List of winners of @ankareeda button : @bolt41319 @LariskaPargitay @willow1411 @EQChemistry @ourheroregina @BabyLawyerOQ @CarolinaMR9 @Lunatwilight07 @ariestess69 @celianomas @AEBrim @FraiseDandelion List of winners of @balfernandz ‘s lockscreens: @KellyPatano @LPsDiamond1 Winner of @stargazingM31 bracelet : @celianomas Winner of @RegalPixieDust OQ bag : @bolt41319 Winner of @CaptRegina bracelet : @KellyPatano Winner of @KateJaneway25 Anonymous book : @AngstyMGstars 
Thank you everyone for participating!!
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Entries of day #7 - Sunday
@ourheroregina - Link @willow1411 - Link @EQChemistry - Link @CarolinaMR9 - Link @celianomas - Link @Lunatwilight07 - Link @LariskaPargitay - Link @FraiseDandelion - Link @ariestess - Link @AEBrim - Link @BabyLawyerOQ - Link
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Entries of day #6 - Saturday
@LariskaPargitay - Link @ariestess - Link @FraiseDandelion - Link @AEBrim - Link @BabyLawyerOQ - Link @bolt41319 - Link @Lunatwilight07 - Link @caskettoholicer - Link @ourheroregina  - Link @CarolinaMR9 - Link @EQChemistry - Link @willow1411 - Link @celianomas - Link
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Entries of day #5 - Friday
@EQChemistry - Link @FraiseDandelion - Link @AEBrim - Link @bolt41319 - Link @caskettoholicer - Link @Lunatwilight07 - Link @BabyLawyerOQ - Link
@ariestess - Link @CarolinaMR9 - Link @ourheroregina - Link @LariskaPargitay - Link @willow1411 - Link @celianomas - Link
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Entries of day #4 - Thrusday
@bolt41319  - Link @CarolinaMR9 - Link @willow1411 - Link @BabyLawyerOQ - Link @EQChemistry  - Link @ourheroregina - Link @LariskaPargitay - Link @ariestess - Link @AEBrim - Link @lunatwilight07 - Link @FraiseDandelion - Link
@celianomas - Link
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Entries of day #3 - Wednesday
@LariskaPargitay - Link @Lunatwilight07 - Link @AEBrim - Link @celianomas - Link @bolt41319 - Link @caskettoholicer - Link @BabyLawyerOQ - Link @EQChemistry - Link @willow1411 - Link @CarolinaMR9 - Link @ourheroregina - Link @TheQueensOutlaw - Link @ariestess - Link @FraiseDandelion  - Link
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Entries of day #2 - Tuesday
@Nona_AM : Link @caskettoholicer : Link @LariskaPargitay : Link @EQChemistry : Link @bolt41319 : Link @ourheroregina : Link @TheQueensOutlaw : Link @BabyLawyerOQ : Link @willow1411 : Link @CarolinaMR9 : Link
@Lunatwilight07 : Link @celianomas : Link @AEBrim : Link @FraiseDandelion : Link @ariestess : Link
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Entries of day #1 - Monday
@Nona_AM : Link @bolt41319 : Link @LariskaPargitay : Link @willow1411 : Link @EQChemistry : Link
@TheQueensOutlaw : Link @ourheroregina : Link
@BabyLawyerOQ : Link @CarolinaMR9 : Link @caskettoholicer : Link @Lunatwilight07 : Link @_lallero_serena : Link @ariestess69 : Link @celianomas : Link @AEBrim : Link @FraiseDandelion : Link
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A little reminder as the week approaches: 
Do not forget to write the number of the prompt in your post, to use the hashtag #OQonHolidaysWeek and to tag the @OQonHolidays account when you’ll post your entries on twitter. 
Anyone who will post a prompt for all seven days of the OQ on Holidays week will win a button designed by @ankareeda (picture in the prizes section) 
Anyone who will review at least 50 entries (or all entries if there are less than 50) will win a lockscreen of their choice among the many designed by @balfernandz (picture in the prizes section). Note that your reviews will have to be at least 5 sentences long to be valid. Please don’t forget to send me the screenshots of your reviews so I write your name on the list of winners. 
Your participation to the week, whether it will be an entry or a review, will also be the opportunity to win a prize : a bracelet by @stargazingM31 or an OQ bag by @RegalPixieDust for artists, a bracelet by @CaptRegina or Anonymous book by @KateJaneway25 for readers. (picture in the prizes section)
Rules stay the same for the reviews, they’ll have to be at least 5 sentences long. You‘ll be put in the prizes draw starting from the 5th review. Of course, you’ll have to send me the screenshots just like for the previous prize. One entry will be enough to be put in the prizes draw for the artists. 
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You can find the list of prompts below. Feel free to select any prompt and create OutlawQueen art (fic, manip, video) inspired by it. You can of course combine several prompts in one creation.   
You can submit any creation you want whether it is a new one or an old one. About the fics, it can be included in any of your existing verses. However, note that any ancient work will not be counted as an entry to win a button. 
OQ on Holidays Week will take place from August 20th to 26th, so please, don’t post anything before. 
 In the meantime, don’t hesitate to tweet or DM me at this account @OQonHolidays if you have any questions. 
Here’s the list of prompts: 
1. Regina Roland and Robin, who can’t stand very loud or very crowded spaces, in Times Square. 
2. Regina & Robin vacation in England, they visit the ‘real’ Sherwood Forest and town of Nottingham, see the statue of Robin Hood and touristy Robin Hood themed gift shops. Robin isn’t a fan of his likeness being used to make money. 
3. Entire Hood-Mills family (Robin, Regina, Henry, Roland and Robyn) goes to Disney World during ‘villains month’.
4. Robin takes Regina camping somewhere out in the wilderness where she doesn’t have her magic. Regina discovers she is NOT an outdoorsy kind of woman... 
5. Regina takes Robin to Hyperion Heights for the first time, to the bar and her former apartment, and people still think of her as the wild tattooed bartender Roni. She’s embarrassed of her cursed persona, but Robin wants to get to know ‘Roni’. 
6. Evil Queen takes Wish Robin out into the real world for the first time and decides to take him to New York City. 
7. Robin and Regina go to Vietnam. 
 8. On a family vacation, OQ family finds an abandoned puppy on a beach. Roland and Henry try to convince their parents to keep it and take it back home. 
9. Robin, Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret, Killian (any other character can be included) are all good friends. Robin and Regina's friends realize they're in love but don't act on their feelings. So, they decide to push them a little. They all plan a holiday trip: book air tickets, hotel accomodation, activities. But at the last minute their friends don't show up and Robin and Regina are forced to spend a week with each other on vacation (maybe sharing a room) and ...well, maybe it's exactly what they need!
10. Robin and Regina go to a fan convention for Henry’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ book outside of Storybrooke to support him and it’s just uncanny how well they ‘cosplay’ as Robin Hood and Regina Mills… 
11. Robin and Regina take Robyn to a heavy metal concert out in California. Turns out Robyn wasn’t interested in the music so much as she was interested in the girl from Storybrooke who just so happens to be into this band... 
12. DarkOQ are on holiday in the EF with Roland and get attacked by monsters. 
13. OQ are in holiday with their children and Roland gets lost 
14. Robin and Regina are both skilled contract killers working for different firms meeting for the first time in bogota Columbia during a pretended or real holidays. Of course, they have no idea that the other one is a contract killer, and even less that they have the same target (based on the movie Mr & Mrs. Smith) 
15. A weekend camping trip with the boys [dealer's choice on good or bad trip] 
16. Regina takes Robin on his first plane ride 
17. Honeymooning in Hawaii 
18. A romantic cruise that veers into the Bermuda Triangle 
19. Hiking in the Redwoods [with or without the boys] 
20. Henry or Roland get food poisoning on vacation and need TLC
21. A day at the beach ends with Regina getting sun poisoning 
22. Henry and Roland go to summer camp, leaving Regina & Robin on a staycation at home 
23. First family roadtrip 
24. Robyn's first day at the beach with Robin, Regina, & the boys [Zelena optional] 
25. Robyn gets her first period on vacation with the family 
26. Regina teaches Roland how to swim 
27. Regina and Henry are in holidays on a cruise, the same cruise as Robin and Roland. Robin, Regina’s ex-boyfriend from college. The first time they face each other, things aren’t that simple and a lot of grudge is still present. But as the two kids become friends, their parents are forced to spend time together, and talk about their past...
28. “Best vacation ever!" 
29. “Why did I agree to this trip?" 
30. "Look! I even laminated our itinerary AND synced it to everyone's phones!" 
31. “Your mum is stunning when she lets herself enjoy nature." 
32. Family day at the beach 
33. OQ spends a few days at the beach, without the kids, and things get steamy on the sands... Or above a rock ;) 
34. Regina breaks her leg during her holidays with her parents and sister, and is forced to stay behind while they are out visiting. One day she decides to get out to get some fresh air and ends up running into a certain British boy with deep dimples and ocean blue eyes. 
35. Regina isn't in the mood for a holiday, but her friends drags her with them and in the end she ends up being grateful that she went. Because she meets the love of her life. 
36. Regina takes a well deserved holiday in Mykonos. Her plan? Party, have fun, maybe meet a guy or two for a one-night stands, and forget her awful boss and pressuring job. But when her eyes fall upon the bartender of her hotel, a handsome British man with blue eyes and a sexy accent, her plans to stick to one-night stands completely fall apart. 
37. At Henry’s request, Regina and Robin organize a family trip (Roland comes too) to Maya’s ruins. But as they visit a temple, they unleash a powerful magic that threatens everyone’s lives. 
38. Regina is on a holiday trip with her friend Tink in Spain. At her friends’ request, Regina let’s a fortune teller read the lines of her hand. Regina, a confirmed bachelor, doesn’t believe her when the woman predicts that she’ll meet her soulmate during this trip : a man with a lion tattoo. That is, until she meets a handsome man with intriguing blue eyes, adorable dimples, and a certain tattoo... 
39. “What are you doing in my hotel room?” 
40. Romantic holidays in Paris 
 41. Robin and Regina take their whole family on holidays. Henry meets a girl he has a huge crush on, and Robin has to help Regina deal with her mama bear feelings and let her son enjoy this summer love. 
 42. A week at the beach. Roland almost drowns. 
43. Wish Robin convinces (after several attempts) the Evil Queen to spend a week in the Forest. Whether it ends up being phenomenal or a complete failure is up to you. 
44. Regina, Leopold and Snow take a vacation to one of the other realms of the Enchanted Forest and they meet a certain thief on the road during their journey. 
45. Regina discovers that she’s pregnant a week before a long planned holidays, and she’s extremely nauseous. “I’m ruining everyone’s holidays.” “No, you’re not.” 
46. Regina and Robin go back to Camelot to take a few days off for themselves and they end up waking up an evil everyone had forgotten about. 
47. OQ take their children and Robyn (who’s about 15 yo) on a trip to San Francisco. “Regina, I really like this girl we met on the pier.” 
48. Robin and Regina have marital issues. Their therapist suggests they take some holidays, just the two of them, to work on their relationship without having to worry about the kids. Will it work in helping them remember how much they still love each other? 
49. “I always dreamt to visit Venise.”
50. During the Missing Year, Regina isn’t doing well, she misses her son and feels like she doesn’t belong. A certain thief offers her to take her away for a few days, to help change her mind.   
51. Regina and Robin are best friends who decide to go on a trip to Las Vegas together. As they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas 
52. Leopold takes Regina to his hunting lodge in the mountains, she gets lost and almost dies in a blizzard, Robin finds her, brings her back to his cabin to nurse her back to health.
53. Regina and Robin take a few days off for their first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. Regina has a little more to be greatful for than she expected 
54. Robin and Regina are friends. Regina went through a tough break up after a long relationship with Daniel. Daniel was an ass, lied, cheated, whatever. Robin has been secretly in love with Regina, but has waited patiently for her to get over Daniel, and it seems she succeeds.They plan this vacation as friends (it can be with other friends) and in the trip they bump into Daniel. This makes Regina doubtful again, Robin is jealous, maybe Daniel tries to win Regina again, and due to the circumstances Robin has to tell Regina how he feels about her. 
55. Modern AU: Regina dedicates most of her time to her job and her best friend convinces her to finally take a break. Her friend books a trip for her with a travel agency. Regina reluctantly goes to the trip and is in a bad mood, always thinking about her job and what she has to do when she goes back, until she meets the tour leader, Robin. 
56. Regina and Robin in Greece (preferably not at the most popular and crazy crowded places) 
57. Regina and Robin go castle-seeing in England 
58. For father's day (or mother's day, you choose), they plan a surprise holiday, so they can celebrate it somewhere else. 
59. Robin and Regina on their honeymoon; a week in a haute top floor Paris suite where Robin is completely out of his element but he endures it for his new bride 
60. Families were accidentally booked for the same cabin, beach house, airbnb and decide to share the space so neither have to cancel the vacation 
61. Visiting Robin’s family in England 
62. Visiting Regina’s family in Puerto Rico 
63. Regina getting racially profiled at the airport, Robin defends her (either established relationship or first meeting) 
64. Roland and/or Henry get lost at airport or at destination 
65. Home alone holidays AU 
66. Jolly Roger 
67. Ship wreck (AU or Jolly Roger) 
68. Plane crash 
69. Honeymoon 
70. Cruise 
71. Traveling to meet their new baby/child/children (adoption AU) 
72. Mile high club 
73. Every year the children point to a spot on a map / globe and that is where they go now $%*^@#* picked Utah / Iran ???  and is so excited but no one else wants to go. 
74. Time machine.
75. Robin and Regina’s families would spend every summer at their vacation homes so they have been friends since they were kids and casually dated as they were teens. Now, they are both graduated and returning to the same vacation homes, hoping the other shows up 
76. Welcome to jurassic world 
77. Lost AU 
78. African safari 
79. A year after Daniel died, Regina is trying to take Henry on his annual camping trip but they get really lost and she’s pretending they aren’t. Finally, they come across Robin, who is camping with Roland and ..... :) 
80. A booking mishap occurs and Robin and Regina each lose their reservation, but the hotel has 1 room left with a single queen-sized bed. Do these strangers share or do they let this ruin their vacation? 
81. Lifeguard has to save drowning victim. [Dealer's choice on who is in which role and whether beach or pool] 
82. Roland and Henry meet on the beach and make friends, then "force" their parents to make a joint vacation of it 
83. Trying the exotic local cuisine, but who likes it and who's grossed out by it? 
84. Rained out camping or tropical trip 
85. Fights over folding vs. rolling the maps 
86. Who gets carsick the easiest? [Adults or kids] 
87. Who declares war on anyone singing "99 Bottles"? 
88. Robin goes to Vegas for his bachelor party and Regina works as a higher end stripper
89. Robin’s deployed in the military and home on his two week leave so he and the family go somewhere before he had to go back
90. Regina Mills is an executive editor in chief of a book publishing company and a total bitch. After learning she is about to be deported to Canada, she forces her assistant, Robin Locksley to marry her. Regina doesn’t have any family left and the couple travels to Robins hometown, to meet his family. Regina & Robin learn a lot about each other on the trip and start to get closer. (Based on the movie The Proposal)
91. The kids are asleep in the backseat, so road head? Why not?
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Button, by @ankareeda: For artists who take part to all 7 days of the week.
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2. Extra prices for authors : 2 authors will randomly be sorted to win either this bracelet from @stargazingM31 (with the color of their choice for the cord) or an outlawqueen gift bag by @RegalPixieDust
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3.Extra prices for reviewers: 2 reviewers will randomly be sorted to win either a bracelet from @CaptRegina (to choose among all of her creations) or a book from @KateJaneway25
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4. People who have reviewed at least 50 entries of the OQ on holidays week (or all creations if there are less than 50) will win an OQ lockscreen by @balfernandz (this is just an example, just 1 of the many lockscreens she’ll make)
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A few rules:
1. All the prompts will be accepted as long as they include Regina and Robin going on vacation, no matter if they’re going alone, with their children, with Robyn, or with their friends. 2. You can prompt artists about their verses or about specific prompts that you’d like to see them write, manip or make a video about. 3. Artists who take part to all 7 days of the week will qualify for a button made by @ankareeda 4. Creations that were already posted but answer a prompt can be reposted during the week. However, they will not qualify for a button. Only new creations will. 5. People who have reviewed at least 50 entries of the OQ on holidays week (or all creations if there are less than 50) will win an OQ lockscreen by @balfernandz 6. At the end of the week, 2 artists and 2 people amont those who reviewed 10 creations per day will be sorted to win one of the special prizes:
- An OutlawQueen gift bag by @RegalPixieDust and a bracelet by @stargazingM31 for the artists 
- A bracelet by @CaptRegina and the Anonymous book by @KateJaneway25 for the reviewers.
A post for the prizes will be done separately.
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