Trans men: valid and handsome as heck!
Cis men: ur awsome!!! It’s okay to be emotional!!!
Nb people: you’re amazing! And you look absolutely adorable!!!
Genderfluid people: goodness, I’ve never seen a more lovely person!!
Trans girls: look at you honey, you’re absolutely gorgeous and you’re so valid
Cis girls: wow??? You’re so pretty!!! I hope you’re happy!
Lesbians: you’re amazing, I hope you find i lovely girlfriend/ I hope you have a lovely girlfriend!
Gay men: lovely men??? In my household??? You know it!
Pan people: you’re valid. You aren’t a bad person. Your identity is real and amazing.
Bi people: you’re absolutely perfect, you don’t need to choose a side. Keep doing you boo.
Het people: you aren’t a bad person for just being het, you don’t deserve to die just because you’re het.
Polyam people: you aren’t a slut/whore/thot you’re a good person. I hope you and your partner(s) are all happy together
Ace people: you have a valid identity. You’re not some weirdo, I love you and you’re amazing.
Remember: you’re all amazing. You don’t deserve anything bad to happen to you. Be nice to eachother, please.
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❤️shoutout to gay people who used to think they were bi 💛shoutout to bi people who used to think they were gay 💚sexuality is complicated, there’s nothing wrong with taking time to figure yourself out 💙you aren’t “adhering to stereotypes” or anything like that. 💜there is nothing wrong with your identity!
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binged it
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not to be a whore but can someone look at me the way izzie looks at casey
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so one of my “friends” are also trans and they like to rub it in my boyfriend and i’s face that they can come out as trans and theyre allowed to start testosterone so if you have anyone in your life who likes to rub it on your face like that let me tell you something, i love you and youre valid no matter your gender, sexuality and how you present yourself whether you know it or not someone in your life adores you and wants you to succeed in life so just because someone wants to make you jealous dont let that put you down 💕
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let me suffer
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