onetrueshepherd · 7 years
reblog if you encourage shy rp beans to send asks for plot and starters
lottsa people like me are shy babbos and i dont want to feel clingy so reblop if youre judgement free and want us to engage
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
Are you from Orth? Or were you born in the abyss?
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“I suppose that depends on your point of view. I was born as Versafo the Shepherd, Lord of the Flock in the Abyss. But back when I was but a mortal man, I did indeed have a Mother and Father on the Surface, as all humans do.”
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“Granted, they did not live for long. In time I imagine you’ll find that most delvers will tell you a similar tale of misfortune when it comes to their past. The blessed chasm may contain an endless bounty, but usually one does not delve into its depths without a certain amount of necessity.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
After a while, a letter would make its way down to Versafo’s home, it was from his admirer! Upon opening and reading it, he would notice only Crona wrote this, and it reads in her elegant handwriting; ‘Thank you for writing back, and don’t worry, I’ll follow mister Bondrewd’s advice. I have been taken care of by him and his daughter Prushka, she is so nice to me. It’s hard to keep Ragnarok under control, I don’t want him to hurt them.’ Sincerely Crona Gorgon
Oh, how curious... 
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It takes even less time than before for his reply to float up into the Abyss.
To the undoubtedly lovely Crona,
There is no need for thanks. The Sixth Layer, despite the constant risk of death and / or dismemberment, is actually quite uneventful. Receiving your letter -- though I suppose it would be letters now -- is and was my pleasure entirely. 
As for following Bondrewd’s advice, I have no doubt you would. From my experience, you are a well-tempered and exceedingly polite person, so you would have no reason nor motivation to misbehave. Your friend, however, may be another story. I know you will do your upmost to keep him out of trouble, but do try to keep in mind that curiosity is a gift, not a beast to keep collard and leashed at all times. Every rule that your host presents to you as law need not always be followed -- not exactly to the letter, anyways.
As for hurting your kind hosts, I would not worry yourself over such matters. Bondrewd is more than capable of protecting himself and his young charge, and even if the worst were to happen, I have no doubt that he would ensure such a thing would never be able to occur again.
Take that as you will. 
I trust you will find this reply satisfactory, and remain yours faithfully,
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
So...Exactly how tough is living this far down, good sir?
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“An interesting question. As with all manner of exceedingly beautiful and deadly things, the Abyss presents its own unique gifts and challenges. The Sixth Layer is host to many varieties of vicious beasts, with many -- if not all -- of them possessing the ability to effectively see the future. And I’m sure you can imagine, but they do not exactly make for good conversation partners.”
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“It takes skill, luck, and faith to survive down here. Fortunately for me. I have all three of those things in abounds.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
An anon is horribly contorted into a narehate crawls it’s way in, making weak and pitiful cries
It’s a sight, unfortunately, that Versafo seem to be used to.
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“The village is that way, blessed one. I can offer you no comfort here.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
Is there food down there? Or do you eat the residents?
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“Gracious, I do not. Regardless of my circumstances, I am not some kind of lowly savage that would reduce myself to such desperate measures.”
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“I find sustenance as most delvers do -- through dedicating many of my waking hours to hunting as well as foraging.”
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“Not to be immodest, but the passing years have resulted in me becoming quite the gourmand, if I may say so myself! If you’re ever in the vicinity, feel free to visit, and I’ll be glad to show you my culinary abilities first-hand. I pride myself, after all, on being an excellent host.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
*sends a letter somehow, which reads:* I wish I could visit you, I have heard you are very nice. But Mister Bondrewd says I can’t go down where you are. *it is in elegant handwriting, but the paper was crumbled and another writing was on it in a less than good handwriting* I would go down there, but whatsherface says she’s worried about ‘losing her humanity’ pfffft! What a wimp. *at the bottom the soft handwriting was there, but the signature was drawn over by the crude one that spelt Ragnarok*
Versafo has no inkling of how this letter got down to his cave, but it seems to be meant for him. What a pleasant surprise! Written correspondence was always a pleasure to both give and receive.
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He thinks for a moment, staring from the mouth of his abode upwards before procuring an ink and quill, as well as some parchment and a balloon to carry the letter towards the Idofront. In looping, elegant script, he writes:
To both of my lovely admirers:
It would be wise of you to listen to The Lord of Dawn -- he is not mistaken to prevent you from venturing downwards into the lower layers. For anyone but the most experienced of delvers, it would practically be a death sentence. You may, however, get your wish, as it is my intent to make my way into lesser layers in due time, so we may cross paths regardless of the obstacles between us. For now, I implore you to have faith: if the Abyss wills us to meet, it shall be so.
I have the honour to be your obedient servant,
With a flourish he seals the letter and lets the balloon go, offering a quick, silent prayer to whomever [ or whatever ] may be listening...
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
[@delving-into-mania] "May I pat your head?"
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“How curious! You most certainly may, my dear, if you are able to reach -- but be warned. The teeth of my skull are rather sharp, and have a habit of severing sticky fingers~~”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
How are you going to get up? The curse will turn you into a narehate
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“Ah, so you Greys know more than you let on. To answer your question, however. And strictly speaking hypothetically.”
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“To my knowledge, the curse cannot strike twice.“
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
Where do you live? I mean, it isn’t that easily known
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“My current base of operations is located in the Sixth Layer of the Abyss. It is comfortable enough, containing all manner of ephemera from the Surface that has fallen this far over the years, but my abode is much less... extravagant than where I used to dwell before my last dive.”
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“Granted. I will not be staying here for the rest of my days. I fully intend on making my way back up to the Surface -- and continuing my work interpreting the will of the Abyss itself. I possess complete certainty that my flock preserved my property and assets as I instructed them to. And if they didn’t...”
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“I’m sure they would all be most pleased to give up everything they own to their shepherd.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
Is that...your real face? Or is it like, a mask?
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“Isn’t it obvious?”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
What do you think about the others? Like that Ozen lady or Bondrewd?
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Oh dear, it seems you’ve caught him somewhat off guard. He regains his composure quickly, though!
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“Is there really any question about my feelings towards my colleagues? Goodness gracious. I have nothing but the utmost respect for every single one of them, of course. Although our methods of understanding our endlessly bountiful and generous master may differ, I believe all of us understand better than anyone else that the Abyss cannot ever be truly tamed. And to eventually give your life to feed its very depths...”
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“Well. I’d go as far as to say that’s the ultimate proclamation of faith. Don’t you agree?”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
What does your relic do?
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“Mmmm… while I’m not usually one to give away my secrets so easily, I suppose no harm could come from some idle exposition. Especially since you’ve been so polite.”
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“The first of my two Relics, Turinshroud, the cloak of shadows, was the initial form of the suit I now wear. It allows me to manipulate any darkness caused by casted light and impart whatever degree of physicality I wish.”
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“Unfortunately, it cannot be used on any old sort of darkness. It must be a shadow. Hence the name, I suppose. I trust you know the difference.”
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“The second, Monæon, the crown of thorns, appears as prehensile branches of thorns and is concealed on my person. Its function is slightly more… unclear, although apparently getting pierced by it can cause some rather unsavoury side effects.”
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“Hopefully you can forgive my lack of concrete data. I am, after all, a man of faith, so unlike a certain white whistle I know, I’m not exactly keen on experimenting. The gifts the Abyss have given me are more than enough, even if I do not fully understand them.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
The pale and thinly teen would have somehow found their way down to the mouth of Versafo’s cave, just to see a gray person get thrown into the abyss. Crona gasps and looks to the hulking beast at the mouth of the cave. They look up to him, the poor teen was just five foot and six inches tall. “I-I-I-I uh um.” They stammer out, they had looked away and backed up a bit from Versafo. From Crona’s person would be a deep drawl that echoes out into the cave, it didn’t match their voice.
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“Ah. Seems the Abyss is quite busy today. Do not be afraid, little one. I will not harm you – if you do not give me a reason to, that is.”
Versafo’s head [ skull? ] tilts a few degrees as he surveys the scene before him, not an ounce of ill-will carried within his eyelights. He looks almost… fatherly, despite his terrifying appearance. He bends down so he doesn’t loom intimidatingly over the teen – strange, how he seems to speak without ever opening his mouth.
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“You do not seem to be a delver – it’s a miracle you’ve survived, then, this deep in the Abyss. With that being said, you were quite fortunate to have come across me, even if it was not during a very flattering moment.”
Slowly, gently, he extends a [ giant ] hand.
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“May I offer you some food? Or some tea, perhaps? You must be exhausted from your journey. And it would be my pleasure to hear all about it.”
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
*wrecks the place!* Anarchy!
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“Goodness. What an ill-tempered little gremlin.”
Strangely, Versafo doesn’t seem too surprised nor disturbed by the sudden intrusion. On the contrary -- all he does it let out a sigh as the Anon goes about trashing his base of operations.
With a huff, he stands, resembling a hulking, terrifying beast more than anything else. Grabbing the nonnie by the scruff of their neck, he continues to speak in rich, deep tenor.
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“You’ll have to excuse my rudeness, but I cannot abide by such destructive behaviour. Given that you are a guest in my home, I would normally treat you with the upmost respect, but you have, unfortunately, left me no choice.”
He stalks toward the mouth of his cave, carrying the Grey effortlessly.
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“Ashes to ashes, and the wicked to the Abyss. Goodbye. I would say it was nice to meet you. But frankly. It wasn’t.”
And with that, the Anon is tossed into the endless drop that is the gaping maw of the Void...
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
I meant if there was a specific area that we could invad- I mean go around
// oh! Um, well, obviously you've found my askbox which is always a good way to interact! Versafo will answer the questions I receive from there when they're not about blog things. I've also currently got a starter call posted that you can like to get a thread started :) or if you'd like to ask a question or talk to me ooc (like you're doing now) you can also contact me through tumblr im. Hope that helps!!
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onetrueshepherd · 7 years
What’s the layout?
// If you mean my theme, it's by angelicxi! ^^
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