Effects of Climate Change on Livestock - Sri Lankan
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In Sri Lanka, livestock sector contribute to about 0.6% of the gross domestic product however, this may increase in the future as milk production has increased by 4% in the year 2014 and has shown an increasing trend over the recent years.
The livestock sector is responsible for about 35-40% of the annual global anthropogenic methane emissions, which are the results of enteric fermentation and farm animal manure.The livestock sector is responsible for about 35-40% of the annual global anthropogenic methane emissions, which are the results of enteric fermentation and farm animal manure.
The animal agriculture sector accounts for approximately 9% of the total CO2 emissions, of which animal product processing and transport accounts mainly for livestock-related CO2emission, while the rest is from the crop agriculture sector.The animal agriculture sector accounts for approximately 9% of the total CO2 emissions, of which animal product processing and transport accounts mainly for livestock-related CO2emission, while the rest is from the crop agriculture sector.
Methane is the main gas that is produced in livestock, its amount depends on body size, metabolism, activity level, or animal and food quality the amount of methane emitted in Srilanka is not scientifically estimated but few estimates have been published one is methane emission factor has estimated for enteric fermentation in Sri Lanka cattle and buffalo estimate by using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that concluded that the methane emission factor for dairy cows, buffaloes and sheep were lower than the respective IPCC default values.
Recently faq and new Zealand government-funded project on ”Reducing enteric methane emissions for food security and livelihoods” and estimated the methane and nitrous oxide emissions by cattle in Sri Lanka considering the feeding type, feeds available, agro-ecological zones of the country, and the production systems and also it considered the manure management and GHG inventory of roughage production. from the result that concludes that GHG emission is higher in the dry zone than wet .and efficiency of the dry zone also lower due to it higher GHG emission, mid is the second lower in GHG emission because it produces 40% of Sri Lanka milk with less than 10% of cat
The dairy farms are mainly located in intermediate and dry zone due to land availability in these areas. They are constructed by using temperature controlling methods because high temperature cause to decrease milk production. Climate of mid and up country areas more suitable for livestock farms but land availability is low. Srilanka is in urgent need of establishing a GHG emission measuring facility for livestock, which would help in determining the accurate adaptive and mitigating measures that can be implemented.
Climate change is adversely affecting the country's livestock industry . Therefore , more research and development programs should be implemented in livestock sector .
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Women's health and reproductive performance are dependent on good maternal nutrition. A proper nutritional balance in the mother's diet is required to guarantee appropriate energy and nutrient intake for the fetus's growth. Growth failure and the development of protein-energy malnutrition are linked to insufficient nutritional intake, especially during pregnancy. Nutrition should be maintained throughout pregnancy for the best maternal and perinatal outcomes. In Sri Lanka, therapies such as iron, folic acid, vitamin C, and calcium supplements are available throughout pregnancy. Although cost-effective dietary diversification techniques, such as imparting awareness of dietary requirements, can help enhance protein, energy, and other nutrient consumption in pregnancy. Nutrients are essential for a pregnant woman to support the growing fetus and also to prepare the expectant mother for the events of childbirth and feeding. According to healthy agencies pregnant women need educational support for healthy food and good nutrition .Therefore  It aims to develop and validate a nutritional educational booklet .
      There is an absence of nutrition intervention tools for pregnant women in Srilanka there for the development of a booklet was selected in this study. The booklet was 13cm  width and 20cm length in size .It consists of 56 double-sided pages with cover, table of content preface, content, and appendix written in a local language(Sinhala).It contains 2 sections one is about general information on maternal nutrition and balanced diet and the second section lists out the nutritional balance dietary menu for pregnant women and the pregnant women with diabetes, with the photos to clear understanding the booklet was conducted in three-step the development of the booklet, validation of the booklet and the evaluation of the developed booklet. The development of the booklet is about healthy nutritional guidelines and nutrition balance diet manure during pregnancy. Validation of the booklet The draft version of the developed booklet was given to experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics with an open-ended questionnaire. Regarding the language, they evaluated the convenience and the ease of understanding, and whether the most important concepts were approached in a clear and objective vocabulary. At the end of the validation, the recommendations of experts were accepted and incorporated into the booklet. Furthermore, ten pregnant women justified the format and contents of the entire booklet. They were requested to read the entire booklet and analyze it in terms of understanding the vocabulary and  the adequacy of illustrations. Evaluation of the developed booklet Regarding the evaluation of content and layout of the booklet by the pregnant women, they were invited to participate in the study while waiting for the Maternal Clinic of the Pannala Medical Officer of Health, North Western Province, Sri Lanka. In the informed consent for the pregnant women, the aims and procedures of their participation were presented. For evaluation by the pregnant women, the first version of the booklet was given with a questionnaire that was designed to evaluate end-users satisfaction. Pregnant women were asked to handle the booklet and analyze figures and texts. According to comments and suggestions were given by the experts and pregnant women, modifications were done and the final version of the booklet was developed.
This study followed all necessary steps to quality tool development. There are many aspects are considered when developing the booklet for pregnant women in Srilanka.
The language of booklet was very easy to understand. Experts give good comments about it.
The developed booklet was containing dietary guideline and nutrition information for pregnant women.
The booklet has fifty pages and consisted two sections. Language is very simple.
This booklet was read by expert in the field to certify. At there suggestions were made regarding the photos  in booklet , the front size and the sequence of content of the booklet .
According to the pregnant mothers, they had positive attitude towards the booklet and they suggested presenting information in simple Sinhala language.
According to the table 73% pregnant women responded that information on maternal nutrition and dietary menus of the booklet  were good. While 67% and 60% responded as good about it overall appearance and format. After the final version of the book , it was registered with the library Foundation and acquired the copyright.
Since the appearance of printed materials is a critical factor, the characteristics of efficient printing materials were adopted for this booklet.
Good quality educational materials help to promote the relationship between target group and health care professional, enhance knowledge and self care. Therefore this booklet will be an important source of information for Sri Lankan pregnant women.
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