one-equaltemper · 7 days
Will we ever see Draco caring for Hermione whilst she’s on her period in BMB? This is in no way pressure for you to write this/me asking you to, I just think about this scenario a lot, and I think it would be sweet with their dynamic!
I mean never say never. It's not currently something I have outlined but it's not an impossibility either!
I do have this one (intimately familiar) that's about Hermione on her period but it's not a BMB vibe at all.
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one-equaltemper · 12 days
Is be my baby abandoned?
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one-equaltemper · 15 days
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
i feel like i'm really bad at giving advice and i've written and rewritten something here like 20 times now. the best i can do is:
do what works for you. fuck everyone else.
in the nicest way, of course. but what i mean by that is everyone is going to have a different style and a different process. try out different ones, by all means, but don't force yourself to stick to something that doesn't fit.
i cannot force myself to sit in front of my computer and write. it just does not work for me, so i don't. i know a lot of writers who have a lot of success with making themselves start, and having it flow from there. i'm very dependant on the mood of my muse who is a very fickle being and never does what i want her to.
i write when i have the desire. i write when the words feel like they're bursting from my fingertips, like my mind is overrun with daydreams and scenarios. for me, that works. but for a long time i felt like a terrible writer because i wasn't 'trying hard enough'.
fool around with different processes, try different things, but at the end of the day do what works for you and don't feel bad about it.
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
How did you make your Tumblr with the pink font? (desktop)
oh it's just a theme i found, here.
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
Any other DDLG/daddy vibe fics you recommend? I loved all your fic recs but can’t get into the trad pub. :)
Not a ton to choose from and I don't read a lot of fic anymore so I'm not up to date with any new ones, but here are three of my favourites:
Little Lotte by MlleBree (Phantom of the Opera & a wip but totally worth it)
Sinning and Healing by femmeheart (Hermione/Bill, HP)
Milk and Honey by Babeblox (Darklina, Shadow and Bone)
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
Dramione or reylo? In terms of dynamics, what do you like reading best, etc...
i will first say that i don't read a ton of fic anymore, other than a couple here and there and mostly in obscure fandoms where i have no connections.
but in terms of dynamics, i like the fact that there is more variety of darker-toned fics in the reylo fandom. a lot of reylo fics can be quite taboo and i'm not a shy reader in that regard.
not to say that there isn't in dramione, because there is, but i haven't read a dramione fic (other than one of my own) in ages simply because i find it really difficult to read a pairing that i'm actively writing.
i don't think one or the other is better, necessarily, but you're going to find different tones and tropes and my current reading preferences fall more in line with reylo.
(you can see where i have tried to inject some more taboo topics into my dramione fics, like innocence and purity)
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
Hello Tali! I was the one who wrote you the question about how BMB Draco might react if Hermione breaks it off with him. Your answer to the question was perfect it got me so curious about how the story might go, I can't wait for your insight on it. But as much as I am so so excited, like literally shaking for more BMB, please take all the time you need!! 🩷
thank you so much!!!
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
Are you on a hiatus?
nope. just taking it easy and not forcing things. my muse is temperamental.
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one-equaltemper · 1 month
First of, I love love BMB!! Question: (it probably will never happen but...) how do you think BMB Draco would react if Hermione try to break it off with him? Considering much he adores her I imagine the anst would be on another level 🫣
i typed out an answer but i'm really hesitant to actually post it for fear that i will unintentionally give *anything* away, in terms of character thoughts, behaviours, stories, etc. i promise i will come back and answer this question when bmb is finished!
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one-equaltemper · 2 months
As a nurse, you capture the healthcare vibes and the vibe of doctors and their favorite nurses soooo well in be my baby 😭 the entire healthcare aspect is so so well done! (All the aspects are well done like the whole entire story but as a nurse it just really sticks out to me !!) 🩷
thank you so much!! that's actually the part of the story i have the least experience with so i'm really happy to know that it it's believable and enjoyable!!! thank you for reading 😊
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one-equaltemper · 3 months
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Be My Baby
Chapter 35 - Obsessive and Possessive
A blinding pain rips through her arm but all she can focus on is the way her iced coffee has exploded on the pavement, splattering her white cotton dress…a complete and total waste of £3.50.
-read here-
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one-equaltemper · 3 months
hi!!! i just wanted to say that i’ve been reading bmb since you first posted chapter 1 and i absolutely adore it!!! getting the notification that you updated always makes my day :)))) thanks for creating such a wonderful world of characters
thank you so much!! that's so sweet of you to say. I'm so grateful to have you as a reader!!!!
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one-equaltemper · 3 months
I’m newer to Dramione ff and fell in love with your story be my baby! Is there a schedule to look forward to for new updates?
hi :) thank you for reading, i really appreciate it! i don't currently have an update schedule and can't really tell you when to an expect an update. they just sort of...come when they come.
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one-equaltemper · 4 months
Would you ever do another chapter for “wanna lay my head where the cold wind blows”? Please
it’s not something i’ve really thought about but never say never.
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one-equaltemper · 4 months
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🎀 below the cut 🎀
Hermione isn’t typically clumsy. In fact, she’s never really been one to take a tumble— never really scraped her knee as a child or landed on her hands, leaving her palms raw and gravel-filled. Other than her unfortunate, but also fortunate, injury the night she met Draco, she’s not really one for needing any kind of medical attention.
She’s never had a stay in a hospital, never needed to urgently see her GP other than for the flu or that time she was down for nearly a month with glandular fever during her first year of university (a little gift from Ginny’s brother after she let him stick his tongue down her throat once). She’s lucky that way and she knows it. Still, she remembers as a kid being a little bit envious of the attention given to a girl in her class when she’d broken her arm. For ages she considered that maybe, possibly, an injury of that sort wouldn’t be too bad.
Alright, maybe not her whole arm but…even a toe! A broken toe couldn’t be too painful.
Alas, it was never in the cards for her. She stays out of the A&E, out of the hospital entirely, out of her GP’s office except for her annual physical. No cast for her friends to sign or sympathy to gather. Just her perfectly healthy, non-injured, never-broken-a-bone self.
Until, of course, a normal, everyday walk with Ginny, a larger-than-necessary iced coffee in her hand and a tote bag over her shoulder, her sunnies slipping down off her nose as she rummages in her bag for the book she’d just finished reading that her friend had asked to read next. Her sandals are a little bit loose because they’re rubbing against the side of her foot and the pavement is a bit cracked and uneven because…well, it’s London, and her attention is entirely elsewhere when she trips over one of the stupid little cracks and crashes to the ground.
A blinding pain rips through her arm but all she can focus on is the way her iced coffee has exploded on the pavement, splattering her white cotton dress…a complete and total waste of £3.50.
“Oh fuck.” She hears Ginny’s voice from somewhere above her but her neck is stiff and her temple is pounding. “Shit, Hermione, you’re bleeding. Oh God.”
She groans and catches sight of her plastic cup, iced coffee pooling on the pavement and pieces of ice scattered about and…she pouts. She hadn’t even been able to take a single sip before she’d ended up sprawled along the pavement. Her mouth has gone all dry and funky and—
“Hermione? Are you even listening to me?” Ginny asks, her voice halfway to a shriek. “Fuck. Oh— fuuuuck, your head. You’re bleeding!”
Her hand automatically comes up to press against the throbbing spot on her temple, rubbing the spot like she might be able to make the ache go away, but when she pulls her hand back she catches sight of something red on her fingertips. 
Paling, Hermione gracelessly pushes herself up to sitting and stares unmoving at her fingers, coated in her own blood. “Oh fuck,” she murmurs, mimicking Ginny. “Did I cut myself?”
“Stop moving! You’re getting blood all over your dress!”
She frowns and looks down at the white cotton, twisted awkwardly around her hips and exposing the tops of her thighs, rubbed raw from her pavement landing, until she sees a bright red stain spreading along the material. Her mouth falls open in surprise and shock— how much could her head possibly be bleeding?!
Lifting her hand once more, she touches the throbbing spot on her temple, wincing as she looks at her fingertips, once again coated in fresh, slick blood. 
“Oh my god,” she mumbles, her breath coming fast. “Okay…okay…um, head wounds…head wounds bleed a lot! But i-it’s okay. It’s fine!”
Ginny groans, grabbing the hand she’s waving at her face and holding it still. “It’s not from your head, it’s from your arm! Now, stop moving, I’m— I’m going to call an ambulance.”
She frowns, peering down at her arm, finally seeing the jagged, torn skin along her forearm, profusely bleeding and dripping down onto the cotton of her dress. It’s…utterly disgusting. Her stomach clenches at the sight, her arm a mess of blood and bits of gravel, the skin torn. She’s too afraid to look too closely, to see what lies beneath— muscle, bone, sinew.
Her uninjured hand claps over her mouth and she looks away, taking in a deep breath through her nose and closing her eyes shut tight. If she looks at it any longer she’s absolutely going to be sick, right here, fallen down on the pavement next to her spilled iced coffee and a nice big jagged rock that seems to be the culprit for her predicament.
“Don’t call an ambulance,” she mutters, catching sight of Ginny pulling her phone from her pocket. “I, um, I’m okay. I’ll just…I can go on my own.”
Ginny glares at her. “Hermione, no. You’re bleeding literally everywhere and people are staring and no one is just going to ignore you walking down the pavement like this!” She whisper-shouts in a way that makes her feel like she’s being scolded.
“Do not call an ambulance,” she repeats, pushing herself to her knees. “I can walk— there’s nothing wrong with my legs.”
“Well there’s certainly something wrong with your head—”
“No! You need to go to A&E—”
Hermione groans, stopping her slow movements to stare up at her friend. “Ginny— listen to me. If you call an ambulance you know where they’re going to take me and I…I cannot go there. He’ll absolutely lose his shit over this.”
Ginny stops, mouth popping open with her hand propped on her hip. “Are you kidding me? Your boyfriend is a doctor, you’re injured, and you don’t want to see him?”
Blowing out a low breath, Hermione holds up her uninjured arm, making grabby hands at Ginny. Clasping her arm, she steadies herself and very carefully, very slowly, pushes herself up to standing. Once she’s relatively balanced on her feet, she cradles her injured arm to her chest. 
“You don’t get it, Gin. He’s so protective of me, he’s never going to let me out of his sight again.”
“Well, I don’t really blame him! You look like you’ve been shot!”
Hermione looks down at her dress and grimaces— she’s not wrong. There’s a deep red stain all over the skirt of her dress but also over the bodice, right across her chest where she cradles her arm. It’s odd, though— she doesn’t feel much pain from the gaping cut, not like she should.
Maybe that’s…not a good thing.
“Shit,” she mutters, eyes closing just as she staggers on her feet, swaying. “Shit.”
Ginny wraps her arm around her waist and huffs. “Fine, I won’t call the ambulance. But we’re going to the closest hospital and if you stumble once I will make the call.”
“But that’s—”
“Shut up, Hermione, and walk before someone thinks I shot you."
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one-equaltemper · 4 months
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Be My Baby, Ch. 34 - 999
He hasn’t seen her since the last time they left the courthouse, when he took the opportunity to call her something vile under his breath and glare until he was certain she’d burst into flames.
-read here-
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one-equaltemper · 6 months
Hi Tali, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your fics. The way you write is so lovely and I find myself completely immersed in your stories. BMB is a particular favourite and has taken over all my thoughts since I started reading it. Really looking forward to seeing where you take it next x
thank you so much!!! i really appreciate it!!!!
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