omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
ツ okay do it for Oliver.
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
Send me a ツ to see a tweet my muse would post/make about yours
You can use this generator right here.
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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alright, who’s ready to get this show on the road? raises my leg up high.
here’s a starter call for this … er, this rambunctious and curious android! I’ll cap this at 5, although fellow VOCALOIDs are exempt from the cap!
( jazz hands )
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
Music Music - Toa ft. Fukase
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
Oh, darn.
So his assumption wasn’t on the mark. Well, that was kind of a shame. He hadn’t even gotten to meet any other real live VOCALOIDs before he got dragged to this... er, whatever this place was. Who even really knows.
Fukase blinks, propping his cane up and leaning forward on it ever so slightly, gazing at this strange man with an entirely nonchalant expression on his face. 
“Ah... Welp, that’s what I am. I’m a singing robot. Oh-- that doesn’t mean I thought you were a robot. You just kinda had the--music thing-a-ma-jigs on, so I thought I’d ask.”
He then shrugs lightly, before standing fully upright and opening his mouth to speak up once more.
“But anyways-- I didn’t mean to fall out of the tree, but you looked like a not-boring human, so I wanted to get to see you. You look cool. And not all honked up in a ‘suit’ or something like everyone back home. So that’s good.”
Congratulations, he thinks you’re cool. What an honor, right? 
( It’s not. Really. )
Oh, dear. If he’d known it would be raining kids today he would have brought an umbrella.
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He might be somewhat more concerned to see someone hit the ground in front of him (as the other passersby no doubt were), if this particular kid sounded anything worse than startled by this occurrence. As it is, it’s easy to figure out this is no human he’s dealing with– perhaps he even meant to fall here. He certainly seems intent on starting a conversation, as though there is nothing at all strange in this approach.
But the question asked here is… a bit unexpected, again.
“Ah…” Now there is a term he feels like he should recognize. “I’m afraid not. Would that be what you are, then?”
Bansai turns the question around, not sure what other approach to take here– casually not offering much information for the other to go by in the process. It’s his turn to observe, he thinks.
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
He doesn’t have the best of ideas.
Or at least, by anyone else’s standards--by his own, Fukase thinks that hanging on the door frame of a quaint little shop and swinging back and forth is a great idea.
The store owners are perplexed, and annoyed, but he doesn’t really pay them any mind, nor does he make any attempts to get down from his odd little ... perch.
Not even when it seems like somebody else wants to get inside.
“Oh.” He stops swinging, at least, staring at the stranger before him with the slightest cant of the head. And where someone might expect a ‘pardon me,’ or a ‘were you wanting in,’ perhaps, the only thing that pops out of Fukase’s mouth is this:
“Do you know what ‘apartment V-4′ is?”
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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He does it !
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
“I promise you this game will be so much fun. Get on your mark.”
If you ever wanted to hear Oliver or Fukase.
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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alright, who’s ready to get this show on the road? raises my leg up high.
here’s a starter call for this … er, this rambunctious and curious android! I’ll cap this at 5, although fellow VOCALOIDs are exempt from the cap!
( jazz hands )
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
Okay, so people have been giving him weird looks for about an hour now.
But considering he was sitting almost like a cat, perched in a tree and trying to scope out his surroundings, that was to be expected.
He just... wanted to find someone who looked interesting enough to ask some questions about this place to. That’s all. Someone who wasn’t reminiscent of the folks back ‘home’ who would give him exasperated sighs upon finding out that he tried to scale a building for the thirteenth time this week.
And--oh, no, wait. Someone was coming, someone who didn’t have that boring old-guy human look to talk to, and those were some pretty cool things he had on his face. They looked like those weird ‘glasses’ things some humans wore, except dark and like you couldn’t see a thing out of them. Nice. Actually, now that he was getting closer, this guy almost looked like he could be a---
Oh. Oh. Wait. Again. He leaned a bit too far forward trying to get a closer look at the figure, and winded up... just falling. Fukase tries to use the cane he’d been holding on to in an attempt to catch himself from falling to the ground, but... to no avail. He misses, and falls straight onto the ground with a rather large thud.
Great. Truly.
Naturally, heads turn at the sight of the small figure suddenly colliding with the ground in what would probably be problematic for a normal human being. Luckily for him, he was not a human being, and after a few seconds stuck in a daze, he hops to his feet, brushing himself off and nonchalantly picking up his cane before his eyes fixate on the backwards-glasses stranger before him. 
“So... Are you a VOCALOID, or what?”
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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alright, who’s ready to get this show on the road? raises my leg up high.
here’s a starter call for this ... er, this rambunctious and curious android! I’ll cap this at 5, although fellow VOCALOIDs are exempt from the cap!
( jazz hands )
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
beginning of the world。(intro)
Who’s idea of a weird joke was this?
...Okay, really, as much as he’d like to think this was someone trying to pull a fast one on him, or maybe teach him some kind of weird lesson, this didn’t seem right.
Like, really, he had absolutely no idea what that guy in the monitor was even talking about. What were ‘universes,’ and what was this ‘experiment’ thing? Was he being tested on or something?
If they wanted to upgrade him already they could’ve just said so. Seriously.
Oh, well. Whatever. This wasn’t really a bothersome situation at all--to Fukase, anyways. He was pretty sure the people who made him would be freaking out right about now, though. Something like, ‘That one blah blah blah, already getting in trouble blah blah, he’s gone! Where did he go?!’
He could care less, really, because this was a whole new opportunity to learn about a whole ton of things, after all--just walking out into the weird place he’d been brought to, everything was huge. Bigger than anything he’d even ever seen before.
And--and none of the company people were in sight, either. No one to tail him around, and tell him to ‘stop climbing on that building,’ or ‘stop taking your arm apart, what are you doing?!’ He was free.
One hand grips the end of his cane, and a broad grin appears on his face.
Finally, he could have some real fun!
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
my time has come. without any prior reservation, I'd like to app Fukase (VOCALOID)! his app can be found under /app or the navigation tab!
Welcome Fukase, your housing is currently under apartment v-4.
Your weapon of choice is your cane.
Enjoy your stay!
— mod oo1
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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cant wait till hes released
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omoshirokatta-blog · 8 years
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