oopswaitokwaitoops · 13 hours
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 3 days
the fact that neonazi slogans pretty much seamlessly slip into common lingo is both obviously frustrating towards efforts to distinguish dogwhistles from background noise, but also testament to the oversized influence that reactionary, functionally comforting and nonconfrontational, rhetoric has. like it's both the case that someone saying 'hell yeah brother, reject modern degeneracy, embrace tradition' could just as easily be a dedicated klanner as much as a he/they cottagecore fanartist, as well as that the average westerner will need to overcome a lot more discomfort with 'the people's republic of china has the best green energy policies and affirmative action in the world' than with 'we must return to traditional lifestyles and secure a future away from Urban life', because one of those things is associated with all the comfy apolitical animated films they loved as a child, and the other is something they've been explicitly taught is dangerous ideas they should be afraid of considering
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 13 days
it’s cheaper to buy vegetables here
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 13 days
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 15 days
immanentize the toyotathon
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 15 days
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Baby Helicoptures Eating Momy
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 24 days
something about most of the americans who post about the 'shitty educational system making them think there are no cities in mexico' or something is that, on a deep level, they enjoy & revel in their ignorance, their incuriosity. they share the same bombastic and self-congratulatory anti-intellectualism as any trump-voting uncle, except enjoy couching it in the auspices of [white] queerness & disability.
i am white (more or less) and queer and disabled & attended shitty schools in de facto segregated areas, i have encountered these ppl all my life, and what has always struck me as bizarre and embarrassing is the sheer ease with which alternate forms of info were accessible. all you needed was an internet connection, which we almost uniformly had. i found information about whiteness & intersectionality & colonialism & empire as a preteen through blogs and tumblr and other social media, and when i got older, followed my curiosity to actual books on these topics and more. it did not require anything exceptional, or even a higher education.
people know these resources are there. they know how to find them, in no more clicks than it takes to get to their favorite show or fanfic or whatever. but the discomfort that encountering new info requires, the embrace of the unknown, the genuine intellectual & emotional engagement with difference and friction, is something that they deep down know that "we" (in the global north/west) have the privilege to refuse. and there is a horrible "pleasure" in that refusal, that knowledge that one is permited to know nothing and still have the world at one's feet. it is despicable and inexcusable, and i'm glad it is getting vocally called out.
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 24 days
becoming a history buff will save your life for real bc every time someone says "this is crazy, politics didn't use to be like this! america didn't use to be like this!" you will know enough to say well. on the contrary,
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 25 days
✣ Medieval Miku ✣
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 25 days
like the amount of times western liberals on here chastize the glorious revolution cause it would require the death of diabled people like disabled people aren't already being ground up into paste by the existing systems and just how often they simply do not give a shit about the disabled third world citizens who are forced to work despite their disability so that western liberals would have same day amazon delivery is vile. to the firing squad with you
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 27 days
Julia Serano backs up with a substantial argument something I have long contended: transvestigators are what you get when people's strict perceptual dichotomy of gender is disrupted, and instead of finding themselves released from the need to foreground gender in their understanding of the world, they flail, desperately struggle to find something to cling to, and collapse into paranoia. They have learned to see the rabbit and the duck, but, in refusing to understand that both are an illusion, they go around insisting all ducks are secretly rabbits and vice-versa.
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 27 days
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 1 month
incest is disgusting and being a prior victim of it does not excuse enjoying it even if it's supposedly a coping mechanism
this is so funny i love this.
see, i know you’re used to harassing bigger blogs who post more often but this sort of wild finger pointing only actually WORKS if the tumblr user has EVER posted about incest. but no matter how much you’ve decided I’m Satan, it doesn’t actually affect anything to make claims like this. of course i don’t support incest. i also don’t demonize consenting non-related adults doing what they like in their own bedrooms. i know queerphobes like you don’t like to acknowledge that cishet rules of sexual decorum are extremely black and white, but if you’re going to exist in what wider society has deemed a gray area of human sexuality whose morals are not widely agreed upon, you’ve got to decide if you’re going to be
1. agreeing to disagree with the fantasy brotherfuckers, fighting for your own right to kiss whoever you please
2. agreeing to disagree with the “man + woman = 10,000 babies for her to raise”, fighting for your right to keep your eyes and soul pure and untainted, free from ever seeing that horrible, kinky f*ggot shit ever again
so i hope you can get over yourself soon
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 1 month
if you don’t think nonbinary people are murdered for being nonbinary you may be a fucking ifiot
so funny to say this to a non-binary person, are you trying to pretend I don’t know what it’s like being non-binary? non-binary people are absolutely murdered for being trans, just like trans men and trans women are murdered for being trans. if you think there’s a single murdered non-binary person who would have been safe from that murder ~if only they were a binary trans man or binary trans woman~, you’ve got horrific internet discourse worms in your brain and i hope the surgery to remove them goes well 💖💖
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 1 month
much like how gay people often eat up the fantasy of some sort of good ole southern guy who doesn't know all them fancy terms but is totally cool with homosexuality and pronouns, a very recurring trait of straight republicans who aren't like, turbohomophobic is that they like the idea that there actually is a silent strong majority of gay people that 100% agrees with them about everything and hates that damn extremist rainbow alphabet soup and the parades and sex ED too and whatnot, which is why they completely eat up the arielle scarcella/blaire white types (depending on how transphobic they personally are). it's basically a completely mirrored phenomenon
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 1 month
learning lately that a lot of confidence is about owning up. like "yeah i'm a little addicted to my phone right now" or "yeah i'm not really over this person yet" or "yeah i still get pretty anxious in crowds" just saying anything at all but then following it up w "but i'm trying to get better" and being super nonchalant and unaffected. so powerful. you would literally be undefeatable in the face of even the most judgmental person. no one can judge you for things you already know about yourself and are trying to improve on. the trick is to know yourself from the inside out, to hold yourself accountable, and to actively improve every day. like that is literally the secret to never feeling like you're at the mercy of somebody else's judgment
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oopswaitokwaitoops · 1 month
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