onkatsudoneros · 1 year
Leaving Tumblr
Yes, I am leaving tumblr for the foreseeable future. My reasoning for this is simple. Due to working a full time job with nonstop overtime I do not feel mentally able to keep going on this site. It is also the reason that I almost never post anything anymore.
However I will still be reachable, I will give my discord to those who would like it. I also run an 18+ server where I do mostly random fun rping using "Tupper bot"
If you would like my discord or to join my server please don't hesitate to ask. I wouldn't mind keeping in touch with the friends I've made who have stuck around in my disappearing as well as my hiatuses.
Also remember if you are NOT 18+ I will NOT give you access to my 18+ server.
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onkatsudoneros · 1 year
Leaving Tumblr
Yes, I am leaving tumblr for the foreseeable future. My reasoning for this is simple. Due to working a full time job with nonstop overtime I do not feel mentally able to keep going on this site. It is also the reason that I almost never post anything anymore.
However I will still be reachable, I will give my discord to those who would like it. I also run an 18+ server where I do mostly random fun rping using "Tupper bot"
If you would like my discord or to join my server please don't hesitate to ask. I wouldn't mind keeping in touch with the friends I've made who have stuck around in my disappearing as well as my hiatuses.
Also remember if you are NOT 18+ I will NOT give you access to my 18+ server.
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Yuuri leaned into the touch, he’d always had a hard time accepting himself for who he was and even how he looked more often than not. At times he even wondered if how he felt sexually would cause his family an issue. Well that was until he had met his coach and now Souji.
Yuuri did love Souji so much that there was no longer any question of who he was. His parents and family had always had an idea of his sexuality, especially with the obsession he’d once had growing up. And had always accepted him for him but for Yuuri, accepting himself was never so cut and dry.
“Our lives may have been different, but I’m glad I have you and I’m more than glad that we have each other too.” He agreed with a general smile.
❝  i think i had a harder time accepting myself than my family ever did.  ❞ (from onkatsudoneros)
Souji smiled, reaching out to cup Yuuri's face. "Ah...I can understand that. My friends, my brother, they knew me before I did... I don't know if I had the presence of mind to understand it, and even just the way I dress, the way I act, it's taken me a long time too...but I'm glad you've made it here... that we both have. And now we're together."
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
I have returned!
I will be working on owed replies asap. Things have calmed some for now I think I can work on some rps and least until I have to deal with the crazy again.
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
//sorry guys I’m not ignoring anyone on purpose!
Friday June 3 I was in a front end accident. My car was smashed up pretty good and the airbag deployed.
I am okay I promise however now I am dealing with the aftermath of possibly having my car totaled out and trying to get both insurance companies to replace in full my car, and the day of work I’m missing too.
Thank you for understanding!
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Send me a symbol
🍄 - I replied to our thread!
🌶 - Let’s plot something NSFW!
🌽 - Idk … I want to RP with you but I don’t have any ideas …
🍏- Let’s start a shipping thread
🍐 - I have an idea for a thread!
🍑 - We’ve never interacted … and I don’t know how to start …
🍒 - We already have a thread, but let’s do another!
🍓 - I have an idea for an AU for our muses
🍅 - I can write a starter for us if you’d like
🍆 - I can’t think of anything for my reply. Do you have any preferences/inspiration?
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
secret relationship .
“ it’s — getting a bit out of hand now. ”
“ i don’t think i can keep this up much longer. ”
“ i’m getting tired of hiding…”
“ it sucks that i can’t kiss you in public. ”
“ how much longer do i have to keep swallowing my desires for you. ”
“ are you sure we will — ? ”
“ do you think we’ll ever… be a couple-couple ? ”
“ sometimes i’m just scared that you’re just using me. ”
“ it’s starting to dawn on me that… the reason you might not want to come out about this is because you don’t really love me—”
“ is this a joke to you?”
“ i deleted all our texts. ”
“ i can’t keep pictures of us on my phone, are you crazy? ”
“ if anyone sees us i won’t know what to do. ”
“ sometimes it feels like i am the only one doing an effort here… ”
“ aren’t we suppose to be a thing ? why are you flirting then ?”
“ sometimes it feels like i am the only one doing an effort here —”
“ you sure seem to be good at ignoring the fact that we’re together. ”
“ okay no — i can’t handle the way they keep staring at you. ”
“ if they don’t stop hitting you up i’ll end up hitting them down. ”
“ don’t you see any pride in the marks i left on you ? ”
“ is this a joke to you — ?!”
“ stop that — we’re in public. ”
“ no, not until we get home. ”
“ you know i can’t do this out here — stop it!”
“ could TRY to show that you’re a little worried about this ???”
“ d—-don’t make me moan, i don’t want anyone to catch us… ”
“ everyone is downstairs… ~ take your pants off ”
“ shhh…. ~ it’ll be fine baby, no one will hear us ”
“ so what ? ~ if they see us coming out together we’ll figure something out…”
“ i’m gonna leave so many hickeys on you… show everyone that you’re taken… ”
“ i missed your scent…”
“ it feels so good — being close to again… ”
“ i’ve been thinking — about this the entire day… ”
“ ~ sit back and let me spoil you… you went an entire day without touching me… ”
“ kiss me… and don’t let me go ”
“ you’re like a forbidden fruit when i can’t touch you ~ kind of sexy ”
“ i can’t wait to show you off to the entire world… ”
“ we’ll be the cutest couple in existence, someday ”
“ when we come out i’m going to drown you kisses every day ”
“ ~ if we carve our initials in a tree no one will know ”
“ no one will notice if we hold hands under the table ~ ”
“ one day… we’ll be able to kiss like everyone else ”
“ i long for the day i get to hug you in the open ”
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Send Me Your Assumptions About My Muse
and I’ll respond with “Correct”, “Nope”, or “Kinda”.
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Please reblog this is if you would rp with trans muses.
I see a lot of people unwilling to rp with me because my muse is trans, and because of that I feel nobody in the rp community ever will. So, yeah, reblog if you would rp with trans muses (nonbinary muses included).
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Send Me Your Assumptions About My Muse
and I’ll respond with “Correct”, “Nope”, or “Kinda”.
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
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Yuuri found himself laughing as the two hesitated to open their gifts. "It's alright really you can open them. I think you're going to love what's within." He offered motioning for them to open their gifts.
Inside each was a warm fur coat, elk's fur, to keep them warm even on the coldest of winter days. As well as a note to each, each slightly different expressing how much he missed them while he was away and that he couldn't wait to be back to cuddle with them and love them all so very much. Along side the note Yuuri added a piece of "ever ice" stone for each with a cord attached so that they could wear it.
Yes, they both were aware of why Yuuri had to return to his homeland. Though when he mentioned gifts, the two snakes smiled and kissed him. “Having you home, safe and sound, and no longer feeling unwell is the greatest present.” Viper replied as Nagi nodded. 
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He half figured as much. And probably a good thing that these two didn’t pull off the things that Bael and Dante had before them. Yuuri laughed and returned each of their kisses. “But I think you may like what I’ve gotten you. It’s not often outsiders get to see anything from an onna villiage.” He admitted taking out two similarly wrapped packages. The rapping in silvers whites and blues that looked a lot like a snow filled sky.
Handing them each one Yuuri smiled contentedly. “Go on, you can open them now.” He offered.
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“Yeah that was actually rather scary to see.” Even scarier was Ash actually laying into them; that was something to behold but also fear. Pushing that aside, both of them hissed playfully and snuggled before they were handed their packages. “Oh wow, the wrapping is beautiful.” Viper and Nagi were a little scared to even attempt to open it, admiring the wrapping and taking notes. They were not the best with wrapping, plain to see during the Festival of Lights at the end of the year. 
Still, they carefully opened the wrapping, Nagi being excited and talking about they were happy to hear about his family and how everyone was doing. 
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
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Yurri couldn't help but fhind himself giggling as he continued the onslaught of kisses. He loved seeing how adorable Souji could get.
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“Don’t be silly, I offered because I want to.” He pulls Souji closer and covers him in little kisses.
“Ah! Yuuri!!”  
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He started squeaking in laughter, letting the kisses fall on his face even as he looked like he was trying to push them away.  
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
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"Don't be silly, I offered because I want to." He pulls Souji closer and covers him in little kisses.
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“cute romance stuff? I think i can do that.”
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“Ah… you don’t have to go out of your way…”  Flustered noises!!
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
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"cute romance stuff? I think i can do that."
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A boy who suddenly wants to be romanced
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction!
Note: They do not have to be ones my muses would like!
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onkatsudoneros · 2 years
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"I think as much as I'd like to, I'd rather not." Leaning his head gently against Souji's he smiled softly. "I mean unless you'd like to." Yuuri offered giving Souji the choice. Stepping away from the skating scene like he had, he feared if he did go back he'd be some how dragged back.
Skating at a small town rink was one thing, but he didn't want to leave Souji alone for months at a time for practices or events. It didn't feel fair to either of them.
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Yuuri was happy to see the two getting along. He did still want to be friends with Viktor but their relationship just wasn’t working. Viktor inclined his head to the best wishes. “Thank you, though I do have to say, there are only a couple who have Yuuri’s raw talent.”
Yuuri could only find himself chuckling. “With you as their coach I’m sure they’ll surpass even me.”
Viktor hummed slightly and then grinned. “I should be off, the coach is never late after all.” With that Viktor turned to leave and Yuuri glanced over to Souji. “He really is a good guy, I’m sorry I didn’t realize he was in town.”
Souji waved bye to the other, watching him walk off with a grin.  That wasn’t the worst contact with an ex he’d ever have, and hearing Yuuri’s voice he turned with a smile.  “No ,you don’t need to apologize for anything,” he grinned wide.  Eyes did turn back to the other, though.  VIktor was… really handsome, wasn’t he?  Just the softest of jealousies took hover him for a moment before leaning on Yuuri’s shoulder.  His Yuuri.
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“You know if you want to see the competition we totally can try to get in…”  
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