oncearedfield ¡ 1 year
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Resident Evil 2 (1998)
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oncearedfield ¡ 2 years
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Valentine’s day, 2021.
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oncearedfield ¡ 6 years
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1998 RE2 was fucking wild, man
that ending song GOES HARD
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oncearedfield ¡ 6 years
She's always been the strongest, always been the rock necessary for his stability to maintain some semblance of footing; he hates these circumstances, her seeing him at his worst, bottles aplently on the floor, the evident stench of defeat in the air. He says nothing, not even when her arms come around him, when his shoulders shake, when that barrier of pent up emotion finally keels over, eyelids shutting, heart thumping at the chest. She's always been the strongest,and it's never been so clear.
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   EVEN THE STRONGEST WOULD HAVE THEIR MOMENTS OF WEAKNESSES, as time went  on. The INEVITABILITY for when one’s legs would then give out, if only for just a moment. Never were they meant to be PERFECT CREATURES, this was why they had chosen to fight on. For a future without fear, where the light at the end of that tunnel would remain that of an ETERNAL SUNRISE to which they can then fully embrace.
   ALWAYS BELIEVED TO BE THE UNTOUCHABLE, the hero who could be hardly fazed. So had many would come to believe of him as such, especially as the years went by. One of the survivors of RACCOON CITY– the first survivor, as many had begun to call him. For if he himself fell, what would have been the chances for the rest of them? 
   He certainly had made a name for himself, as he so rightfully deserved. RESPECT and ADMIRATION earned by many, as he perhaps might have wanted– during another lifetime. Bringing upon even teasing smiles from that of this one companion. To which he would remain connected with, for the years to come. While not necessarily a facade, Leon had certainly changed to some degree. HIGH EXPECTATIONS from even those that he had yet to meet– then again, maybe he hadn’t changed all that much. Having CRAFTED A SHIELD for himself, in some ways. Like necessary modifications to that of a once basic piece of firearm, so had he needed to become stronger for the sake of others. Even when he always had been so.
   He was quick to recognize who it was that stood before him, despite the drunken daze that he had since fallen into. He would sought her embrace through that of a subtle lean, the moment her arms would reach out to wound themselves around him. There he was, that BRIGHT-EYED ROOKIE who had wanted to do so much, and still did. That optimistic teenager who would offer HOPE to all those around him, despite such grim circumstances. 
   Taking on RESPONSIBILITIES that he would                   believe were all entrusted to him, and him alone. 
   Her grip would tighten itself across his broad back, as her chin rested itself upon his very shoulder. Pulling him that much closer to her, the moment she would feel that first shake from him travel across to her own frame. BLOOD SO OFTEN SPILLED, as new scars would continue to mark an aging but still stubborn body. Here, they would remain, for what seemed like an AGONIZING ETERNITY in itself. When in truth, there was no telling what truly laid ahead for them all. But together, no matter what, they would eventually find some way to TURN THE TIDES themselves.
   Knowing that he was still right there with her, along with her brother and so many others. She wasn’t alone, and neither was he.
   It’s alright, Leon. This didn’t make you any weaker. It will be alright. She would believe, something that she would tell even herself, time and again. Fear doesn’t make you any weaker. For of course, even she herself was just as afraid.
   “… We’re still here.”
@1stsurvivor 💕
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oncearedfield ¡ 6 years
With an awkward sway of her body, and a pinch of her bottom lip-- how old was she, again? To think that she would still find herself behaving in this manner, especially around someone that she had known for God knows how long... Her eyes casting themselves down to tightly clasped hands themselves. It wasn't until she realized that she had run out of the breath she had initially held, did she finally utter out: "Iloveyou."
WOW FEELINGS!   ( @oncearedfield )
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It’s a rarity, this surfacing of peace: looming abroad with little more to show than scars that speak of horrors, terrible, terrible horrors unheard of to most, maintaining an iron grip upon someone once so hopeful. He, with stars for eyes and resolve as wide as their pupils once upon a time; he, now a fingerbreadth away from burning asunder like wicker to flame, never to see the light of day. It’s a wonder that Leon stands today, fortunate in the company of his most trusted ( a reunion without a speck of crisis slithering into the crevices, no less! ), the burden of reality just a little less lighter upon his shoulders — for once, able to savor this moment of tranquility. To think his journey alongside her began through mere chance, a stroke of serendipity that casts a gleam of light when he recalls that fateful night. He holds many memories of that night, bad, unspeakable memories mainly, but he cannot deny the memory that is the look of solace in her expression the instant they left that train, Sherry in tow, SAFE AT LAST. That, at the very least, is a piece of his rookie life he can appreciate — cherish, really.
                 It is the one time everything made sense, where his emotion and naivety was not played to the masses, where he wasn’t plunged into a grey area that yowled with conflicting feeling — a feeling he continues to struggle with, truthfully, but a feeling in which he pushes away as best he can.
                 But now, now is when he feels young again. One half to a rowdy whole. And it’s turbulent, unrestrained and unabashed. He shifts his legs with little cooperation, the limbs seemingly unable to form some semblance of a path, but he ultimately finds he doesn’t care. He can’t care, not really, not when his companion is so visibly pleased and their hands, entwined together as if routine, cannot possibly lead him astray.
                 In minutes their swaying stops, his smile, faint yet undoubtedly noticeable to her, faltering at their creases. Leon looks to her, then to their hands, and back again. As the rush of spirit settles in and his thoughts begin their reemergence, he only exhales. Though his chest feels heavy, this time it’s not from catastrophe or stress. No, it’s something else. Something pure, something genuine — something … right.
                 ❛      I love you.      ❜
                 The realization doesn’t quite strike him true until he pauses, processing the previous seconds with a slowness unfamiliar to him. Did she — ? She really just — Jesus Christ, she said it too.       ❛      Claire, I —      ❜       A lonesome hand wriggles from her grasp, reaching up to stroke the skin of her cheek. The pit of his gut is an array of reversals, flipping inside-out, relishing amid a medley of repose and utter relief.       ❛      Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.      ❜
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oncearedfield ¡ 6 years
ミ @peevishanchor​/ @shrillringing​ Continued from Here 彡
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    Tired eyes flickered toward the woman who asked him the question. He was littered with cuts, tares in his clothing, bruises. It was hard to pinpoint at the moment. Honestly, he was still trying to process everything that was happening, the soldiers…was this really over? The Bakers were dead outside of the daughter, who was laying on a table in the room across from him, talking lowly with a roughed up man he’d never seen before. Counting his losses—Andre, Clancy, his sanity…was it really worth feeling some relief over? Pete took a heavy blink, willing himself to focus enough for an answer.
    “I don’t…I don’t fuckin’ know…” he replied, rubbing at his temples slightly, “My head?”
   Lips would tug ever so slightly into a subtle grin, as brows quirked almost gratefully at that answer. Right... she definitely could have phrased that better. Blame it on her nerves, really. Or perhaps, a silly IMPULSIVE habit that had never truly died, after all these years. It was a miracle, that he had actually made it out of there alive. With so many believing that the last that they would have seen of him, was through that very last recording. Through that REHEARSAL GONE WRONG. There were just so many questions, but Claire knew that this needed to be taken slowly.
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   A quick search around, and soon enough, she would return with an ice pack in hand. “Here, at least until the medic gets back...” Keeping her voice low, especially when compared to the busy movements just outside of the tent itself, the last thing he certainly needed was a bigger headache. “... Peter, right? Peter Walken?”
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
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A Moment in Time
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Rebecca ☆
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      Slight sheepishness comes across her soft features.    “  Sorry.. I just assumed, but you probably want some sugar right? I can add a spoon.   ”    Already, she’s to her feet, trying to find a sugar packet on her counter. She finds two luckily before handing it over to Chris along with a stirring straw, and returning back to her own cup. The whip cream in it is already beginning to melt from the hotness. Eyelashes flutter shut as she takes a long, nice sip. Heaven in a cup.
        “    Mhm !  ”    she chirps in response.   “   It’s bigger than my old apartment. Closer to my new work. I suppose I needed a fresh start.     ”   a slight pensive look comes across her face, almost solemn before she shifts it back into an easygoing smile. Hopeful.     “   It might be silly but ….  ”    small shoulders rise up in a ‘what-can-you-do’ sort of shrug.      “  —Life goes on right?    ”    regardless of the mental baggage they have to carry. Even as her arms tighten around herself, trying not to think of the virus running through her veins now. Dormant. Yes, even as hopeful as she is, she too, has her chest full of dark feelings.
   “Hey, it’s alright, really.” Brows would raise at how quickly she had been able to read him, “... But, yeah, ‘would appreciate that.” It followed along with his gaze as she quickly headed off before he could even finish. Nothing but GRATITUDE expressed on his features, however, as he just as quickly accepted what was offered. Beginning to work away on those little packets, then... Fingers were NOT AS NIMBLE as they should be, especially when it came to tearing the little things open, without at least spilling more than a few grains. But eventually, he would get the job done, tapping in whatever remained into his own cup, as Rebecca enjoyed her own.
   He nodded, but of course, completely understanding where she was coming from-- A pause, then, even as he was stirring away-- as his gaze was once more drawn to the brief SHIFT on those normally bright and cheerful features of hers. Not that it had been difficult to catch sight of. That ray of sunshine she might have remained since all those years back-- but never was she the one to WEAR HER HEART ON HER CHEEK. 
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   “Life goes on.” But not simply repeated without much thought, it was the best REASSURANCE he could offer to her. He was never the best when it came to it, as often as he wanted to be. For the sake of those that were still here by his side, after all this time, “And, we’ve got you, Rebecca... you know you aren’t alone in this.”
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Mister Auditore ☆
“No; but there is a first for everything, hm?” A cliched saying, yet it could only describe this situation perfectly. The man was far ahead of his own time, and needless to say, Ezio couldn’t deny his curiosity of what sort of advancements in technology he was to potentially see here. It’d at least be a learning experience if nothing else. No harm in that.
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“Lead the way, then.”
   “Right. But, trust me, it’s not as bad as it sounds.” After all, anything with the word ‘blood’ in it, definitely sounded anything but welcoming. The least he could do was reassure the guy a little as they made their way there. Strange garbs aside, it wasn’t as if this man was the only one in the world who still lived by more... traditional means. Chris definitely had a couple of other questions of his own for him, if given the time.
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   “I appreciate your cooperation on this, Mister Auditore. You mind telling me where you’re from?” While they were at it, there was after all nothing wrong in getting to know the man through casual conversation, right?
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Rebecca ☆
      “    Oh, don’t flatter me. You work twice as hard.   ”   fingers come up to adjust her glasses as she beams up at Chris. They both work hard, in different ways. Both of their jobs are demanding as it is. There’s little time for anything else. Rebecca can’t remember the last time she went out to just have fun.
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       She walks over to where the coffee maker is, pouring some into a spare cup. She leaves it black, figures Chris is a strong black coffee type of guy. Her new condo is still filled with unopened boxes with the recent move. It’s as tidy as can be, but she’s having to adjust as it is. “    Here.   ”  she holds out the cup to him.   “    I spared you my sweet tooth.    ”
   Nothing more was really said about that matter. Save for a now humorous flash of teeth back to the other’s own bright beam. He had been there before, too many times really. The FEARS, DOUBTS and GUILT that have consumed him, whether what he was doing was ever enough. After all these years, after all that they have LOST (Sometimes barely remembering what had been GAINED as well, however). The one time he had actually given in to have a little fun (After much urging from the others), it hadn’t ended well... Lord knows how sorry he was, and how much he had appreciated the fact that she hadn’t been as mad as she should have with how things had turned out that night.
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   She was giving him way too much credit. Him, being seen as the strong black coffee kinda guy, dark and as bitter as DEATH itself. He had tried keeping up that appearance, maybe once or twice, back in the days. In his attempts to impress Jill back during those days-- But in the end, there was never anything wrong in using a few packets of sugar or artificial sweetener... instead of puking it all up when no one was looking, later on, “Heh, much appreciated.” Not that he ever had anything against it, as expressed with a small quirk of his right brow and corner of his lips, “... So, nice place you got here... You just moved in last month, didn’t you?”
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
 Rebecca 彥
@oncearedfield gets another thingie b/c ilu
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       “   Trust me, it tastes better with chocolate chips. And whip cream.    ”    there’s a bright and sunny smile across Rebecca’s features as she waves the coffee cup in front of Claire. Urging Claire to join her in her sugary sin. Diabetes in a cup anyone?
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   “Heh, I’ll take your word for it.” Dare she to admit that she was already more than ready to take that offered cup of WARM SUGARY SWEETNESS into her own hands, then. Composed of those much needed endorphins that will cure most of the monday blues, if anything. With a quiet thanks, Claire couldn’t help but share a warm smile with the other, sitting herself right down then as they enjoyed this little treat (Well, it was certainly one to her, as she often took her own coffee with whatever packets of sugar she could find around the tabletop-- which reminds her that she really needed to get that area reorganized one of these days), “So, be honest with me, Rebecca. Is it really all that healthy throwing in a slab of butter into your coffee, as they say it is?”
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Rebecca ☆ 
@oncearedfield      /       ♡’d !
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     “  You really don’t ever change do you, Chris?    ”     there’s a slightly coy smile across pretty facial features as long black eyelashes flutter behind thick black frames. In a world of ever changing factors, Chris remains the same though it can be argued so does Rebecca. Only the growth of wisdom and maturity across her face that was not there before in her youth is different. A hand draws up to brush bangs out of her eyes as she smiles up at him.     “ And you look even worse than me on my all-nighter days. I think you need a break. Want a cup of coffee?   ”
   NOT WHAT HE’D EXPECTED, even from her. But there was a small sense of comfort, nonetheless. Still bright, hopeful, after all they have been through-- She is still that spark, as it is seen even in those eyes of hers then. The smallest smile would curl in the corner of his lips before he knew it. Almost alien, for once it wasn’t an awkward looking grimace (Which was never his intention, whenever he tried breaking past that normally perpetually perturbed demeanor).
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   “Heh, can’t say I hadn’t heard that one before, though I’m pretty sure the one that’s still working their hardest here is you, Rebecca.” A sigh followed, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” They don’t get to do this often, anyway.
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Jill ☆ 
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         ❝   YEAH.   I’M   .   .   .   MANAGING.                                            It feels like forever,   y'know.   Since things were   .   .   .   normal.   ❞         As normal as they can be.
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   Take it easy. Those words would die before they even had the chance of slipping past his lips. A small sigh breathed out instead, as he took that time to take in the room that they were in... that usual time to contemplate.
   “... ’Does feel a little weird, huh?” This brief moment of respite, one that they-- SHE-- honestly deserved, however. A NORMALCY that he was never truly prepared for, never will be, perhaps, “But, I’ll definitely take what I can get, by this stage.” 
   So it was said, even as fingers began fidgeting, tapping themselves against one another--almost nervously. QUIETUDE-- while not necessarily unsettling, would draw a breath that he had forgotten that he had held onto. A reminder, or a question. One whether something so... normal... was even real.
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ Jill ☆ 
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❝     BEEN A LONG TIME,  hasn’t it  ?     ❞
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   "... Heh, it sure has... Almost can’t believe it myself, y’know?                                      ... How you holdin’ up since we got back?”
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oncearedfield ¡ 7 years
☆ @phulusa (JILL) ☆
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oncearedfield ¡ 8 years
 Moira 彥
  NO, NO, NO! This wasn’t happening. She didn’t just wake up in a disgusting, old prison cell and there wasn’t a bracelet clamped on her wrist, biting at the skin, glowing a shade of orange against her face. THIS WASN’T HAPPENING. It felt difficult to breathe then, limbs shaking and mind envisioning the worst possible scenarios.
  Get it together, she told herself, everything’s going to be fine…everything’s going to be fine. They’re gonna find a way out of this shithole and everything will be back to normal! Easy, right?
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   “I…okay. Okay,” she drew in an unsteady breath, hands hesitantly loosening their grip on Claire’s shoulders, “I just…I don’t fucking get it, Claire. What the fuck just happened? Where the hell are we!?”
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   IT WAS AN ALL TOO KINDLY REMINDER of the POSSIBILITIES that were lurking just beyond them. Her grasp remaining just as firm and reassuring upon the other’s shoulders, as wary lips tinted itself in a little smile. It was all too SICKENINGLY FAMILIAR, from dim sources of light that casted itself down this GRIM, MURKY TUNNEL, to the very sense that they were BEING WATCHED, right then.
   That’s it, breathe, girl... breathe. Fingers would loosen for a brief moment, as a small pat was placed to the side of the other’s shoulder. She was going to keep her supported until she was sure that most of those JITTERS would leave the girl’s knees before they finally moved on.    
   “... I wish I knew, I really do.” She was quick to bite back on asking whether she could stand (Aside from that statement sounding nothing but CONDESCENDING, give her a little credit, Claire. Don’t you start treating her like little some kid), Only one way to find out, and that was delving deep into this very place itself, “Do you feel aright? We should get moving.”
@inlusicnis <333
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oncearedfield ¡ 9 years
 Moira 彥
  Deep breaths, Moira.
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  "Claire! W-what the fuck is going on? Where…where the hell are we?“ So much for calming down. Hands sought for Claire’s shoulders, "I just want to go home, Claire—” She struggled to speak, the urge to panic rising in her throat, hoping to whatever god was out there that this was all just a fucking nightmare.
   Oh God, what was BARRY going to say about this?                 If they were ever going to make it out of here, that is? 
   ... God dammit, don’t you DARE start thinking that way now, Claire. So, that’s right, just take a few deep, deep breaths yourself, because right now, you REALLY need to stay calm. You just came to, it’s alright to be a little... frazzled, especially when waking up in a place like this... But right now, Moira really didn’t need to see her panicking along with her. And honestly, jokes aside, it wasn’t as if she was actually NEW to this sort of situation, not that she had been DYING to RELIVE it after all these years.
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   “Moira, it’s okay,” She began, a small if not exhausted little smile offered to the girl as her own hands reached up to hold her in return. As she waited for her to collect herself, if not just a little, the redhead found the need to continue assuring the other.
   “We’re gonna get oughta here, I promise.”
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