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It's Sunday already, and it's 2:26am on my clock right now. I can't sleep. There are lots of things that are running in my mind lately.. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and you know that feeling you get when it's the first day of school? Right? Exciting + terrifying = WUT.
Well, it's not that thing that I'm worried about. Actually, not worried.. But it's somewhat like "not used to".. It's about Ariel and I. I can imagine us, going to different schools. This is going to be hard for us. I know we are neighbors, and he lives across the street but I know, that there are lots of things that are going to change. I have always been scared of changes. I know some changes are good, but based on my experiences, I never liked changes.
First, we won't be able to spend more time together. For almost two years, we never missed a day not seeing each other (well except for vacations with family, maybe a maximum of 4 days?). Second, we are going to meet different people. I admit, I am a very jealous person. I just can't help it and I am not ashamed of it. I trust him, but I just don't trust other girls. You know what I'm saying? I TRUST MY BOYFRIEND, BUT I JUST DON'T TRUST OTHER GIRLS. I know their "abilities". I'm a girl. Duh? Third, it's going to be veeeeeeeryyyyy HARD. Why? Because simply, it's just hard. I am not ready. I think I will never be ready.
B U T I have to be ready, I need to be ready. This is for our future. I know things will work out just fine. I think that I'm just a little scared, I don't know what to doooooooooooo haaaaaaahaaaayyyy I'm messing up my entry T.T Okay, soooo I just have to endure it, live with it and accept it. I know I will someday..
This isn't helping me. I thought making an entry or letting this out would help. T.T Oh Lordddddddddddd :((((((((((((( Anyway, he promised to pick me up after school, and if it's possible.. He'd also send me to school! How sweet. NO. Our schedules keep getting in the way. It's like our schedules=SEPARATOR. 
Blaaaaaaaaaaah gonna go to bed T.T
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#goodguy #nice #respect #manners #humble (Taken with instagram)
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Hellooo! :) (Taken with instagram)
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