ontheupswing-blog1 · 5 years
celebrating easter by listening to prince all day. not the greatest hits; gotta work album by album. fittingly, today is the three year anniversary of his death. such an influential and unafraid artist who bent gender boundaries and gave us a fuller picture of one’s capacity to fully engage in multiple components of humanity, not just the ones traditionally reserved for masculinity. here’s to “when you were mine” and Prince works that make myself and many other feel intentional and alive.
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ontheupswing-blog1 · 5 years
i’m new at this
ah, the dreaded first post. this feels like stepping into a cold pool for the first time and not knowing what to expect. in an effort to stay afloat, i suppose i’ll do the equivalent of flailing my arms, which is to first say that i don’t know what i’m doing. second, i acknowledge that, like navigating love and other hoops, there are no rules to this. so please enjoy this imperfect attempt to preserve my thoughts, to refine my writing voice, to post about people and things that i adore, that challenge me, that stimulate my curiosity. if i could give you a specific preview of what this will look like, i’d of course, in following decorum, oblige. but we’ll see how this goes. welcome to the beginning of an endless scroll.
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