omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Mod cheating a bit with a behind-the-scenes shot of Peter Capaldi rehearsing his lines as Malcolm Tucker. He's mimicing stabbing someone with a pen and his teeth are bared like a wild animal]
(512) : Haha he puts me in a mood mix of annoyed and… “just get in my pants”
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm is doing the dance of his people his rant to poor Glenn on the staircase - arms up in the air etc. Ollie is posed rather, coquettishly on the stairrail ahem.]
(847): and then you two started interpretive dancing to Mozart
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm with his face in his hand, looking like he has the worst headache in the history of earth]
(203):I don’t know what the bubonic plague feels like- but I’m gonna guess its something like this
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Ollie holding his phone to his ear with one hand and holding a coffee with the other. He looks a bit concerned]
(610): alright. I just need to set some ground rules, no lighting me on fire, and no broken bones. fair?
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm looking like an all-you-can-hump-buffet in a tux. He's looking off to one side]
(774): I just walked into a room at this party and someone yelled “dibs!”…
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Jamie posing with hands on hips like a total bamf.]
(978): Vodka and cigarettes aside, my body is a temple.
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Ollie and Malcolm walking down a corridor, Ollie has his hand out like he's explaining something, while Malcolm is looking down at his feet]
(717): I’m not sure how to explain it, but I feel like our penises have a connection. Like long lost brothers. We’re not even gay.
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - this blog's dashboard, showing over 1,000 followers]
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Jamie in the press office, watching a television along with the other people there]
(952): I love watching others lives come down to our level.
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm looking the most evil he's EVER looked. He's talking to Nicola who is offscreen during her ousting]
317): Your birthday is now over. Your day in the spotlight has dimmed and now you’re as special as everyone else. The world goes back to revolving around me. Good night.
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Publicity shot of Nicola, Malcolm and Ollie stood together]
(810): I mean you guys are my friends and all but if you fuck with me I will not hesitate to set you on fire
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm talking on a mobile. Looks up toward the ceiling looking like he's waiting for an answer. Pretty pissed off but, Malcolm. Ollie is in the background]
(401): Drunk me wrote a bucket list last night. #4 is “hate fuck a childhood enemy”. Can we make this happen?
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Ollie, Helen and Malcolm at a press briefing. Ollie and Malcolm looking straight ahead, Helen has her arms folded and is looking in the general direction of Malcolm's groinal region]
(651): Ugh I miss culture and lesbians already
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm in the courtroom, speaking into a microphone and grinning out of one side of his mouth]
(715): We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it… Or burn it. Either way we’ll deal with it later
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm in a lift gesturing at Nicola who is hanging onto the door frame, refusing to come into the lift with him]
(512): you never know when you’ll meet the man of your dreams and bang him in an elevator
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Malcolm, phone next to his ear, smouldering looking toward camera]
(732): im not an educated person. i just do things. and it works out in my favor
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omnishamblestexts · 10 years
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[Image - Jamie in suit and tie with Blackberry in hand outstretched, smiling]
(757): It’s a big world…..someone has to fuck it.
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