He works with me when we have a case... Sort of drops everything in a way. We live together back home but he works in the infirmary here so we have our own rooms.”
“Would you rather stay in this era then, where women are more accepted or go back home?” It was an interesting question to ask, though Tristan thought it was necessary. The girl could have went back to the era of confinement – trapped under the views of men rather than being free. “I wish so too, but most men only care for sex and destroying girls – that is all they know to do.” There were only a select few who were truly good and not even that was enough. “Fencing? With those little needles? Now I can see the issue, those are very easy to handle, extremely light weighted. Do you want a lighter sword or can you stick it out?” He asked, hoping the answer would be the latter. “No cake? That sounds like torture, how could he not have sweets. And medical profession? Extremely useful. Does he have to work at a hospital or does he help you?”
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oliviaflxversham · 8 years
Four Word . Prompts
“Please, come with me.”
“You’re always number one.”
“I can’t do this.”
“I won’t let you.”
“Maybe I’m just crazy.”
“I’m not even sorry.”
“Honestly, just stop it.”
“I believe in you.”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“Who were you with?”
“Please talk to me.”
“I can’t trust you.”
“I need you, though.”
“Don’t be fucking rude.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“So, it was you.”
“I need to go.”
“Just stay with me.”
“You can trust me.”
“Alright, I love you.”
“I’m sorry, but no.”
“Will you help me?”
“You’re a terrible cook.”
“Can you shut up!?”
“You love me, right?”
“I really need you.”
“I don’t love you.”
“I’m not doing this.”
“I really need you.”
“You don’t want me.”
“Let me help you.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
“I can’t do this.”
“You think you’re funny?”
“Hey, I said stop!”
“Will you marry me?”
“Wanna go out sometime?”
“I don’t want this.”
“You always this quiet?”
“Are you fucking insane!?”
“I don’t want you.”
“I’m not wearing that.”
“Sorry, were you sleeping?”
“This was never right.”
“You look really tired.”
“I’m out of here.”
“You need to go.”
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