onlygetlost · 8 years
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tøp // ride
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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Reminder: links don’t work in your Instagram caption. www.sickedits.Tyler.edu/join See? #HTtakeover 8/?
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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front porch step // drown
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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418K notes · View notes
onlygetlost · 8 years
One day, she’s going to know. She’ll know your birthday, your middle name, where you were born, your star sign, and your parents names. She’ll know how old you were when you learned to ride a bike, how your grandparents passed away, how many pets you had, and how much you hated going to school. She’ll know your eye colour, your scars, your freckles, your laugh lines and your birth marks. She’ll know your favourite book, movie, candy, food, pair of shoes, colour, and song. She’s going to know why you’re awake at 5am most nights, where you were when you realised you’d lost a good friend. She’s going to know your phobias, your dreams, your fears, your wishes, and your worries. She’s going to know about your first heartbreak, your dream wedding, and your problems with your parents. She’ll know your strengths, weaknesses, laziness, energy, and your mixed emotions. She’s going to know about your love for mayonnaise, your dream of being famous when you were five, your need to quote any film you know all the way through, and your fear of growing older. She’ll know your bad habits, your mannerisms, your stroppy pout, your facial expressions, and your laugh like it’s her favourite song. The way you chew, drink, walk, sleep, fidget and kiss. She’s going to know that you’ve already picked out wedding flowers, baby names, tiles for the bathroom, bridesmaid dresses, and the colour of your bedroom walls. She’s going to know, get annoyed at and then accept that you leave clothes everywhere, take twenty minutes to order a Starbucks, have to organise your DVD’s alphabetically, and check your horoscope… just incase. She’ll know your McDonald’s order, how many sugars to put in your tea, how many scoops of ice cream you want, and that you need your sandwiches cut into triangles. She’s going to know how you feel without you telling her, that you need a wee from a look on your face, and that you’re crying without shedding tears. She’s going to know all of it. Everything. You, from top to bottom and inside out. From learning, from sharing, from listening, from watching. She’s going to know every single thing there is to know, and you know what else? She is still going to love you.
(via youwillgetbetterrr)
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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protect neurodivergent kids with disorders other than just depression and anxiety 2k15
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onlygetlost · 8 years
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear person I hate, Dear person I like, Dear ex boyfriend, Dear ex girlfriend, Dear ex bestfriend, Dear bestfriend, Dear *anyone*, Dear Santa, Dear mom, Dear dad, Dear future me, Dear past me, Dear person I’m jealous of, Dear person I had a crush on, Dear girlfriend, Dear boyfriend, Dear [insert URL here],
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onlygetlost · 8 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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onlygetlost · 8 years
Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.
Caitlyn Siehl, Literary Sexts (via thelovejournals)
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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“we used to play pretend give each other different names”
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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36K notes · View notes
onlygetlost · 8 years
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236K notes · View notes
onlygetlost · 8 years
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life… fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do, and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change.
Eckhart Tolle (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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857 notes · View notes
onlygetlost · 8 years
I'm a slut for sunsets and stars and soft rain and wind and flowers
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onlygetlost · 8 years
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864 notes · View notes