oliviagoodhealth · 10 days
Social Media Addiction: Recognizing the Signs and Taking Action
As of April 2024, over 62% of the world’s population uses social media, representing nearly an 80% increase since 2017. This means that social media in today’s digital age is incredibly prevalent, and there’s no stopping its growth.
In fact, the average person spends 2 hours and 20 minutes per day on social media. Given the increase in global social media usage and the increase per day, it’s important to recognize the signs of social media addiction. If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction to social media, you need to learn how to break the addiction safely and effectively.
What is social media addiction?
Social media addiction is the same as any other addiction in that it causes a change in your brain function, which controls psychological and physical manifestations as a result of too much social media usage.
This happens because social media triggers your dopamine system the same way other drugs trigger your dopamine reward system. Activities like scrolling or posting a picture and constantly checking the comments or responses stimulate the release of dopamine, a pleasurable hormone in the brain that can create a similar feeling to being high.
With a substantial amount of social media usage, individuals become addicted to that feeling and eventually find it difficult to trigger the same level of dopamine release from other activities that are meant to be rewarding for survival, like eating healthy foods, exercising, or having sex.
Common signs of social media addiction
So, how do you know if you are addicted to social media? Addiction to social media presents several common signs, including psychological and physical signs.
Excessive time spent on social platforms
One of the biggest indicators of social media addiction is when you spend excessive time on social media platforms. Even the average time span of over 2 hours per day is considered excessive, but for those who spend significantly more than this, not only during the work day or school day but in the evenings, it might indicate the need to figure out how to stop social media addiction.
Neglect of personal, academic, or professional responsibilities
As is the case with any addiction, if you are addicted to social media, you will neglect your personal, academic, or professional responsibilities in exchange for focusing instead on social media.
This might mean avoiding work so that you can instead scroll through pictures or share pictures.
It might mean not paying attention in school because you’re too busy communicating or commenting on social media platforms.
Mood changes related to social media activity
Other indicators of addiction to social media involve behavioral changes, specifically mood changes. These mood changes are often related to your social media addiction and can be things like:
Constantly checking your phone and getting upset if you don’t have access to your social media accounts.
Noticeable changes in your mood not just based on social media access but on what interactions you have via social media, like positive changes to your mood if you receive “likes” or negative changes if you get negative comments.
Then, there are psychological and physical signs as well.
Anxiety, depression, and loneliness
It’s not uncommon for people, especially young people, to find it difficult to overcome the addictive behaviors associated with social media addiction. It’s imperative to understand how to break social media addiction if you are struggling with psychological impacts like anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Social media usage and addiction can lead to the development of anxiety disorders or depressive disorders, especially when more time is spent on social media platforms than is spent engaging with people in real life.
Some examples include:
Becoming overly concerned with your social media accounts
Letting the information or activity on social media change how you feel about yourself
Physical symptoms
Those who struggle with addiction to social media will also begin to manifest physical symptoms. Physical symptoms include things like reduced physical activity in exchange for being on a phone or computer, as well as sleep disturbances that often result from being unable to stop scrolling or interacting on social media platforms, even when it’s time for bed. This can lead to significant eye strain as well.
Other symptoms extend to the impact on your personal life as well as your academic or professional performance.
For example, someone who is addicted to social media might experience severe mood swings based on their inability to access social media platforms during the work day or school day, which can lead to irritability and fights at work. It can also take away from workplace or academic performance because your focus is on social media, and you can’t tear yourself away from your accounts, and if you do, you can’t focus on what you need to be doing.
Read full the article about social media addiction at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 month
What is Spravato Treatment? Exploring the Process, Duration, and Activities During Sessions
This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of Spravato treatment for depression, covering what it involves, its duration, and what patients can expect during sessions, thus helping individuals make informed decisions about their mental health treatment options.
Treatment-resistant depression
Treatment-resistant depression is a subcategory of major depressive disorder, and it often manifests with suicidal ideation among those for whom two types of other antidepressant treatments, including SSRIs and SNRIs, have proven ineffective.
There is an increasing prevalence of treatment-resistant depression today and a need for new therapeutic approaches. One such approach is Spravato, a novel treatment based on ketamine.
This article will review Spravato’s depression treatment, answering questions like “What to do during Spravato treatment?” and “How long is Spravato treatment?” for those in need.
What is Spravato?
A prescription version of ketamine called ketamine (brand name Spravato) is administered via a nasal spray. This nasal spray received approval in 2019 by the FDA for use in patients with treatment-resistant depression.
Spravato is a prescription medicine that is used along with an antidepressant. Spravato is a nasal spray, but the antidepressants are taken by mouth to treat two conditions:
Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in adults
Major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults presenting with suicidal thoughts or actions
Unlike other antidepressants which change levels of things like serotonin, Spravato or ketamine, actually changes the growth of synapses in the brain while also improving neural communication by restoring malfunctioning or dead glutamate receptors on the ends of neurotransmitters. All of this helps to improve communication and function in the brain, and by extension, change mood, decrease depression, and alleviate anxiety symptoms.
Spravato treatment process
Spravato is only available through restricted programs called Spravato REMS. Only healthcare facilities that are certified in this program can provide Spravato depression treatment. The programs offer outpatient services, so you don’t have to remain overnight.
The Spravato treatment process
While it is a nasal spray, Spravato must be provided under the supervision of a healthcare professional in a licensed clinic.
When you arrive for your session, you’ll be seated comfortably, and your healthcare provider will show you how to use the nasal spray device. They will tell you exactly how much to use and when to do it.
Your treatment schedule will be provided for you, and it’s something that you must adhere to.
Each time you arrive for your session, your healthcare provider will supervise you during and after using the device and let you know when it’s time for you to go.
Preparation steps before starting treatment
Before you start Spravato, you will need to inform your medical team about any and all medical conditions you have, including:
Heart or brain problems
History of stroke
History of heart attack
Liver problems
You are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are nursing
Before you use Spravato, you’ll need to inform your healthcare provider about:
Other medication you are on
Over-the-counter medication you are using
Vitamins you take
Herbal supplements you use
It is especially important to inform anyone providing Spravato treatment if you are on:
Central nervous system depressants
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
If you are using any nasal corticosteroids or decongestant medicine, you need to take them at least one hour before your Spravato depression treatment.
Before Spravato treatment for depression, you should not eat for at least 2 hours, nor should you drink anything for at least 30 minutes beforehand.
Read the full article about spravato treatment at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 2 months
Adjustment Disorder vs PTSD: Unraveling the Differences
Adjustment disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may seem like similar disorders, but their unique characteristics differentiate them. With adjustment disorder, individuals are unable to adapt to major life changes. PTSD develops after a traumatic event and leads to prolonged feelings of intense fear.
It’s important to understand the difference between adjustment disorder vs PTSD and their impacts.
Adjustment disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have some similar characteristics, but each condition is distinct in its own way. It’s important to understand the differences between these disorders, including their symptoms, causes, and treatments, to ensure effective management of each condition.
Understanding Adjustment Disorder
Adjustment disorder is a stress-related condition that develops when a person is unable to adapt to major life changes. The individual may experience more stress than expected after a traumatic or unexpected event.
It’s common and natural to experience stress after suffering an illness, losing a job or the death of a loved one. However, people typically adjust and acclimate to these changes within a few months. Individuals with adjustment disorder, however, will continue to experience stress and emotional or behavioral symptoms for an extended period of time.
In other words, the individual struggles to adapt to these major life changes.
Symptoms of adjustment disorder include:
Feeling depressed
Trouble sleeping
Loss of appetite
Avoidance behaviors
Social isolation
Difficulty concentrating
Suicidal ideation
Causes and triggers are significant life changes or life stressors, such as:
Divorce or relationship issues
Life-threatening experiences
Loss of a job or financial issues
Ongoing illness
Difficulties at work or school
Major changes in life situations, such as retirement or having a baby
Genetics and temperament can also play a role in the likelihood of developing this condition.
Adjustment disorder can make it difficult for an individual to carry out daily tasks or enjoy the things they once loved. Without treatment, individuals with this disorder are at a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety disorder or substance abuse disorder.
Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
While adjustment disorder is more likely to develop after a stressful event, PTSD develops after a traumatic experience. If a person witnesses a frightening, shocking, or tragic incident, they may develop this disorder.
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Individuals who develop PTSD are unable to recover after the traumatic incident and may continue to experience fear or tension even though they are no longer in danger.
Symptoms of PTSD can include:
Intrusive memories. The individual may relive the traumatic event as if it were happening again.
Avoidance behaviors. The person may avoid talking or thinking about the incident or avoid people or places that remind them of the event.
Emotional and physical reactions. The individual may have trouble concentrating, difficulty sleeping, feel overwhelming shame or guilt, be irritable or engage in self-destructive behavior.
These symptoms, and others, can vary in intensity over time.
PTSD can have a profound impact on the individual’s life, making it difficult for them to carry out daily activities, work a normal job or relate to friends and family. They may isolate themselves or have difficulty maintaining relationships.
The Difference Between Adjustment Disorder and PTSD
Adjustment disorder and PTSD have key differences that allow them to be differentiated by a professional.
According to studies, the triggers of PTSD and adjustment disorder vary based on:
PTSD is caused by a major traumatic event
Adjustment disorder is caused by the end of a marriage or relationship, accident, illness, or other major life or environmental changes
Time Frame
Acute disturbances, as seen with adjustment disorder, last for a period of less than six months. PTSD is known to last for years or until someone seeks professional therapy to help them overcome the symptoms that they experience.
Adjustment disorder is known to be caused by a stressor that is less intense than that of PTSD. Sufferers of PTSD have very intense distress and may relive the event that occurred, leading to severe bouts of panic and anxiety.
While both conditions are serious and can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, PTSD’s intensity and severity are considered to be stronger.
Trauma Focus
Trauma focus of PTSD is often well-known with a clear trigger. A person who watches a loved one die in an automobile accident may have trauma-related triggers when getting in the car or walking across the stress.
Adjustment disorder does not have a single traumatic event attached to it and is often related to an environmental change.
Determining whether a patient has adjustment disorder or PTSD is challenging due to the overlapping of symptoms the conditions share.
Read more adjustment disorder at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 3 months
Everything You Wanted to Know About Online Psychotherapy
Mental health conditions can be challenging to manage, especially when they impact everyday life. The availability of therapists and counseling centers can be limited. Finding a therapist you trust and feel comfortable with can also be difficult. Online therapy can be a good and easy way to get mental health services for a number of different problems.
What Is Online Psychotherapy?
Online psychotherapy has been around for many years now, and it is becoming increasingly popular. This is because it offers many benefits over conventional face-to-face therapy. Depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health conditions can be treated online using psychotherapy.
Online psychotherapy is a type of therapy that is delivered using platforms such as video chat, email, or texting. It is not necessary to be physically in the same room as your therapist in order to receive effective treatment.
The Benefits of Online Psychotherapy
Online psychotherapy is the practice of providing mental health services remotely using an internet-connected device. It can be a great resource for many people who may not have easy access to in-person counseling.
However, online psychotherapy counseling also has its limitations. The main limitation is the lack of face-to-face interaction with a therapist. When working with a therapist, it’s important to be able to talk to the therapist in person and get feedback. Online therapy makes it hard to do this.
On the other hand, online therapy offers a number of benefits unavailable in traditional therapy, including the following:
It Is as Effective as In-Person Therapy for Various Mental Health Conditions
It is as effective as in-person therapy for various mental health conditions and may be more convenient for some people. Online psychotherapy is equally effective as in-person care for a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. In addition, online therapy also allows you to remain anonymous if you so choose.
Access to Mental Health Treatment for People in Rural or Remote Areas
Since online therapy sessions can be conducted from anywhere in the world, even geographically isolated or rural populations can enjoy the many benefits of therapy. This also allows individuals who are afraid of judgment to open up more easily knowing that their therapist is not physically present. Furthermore, online therapy eliminates the inconvenience of travel time and provides privacy and confidentiality.
Accessibility for Individuals Who Are Disabled or Housebound
It is often difficult for individuals who are disabled or housebound to access the therapy they need. It can be difficult to get to appointments. The waiting rooms can be crowded, and parking can be difficult to find. Through online psychotherapy, those who are disabled or housebound have more access to therapy than they might otherwise.
Online therapy is more accessible, flexible, and convenient. It also provides an opportunity for better outcomes because it is face-to-face therapy that can be scheduled when it’s best for the client.
A major benefit of online psychotherapy is its affordability. Online psychotherapy is an affordable option for many people who cannot afford or don’t have the time to get to a therapist. The cost of online therapy varies depending on the type of service and therapist, but in general, it can be much less than traditional therapy.
Online therapists typically charge by the session or by the year, so you don’t need to worry about setting up a monthly payment plan or making a large investment up front.
The convenience of online psychotherapy is one of its greatest benefits. Online therapy allows people to work through their issues from anywhere in the world at any time of day, which makes it especially attractive to those who have a busy schedule or live far away from a therapist’s office or clinic. This eliminates the need for scheduling appointments at a therapy office, which can be difficult to find and often requires plenty of advance notice.
Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 4 months
7 Key Advantages Of Individual Counseling
During individual counseling sessions, the therapist will listen to the person’s concerns and help them explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The therapist may ask questions, provide feedback, and offer suggestions for coping with and addressing the person’s issues. It can be an effective investment in oneself and one’s mental health for several reasons.
First, individual counseling can help people identify and address underlying issues contributing to their mental health concerns. By talking through their experiences and feelings with a therapist, individuals may better understand the root causes of their problems and develop strategies for addressing them.
Second, individual counseling can provide a safe and supportive space for people to express their emotions and work through difficult experiences. Many people find it helpful to have a trained professional to listen to them and provide guidance and support as they navigate challenges.
Third, individual counseling can help people develop coping skills and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. This can be especially beneficial for people struggling to cope with complex life events or facing ongoing stressors in their lives.
Overall, individual counseling for adults can be a valuable investment in oneself and one’s mental health. It can provide a supportive and safe space to explore and address underlying issues, develop coping skills, and work through difficult experiences.
What Is Individual Counseling (Individual Psychotherapy Counseling)
Individual counseling, also known as individual psychotherapy or one-on-one therapy, is a form of treatment in which a person meets with a trained mental health professional to discuss their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Individual counseling aims to help the person understand and work through any emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues they may be experiencing.
When and why is individual counseling used?
Individual counseling, also known as one-on-one therapy or psychotherapy, is a treatment used to help people address a wide range of emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues. It can be helpful for people struggling to cope with complex life events, such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a job loss. It can also benefit people experiencing ongoing stressors, such as chronic illness or relationship problems.
Individual counseling can be used to help people manage and overcome a variety of mental health concerns, including:
Anxiety disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Eating disorders
Substance abuse and addiction
Anger management issues
Relationship problems
Grief and loss
Stress management
Individual counseling can also be helpful for people who want to improve their overall well-being and personal growth. It can help people develop coping skills and strategies for managing stress and other challenges and enhance their self-awareness and understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Read more about individual therapy at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 5 months
Recognizing Bipolar Disorder in Children
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Key points:
Understanding Bipolar Disorder in Children: It explains the nature of bipolar disorder, highlighting the differences in symptom presentation between children and adults.
Early Signs and Symptoms: The article lists specific indicators such as mood instability, sleep pattern disruptions, risky behaviors, age-inappropriate sexual behavior, and, in some cases, psychotic symptoms.
Potential Causes: While the exact cause is unknown, genetics, brain chemistry imbalances, and environmental factors are considered potential contributors.
Seeking Professional Help: It underscores the importance of consulting with psychiatrists experienced in treating bipolar disorder in children, detailing the evaluation process.
Treatment Approaches: The article outlines the treatment options, including psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle management, to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
The piece serves as a valuable resource for parents, caregivers, and anyone concerned about a child’s mental health, providing insights into the complexities of bipolar disorder in children and the significance of early diagnosis and treatment. It advocates for increased awareness and understanding to support children facing this challenge, potentially making a significant difference in their lives and their families.
For those seeking bipolar treatment in NYC, early intervention and professional support are emphasized as key to managing symptoms successfully over the long term.
More about bipolar disorder in children
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oliviagoodhealth · 7 months
Child Psychologist VS Psychiatrist: Which Do You Need?
Your child may be presenting with difficulties in school or at home making you concerned about their need for mental health professional help. Choosing the best fit for your child’s needs is a challenge; knowing the differences between types of mental health professionals is imperative when making the decision.
Mental Health Professionals for Children
The specific need for a mental health professional for children may vary. Understanding the difference between a child psychologist and psychiatrist can make all the difference in the type of care your child receives.
What is a child psychologist?
A child psychologist is a person who has studied the inner workings of brains including the cognitive functioning and processing of emotions specific to children. Clinical psychologists are generally trained to use psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” in order to interview and diagnose patients (AACAP, 2022).
Child psychologists specialize in working with children, applying similar concepts used with adults to the appropriate level of a child they may work with. Child psychologists focus on developmental areas as well as a social and emotional adjustment when working with children (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). They also help with assessing for cognitive and developmental delays by administering tests.
What is a child psychiatrist?
A child psychiatrist is a mental health professional that has obtained a medical degree specific to dealing with child mental health and development. A child psychiatrist works with children by combining therapeutic techniques and medication management.
They are better able to target treatment with the combination of therapy and medication leaning toward more comprehensive care (AACAP, 2022). Similarly to a psychologist, they are able to administer and assess tests related to diagnosis
When do you need to choose between these two medical professionals?
Choosing between medical professionals can be difficult especially when your children are the patients. The difference between child psychiatrists and psychologists is in one main way, medication prescription can be the real deciding factor in finding your child the right type of care.
If medication is necessary, a primary care physician may recommend using a psychiatrist that uses medication in conjunction with therapy. This is so that a child may be able to apply coping strategies and healthy behaviors and cognitions without the need for long-term use of medications.
Similarities, Differences, and When to See a Child Psychiatrist vs Child Psychologist
With the information at hand, applying it to your child and finding out the best fit for their needs can be confusing. Here is some more information to help you decide what is right for you and your child.
The Similarities Between Child Psychologists and psychiatrists:
Diagnosis of mental health disorders: both psychiatrists and psychologists use years of experience, training, and administration of tests to help diagnose various mental health disorders.
One-on-one treatment: psychiatrists and psychologists focus on treatment surrounding a particular individual’s needs.
Medication Management: though psychologists do not prescribe medication, they play a foundational role in medication management alongside psychiatrists.
Consultation of other Mental Health Professionals: psychologists and psychiatrists consult with school social workers, corrections facilities, social agencies, and community organizations.
The Differences Between Child Psychologists and Psychiatrists:
Medication Prescription: in most states, only a psychiatrist can prescribe medication to their patients.
Education: psychiatrists are often in school for 10–12 years to complete a medical degree, while psychologists are in school for 8–10 years to complete a Psy.D or Ph.D. in research and practice.
Specialized Care: Psychiatrists focus on medication and how it interacts with a child’s mental health symptoms whereas a psychologist focuses on treating mental health disorders through talk therapy and teaching skills to help cope with symptoms related to their disorder.
Length of Session: Often, an initial visit with both a child psychologist or a psychiatrist will last 60–90 minutes, however, subsequent visits with a psychologist will last 45 minutes, and subsequent visits with psychiatrists will last 15–20.
Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 8 months
How Does Your Lifestyle Affect Your Mental Health?
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How Your Lifestyle Affects Your Mental Health: 10 Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Your Mental Wellbeing
10 Lifestyle Factors Affecting Mental Health
There are several factors that affect a person’s mental health, way of thinking, behavior and feeling. Certain lifestyle factors may directly affect brain chemistry and contribute to mental illness, including:
1. Unhealthy Eating Habits
Unhealthy eating habits such as insufficient intake or high intake both have negative effects on our physical and mental health.
Therefore, it is preferable to stay away from fatty and low-nutritional meals and go to a balanced diet, nutritious food, and focus on foods that stimulate brain activity, which can positively affect the mood.
Healthy eating lifestyle and quality of food affect human physical health and thus the psychological and mental health.
2. Lack of Physical Activity
Not getting enough physical activity or lack of exercise may affect our mental health and can cause psychological problems such as dementia and depression.
Exercise actively contributes to solving mental health problems and helps improve and adjust the mood and relieve depression, anxiety, and stress. as well.
Exercise or physical activity is not only important for physical health and weight loss, it is also highly important for mental health.
It is important for the individual to try to move as much as possible, such as going up the ladder instead of using the elevator and going out to practice walking from time to time instead of using the car.
Studies indicate that workout and exercising regularly helps improve brain function, protect memory as well as improve thinking skills.
3. Lack of Sleep
Poor sleep can have a negative effect on your mental health. Lack of sleep can dramatically change your mood and provoke relapse and mania.
Sleep deprivation causes irritation and anger and may reduce your ability to deal with stress and depression.
Getting enough sleep needed by the human body and organizing sleep times improves mental health and makes the body more able to recover from diseases and even makes the challenges of the day less effective.
4. Poor Physical Health
Poor physical health may lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems. Physical injuries or symptoms can affect what you think, how you feel, and what you do.
Physical illness increases the risk of developing severe depressive episodes. Some physical health conditions such as infections, genetic disorders, congenital abnormalities, gluten sensitivity, brain injury, spinal cord injury, nerve injury can lead to specific types of neurological and psychological disorders.
Making healthy lifestyle changes can help you improve your physical health as well as your mental health at the same time.
5. Smoking
About half of the people who suffer from psychological problems are smokers. The health problems caused by smoking, such as problems of the heart, lungs, and colds, may lead to mood problems and changes in mental health, so stopping smoking is one of the best steps to improve mental health.
6. Exposure to Abuse
Exposure to abuse, whether psychological, physical or sexual, is one of the most important factors that motivate psychological problems to emerge.
Therefore, a safe and healthy family and social environment contributes effectively to achieving mental health.
7. Social Interaction
Social isolation has long been known as a key trigger for mental illness and can lead to feelings of loneliness, fear of others, or negative self-esteem.
Remember! Having a bad company may ruin one’s happiness and life. Having a good friendship shows that you can trust your friends so that they can support you, spend time with you, and be honest with you.
Spending time with people you care about and engaging in community and volunteer work that makes you feel important and influencing others, are the most important things that are recommended when talking about mental health.
Spending time with friends significantly improves mood and the love of others makes it easier to deal with the challenges of daily life.
8. Emotional Attachment
It’s natural to love and want your partner or things. Excessive emotional attachment is unhealthy when it begins to disrupt your life. In the case of relationships, an unhealthy emotional attachment can also disrupt your partner’s life.
Bad emotional relationships negatively affect mental health, and it is best to get rid of them and end them and stay with a partner that makes life look better and more beautiful.
A healthy emotional relationship can improve mental health and mood, and contribute to easing nervous features in the individual’s personality.
9. Work Environment
Work is good for mental health, but staying in a job you hate affects your mental health and can make your life miserable. A negative work environment can lead to physical and mental health problems.
Employees, both men and women, who report workplace stress, work pressures, bullying and lack of ability to make work-related decisions can be more at risk of developing depressive symptoms.
A positive work environment makes employees feel good and excited about coming to work and understanding their work roles and responsibilities and this provides the motivation to sustain them throughout the day. When employees are happy and excited, they invest all their energy to ensure the best results.
10. Meditation and Relaxation Techniques
Practicing the wrong meditation technique could be a harmful experience for you and can lead to waves of anger, fear, or jealousy that are sitting deep inside you, and this will make you feel uncomfortable.
Unhealthy relaxation techniques can result in poor concentration, uncontrollable thoughts, worrying, and difficulty in making decisions.
The continuous practice of different relaxation and meditation techniques actively contributes to increasing the ability to endure frustrating situations, deal, and control emotions, and manage anxiety experienced by the individual.
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oliviagoodhealth · 9 months
TMS For Anxiety: Debunking Myths And Setting The Facts Straight
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions worldwide, affecting millions of people. While traditional treatments like therapy and medications have been effective for many, some individuals continue to struggle with anxiety symptoms. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising alternative for those seeking relief. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of TMS therapy for anxiety, debunk myths surrounding its effectiveness, and present the facts that can help you make an informed decision about this innovative treatment.
What Is TMS For Anxiety?
So, does TMS work for anxiety? Let’s start by demystifying TMS. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, isn’t some sci-fi concept; it’s a real-life, non-invasive procedure that taps into the power of magnetic fields to gently nudge specific parts of your brain. Originally designed to help with depression, TMS has been under the research spotlight, and guess what? It’s showing some impressive potential in the realm of anxiety treatment. So, let’s keep the curiosity flowing as we explore the myths and facts surrounding this innovative therapy.
Myth Vs. Fact: TMS And Anxiety
Myth #1: TMS Is Only Effective For Depression
One common misconception about TMS is that it’s exclusively effective for treating depression. While it was initially developed and approved for depression, research and clinical experience have demonstrated its potential benefits for anxiety disorders as well. TMS works by modulating neural activity in the brain, making it a versatile tool for various mental health conditions, including anxiety.
Fact: TMS Can Be Effective for Anxiety
Several studies and clinical trials have shown that TMS can significantly reduce symptoms in various anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The key lies in targeting the right brain regions associated with anxiety, and TMS therapy can precisely accomplish this task.
Myth #2: TMS Is Painful And Unsafe
Another myth is that TMS is a painful or unsafe procedure. In reality, TMS is considered a well-tolerated and safe treatment option. During a TMS session, patients typically experience a tapping or clicking sensation on their scalp, but this discomfort is generally mild. TMS is non-invasive, meaning it doesn’t require surgery or anaesthesia, and it doesn’t induce seizures.
Fact: TMS Is Safe and Generally Painless
TMS for anxiety is performed in an outpatient setting, and most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after a session. It has a minimal risk of side effects, with the most common being mild scalp discomfort or headache, which usually subsides quickly. TMS therapy sessions are closely monitored by trained professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Myth #3: TMS Is A Quick Fix
Some individuals may expect TMS to provide instant relief from anxiety symptoms. While TMS can be highly effective, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and results may vary from person to person. It is essential to have realistic expectations and commit to a recommended TMS anxiety treatment plan.
Fact: TMS Requires a Treatment Plan
TMS for anxiety typically involves a series of sessions over several weeks. The exact number of sessions and their frequency may vary based on individual needs and the severity of the anxiety disorder. Patience and consistency are essential for achieving the best results with TMS.
Myth #4: TMS Is Expensive And Not Covered By Insurance
Cost can be a significant concern for those considering TMS. However, many insurance plans now cover TMS therapy for various mental health conditions, including anxiety. It’s crucial to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses.
Fact: TMS May Be Covered by Insurance
Due to the increasing recognition of TMS as an effective treatment for mental health conditions, insurance coverage has expanded. Some patients may find that their insurance covers a substantial portion of TMS therapy for anxiety costs, making it more accessible.
Myth #5: TMS Is A Last Resort
Another misconception is that TMS should only be considered when all other treatment options have failed. While TMS is sometimes recommended after other treatments have been ineffective, it can also be a viable choice as a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, especially when individuals prefer non-medication options or have concerns about potential side effects.
Fact: TMS Can Be Considered at Any Stage
The decision to pursue TMS for anxiety should be based on an individual’s unique circumstances and preferences. It is not limited to being a last resort and can be discussed with a mental health professional at any stage of treatment planning.
Myth #6: TMS Results Are Temporary
Concerns about the temporary nature of TMS benefits can deter some from exploring this therapy. While individual responses may vary, many individuals experience long-lasting relief from anxiety symptoms after completing a full course of TMS treatment for anxiety.
Fact: TMS Can Provide Lasting Benefits
Research has shown that the positive effects of TMS on anxiety can persist for months to years after treatment. Some individuals may require maintenance sessions, but TMS has the potential to offer enduring relief from anxiety symptoms.
Summing Up
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) isn’t just about tackling depression; it’s got a promising role in helping folks wrestling with anxiety disorders too. By shedding light on the myths surrounding TMS and getting the facts straight about its safety, effectiveness, and potential insurance coverage, we’re here to arm you with the knowledge you need to make smart choices about your mental health.
Now, let’s be real — TMS isn’t a magic wand that makes all your anxiety vanish in an instant. It’s more like a steady hand guiding you toward relief. It’s gentle, non-invasive, and generally well-tolerated. For many, it’s a ray of hope, offering a path to managing anxiety that doesn’t involve medications or complex procedures.
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oliviagoodhealth · 10 months
Key Qualities to Look For When Choosing a Dissociative Identity Disorder Therapist
Dissociative identity disorder is a complex mental health condition where individuals have two or more personalities that try to control their behavior at various times.
Dissociative identity disorder can cause severe memory gaps and other problems that interfere with daily life. Moreover, it can affect friends and family members. Individuals with multiple personalities might experience up to 100 “alters,” each of which could have separate ways of interacting with the environment, different ethnicities, genders, and even interests.
Thankfully treatment is available, which can help individuals manage their symptoms. However, individuals with dissociative identity disorder and their loved ones must find therapists who specialize in DID.
Symptoms of DID:
Memory loss
Substance abuse
Thoughts of self-harm
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Why is specialized therapy crucial for individuals with DID?
A qualified dissociative identity disorder therapist is crucial for individuals with DID. Dissociative identity disorder often results from physical or sexual abuse experienced during childhood. It can also manifest as a response to a traumatic event. No matter the cause, the condition is a way for individuals to distance themselves from that trauma.
Given the highly sensitive nature of the causes, it’s crucial for individuals with DID to find specialized therapists who can be patient, offer empathy, and ensure that they feel comfortable during treatment.
Equally important is a highly qualified and experienced individual who understands how to work with alternate personalities and can be patient in understanding how each personality might interact differently during a therapy session.
Key qualities for therapists specializing in dissociative identity disorder
Knowing how to find a therapist for dissociative identity disorder can be difficult if you don’t know what key qualities to look for.
Experience and Education
Figuring out how to find a therapist for dissociative identity disorder starts with reviewing their experience and education. If you are worried about the quality of service you might receive, see where they went to school. Ask whether they are therapists specializing in dissociative identity disorder or have another specialty.
Not all therapists or psychiatrists are the same. Some specialize in one type of mental health disorder. Others might specialize in family practices, working with children or adults. Find out what you need and find dissociative disorder therapists who are a good match.
Empathy and Patience
Empathy and patience are key to working with dissociative disorder. When reviewing the potential candidates for your treatment, it is important to talk with them, maybe even meet with them, to see how much patience and empathy they have.
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Communication Skills
Good communication is key in treatment. So when you look for a dissociative identity disorder therapist, ask about their communication options. Some therapists will offer:
Online booking for appointments
Options for online therapy sessions
Phone numbers to call for help or information
Email addresses if you need to keep in touch
Secured client databases or portals where information can be viewed
Boundaries and Professionalism
Good therapists specializing in dissociative identity disorder will set boundaries. They will make this clear when you first meet. But the boundaries are an extension of their professionalism. Having a professional therapist means they won’t try to be your friend or text you late at night just to say ‘hi.’
They will take your treatment seriously, hold you to your goals, and be prepared for your sessions.
Updated Knowledge
Information changes as new studies are produced, and new techniques are approved. If you are looking for a dissociative identity disorder therapist online:
Review the types of treatments they use
Check whether they prescribe medication
Ask if they use updated studies to alter their practice where necessary.
Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 10 months
The Mindless Habits That Cause Anxiety: Strategies For Breaking Free
In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety has become an increasingly prevalent issue affecting people of all ages. While external factors can contribute to anxiety, it’s important to recognize that our own habits and behaviors can also play a significant role.
In this article, we will explore the mindless habits that cause anxiety and provide practical strategies for breaking free from their grip. By understanding the connection between our habits and anxiety, we can take proactive steps to regain control over our mental well-being and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.
The Link Between Mindless Habits And Anxiety
Mindless habits are actions that we engage in without conscious thought or intention. They often stem from automatic behaviors, stress, and negative thinking patterns.
These habits can contribute to anxiety by perpetuating a cycle of worry, self-doubt, and a lack of self-care. By recognizing the link between mindless habits and anxiety, we can begin to address the root causes and work towards breaking free.
The Mindless Habits: Hidden Triggers Of Anxiety
The key to managing anxiety lies in understanding its root causes. Let’s take a closer look at the every day, mindless habits that can feed anxiety.
Excessive Worrying
Worrying is a natural human response to uncertainty. However, excessive worrying about everyday problems is one of the most common mindless habits that cause anxiety. When worry becomes your constant companion, it can keep your mind stuck in a loop of what-ifs, catastrophizing even the most trivial matters.
Negative Self-Talk
Our inner dialogue has immense power, and negative self-talk is a mindless habit that can heavily contribute to anxiety. Constantly berating yourself, believing that you’re not good enough or that failure is inevitable, undermines your confidence, erodes your resilience, and intensifies feelings of anxiety.
This habit of putting off tasks until the last minute not only leads to increased stress but also perpetuates anxiety. The mounting pressure of impending deadlines and unfinished obligations only amplifies the sense of unease.
Social Media Overuse
Living in a digital era, we’re more connected than ever before. But spending too much time on social media can be one of the mindless habits that cause anxiety. The constant barrage of highlight reels can lead to feelings of inadequacy and social anxiety.
Lack Of Physical Activity
Physical activity is a natural anxiety reliever. However, a sedentary lifestyle devoid of regular exercise can escalate feelings of anxiety. Lack of movement can lead to increased tension and stress, amplifying anxiety levels.
Inadequate Sleep
The relationship between sleep and anxiety is complex and intertwined. Anxiety can disrupt sleep patterns, and conversely, insufficient sleep can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Consistently skimping on quality sleep deprives your body and mind of the rejuvenation they need, intensifying feelings of anxiety and making it more challenging to manage stress effectively. Read more at medium.com
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
Traditional Treatments Vs. TMS Therapy for OCD
This article aims to offer a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness and benefits of traditional treatments versus TMS therapy for OCD. By exploring both advantages and limitations of both therapeutic approaches, individuals can make informed decisions about OCD management options.
What is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition with symptoms of recurring, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or behavioral rituals (compulsions). OCD often causes distress and anxiety. Treatment is important because symptoms can significantly impair a person’s ability to function, interfere with maintaining personal relationships, and diminish the quality of life.
Without treatment, symptoms can persist and get worse over time. Early intervention and effective management can help people learn to control their symptoms and prevent the condition from escalating, which can reduce long-term complications.
Family members and loved ones can also be affected by the distress and disruption caused by the person’s obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Effective treatment not only benefits the individual directly but also contributes to the well-being and stability of their support network.
Treatment options for OCD
Treatment for OCD is necessary for those experiencing distress and impairment due to their symptoms. Engaging with a mental health professional can help individuals regain control over their lives.
TMS Therapy and OCD
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders, including OCD. A coil placed on the scalp delivers focused magnetic pulses that generate small electrical currents in the targeted brain region to alleviate symptoms.
TMS therapy for OCD involves multiple treatment sessions administered over several weeks. The number of sessions and the frequency of treatment vary depending on the individual’s response and the specific treatment protocol. TMS therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated. Learn more at medium.com
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
Types of Therapy for RSD and Their Benefits
RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) is a form of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This chronic condition causes a number of debilitating symptoms, including burning pain in the extremities. Some individuals develop an extreme sensitivity to touch and tissue swelling.
RSD is a chronic condition that requires proper treatment and therapy to overcome. Restoring the quality of life is possible, but it requires one or a combination of therapies to find relief. We’ll be discussing physical, psychological, occupational, pharmacological, and alternative therapy and each therapy’s benefits.
6 Types of Therapy for RSD and Their Benefits
1. Physical Therapy
Physical therapy for RSD can involve several interventions, including:
Range-of-motion exercises
Muscle strengthening
Graded motor imagery
Functional training
Often, physical therapy is used as a first-line treatment for RSD, and there is evidence that graded motor imagery can reduce pain in adults. One big advantage of physical therapy is that it gets patients moving.
2. Occupational Therapy
RSD can cause a few symptoms that make it difficult to perform routine tasks we take for granted, like bathing, getting dressed, cleaning the house, or performing office work.
Occupational therapy can help patients learn how to adapt and start performing daily, meaningful tasks again. The goal of occupational therapy is to help a patient improve their ability to participate in daily activities or any activity they want to engage in. It uses occupations, or everyday activities, to achieve this goal.
3. Psychological Therapy
Although RSD is a neurological condition, it often coincides with anxiety, depression and stress. Chronic pain can take a toll on your mental health and exacerbate symptoms. Psychological therapy has been shown to be helpful for people with RSD.
4. Pharmacological Therapy
Pharmacological therapy for RSD focuses on restoring function and assisting with rehab programs.
5. Alternative Therapy
Alternative therapy for rejection-sensitive dysphoria may provide relief using natural methods. Since these therapies use natural methods and supplements, the side effects are much lower than pharmacological options.
6. Combining Therapies
Combining multiple therapies together is the key to success with RSD. Therapy is often based on multiple pillars, including patient education, physical therapy, psychological therapy, and pain management.
The benefit of combining therapies is that you can touch on all of these pillars at once.
A multi-angle approach to therapy for RSD will help speed up progress and allow a person to maintain strength, flexibility, and circulation in the body part experiencing pain. Otherwise, a sufferer may neglect this limb, causing loss of function, flexibility, and strength. Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
The Role Of Medication Management In Treating Depression
Depression is a mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Many individuals who suffer from depression require medication to manage their symptoms to improve their quality of life. Medication management for mental health provides safe and effective pharmacological treatment to manage symptoms of depression, monitor side effects, improve treatment effectiveness, and reduce the risk of relapse.
What is medication management in mental health?
Prescribing, administering, and monitoring prescription drugs to treat mental health conditions in a safe and effective manner is referred to as mental health medication management. This involves working with a mental health specialist, such as a psychiatrist, who comprehensively assesses the individual’s medical history and symptoms to determine the most appropriate medication and dosage. The healthcare provider can then monitor the individual’s response and progress and adjust the dosage or medication as needed.
Medication management also involves educating the individual about the medication, its potential benefits and side effects, and how to take it properly. It is important to discuss potential risks and ensure the patient is aware of any possible interactions with other medications.
Importance of medication management in depression treatment
Medication management for depression is an important aspect of reducing the symptoms of depression. Depression can cause significant distress and impairment in daily functioning. If left untreated, symptoms can worsen and increase feelings of hopelessness, isolation, other negative emotions, and suicide ideation.
Mental health specialists closely monitor individuals for potential medication side effects and adjust dosages as needed. They also provide ongoing support, help their patients navigate any challenges or concerns, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure the best treatment outcomes. Read more at medium.com
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
Does Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression Work?
The goal of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), a type of psychotherapy, is to enhance interpersonal functioning to reduce symptoms of depression. It is possible to interpret psychological symptoms as a reaction to existing issues in interpersonal relationships. By assessing current connections, therapy can help change maladaptive thoughts and actions.
What is interpersonal psychotherapy?
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What are the conditions that can be treated with interpersonal therapy?
Interpersonal therapy for major depressive disorder is an effective treatment and maintenance therapy to avoid relapse. However, IPT has also been demonstrated to be effective in treating various conditions, such as:
Anxiety and panic attacks
Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa
Chronic fatigue
Mood disorders such as bipolar and dysthymia
Personality disorders
Marital conflict
Unresolved grief
What is interpersonal psychotherapy for depression?
Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a brief and effective treatment emphasizing improving interpersonal communication. Depression influences relationships and the roles that people play in them because it happens in an interpersonal and intimate environment. Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression emphasizes how a person’s relationships, especially those with family and friends, are related to symptoms.
The treatment’s primary short-term objectives are rapid symptom reduction and enhanced social adjustment. For the long-term, IPT aims to empower individuals who suffer from depression to make changes in their lives through conscious decision-making. When they can accomplish that, depressive symptoms are easier to manage and lessen. Additionally, therapy can help resolve conflicts with friends and family members as well as helping to eliminate unfavorable thought patterns.
Read more about interpersonal psychotherapy at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
Advantages and Disadvantages of Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is one-on-one therapy between a client and a qualified therapist in a safe and private setting where the client can communicate their innermost thoughts and feelings. Counseling aims to support people who are struggling with mental health issues, stress, or anxiety. Therapy helps clients manage symptoms better and address problems before they develop into more serious conditions.
What is individual counseling?
Whether you are diagnosed with a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder, or you are going through a difficult moment in life, individual counseling offers the chance for growth and support on a personal level. Numerous issues such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marital and relationship difficulties, and parental problems can be addressed through one-on-one therapy.
With individual counseling for adults, people learn to identify parts of their lives that they would like to improve as well as gain a better understanding of themselves and others, set personal objectives, and strive towards desired change. When a good relationship is established between therapist and client, it enables trust that allows for personal growth.
Many therapists encourage patients to do the majority of the talking during counseling. It can be challenging at first to discuss painful experiences or intimate thoughts because it could elicit strong memories or feelings of rage or sadness. However, as counseling progresses, the therapist helps the client in gaining self-assurance and feel more at ease.
Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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oliviagoodhealth · 1 year
Panic Attack Self-Help Guide
Do you know that around 40% of the world’s population experiences a panic attack at some point in their life? But very few of them know that panic attacks can be dealt with by self-help. Yes, you read it right.
The more you learn about panic attacks, the more chances are to defeat them with self-help techniques. If you too are looking for some, this article is for you. Keep reading!
What are panic attacks?
A panic attack is when you start feeling intense anxiety or fear due to some unexpected danger. This intense wave of dread may cause your heart to pound with a rapid increase in your breathing rate. You might feel like you’ll collapse, die or go crazy.
Panic attacks can be a one-time experience but many people also have recurring episodes. Recurrent attacks are triggered when the individual comes across something or someone that has caused an attack previously. Additionally, panic attacks can be an outcome of some disorders like depression, panic disorder, social phobia, etc.
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Causes of panic attacks
Although the tendency of having panic attacks runs in families, their exact cause is still unknown. However, the disorder is closely linked to severe stress associated with life transitions. Any experience that causes unnecessary stress, can trigger panic attacks.
For instance, some people panic when they enter a new place, get married or have a baby. Many people experience panic attacks because of the death of somebody they loved, loss of job or divorce, etc.
In short, any traumatic and stressful condition can put you through a panic attack. Here are some signs that help you know when you are having one.
Read more at Good Health’s Blog
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