online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Do you think it would be wrong for Luke to share information about coming releases with friends and family? Why or why not? What are acceptable and unacceptable requirements of a confidentiality agreement with an employee? Was it wrong for Luke’s unknown fellow employee to release the trailer, even if it resulted in increased publicity for the movie? What precedent is this situation setting by…
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online-class-help · 3 years
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You will write a research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the Affordable Care Act and the implications for the healthcare industry. The paper must contain implications for the appeal of the Act, as well as other current developments in the news. 1600 words the paper must include at least 5 references . Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
will select one of the key terms presented in the module and conduct a search of University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format: following terms for your research: Compliance,   DEFINITION: a brief definition of…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Watch the film extreme measures…..In the movie, security for the illegal medical experiments is provided by two supposed police officers named Hare and Burke. In reality, William Hare and William Burke were two men in the business of supplying human cadavers to medical schools in 1820s Edinburgh – until it was learned that the ones they hadn’t stolen from graveyards, they had murdered…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
How does a nurse know what (if any) knowledge in a research study is usable for clinical practice? What would a critical thinker look for in the evidence before deciding to change? What influence do credibility and clinical significance have on your decisions to integrate research-based evidence into your practice?
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online-class-help · 3 years
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This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 200–350-word range. Explain ‘why’ with supporting evidence and concepts from the course materials. Include in-text citations and associated references in a reference list.  The use of the course materials is required. Discussion #1 Surge Pricing Many companies adjust…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
1. Does all human suffering call imperatively for a cure?2. A life entirely free of suffering would be pleasanter, but would it still be human?3. Is our vulnerability essential to our human identities and our human dignity?4. Do you think that Frida Kahlo’s suffering affected her art? If so, in what way(s)?5. How do you feel about Frida Kahlo’s style of art?6. Select one painting from the…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
For this week, in addition to reading and responding to the artist presentations that are being presented, please read the following and respond, https://aeon.co/essays/politics-is-in-peril-if-it-ignores-how-humans-regulate-the-body Frequently I will not post reflection questions or specific issues I would like you to address in the reading discussions.  I will ask that you consider all of the…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Choose a publicly available data visualization. (be sure to provide the link, cite, and reference). Analyze the visualization within the context of the data visualization workflow. Create a proposal of enhancements to create a better user/viewer experience. Use the data visualization workflow as framework for both your analysis and your proposal. Consider the various roles of the project team as…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Most, if not everyone, has had experience with a technology-based tool that you found beneficial in work or school. Why was it beneficial? If it was not beneficial, please explain. Now picture this tool, or a new one, for future use. How would this look? Use your imagination and incorporate how nursing informatics would play a role in this future tool. Utilize the Quality and Safety Education in…
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online-class-help · 3 years
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Assignment Description You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project. Project Background Throughout this course, you will be working on several aspects of a software development project that will result in a complete Software Development Plan document for a project of your choosing. You will not actually…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
You are the Managing Director of a U.S.-multinational corporation for a new product or service launch that will commence next week. Over the past six weeks, you have collected data and research to support the successful launch of your product or service into one foreign market outside of the United States. Assume that your launch will include the opening of one foreign office with staffing,…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
  This is the final 4-5 page research paper which includes a Works Cited page (MLA) or References Page (APA). Students may submit the paper in either format. Please be sure that the paper is double-spaced, includes the proper headings as per MLA or APA rules, and includes in-text citations. Please do NOT inlcude any personal stories. Do not include direct quotes that are longer than 4 lines. Do…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Primary and secondary sources: In this essay, you will analyze and write about one or two of the plays we read in the class. In your essay, you will use a minimum of four secondary sources about the play from JStore, or CCM Library Online Databases. Make sure your sources are credible. ***Avoid quoting from such websites as cliffnotes.com, shmoop.com, sparknotes.com, enotes.com, litchart.com,…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
1. Please reflect on what we have discussed so far regarding chapter 12 (up to “electronic health records are longitudinal…..pros and cons”). Please indicate if you understand the differences between the terms so far and which terms you would like further examples and clarifications on. If none, please state that. 2. Reflect on how you have been an E-Patient. Please also reflect on how you could…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
Which topics did you find most interesting and why? Which subjects do you think will be most relevant in your business career and why? Which topics would you like to see presented in a case study or business simulation format? How did the virtual aspects of the course help broaden your view of international business? After taking this course, would you consider a “virtual internship” to explore…
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online-class-help · 3 years
Instant homework help
1) Choose an article from those attached below. 2) Read the article. 3) Write a 350 word report of the article to receive 1 credit. The report must be written in your own words and go beyond the article abstract. Since each article includes an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion section, answer the points below for your summary: What the researcher expected to find. What was the study…
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