Why have people stopped caring about the media they consume?
I mean, between 'Demon Slayer' having piss-poor writing, the 'Loki series' romanticizing in*est and abuse/victim-blaming, and the multitude of 'romance movies' that also romanticize abuse/victim blame? (Fifty Shades, Twilight - which also romanticizes grooming, Kissing Booth, etc.)
I'm just starting to notice a very concerning pattern with current media.
I can't be the only one seeing it, right? It feels like we're on a steady decline in quality but an incline in popularity towards things that are extremely 'problematic'(For lack of a better word) and poor quality?
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What a good day to remember that "narcissistic abuse" doesn't fucking exist, people with NPD aren't ticking time bombs with Evil Abuser Disorder, and neurodivergent people aren't the goddamn bogeyman.
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Hot take: Demon Slayer is wildly overrated and isn't as good as people say it is. In fact, I don't think it's very good at all.
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i really think we should all outgrow once and for all the idea that a character making a dumb decision is a plot hole. sometimes people are dumb. sometimes a character making a smart and informed decision is the real plot hole
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part of being an ally to trans men is not being a dick to cis men for their appearance btw
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I feel like people seem to forget that therapists and psychiatrists are just as capable of error as people not in those fields.
Bias can affect therapists and psychiatrists, they can be incorrect, and they can overlook things by mistake. Nobody is perfect, not even them.
There are also such things as malicious people who are therapists and psychiatrists. People who can and will try to shove their personal opinions without concern for what you really need.
Yes, there are obviously people who aren't like that, but everyone is capable of error. I think that's important for people to understand.
It's just weird to me when people put therapists and psychiatrists on a pedestal and blindly accept anything they have to say.
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If there is ever a point where you have to say: '-But they're not biologically related', or 'But they're technically not related', etc, that's an instant red flag. CEASE.
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Deus ex Machina & Plot armor
I find it really funny how sometimes, critics and other people will get on writer's asses for 'deus ex machina' or 'plot armor', saying those things aren't 'realistic'...
...When stuff like that happens in real life?
Like that time, in the Civil war, when soldiers, who should've died from their wounds, spontaneously had blue glowing stuff in their wounds that basically resulted in those people with it having a higher chance of recovery, and nobody knew what the hell it was until around 2001.
That is the most Deus ex machina thing that you could ever come up with. It was called the 'Angel glow' phenomenon.
Or that time when two maneless male lions started attacking a group of people who were building a railroad, and after one of the lions was caught: They started shooting at it with multiple guns, and none of the bullets connected. ...But that's not all!
Not only did none of the bullets connect, but one of the bullets BROKE THE CAGE AND SET THE THING FREE.
...That happened. 'The man-eaters of Tsavo'.
And I'm not saying that you should just ignore when stories do that because it happens irl, or that people should pretend consequences don't exist for a character's actions when writing... but I am saying that people should be slightly more forgiving about the idea of plot armor and Deus ex Machina. Especially now, because for some reason, people seem to immediately jump on anything even slightly hinting at these tropes, nowadays.
Half of most stories wouldn't exist without these tropes... slow your roll and relax.
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You know what I've noticed? People seem really defensive about buying/playing Hogwarts legacy.
Like, they'll plan on buying the game, and any time someone says something to them about it, they'll get offended and start becoming hostile.
For example: A friend of mine(/nbh) mentioned they didn't want people to interact with them if the person bought the game. The guy claimed they were supportive of trans and Jewish people, but when this friend of mine said they weren't comfortable interacting with people who were buying the game regardless, they immediately started saying that my friend was bullying and targeting them.
Honestly, it seems to me that they're trying to convince themselves of it, more than anything else. Considering all that was said was not to interact, which shouldn't affect them at all other than just... not talking to them? What a disproportionate and knee-jerk reaction to give to something as simple as a DNI mention.
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I watched this documentary the other day. It was a documentary about chickens and how they were domesticated from jungle fowl, a very interesting watch.
I was in the mood to watch another one, so I looked around and found another. It claimed to be an unbiased look at the meat industry and how animals are raised for meat production. I figured "hey, why not? I love unbiased examinations like that". So I watched.
... I only got a few minutes in before I realized the 'unbiased' portion of the summary was a load of bollocks.
They showed the people running meat farms in the most obviously villainous light. It was insufferable. Interviewing two farmers who state directly that they don't care about the animals, and even showing one of them throwing a piglet into a plastic bin after cutting off its tail. (Throwing it pretty damn hard, too. Seriously, what is wrong with that guy?)
At the very least, I'd think they'd explain why they cut off the tail if they were going to show it, but they said nothing other than "it's just gotta be done" and moved on. Seriously, you couldn't take two seconds to explain why it was done? No, you just have to show them doing it and frame it as being needless and cruel, huh?
Context: Pig's tails are cut off because if they stay long, other pigs kept with them will often bite and gnaw at each other's tails. This behavior is obviously painful for the pigs and can often cause infections, thus, their tails are docked to avoid their pen mates doing this. Sheep tails are also docked, but are docked for a different reason: When sheep's tails are allowed to grow out, they develop long and thick due to being fat stores, which leads to them growing so long that they can reach and drag on the ground. This can lead to the wool being ruined (Dirt, mud, the animals' own feces, etc.), the animal getting their tail caught on things, and again: infections!
There is a reason that farmers do these things. It's not like docking dog ears or declawing cats, it's a procedure that helps the animal's quality of life. They do things like dock tails for good reasons. (I should know, growing up in the country and raising certain animals myself in the past.)
Now note: I'm not saying "the meat industry is all gumdrops and rainbows for animals" or any dumb shit like that. It really isn't. Animals are treated like garbage by factories and similar processes and deserve way better, but characterizing everyone, including small-town farmers, as being evil for doing these things? Especially while cutting out the context behind those actions? It's ridiculous.
That's all, that's all I wanted to say. Just a small rant about a dumb documentary filled so much with bias that if you know anything about farming or animal husbandry, you'll can be able to smell the hypocrisy from a mile away.
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   I don’t know if it’s just me, but people getting awards for taking care of their disabled children seems vaguely insulting/ableist.
   Forgive me if I’m wrong: But parents taking care of their children and fulfilling their needs kind of seems like the bare minimum regardless of whether they’re disabled or not?
   Just a thought.
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Hey - saw your post about ppl celebrating the queens death. I’m just gonna give you a brief rundown from my own experiences (I can’t speak on other colonised nations’ behalves).
So. I’m from Ireland. My family for generations have been from Co Kerry before moving to Dublin in the 1890s. Idk why and I’ll get back to that. The English, for hundreds of years oppressed and brutalised the Irish. They committed both cultural and systematic genocides (the infamous Famine, for example). The Irish language today is very nearly extinct and really only available to more affluent, urban Irish. They tried (and luckily failed) to force conscription of Irish citizens into the British military in 1918. My nana married an Englishman who flat out FORBADE any talk of Irish politics, history and the likes. Which is why I don’t really know anything about my great grandmother or her mother and so on besides they were farmers in Kerry and moved to Dublin. My father was an English nationalist despite being born in Ireland. He imposed the same restrictions onto us and convinced my mother to have us born in the UK because we’d be ‘better off’ and wouldn’t be seen as uneducated if we went to English schools. So it’s not some distant history. My friends wife lives in London and has been horribly pissed about being an Irish citizen and having her taxes go to the preservation and continuation of the very institution that raped her country. The Queen KNEW about this. She was the head of an institution directly affecting colonisation and forced assimilation and destruction of culture ALL OVER the world. My Nana refused to be buried with my grandfather, btw, at least she got the final say in death. So that’s why people celebrate. It’s less a celebration of Elizabeth’s death (which it still is tbh) and more a celebration of the Queen’s death.
I hope I’ve been clear in this. It’s a painful spot for me because I only can tell you the history and my own experience as someone who for generations has had their family living in or just above the poverty line in Ireland. I assumed that you don’t know much about England’s presence in Ireland. But this is why so many people are celebrating. My work friend (Haitian) is posting celebration photos on IG and good for him. I hope this answers your question. Maybe talk to more people from these places to get a better idea because I’m not confident in my explanation.
Ah, well thank you for the informative and polite response. (Unlike some who decided to respond to my genuine confusion with 'die mad' and the like, lmao.)
Mine is the type of ignorance that can happen when one is raised in a family that treats learning or talking about most history and politics as taboo, I suppose. So I appreciate you taking the time to educate me on the subject, and thank you for sharing your own history with me as an example. I'll certainly see if I can get more perspectives on this if/when I get the chance, as you suggested.
In the case of celebrating the end of such a horrific reign/monarchy and what it represents, I can definitely see and appreciate those sentiments now.
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  Oh, yeah, I forgot: Colonization. *Ba-dum-tss*
  But regardless, I still think making jokes about someone dying so soon after their death is a bit gross.
   Edit:    Feel free to point and laugh for my gross misunderstanding of politics, of which I know barely anything about because I tend not to care about it, lol. I just think that people should have a degree of tact when it comes to the death of anyone, seeing as they’re living and breathing humans just like us.
   So, no, I wasn’t mad at anyone or anything, just genuinely confused.
Why are people celebrating the Queen’s death?
  I mean, maybe I’m just a party pooper or don’t understand something, but I find it really strange and very disrespectful that people are doing this.
   I was raised to respect the dead, especially if they were recently deceased, and while people like Hitler may be slightly except,(strictly on the grounds of how awful they were and all the hurt they caused.), I don’t remember Queen Elizebeth ever doing anything to warrant so much disrespect?
   Could someone enlighten me on this? I’m confused.
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Why are people celebrating the Queen’s death?
  I mean, maybe I’m just a party pooper or don’t understand something, but I find it really strange and very disrespectful that people are doing this.
   I was raised to respect the dead, especially if they were recently deceased, and while people like Hitler may be slightly except,(strictly on the grounds of how awful they were and all the hurt they caused.), I don’t remember Queen Elizebeth ever doing anything to warrant so much disrespect?
   Could someone enlighten me on this? I’m confused.
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   I just watched a review of a book that said something that made me lose brain cells. (Warning: Possibly triggering topics ahead! Check the tags for your trigger tags before reading under the cut!)
   I’m not gonna mention the book, nor the guy himself, because I don’t want anyone harassing each other. I’m just gonna dump my thoughts here and then hide away in my cave until I feel the need to dump another opinion here.
   For context, the guy is talking about a scene where a woman is forced to have sex with someone multiple times, or else she’ll be flung from her standing in a barbaric society filled with violence and slavery. (Not literally, I mean she’ll lose her social status/standing.)
   This man bold-facedly decided to say: “If she says ‘yes’ to it, then that’s consent, she doesn’t get to cry about it, so why is this character crying?”
   Meanwhile, in this same story it’s mentioned multiple times that people under her social status are killed without a second thought if they step out of line, and are, need I mention again, slaves who are mentioned to be abused and tormented constantly with ‘their only escape being death’.    So, clearly, it’s not just ‘losing her job’, it’s getting booted into constant abuse, tyrannical rule, torment, and violent death. This isn’t losing your cushy job, its getting (Literally in this case) thrown into a death pit for gladiatorial combat at worst, and becoming an expendable slave at best.
   I- I don’t- How is this person the same species as me??? This guy genuinely scares me if he really thinks this way. 
   Just from that alone, this guy sounds like the type to hear about a teacher coming onto a student, and gets really offended until he hears the teacher was a woman and the student a boy, then makes a ‘Lucky guy’ joke.
   God, that was nasty. I need a shower after watching that, holy shit.
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    I think the biggest problem with the MCU is that after a certain point, they seemed to try to lighten or darken the characters from shades of grey to either black or white. Not just in motivations and mischaracterization, but also in terms of how they’re treated/framed by the narrative.
   I feel Civil war is probably the end of the ‘characters are grey’ era? Everything after that (With the exception of Moon Knight) is basically a clunky ‘good vs evil’ clash. (There are a few smaller scenes that show glimmers of grey, but they aren’t substantial enough to be as meaningful.)
   So in their rush to make things more easy to swallow for general audiences, they pushed out most of the nuance and turned the characters into caricatures. 
   Effectively, they neutered the cast to make them easier on the eyes.
   And I think the biggest and most influential culprit of this is Thor Ragnarok. It basically took away a lot of what made the characters featured in that movie and cranked up the character’s stereotypes of them up to eleven. (Not to mention the rampant and blatant disregard for consistency and lore.)
   I don’t know, I was just thinking about this and wanted to mention it to no one.
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   The absolute audacity of some people to think that banning abortions is a good thing. What the fuck?
   No, but seriously, what the fuck? Since when did you have the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies? Are we seriously doing this right now?
   I genuinely thought it was a joke at first when I heard about it going around, but apparently not.    Absolutely disgusting the type of world we live in, if it wasn’t obvious enough.
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