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『I’m still not seeing what exactly is so scary about Kawakami-san. I understand that he’s mysterious and the idols don’t know much about him, but is that really a reason to be so afraid? I think the moment I was able to see his eyes behind those sunglasses, I knew things would turn out fine. He seems like a reasonable man, has his ways of operating the way that he does. We all have reasons for things, don’t we? It’s not my forte to question it. So long as he keeps everyone safe, it’s alright.
『He’s a pretty handsome guy, too! I wonder, has he ever been in showbiz, like me? Hm, never mind that...』
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pygmypearl · 7 years
This... was her new boss, wasn’t it? Pearl’s dull gaze landed upon him in the crowd, and she found herself staring, ink still dripping from her ears. She didn’t know what to do right now. She still hadn’t found a doctor, and a terrible feeling was settling heavily in her chest. She knew by now that something was up with her hearing, though she didn’t yet know exactly how badly, and a very real fear crossed over her mind.
If she couldn’t hear anymore, how was she supposed to perform live at shows and such anymore? She had just gotten this back in the city, and she had been so happy; it would be like a reminder of home for her.
Apparently, life had other plans, and she could feel her breathing turn rapid and panicky. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed her.
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there’s a hell in all of us -- [closed]
From sector to sector, she cuts and winds between buildings in some sort of haphazard flight path, not even knowing so much where she is, much less where she’s headed. By now, she’s exhausted her own endurance when it concerns flight, a reminder that it’s been a long while since she’s done any sort of flying over a long distance.
She gently sets herself on a fire escape platform that overlooked an alley. Sector oo3 having plenty of these to show, a derelict building near her apartment complex is not an exception.
Nothing much of interest happens, save a few of those strange creatures resting cozy along shadows. She’s almost ready to simply fly away when she catches sight of a shadow out of the corner of her eye. It’s definitely not one of those creatures -- no, someone far more of interest in the scope of her judgment.
She does nothing but project her voice. Will it catch this one’s attention?
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“It is awfully bold of you to show yourself on a night that otherwise has not been showy.” She can only hope.
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tenkatori-blog · 7 years
“Ah... Bansai-san?”
Being seen in this getup was a tad embarrassing, he’d admit (not like he had any say in the matter). But this was... well, he’d expected this, right? 
even though he’s still a bit caught off guard, somehow.
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“You have something for me?”
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gendainotenshi · 7 years
A rare stroke of fortune had brought Ten to Hive City Records itself for his work. With it happening so soon after his string of investigations, it was the perfect opportunity. 
After finishing his work, Ten waited until everyone had left--everyone save for their producer. It was near midnight, the halls empty and dark when Ten approached his office and knocked.
“Kawakami-san, I’m coming in.”
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“Please pardon me for interrupting. There’s something I’d like to confirm regarding the incident with Izumi Iori...”
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puddingfever-blog · 7 years
@headphonehitokiri ♥’d for a starter || [accepting]
         Tamaki shoves his hands in his pockets before snapping up to greet his new producer. He can sense that the elder man feels some sort of attachment to him, but Tamaki really isn’t sure why or how that’s possible. It’s not like he’s ever met the guy before, but he seems dependable and someone who can help him-- unlike some of the assholes he had to deal with before. “Hey, president, your name is Bansai, right? I can’t call you Ban-san, since that’ll confuse you with, well...  Ban-san.” He’s never struggled this hard with a nickname before now.
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        A smile forms on his face, and he finally comes up with a proper nickname. “I got it! You’ll be Sai-san.” Sou-chan isn’t here to tell him not to use a nickname for his superiors, but it’s not like he’s ever stopped him before.
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murdergorounds-blog · 7 years
( is this truly the best question she could think of for you, @headphonehitokiri? )
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      “Hey, are you one of those guys who goes to parties just to play Wonderwall then leave?” Peacock’s gesturing at the weaponized shamisen that he has on him. She could be an asshole and call it a guitar, but the question itself probably implies that well enough. “Oh, oh, or do you play Creep instead? I’m sure the ladies and gents and whoever the fuck just love hearin’ that crap outta ya!”
      Subtlety is not her strong point, clearly.
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alchemicalvariable · 6 years
headphonehitokiri replied to your post: // so I just did a recount of my 500+ and 300+...
he can illegally drive a car
// i mean...legality has never stopped him before...
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idolish7center-blog · 7 years
Something Only I Can Do
A blip of an update sounds from Bansai’s phone, notifying him that one of his beloved idols has posted a live message on his main social media account.
Riku @ Nanase.Riku . 5m “Today I’ll be performing at the gates of the Amusement Park in Sector oo6 near the Shopping District! The time will be XX:XX! Please come show your support! I hope I’ll see you there, everyone! ((ヽ(๑╹ ∇ ╹๑)ノ))♬
Rain clouds are already encroaching over the murky city skies, but above all else, high tension was in the air and rising up once again....
“Thank you for coming, everyone! I’m Nanase Riku from IDOLiSH7! I really didn’t want to let you down, so I hope you’ll have me this evening!”
Riku’s energetic words made a chorus of cheers ring out from the decently sized crowd that had gathered, and though all he had was a battery run karaoke machine to play him into one song after another, his powerful vocals and infectious charm were more than enough to carry on a successful performance. However...
”I’ve got.... haa.. to keep going...” I don’t... want to disappoint them! The fans that are depending on me!
--He was reaching the finite point to his stamina, and with the drizzling rain chilling him to the bone and making it harder and harder to breathe, it was only a matter of time before he could feel himself growing dizzy.
No, I’ve got.. to keep singing... Not yet...--
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And just before the finale, Riku began to dangerously sway in his step and finally make a collision course towards the ground--
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gendainotenshi · 7 years
Right. The whole reason this had happened was because Iori had had a job tomorrow...a job he could no longer do because he was in the hospital.
Someone had to break the news to their producer. Riku was far too distraught right now, and talking about it would only stress him out more. So Ten took it upon himself. He excused himself from the room and made the call.
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“Kawakami-san. It’s Kujou Ten. I apologize for troubling you so late at night. I called to inform you that Izumi Iori won’t be able to make it to his job tomorrow. He was stabbed by someone we presume to be his stalker. He’s in the hospital right now. He will survive the injury, but he will likely be bedridden for some time, so it’s safe to say that any and all of his performances and appearances need to be put on hold until he recovers.”
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A Snowball’s Chance in Hell
For @headphonehitokiri
Sneaking up on Kawakami Bansai was a difficult enterprise for the average person. Someone entirely uninteresting, someone who didn’t seem too focused on their target, might have a chance.. For Takasugi Shinsuke, however, this was an utter impossibility. Bansai was attuned to his melody (that’s how he put it), and there was no way he wouldn’t pick it out. 
But the Ball organizers had explained all powers were de-activated tonight on these grounds. Did that include Bansai’s preternatural hearing? If so, this was a rare opportunity, a chance to actually surprise Bansai, and quite possibly hit him with a snowball. 
He’d formed the snowball outside, packing the snow till it was nearly as hard as ice. And now he carried the dripping, pathetic missile through the ballroom in search of his prey. He moved carefully through the crowd. He might have the advantage of making no “music”, but Bansai was still a talented assassin with lightning quick reflexes and sharp hearing and eyesight. Fortunately, there were lots of taller people to provide cover tonight. 
Why was the leader of the Kiheitai, a man who’d completely surrendered himself to grief and misery, busying himself with a prank on his subordinate? Takasugi couldn’t have explained it. There was the snow, the opportunity was clear, and so he was doing it. Hadn’t these inexplainable impulses somehow won him friends he never meant to make? Snowball fights, Kick-the-can, fireworks at festivals, New Year’s Parties . . . for someone who hated the world, he was always drawn to the simplest shared pleasures with his comrades. 
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His target now in sight, he draws back his arm and, launching his snowball, lest out a whoop.
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soothingforte · 7 years
Sougo was surprised that Bansai would ask to meet with him. Surprised and completely anxious. He agreed to it but was completely unsure what it was for. Maybe his inadequacy to watch over his younger members properly? He can’t blame them though, not entirely. He could understand their reasoning to keep as hush as possible about it. After all, a similarly distressful moment like Iori’s happened before, however that was a false call.
Would he be dropped? He’s not exactly much on his own as an idol. He had no place without IDOLiSH7 or MEZZO”. Even if TRIGGER was also incomplete now as well, they had enough charisma and pull to keep going without Ryunosuke.
No, he had to stop fretting over the possibilities. Whatever it is that Bansai wished to talk to him with, he’ll speak honestly. Just treat it like a casual meeting between co-workers.
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“Ah, Kawakami-san! Over here!” He called over to the older when he entered, setting down the book he was reading. Folding his hands over his lap, he stood and greeted him. “Good afternoon. How are you today?”
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replica of a tired sound -- [closed/event]
Along the banks of the Sanzu, Eiki alternates between a low elevation flight and simple walking. The crisp evening air is good for clearing her head -- Komachi had suggested that she go out for a bit every now and again to do so when she’s feeling overly anxious and stressed, and far be it for the Yama to take anyone’s suggestion, let alone hers, but...
One foot in front of the other, her feet sink ever slightly in the sands as she plods forward, no end in sight, no real destination. But, that soon changes. It’s when she catches sight of an irregularly large boat wedging itself along the shore, squishing some of the grasses in its path, that she narrows her eyes into a glare and makes haste at approaching the oncoming vessel. Speaking of Komachi -- just what is she doing out in the middle of the night, and working, no less?!
“If you honestly believe sending me someone to judge in the middle of the night will curry my favor, you’re mis--”
But, just as quickly as she begins lecturing does it register that the soul that exits the ship isn’t just any soul, nor is it her subordinate. No, from the backlit ship emerges someone she hopes she never has the misfortune of encountering again -- at least, not alone.
Has her voice reached him, her presence revealed?
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Her form bereft of action, Eiki freezes; not even the rising and falling of her chest from her breathing is visible. She only gazes upon the staggering form and focuses her concern on their approach...
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gottagobaby · 7 years
Starter for @headphonehitokiri.
At last, he’d finally found some time to himself, away from all the mess and all the stress. All the exhaustion that had come from helping take care of disaster refugees.
Course, it’s not like he’s completely away from it all, seeing as he was going to pick up some new equipment for his work to help out with the streams and charity. But hell, at least he wasn’t having to interact with tons of people that he didn’t know. That had been getting exhausting.
Cobra pushes open the door to the Records’ offices. Hopefully this was a deal he could work out with them. Stepping further into the lobby and looking around, it looked like there was no one here. He looks back, squinting at the hours on the office door. No, the place definitely seemed to be open. So then, where was everyone?
He steps closer to the front desk, glancing around. Hm, well this was a bit—
He pauses, eyes traveling down the hall behind the desk. Well...
The snaker hops up and down on the floor of the empty recording booth. He’s got a guitar in hand– one he’d found there –and is wildly slapping a paw down its strings. He’s not really strumming any chords, but he is certainly making noise. Cobra doesn’t exactly look like he knows what he’s doing, and he’s certainly not trying, but he is sure having a good time.
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ingoldentent · 7 years
@Headphonehitokiri: Studio of the Endless Sorcerer
It’s been a while since Battler last saw Bansai. Truth be told, back when they talked at the party, the sorcerer already had in mind something akin to the system he has now made public in mind. Thus, now would be the best moment to formalize the deal and assure a connection with the musical scene in Hive City.
He marked an appointment with the producer at the studio of Hive City Records, the reason why he’s currently at the waiting room, checking on these month old magazines that they always leave at the corner of such places. 
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He was delighting himself with learning the new marriage of Jaquelina Angie when he heard his name being called by the reception desk. With a swift move, Battler stood up, put the magazine back on its place and went towards the room where Bansai should be waiting for him. He opened the door and what he saw was...
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