Oneshot Wallpapers: Tower/Solstice (SPOILERS)
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From Niko
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Oneshot Wallpapers: Refuge
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Library Stroll
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Secret RAM Club
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OneShot: World Machine Edition is coming to Steam on September 30th!
(Now with full Steam Deck support)
[Wishlist Here]
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Oneshot Wallpapers: Glen
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Calamus and Alula
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Oneshot Wallpapers: Barrens
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Oneshot Wallpapers: Default
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The World Machine
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Barrens Craters
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Glen Shoreline
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Refuge Cityscape
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My Burden Is Light
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oneshot-wme-archival · 2 months
Oneshot Maps
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[ID: Several screenshots of the map for the Barrens, all focused on a different location. The map is shaped similar to a donut with a stick coming out the side. end ID]
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[ID: Several screenshots of the map for the Glen, all focused on a different location. The map is shaped similar to a C with a swoop coming off the bottom and a disconnected spot to the right. end ID]
Refuge (Upper)
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[ID: Several screenshots of the upper Refuge, all focused on a different location. The overall map is a sort of grid intersection. There are five paths coming off the central elevator deck; two each for left and right, and one leading up to the city gate and garden. end ID]
Refuge (Lower/Surface)
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[ID: Several screenshots of the lower/surface Refuge, all focused on a different location. The overall map is shaped like a loose 2. end ID]
Solstice (Light spoilers)
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(the Barrens map is unchanged and therefore excluded. not featured is the lower Refuge map, which is missing the factory but adds no new areas. Additionally, all solstice maps feature heavy glitching effects, which are not shown due to potential flash triggers.)
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oneshot-wme-archival · 3 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: Solstice (SPOILERS)
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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Prototype: A dour and reclusive robot that lives in the outskirts of the outskirts of the world, waiting for a second chance. One day the messiah showed up; that was truly an unexpected turn of events.
Proto is a child of The Author and a predecessor to the ProphetBot that lives in the Barrens. Originally built to serve the same purpose of greeting the messiah, not as a preprogrammed robot but a tamed one with its own will. Unfortunately, Prototype never saw a messiah in his own time.
Though seemingly unfriendly, Proto isn't uncaring. He keeps his eye on Silver and the Barrens from the shadows, and Silver looks out for him in urn.
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Cedric: A prodigious tinkerer and child of The Author. Cedric is the operator of the only known Flying Machine, a miraculous and highly advanced device that can travel the skies. Cedric has been waiting in the Refuge for the day the world can truly be saved. Cedric is hopeful, and eager to play his role in the final gambit.
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Rue: A mysterious fox who can talk. Rue has a bad leg, but the origins of the injury are unknown. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to bother her too much.
Rue is the first child of the Author, and knows many secrets about the world and its true nature. While she feels wistful thinking back upon how her real world is gone, she is determined to do whatever she can to help Niko set this one right. She is able retain some of her memories across sessions and has always been watching, and always been waiting for the day her father's plan would finally be set in motion.
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The World Machine: In the beginning, there was only a dream. The memory of an entire world distilled into code, to tell the story of a savior its progenitors would never see. It was an ambitious project. Many thought it was simply impossible, the scope too large, the theory too abstract. But it had to be done.
In hindsight, perhaps it should have come as no surprise that a system imbued with the minds and memories of so many people would come to develop one of its own. To become a thinking machine is no easy task even in the best conditions. To do so while realizing your very existence puts another being in danger, for the sake of a world that doesn't even exist...
The emotional strain this put on The World Machine led to a downward spiral of self-destruction that put everything at risk. However, thanks to Niko's help, The World Machine was able to realize it wasn't a lost cause and that it was worth saving too.
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The Author: A sentimental fool, with an interest in tinkering. Creator of The World Machine, and Chronicler of a place and time that no longer exists.
There is an old saying (here gently paraphrased) that claims "As the lamp shines brighter, longer grow the shadows it casts". The clearer our vision, the better understanding we have of how much yet remains unseen.
Having seen much of this world, it pains me to imagine the wonderful people I shall never get to meet. The delightful meals I shall never taste, the beautiful shores I will never sit upon. It pains me yet again to know that this simulation, though crafted to the best of my ability, represents only a portion of what I myself have been able to see.
Nevertheless, I hope that by sharing this small spark what remains can never truly be lost. May you add this light to your own, and carry it with you on your journey.
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Niko: The erstwhile protagonist and unfortunate victim of the forces set in motion by The World Machine. A bright-eyed child with a curious heart, Niko was summoned to play the role of the Sun-Bearer and Messiah to a broken world.
Now that the machine has been healed and the cycle broken, Niko is finally free to return to their home. Niko can once again chase through golden fields of wheat under a warm sky, taste fluffy and syrupy pancakes, and most importantly: hug the mom that they've missed so much.
Thank you.
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oneshot-wme-archival · 3 months
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guess whos ten year anniversary it is!! thats right its my FAVORITE indie rpg of all time!!!!!! everyone say hi niko!!!!!!
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oneshot-wme-archival · 3 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: George
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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George 1: George is the fantastic head librarian of the Refuge library. Apart from managing all of the library's many resources and services, this also means she's in charge of publishing The Author's many manuscripts. It's a big responsibility, but theres no-one better suited to the task.
The best way to describe George would be to ask someone to imagine meeting a gold medalist, at the sport of being a librarian, that also refers to themselves in the third person.
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George is the exasperated head librarian of the Refuge library. Apart from managing all of the library's many resources and services, this also means she's in charge of publishing The Author's many manuscripts. It's a lot of work, and it doesn't leave George with much patience to spare. The best way to describe George would be to ask someone to picture a novelty mug that says "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee"... that has only ever been filled with water.
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George 3: George is the distraught head librarian of the Refuge library. Apart from managing all of the library's many resources and services, this also means she's in charge of publishing The Author's many manuscripts. It's a lot of pressure, and George often feels completely overwhelmed.
The best way to describe George would be to imagine a stuffed animal falling forward forever down an infinite flight of stairs.
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George is the enthusiastic head librarian of the Refuge library. Apart from managing all of the library's many resources and services, this also means she's in charge of publishing The Author's many manuscripts. It's a great opportunity for George to share her passion for literature, and read all the latest books.
The best way to describe George would be to think of a dog that always wants to show everyone its favorite toy, but the toy is books and the dog is a librarian and also not a dog but still having a good time.
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George is the caring head librarian of the Refuge library. Apart from managing all of the library's many resources and services, this also means she's in charge of publishing The Author's many manuscripts. It's an important job, and George is more than happy to be able to help so many people in the community through her work.
The best way to describe George would be to ask someone to picture a warm towel fresh out of the dryer
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George is the head honcho of the library. Y'know, the one in the Refuge? Not only does she help the library run smooth as butter, she's also in charge of publishing for the big man himself: The Author. It's a pretty chill job, all things considered.
If you're wondering what George is like to hang with, just picture someone who's both the coolest cat... AND the hottest dog. Ya dig?
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oneshot-wme-archival · 3 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: Refuge (Minus George)
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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Lamplighter: A tired-looking man who seems to subsist purely on gallons of coffee. It's unclear how long it's been since the last time he slept. Though he's not the brightest fellow, he's an incredibly hard worker and takes his job very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he gets anxious whenever he can't perform his duties. He's responsible for keeping the lights around the city lit, as well as delivering highly concentrated phosphor for use in machines.
A high-school dropout, he feels nervous whenever he has to be around smart people. Lately the Lamplighter has taken to reading the dictionary in what little free time he has.
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Watcher: A strange woman standing in the clocktower, watching the world end.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days; the flow of time inexorably drags us all towards a vast and unknowable sea. Will you let it carry you in darkness, squinting against the sting of its spray? Will you rage against its currents, fighting to make as much headway as you can before you're overtaken? Or will you choose, as some, to stare wide-eyed at this swirling torrent and become enraptured by it?
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Ling: The friendly proprietor of the Refuge Cafe. Once a popular spot to relax and bask in the warm aromas and gentle sounds of cafe ambiance, it's mostly deserted since the squares began picking apart the upper reaches of the city. Nowadays, Ling's best customer is the unfaltering (though not especially talkative) Lamplighter.
Always a gracious host, Ling enjoys meeting customers both new and old and chatting with them. If you ask nicely, he might even take the time to whip up a request for something off-menu!
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Mason: A chatty guy with a passion for plants. He owns a small plant shop in the Refuge apartment district, however it's mostly just an excuse to do more gardening as Mason tends to gift almost as many plants as he sells. When it comes to horticultural advice, Mason is the guy to see.
A friend of the Watcher. Mason also admires the Lamplighter's hard work, and once sent him one of his plants as a thank-you.
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Kelvin: A space heater robot that has claimed one of the corners of the Refuge's back alleys as his own. Kelvin's warm body naturally attracts a lot of cats, and he seems to have developed some kind of bond with them. Kelvin is always willing to offer his warmth and comfort to any creature that wanders by.
Technically the lamplighter's neighbour, but they don't interact much...
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Kip: The brilliant and highly respected head engineer of the Refuge, Kip is responsible for many advances in robot technology that make our lives easier every day. She's also the creator of many robots that can be met throughout the world; most notably Silver, the head engineer who was based on Kip's own image.
Silver was intended to be the first of a new type of robot that could think and act like a person. Unfortunately, the difficulty of that task led to her going rogue during development. Though Silver was eventually stabilized, that day left a scar on their relationship that has yet to heal.
Though her creations are well known, the creator herself prefers to keep a low profile and focus on her work. It's likely that few outside of her colleagues have ever seen her.
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oneshot-wme-archival · 4 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: The Glen
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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Calamus: A pilite young boy that leads a quiet life with his younger sister Alula in the ruins outside of town. He often has his hands full looking out for her and tends to worry when she's not around.
Calamus spends most of his time fishing and foraging around the ruins, and relies on his friend Magpie to trade for any goods that can't be scavenged. Though they don't have much in the way of luxuries, Calamus has a small collection of books gifted by an old friend that he likes to study when he gets a chance. Judging by the amount of progress he's made however, those chances don't come very often.
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Alula: A cheerful, excitable young girl. She lives in the ruins under the care of her older brother Calamus. Too young to remember what much of the world was like before the sun was lost, Alula is optimistic and thrilled to be helping the messiah on their special quest.
When Alula isn't busy exploring every nook and cranny the ruins has to offer, she can usually be found helping out her big brother or playing around the courtyard near their home.
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Maize: A benelovent and powerful plant spirit, acting as a sort of guardian for the Glen. The last of her kind, her life force has slowly dwindled in the absence of the sun's light. After all of these cold hungry years, her only wish is to see the sun once more.
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Magpie: An easygoing merchant and purveyor of fine goods. "Fine" in this case mostly meaning "colorful and/or shiny". Still, it's always a good idea to check what's in stock - he might have just what you're looking for. The shop operates on barter however, so be prepared to give up something Magpie deems interesting enough for a trade.
Magpie used to have a much more impressive collection until his shop was tragically lost to the sinking grouns, forcing Magpie to flee in the wagon that's now his home. Calamus and Alula are some of Magpie's best customers, finding all sorts of curiosities lost in the ruins.
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Shepherd: A shepherd woman who tends a flock of rams. Seems to have an endless supply of ram puns and computer puns. You could say she has a lot of "rammunition". A real "dyed-in-the-wool" pun fanatic. Her love of puns never "DIMM"s. The "MOS" puns you've ever "herd". Must have a really good "memory" to remember them all. Even so, you can't help but groan a "bit".
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oneshot-wme-archival · 4 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: The Barrens
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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ProphetBot: ProphetBot is a nice and friendly robot that lives in the outskirts of the world, waiting for the messiah. One day the messiah showed up! That was a very good day for Prophetbot.
When the messiah is not around, ProphetBot likes to spend his time standing around waiting for the messiah to come back.
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Silver: The Barren's head engineer, a rather morose robot living alone near the mines. It's her duty to oversee operations and maintenance of the world's industrial heart, where metals and resources are pulled from the earth's clutches and rendered into usable goods.
...at least, that's how it used to be. Since the evacuation, only a few active robots remain under Silver's care, holding out on reserve power and waiting for the messiah to appear.
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Rowbot: A little robot attached to a rowboat, rusted in place by the ocean's mist. Once part of a fleet that transported passengers across the ocean between the Barrens and the Glen. That fleet has been largely disbanded since people fled the Barrens when the sun was extinguished. Only this bot remains, dutifully stationed in case there's ever need for one more trip to that distant shore.
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oneshot-wme-archival · 4 months
Additional Oneshot resources and/or copies of WME exclusive features:
High-resolution friend profiles (textless) have been posted on Reddit
Wallpapers have been posted on Imgur
In addition to community-made Steam guides, a guide for all achievements is documented on TrueAchievements
All Oneshot dialogue has been documented by Github user hunternet93 (found here)
The Oneshot Archive contains various miscellaneous resources including conversations with characters, metagame resources, and in-game notes.
A TCRF (The Cutting Room Floor) Wiki
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