eslweasel · 2 years
The Frogman Gets Ready
“Attack! We are under attack!” In less than a second, thousands of thoughts spurred in mind, Like an ocean, drowning me with fear and dread, But I was a trained for this – Plunge!
Am I ready to take the risks? I remember my life – my wife and my children Whom I am supposed to see soon Am I really ready to lose sight of the shore?
This was supposed to be better, No more tours means lesser risks, But not now or ever, I have found the Pacific to my Atlantic of woes.
My heart beats faster and in 1, 2, and 3 – Breathe! I realize – semper fortis – the water should be my domain And so Seals say, and they were right, “The only easy day was yesterday.”
Not over 2 miles from us
That safe haven was no more Fire starts swallowing the building Its heat reaches us, sapping our strength That was a call and it has to be answered But whether that call was for us or not I was ready; we better be ready, Now swim!
(taken from my freshman year monologues; no edits; as is)
(About tonight) 
We were having dinner over at casa mordeno (as post-confirmation celebration for the unang apo)... and we had 13 hours played on the TV. I was reminded that I did write a monologue with this in mind... 
Tyrone “Rone” Woods was an ex-Navy Seal who was contracted by the CIA to work as a part of the Global Response Staff (GRS) that was sent to the CIA Annex in Benghazi, Libya in the 2012. In September 11, 2012, militants attacked the Consulate in Benghazi which housed the US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. Upon knowing this, Tyrone Woods volunteered to go to the Consulate and rescue the people trapped inside (which was at first against the orders of the “Chief”). By his strong motivation and desire to help, the other GRS members volunteered as well, even if their only job was to protect the CIA Annex and its agents.
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eslweasel · 2 years
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“Seventy years is a long time—in 1952, television was just beginning, a woman was not remotely considered Prime Minister material, Jack Kennedy was a skinny young congressman, and the Beatles were still boys.” (Adam Gopnik, 2022) 
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eslweasel · 3 years
You, a cheat.
No, you don’t borrow words, phrases, and paragraphs
From another’s mind and mouth.
I, having no words,
Gibberish, and a bow used on a guitar,
Wallow in Sigur Ros,
I cry, beauty and lies, all same.
I lose myself.
First times are the hardest.
And it hasn’t been a year. 
How long will I be able to take it all? 
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eslweasel · 3 years
when we drove home (or to some place to eat) from faraway
Isn’t the moon beautiful tonight?
My mother disagrees, “It looks full, but it’s waning.”
I looked again, and
So a part of me, I decide, should forget how some six years ago
I would slowly walk back up to where I kept shelter
There was a certain height in the road
When you look up, the trees are so shy they have space
To circle your vision
And in the center, I always saw a waxing moon.
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eslweasel · 3 years
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in your dr e a m s turned 6 today!
(it’s been six years...still senti...still feeling seventeen)
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eslweasel · 3 years
Through a screen, and through cheap earphones
One was walking by the sidewalk -- it's a busy end of week Phone, on one hand, she says she can't turn on her cam The hubbub of the market audible Questions were clear and curiosity on the case was palpable The rest of us were dying to eat dinner and watch the Olympics? It was already 8:30 PM by the way
Another was nursing her child, though she volunteered to deliver her report first Apologizing for the delay and asking for a few more minutes to soothe her daughter, not wanting to be in the dad's company on a Saturday morning
Another pulled over on the highway To drop some thirty-minute presentation that only half of the audience listened to Good, she had a lot of battery left.
Another apologized she can't quite make it She came out of the clinic A therapy session for her sciatica she reports To which the doc says she doesn't need to walk to speak -- oops wrong move.
But I guess no one can beat that one When the class had to end on time because we were using her premium Zoom account She still has a client to meet by 12:30 pm.
That's still Friday and Saturday for you. I have a 9 to 5 on a Sunday.
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eslweasel · 3 years
And you met my eyes
And the way your eyes grew wide
And when your mouth was just about to break into a smile
And I stop you there
And I raise my brows and nod
And I look side ways-- you too
And as if to say we are okay
And we were both in black
And it was red day after all
And we knew there was not much left to say
And it was just a little less than 30 seconds
And we walked past each other
And we dared not look back
And we were so far -- barely even touched
And we felt our minds grew close
And we went on crossing
It was my favorite hallway
And I was your secret.
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eslweasel · 3 years
To the girl
Who always ran 
When night was slowly embracing 
Her side of the earth,
Look up,
You are moon,
Light has come.
Light was always 
Already, here.
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eslweasel · 3 years
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Haven’t touched watercolors in years. But still sort of a samurai x fan. 
P.S. Have you seen the last two films?
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eslweasel · 3 years
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I know I’m not the only one who is wishing for a 2nd season of our hardworking aunties and uncles together with the kids...
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eslweasel · 3 years
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The pairing we thought we never needed
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eslweasel · 4 years
fish out of water
It will feel like snow Held for the first time, a knife so Pretty to the eyes. Ice first cuts open the flesh; Your blood’s warmth soon comes after.
Child of the tropics You who have known sun and rain A cloud of snow will Fool your mind into thinking You are fire meant for cold.
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eslweasel · 4 years
Goodbye, Basket Boy
Goodbye basket boy To those times we've been so coy But had our own ploy Tomorrow I'll bid no more This girl's heart is now ashore
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eslweasel · 4 years
Preview of the Id, Ego, and Superego as romantic partners
I’ve always enjoyed the original casting for the Korean variety show Master in the House (Jipsabu). The casting was lit—strong and well thought (and well delivered) roles for each of the cast members. More than the comical characters they portray (e.g. Seung Gi as the overachieving Special Forces soldier or Sang Yun as the brainy one), I’d like to think that each member of the cast portrayed a character that amplified one element of personality (in a Freudian sense). Yes, I’m talking about the id, the ego, and the superego.
To illustrate this dynamic, allow me to refer to the 83rd episode of Jipsabu with their masters Noh Sa Yeon and Lee Mu Song. They were eating lunch as they talked about this question: Would it be okay for you if your girlfriend went to have drinks with her friend of the opposite sex?
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Sang Yun and Se Hyeong seem to be more like the id. They either frowned at the idea, or allowed it but with certain conditions. As in Freud’s conceptualization of the id, Sang Yun and Se Hyeong portrayed the thought process which operated on the basis of the pleasure principle: You do what I want…And only what I want.
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Sung Jae seems to be a bit like the superego. He goes on like, “If I have a girlfriend, I do not have to meet my female friends….I would drop her off and pick her up instead.” In true superego fashion, this line of thinking places the other—the romantic partner at the center. Subsequently, this thought process focuses on what he shouldn’t do (as dictated by conscience) and what he should do (as given out by the ego-ideal) as a “boyfriend”. To drive this point home, the superego operates on this: I will do what you want me to do.
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Seung Gi seems to be more like the ego. He thinks Sung Jae’s stance will only cause more problems and says, “My girlfriend can eat or drink with her friends of the opposite sex.” Similar to the ego which mediates between reality and the demands of the id, Seung Gi’s take on the issue (a non-issue for him tbh!) reflects the kind of acceptance and trust that are foundational in any relationship, romantic or not. Accepting the fact that interacting with other people is inevitable, and trusting the other person enough to let them do things that they want to do. The ego in this situation screams out: Sure, go ahead. Do what you want to do.
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As you can see, each of the cast embodies a part of our personalities – that’s why they are all so relatable. We can’t choose one cast member over the other because we are all a little bit of the roles they play. We can empathize with Sang Yun and Se Hyeong’s need for control. We can fall head over heels for Sung Jae’s naivety. And we are all finally won over by Seung Gi’s hard-to-swallow pill of reality.
P.S. You should really watch Jipsabu especially their first two seasons!
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eslweasel · 4 years
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Melody, hang in there. We’re more than halfway there. 4/7.
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eslweasel · 4 years
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One with Clay.
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eslweasel · 4 years
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