oneangstbal-blog · 6 years
what if
Lance: what if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Keith: jfc, Lance get yo ass to sleep.
not orginal but like. its funny
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oneangstbal-blog · 6 years
Bad for the heart
story one
It's not fair. It was defintly not fair. Lance can just can't get cocky and pretend nothing happen. Lance was a fuckin criminal. The biggest in the state to be exact. Keith had no idea why he signed up to be in this hell hole. But he always came back to see the blue eyed cuban guy who wears that same shit eating grin everytime he looks at Keith. This was very bad for the heart. Espically Keith's. **** Keith had learnes that Lance wasn't bad as he seems to be. He knows this because the usual talks they always have. Keith tried very hard to ignore the stares and winks Lance sent his way. But it couldn't stop the rapid beat of his heart and the slight blush Keitb would feel. And Lance just happens to rub it in.
The converstations had started a while back. He had enough of Lance's small teases he would make. He had wonderly followed Lance to a fence during thise times where all the inmates would go out. Keith always hated that. He hated nature so he always stayed in.
Keith had followed Lance to a small corner where the guard towers weren't able to see. Keith's curisoisity had gotten the better of him as he followed Lance deeper. From what Keith had heard Lance had been in more than one massive bank robberis and never been caught. But he turned himself in. Keith still found it strange.
Keith was so deep in thought he ran into something solid. He looked up to see those blue eyes boring into him. "Were you following me?" Lance said with a small smile. Shit. Shit. Shit. "Uhh. No?" Keith says quickly, backing away. Lance just smirks and leans in closer untill their noses are touching.
"Tsk tsk. Don't follow me. I'm just trouble." And with a wink he walks back the way he came from leaving Keith in a confused state.
The second time Keith followed Lance it had been a little more less appealing. Lance had stopped and turned around, thoese eye being more darker and scarier. "Oh officer Keith. You're just looking for trouble aren't you? You shoukd stay away. I'm warning you."
This time Lance just stood aganist the wall like he was waiting for Keith. And his eyes seemed to shine like normal. Keith hadnt seen Lance that time he swore he heard a crack when his face connected with Lance's rock hard chest. "What do you want from me Keith?" Lance said pinching the bridge if his nose.
Keith just stood silent like an idot. Lance sighed giving him that shit eating grin. "Please. Stay away." Lance pats Keith head ruffling his hair and walks away. That was the last time he saw Lance. He escaped that same day.
It had been three weeks since Lance's great escape. And Keith always found himself thinking about his blue eyes and that shit eating grin. Keith knew it was impossible to wish he would see Lance again. But was to hard to hope? ........... A month passed and Keith hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. He turned around  but found himself staring at a pair of blue eyes. Keith screamed and rolled off the bed. "Shit. Sorry. Are you ok?" "L-L-Lance!!??" Keith oggoles, "How did you..." "I picked your door locked." Lance shrugs.
Keith stares up at Lance. Did he get more buffer? Keith just groans and flops back down on the floor. "How did you find me?" Keith asks. He hears footsteps come near him and Lance's blue eyes are staring down at him, that same god fuckin shit eating grin on his face. "Didn't you miss me?" Lance says.
Keith rolls his eyes but that dosen't stop the sudden rapid beat of his heart. Lance just smiles those eye glowing in the dim room. "Lance what are you doing hear?" Lance sighs the smile dissapearing from his face. "Look, I just need a place to stay for a while you were my only option when I saw you."
Keith blinks. This is bad. Really bad. Lance is a run away criminal. What would happen if he gets caught. This really isn't fair. * A few days pass and Lance was still staying with Keith. Although he would randomly disappear and come back at unforgivable hours of the night giving Keith a heart attack. Keith was still working at the prison Lance escaped from. Keith often found himself wondering off. Why would Lance just turn himself to just escape again.
Keith flops on his bed tired. Lance gone. Again. He never wondered where Lance went. It just never crossed his mind. What does a criminal do anyway?
Keith wakes with a jolt hearing the doorknob rattle "Lance?" Keith calls out as the door swings open. He looks cursiouly at the door, and in stummbles Lance. Keith nearly faints at the sight of Lance. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEN!" Keith shrieks at Lance.
Lance looks at Keith with his grin. Lance seemed to limp his face coverd in brusies with his right eye swollen a busted lip and bloody nose. "What the bloody hell Lance." Lance just smiles staggering towards Keith and wrapping his arms around Keith. "Ahh, Keithy." Lance giggles. Keith smacks Lance. "Hehe, sorry,"
Keith wrinkles his nose when he smells Lance reek of beer. "Lance are you drunk?" "Noooo." Lance slurs, "I had had..." Lance tries to count on his fingers but it just turns to a fit of giggles. "Alright. Into the shower you go." Keith drags Lance to the small bathroom and plobs him on the toliet seat to clean up his face.
Lance slumps down on the seat watching Keith. "Lance what happen." Keith says pressing a wad of cottonn aganist his nose to get the dried blood off. Lance coming back to his senses half mumbles the story to Keith. "Thugs. Cops. Ambush. I won."
Keith finishes patching Lance up and turns on the shower. "You shower and I'll find some clean clothes." Lance nods slipping his shirt off. Keith turns away quickly, face red. Shit he's built. Keith can sense that shit eatting grin on Lance's face. "Like what you see Keithy," Lance mocks. Keith turns to look at lance but comes face to face with Lance, their noses touching.
Keith feels his face burn up as Lance tilts his head, steam coming from the hot shower. "Lance," Their lips brush. Keith felt a rush of emotion fot those 5 long seconds their lips were touching. Lance's blue eyes twinkled, but with something described as sadness. Keith sucks up a deep breath and plants his lips back on Lance. Lance wraps his arms aroud Keith hips, his tongue slipping in Keith's mouth. They pull apart breathing hard. "Take a shower," Keith grummbles. Lance gives Keith his signiture grin,"yes, sir." ........... A week passed, when Keith arrives he is greated with a kiss. Keith dosent know what to call their cruent relationship. They havent gone fruther then intense make outs. Lance still came at unforgiving hours, but a kiss was all it took to get Lance off the hook
But today...something was wrong. Keith walked through his door. No Kiss. No hug. No...Lance. Lance's jacket is not hung up where it is. Those werid sunglasess Lance would keep next to a picture of Keith and Shiro is gone.  Keith hearts slowly starts to crack in two. He sees a small paper lying next to the bed.
I told you I was trouble. I'm sorry. -Love Lance.
Plop. Plop Tear drops fall on the note. Keith's  broken cry falls as his door bangs opens. "Keith!" Shiro voice is heard as other footsteps march in. "Fuck. He's gone."
Keith dosent hear he just sobs in Shiro's arms ignoring the question ponited his way. He just crys. Crys his heart out. Lance was really bad for the heart. ......... He watches as the police burts in the small room. He hears the broken crys come from the man he left. He watches as they leave. He waits. Lance was always good at waiting.
He watches as Keith clutches the note to his chest he watches as Keith cries himself to sleep. Lance goes to the door picking the lock and going in. He watches the gentle raise and fall of Keith's chest. He wipes the dried up tears. Lance plants a soft kiss on Keith's forehead. He turns around and walks out. He leaves. Not looking back.
(oof. hope you liked. im new. so like. please like. I write these so ill post some from my wattpad
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