ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
I didn't make this meme
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
I will fight anyone who thinks sung-through musicals are boring like youre WRONG the more songs the MERRIER
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
Every time I find and consume more queer content I get stronger. If this keeps going on maybe someday I'll be strong enough to face Mickey himself.
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
me listening to a musical about the most terrible heartwrenching tragic fucked up shit to ever exist
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
I just really want to make sure everyone knows that before the U.S. government's neglect caused the AIDS crisis, consensual nonmonogamy was extremely common within the queer community. And it was tolerated, accepted, and even celebrated. A lot of the time people learn about polyamory, read about the origins of that term specifically, and then never pull back the curtain behind it. You should. The historical queer understanding of consensual nonmonogamy and its rich cultural history can provide a home to those struggling to understand their romantic and sexual connections. No, it wasn't a utopia, but it was a lot more accepted than people who believe that social progress is linear tend to argue.
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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Y'all ain't fooling anyone...
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
Hey guys, if you have the time please click this link and go view the AIDS memorial quilt. As of last year, all 1.2 million feet of the quilt has been photographed and made viewable to the public.
As such a cornerstone to our community as queer people, the AIDS quilt was a sign of love and remembrance of all who were lost. And for some, with no solution in sight. What a wonder science is, because living as HIV/AIDS positive is no longer a death sentence. It is a treatable and manageable disease. We can live full and happy long lives and not transmit the disease.
When it was intitially unveiled, the quilt had about 2,000 panels and it was now bloomed into 48,000. The majority of them measuring 6'3". About the size of a grave.
I urge you to take the time to treasure, understand, and support our community. As their lives and the queer movement- have brought undoubtable freedom as we live in our own.
Making a quilt can take countless of hours. And a quilt of this size, it's a whole generations worth.
Love your queer elders. Love your gay history. Live free, today.
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
Had to do a write-up on monkeypox to combat the fucking HIV/AIDS era homophobia the media has decided to go with on their coverage of this outbreak. 
If you don’t want to read the article, here is the reason why most monkeypox cases currently confirmed happen to be in cisgender gay men, medically noted as MSM (cis men who have sex with cis men): 
Gay cisgender men are far more likely to seek early healthcare assistance for any new or suspicious skin blemishes– Like lesions. 
This is because during HIV/AIDS, the queer community realised A FULL DECADE before the formal clinical diagnostic criteria were formulated for AIDS that Kaposi’s sarcomas were often a visual physical sign that someone had HIV/AIDS. 
A lot of us older queer people have it burned into our brains that any suspicious skin damage or marks should be an immediate indication to go to a doctor, because it can mean someone may be seriously unwell. 
So, naturally, since gay cisgender men are generally the most likely to seek care for any suspicious skin lesions far earlier than other patient cohorts, of course you’re going to have a lot of cis gay men overrepresented in early detected cases of an illness which manifests with physical lesions. 
Learn your queer history. It matters. 
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
cannot help but CACKLE at the balls of Elias Bouchard in mag 60 telling jon "this goes far beyond a healthy work environment"
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
S3 coming to slap 2019 Aidan
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The man dance AND sing
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ollielikesfroggs · 2 years
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What the fuck Tumblr
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