one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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The parade had just been hastily concluded, now wandering down to the Tower bar, Onyx spotted a familiar face. “Wow! Some Parade, am I right?” 
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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As soon as the Parade had ended, Onyx had rushed out the Tower, where he had been watching the Parade with his wife, and over to the stables. He hoped he’d be able to catch Gloss before they left. Grateful for his extreme stature, Onyx’s eye scanned the hectic stable as he moved through it. Finally spotting Gloss, Onyx bee lined for them.
“Dude...” Onyx moved to embrace Gloss before pulling back just enough to see Gloss as Onyx spoke. but appearing to anyone else as two Victors embracing. “What the fuck does this mean?”
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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She knew he was right. Another few years and it could have very well been Athena up there alongside everyone else. But, she refused to let herself fall into those thoughts. Athena, Persephone, nor Peridot were anywhere close to being of reaping age. “But it’s not. Athena’s only seven. Percy and Peri are even younger.” Though of course if they were speaking of the Quell, well Athena would be old enough come the fourth Quarter Quell. “Our family is okay. But right now we have the unfortunate responsibility of making decisions. Those are all victors up there, friends in some cases, and only one person is going to live.” That they knew of, but Diana was sure they wouldn’t allow two victors. 
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Onyx was always thankful for his wife’s ability to see rational and objectively when Onyx’s view was clouded with emotions. Diana always seemed able to grounded Onyx back to reality. “You are right, my love. These will be awful decisions to make but they need to be discussed. Later, in private.” He spoke softly. 
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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Diana’s own blue-eyed gaze quickly searched their vicinity at her husband’s question. She and Onyx weren’t rebels of course, but just talking about the rebellion could have negative consequences. She reached a hand up to gently run her fingers through his hair, trying to pass their interaction off as a caring wife comforting her worried husband to anyone that might be watching them. 
“Quite possibly. It’s not a quell, but why punish us all?” There were some victors up on that stage that she knew (or thought she did) that weren’t partaking in the rebellion. 
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Onyx leaned into his wife’s touching, they were so lucky that Athena wasn’t just a few years older. “None of it makes sense.”  Onyx shook his head “I don’t know but I hope it’s the last twist.” Already so much would be lost, Onyx wasn’t sure the Victors and their families could take much more. Still, he couldn’t shake how close they had come to being one of those parents up on the stage. “That could gave been us. That could have been Athena.” He whispered lowly. 
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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okay so this bish gets me. 
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
Diana had left the kids with their nanny to join her husband at the tower. However, just as soon as the tributes arrived, it seemed they were dragged away to god knew where. Diana was just as confused as her husband. But the confusion was short lived as Caesar’s voice broke through the cacophony. Her eyes moved to the screen, listening as the newest announcement was made and then a new cacophony broke through, amongst it Gloss’s voice volunteering.
Her fingers that had folded with her husband’s released his hand in favor of wrapping her arms around his frame. “I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered, just barely louder than his words had been. She wondered a moment if she might have done the same though, volunteered had one of their girls been old enough and been reaped. She didn’t want to dwell on it though.
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Onyx broke his locked stare on the screen as the broadcasting ended and Diana wrapped her arms around him. Looking now at his wife in shock. “They’re just going to kill twenty-three relatives of Victors and god knows how many Victors?” He spoke in a shocked but hushed tone. “How is this....I...” His mouth hung open. 
Closing his mouth, Onyx’s eye shifted around. “Do you think this is about the rumors about rebels?” He whispered to his wife.
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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Onyx understood why Gloss had volunteered. Hell, Onyx would have done the same if it had been one of his girls. But that didn’t make it any easier of a pill to swallow. While Gloss and Onyx had their playful nature to their relationship, Gloss also had come to mean a lot to Onyx in the time since his Victory. What had once been a ‘school boy crush’ and grown into an equal level personal connection. Onyx would always look up to Gloss and though he couldn’t pick ‘favorites’ as a Trainer, Onyx was determined to help Gloss’ kid come out alive.
Onyx had gone back to the Tower and up to the District One floor after taking Diana and his daughters back to their apartment and making sure the girls were asleep before promising his wife he wouldn’t be long. He didn’t know if Gloss would be there but Onyx needed to talk to them.
As the elevator doors opened and Onyx moved towards the living area he spotted his old Mentor. “Dude…” he shook his head not really even knowing what to say. “Fuck man, I fucking hate this.” He could feel himself starting to get choked up already as he sat down heavily beside Gloss.
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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Onyx had already moved into the Tower temporarily, along with Peacekeepers, other Trainers, Avoxes, and other support staff that needed to be ready when the trains started arriving, but had returned to One for the Reaping. 
As the train pulled back into the Capitol, the Tributes and Mentors were rushed away. Onyx turned to his wife, brow wrinkled “Where do you think they’re being taken?” He sure hoped this wasn’t so some sort of twist where there is no training period. 
Just then the tv screens in the lobby and over the bar came to life with Caesar Flickerman’s face. Onyx listened intently and then watched as fellow Victor after Victor volunteered for sure death in attempt to get their loved one out alive. Onyx instinctively reached for Diana’s hand without taking his eye off the screen. “Gloss...no!” He murmured to himself in horror.
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one-eyed-wolf-66 · 2 years
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justin baldoni . cis man . he/him ➶ I RECOGNISE THAT FACE ! that’s ONYX AMBRE , the TWENTY-SIX year old VICTOR OF 85TH ANNUAL HUNGER GAMES/TRAINER/CELEBRITY CHEF AT AND OWNER OF THE ONE EYED WOLF from DISTRICT ONE/CAPITOL . they’ve been in the capitol around SIX YEARS , long enough to gain a reputation as THE AFICIONADO for being so PERSONABLE & MISCHIEVOUS . they’re so lucky getting to live in the tribute center for the duration of the games! ( character ISN’T part of the uprising ) 
Quick Facts
Full name : Onyx Ambre
Nickname(s) : “The One Eyed Wolf”
Gender : Cis man
Pronouns : He/Him
Birthday : September 22, Sixty Seven
Relationship Status : Married to Diana Ambre
Family : One brother, three daughters ( Athena Ammolite, Persephone Lazuli & Peridot Aurora )
Moral Alignment : Lawful Neutral 
Likes : His girls, Fresh picked vegetables, The arts
Dislikes : Selfishness, Bugs in the garden, Pity
District : One, lives in Capitol
Victor Year : Eighty-Five
Uprising : Not part of
 Background - CW : Eye Injury & Drug Addiction
Onyx is the oldest of two boys. His little brother is one of the most important people in his life along with his wife Diana and their three girls. 
Growing up, Onyx couldn’t remember ever wanting to do anything other than train at the Academy and then volunteer for the Games. 
Onyx never thought he’d fall in love so young, especially not with someone from a family such as Diana’s. Diana’s family and upbringing was the complete opposite from Onyx’s. 
Diana had been chosen to volunteer for the 85th Games but those plans went out the door when Onyx’s little brother was Reaped and the boy that was supposed to volunteer backed out. Onyx volunteered for his brother so Diana did not volunteer that year but instead volunteered for the 86th Games.
In the Arena, Onyx lost his left eye. The entire eye had to be removed and his eyelid was then sutured shut. Because the eyeball is missing, his eye areas “sunken in”. For a couple of years after his win, Onyx wore an eye patch. He is still rather self conscious of his eye when comments are made but in everyday life he is able to go without an eye patch and not think about it.
Onyx’s view of the Games drastically changed after he was in it. Once out of the Arena, Onyx didn’t want Diana to volunteer but after the two talked extensively, his wife volunteered for the 86th Annual Hunger Games. 
The birth of their first daughter, Athena, forever changed Onyx. He became a lot more selfless and considerate. 
At the heart of things, Onyx is still a Career, just one that doesn’t fully believe in the Games. 
Onyx has struggled with drug addiction since his Games but has been drug free, aside from marijuana, since about five years ago.
During the Games season, Onyx is a trainer in the Tower. In the off season, Onyx is the head chef at the restaurant he owns in the Capitol, The One Eyed Wolf.
 Games - CW: Eye Injury, Eye Gore, Death
The theme for the 85th Games’ Arena was Cursed Forest.
It was night at all times in the Arena and because of the dense tree canopy, it was incredibly dark. 
The Arena also had a heavy foot level fog which in certain areas was poisonous to touch and to breathe.
The trees in the forest at times would come alive and grab Tributes, pulling them into the tree.
Any food that grew in the Arena was poisonous, as well as the water sources aside from one stream. 
The mutts for the Arena were decomposing mutt forest creatures.
In the end, it came down to Onyx and the District Ten female. They were both armed with swords. As the two began to fight it became clear Onyx had the superior skill and his training showed through. Despite that, the District Ten female was able to slash down the left side of Onyx’s face. This damaged Onyx’s eye beyond repair.
Even with only having one working eye, Onyx saw his opportunity and ended the Games.
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