oqwomyo · 27 days
Wish upon a black rabbit. Yuhan's card translation + UR version of the card.
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Part 1.
We achieved our goal of catching a black rabbit... So for the next few days... We decided to stay in Lapan.
- Lapan Hotel -
One day... Yuhan came to my room.
Yuhan: Master. It's already evening, do you have any plans?
You: Not at all.
Yuhan: That's good. Then...
Yuhan: Do you want to go to a rabbit cafe with me?
You: A rabbit cafe?
Yuhan: We received information about black rabbits from the owner the other day... It's that shop.
Yuhan: A while ago... It seems like a black rabbit was born in that shop...
Yuhan: I'd like to go see it with Master.
You: Okay then.
Yuhan: Fufu, then... Let's get ready for the cafe.
You: Uh-huh.
- Lapan Rabbit Cafe -
- A little later -
When we entered the cafe... We decided to talk to the granny who ran the cafe.
Yuhan: Good evening, Granny.
Grandma: Oh, it's you. Good evening.
You: Good evening.
Yuhan: We heard that a baby rabbit was born in this cafe...
Yuhan: Can we see the cub?
Grandma: Mm? Oh, yeah, I don't mind.
Grandma: I owe you a lot. Consider this my gratitude and watch as much as you like.
You: Thank you very much.
Grandma led us to the rabbit yard behind the café.
Yuhan: They aren't kept in the café, are they?
Grandma: Yes, I keep all the babies in this yard.
Grandma: There are a lot of rabbits in the yard... Don't step on them.
You: Okay.
Grandma: Oh... This little one closer to you. Look, it's him.
Grandma picked up the rabbit that was sitting close to the entrance of the yard.
Yuhan: ...This is... So cute.
Grandma: This baby was born only 2 weeks ago.
Grandma: Rabbits grow up quickly.
Grandma: To see a rabbit of this size... You guys are very lucky.
After saying that...Grandma carefully gave the rabbit to Yuhan.
Grandma: Take care of this little one.
Yuhan: Yes. Thank you very much.
Grandma: Well... Then I'll get back to work.
Grandma: When you're done, call me.
Yuhan: Okay.
*Step step step*
Yuhan: Fufu... Such soft and fluffy fur.
Yuhan holds the rabbit in his hands and... Gently strokes it.
Yuhan: Master, would you like to hold this little one?
You: Yeah.
Yuhan: Then... Please sit here.
Yuhan allowed me to sit on the wooden stool in the yard.
You: Thank you.
Yuhan: I'll put the rabbit on your lap.
After saying that... Yuhan gently put the rabbit on my lap.
Yuhan: He doesn't run away and seems to be a very quiet little rabbit.
You: So cute.
Yuhan: I agree.
Yuhan: Fufu... We are very lucky to be able to be with such a cute rabbit like this.
Yuhan: When I arrived in Lapan City... I would like the master to have a special memory.
You: Thank you, Yuhan.
Yuhan: Fufu... You don't need to thank me.
Yuhan: On the contrary, I saw master with the rabbit... That's a special memory for me.
Yuhan: The little rabbit is certainly very cute...
Yuhan: But the master who holds one in their arms... They're even cuter.
You: Um...
Yuhan: Fufu... To be the only one who can witness such a scene...
Yuhan: I am a very lucky man.
You: Yuhan...
Then... Up until now, the little rabbit was looking at us... As if wanting to be pampered, it rolled over in my lap.
You: Cu... Cute...
Yuhan: Oya oya. To be able to capture the master's gaze in an instant...
Yuhan: Looks like I have a rival.
After saying that, Yuhan smiled softly at the rabbit. And, as if tempted by that smile... The other rabbits gathered around us.
You: Do you all want me to pet you?
Yuhan: Fufu... It seems so.
Yuhan: When their heads are pressed to your fingers like that... You can't help but pet them.
Yuhan: Really... They ask to be petted so nicely that I kind of want to be like them.
You: Eh?
I tried to ask Yuhan what he meant, but... He was like "I didn't say anything"... Yuhan was calmly petting the rabbit... I pretended I didn't hear anything.
- A little later -
While we were having fun surrounded by rabbits... A boy came into the store crying, holding a rabbit in his arms.
Boy: Uu... Uu... What should I do..!
Boy: Grandma! Grandma! Kuro... Save Kuro..!
Yuhan: Oya... What happened?
Boy: Kuro... Kuro...
Boy: Hey, where's Grandma? I need to show her Kuro right now.
Boy: Grandma..! Grandma..!
You: Grandma is in the store now...
*Step step step*
Grandma: I thought it was noisy in the yard, so I came... What happened?
You: Ah, Grandma!
Boy: Uu... Uu... Kuro... He hasn't moved much for a long time...
Boy: Please, Grandma... Check on Kuro.
Grandma: ...Did Kuro eat well this morning?
Boy: He hasn't eaten... He's lost his appetite lately...
Boy: I was able to feed him shredded carrots before... But not a single bite today...
Grandma: Is that so..?
Boy: B-But... Kuro will get better, right?
Yuhan: Can I take a look at Kuro-san?
Boy: Uh... Yeah...
Boy: This little rabbit... Come on, Kuro... Open your eyes...
The boy put the rabbit named Kuro down on the ground. But... Kuro didn't even move.
You: (This is...)
Yuhan: .....
Grandma: ...Kuro... is already dead.
Boy: ...Eh...?
Part 2.
Boy: T-That's... A lie... That's a lie..!
Boy: Before I left the house... He really did open his eyes...
Boy: That's... Kuro couldn't have died...
Grandma: His body is still warm... It hasn't been that long since he died.
Grandma: While you were coming here... Perhaps his life had come to an end.
Boy: Uu... Uwaaaah..! Kuro... Kuro...
Seeing the boy cry... I felt my heart clench.
Yuhan: Poor thing... But life can't be prolonged.
Grandma: Yes. ... Lately, that child has been bringing Kuro here often.
Grandma: "Kuro isn't feeling well"... I was worried for a long time.
Grandma: I suspected that his life was coming to an end... ...And it finally happened.
You: Is that so...
Grandma: They went together for a walk every day... He always spent time with Kuro.
Yuhan: ...Is that so...
You: It must be hard...
Yuhan: Yeah... It hurts even more when you hear Grandma's story.
Boy: Uu... Uu... Kuro, open your eyes...
Yuhan: ....
*Step step step*
Yuhan walks up to the crying boy who is hugging Kuro... Yuhan gently puts his hand on the boy's back.
Boy: Uuu...
Yuhan: ...Kuro-san was really appreciated.
Boy: Uh-huh... ...Kuro is my friend.... My family...
Boy: Uu... Uu... I wanted to be together more...
Boy: Kuro... I'm sorry I didn't save you...
Yuhan: ....
Yuhan: ...Kuro-san went back to the moon.
Boy: ...To the moon?
Yuhan: Yes, in the Eastern Land... They say that when a rabbit dies, it returns to the moon.
Yuhan: There are many rabbits there... They seem to be happy together.
Yuhan: ...Kuro-san went to the moon in the arms of his beloved owner...
Yuhan: I'm sure he'll be happy there.
Boy: Uu... If that's true, then good...
Yuhan listened to the boy's story... He stroked boy's back until he stopped crying. This situation... I watched in silence.
- Lapan Hill -
- A little later -
When the boy went home... We also thanked grandma and left the café. And I... Came with Yuhan to a hill with a beautiful view. The sun had already set, and the moon was shining in the sky.
Yuhan: The boy we saw today... I hope he can soon accept Kuro-san's death.
You: That's right.
Yuhan: He doesn't have sad memories of Kuro-san...
Yuhan: I wish he could only have pleasant memories of Kuro-san.
You: Yuhan is kind.
Yuhan: Oya... Me?
You: Because you were there for the boy.
Yuhan: That's...
Yuhan: It's just... I can understand the boy's pain...
You: Yuhan too?
Yuhan: Yes. It was quite a long time ago.
Yuhan: Actually, when I was a child... I had a rabbit.
Yuhan: At that time, my mother told me that there was a legend that "rabbits return to the moon"...
You: I see.
Yuhan: I caught rabbits for food, but... There were some too small to eat.
Yuhan: There was no reason to kill them if we weren't going to eat them.
Yuhan: One day, I found a rabbit that had fallen into a trap I had set. It was weakened.
Yuhan: I decided to take it home and protect it.
You: What happened next?
Yuhan: After that... While taking care of the rabbit, I began to get attached to it...
Yuhan: I decided to keep the little rabbit even when it grew up.
You: I see.
Yuhan: Fufu... It was cute to see him eating from my hands...
Yuhan: There wasn't a single day when I would be bored... I watched the rabbit carefully.
Yuhan: ...But soon...
Yuhan: Unfortunately, the rabbit got sick and died.
You: It must have been hard...
Yuhan: Yes... At that time, I cried like that boy.
Yuhan: I lived in a small village... No doctor would accept the rabbit.
Yuhan: ...Even if I went to the city to show it to a vet...
Yuhan: I lived a poor life... I didn't have enough money to pay for the treatment.
Yuhan: At that time... I became aware of my worthlessness.
You: Is that so...
Yuhan: And at the same time...
Yuhan: The rabbits return to the moon... Both me and my family...
Yuhan: I realized that everyone's lives will end someday.
You: Yuhan...
Yuhan: But...
Yuhan: Having become a devil's butler... My life has lost its natural end...
Yuhan: No matter how many centuries and millennia pass... I will not die a natural death.
Yuhan: However, no matter how bitter it is for me...
Yuhan: The life of a devil butler... Is always on the brink of death.
Yuhan: It's just that the duration can't be measured...
Yuhan: Where to end... Nothing has changed.
You: ...Is that so.
Yuhan: In the sense that death is just around the corner...
Yuhan: Whether I was a devil butler or a soldier... Nothing has changed.
Yuhan: When I was a soldier... My life could end at any moment...
Yuhan: I dedicated myself to my duty.
Yuhan: If my life was to end...
Yuhan: For my family and hometown... I wanted to give my life for them.
You: Yuhan...
(But if that's the case...)
Yuhan: That's... I'm sorry for suddenly bringing this up...
You: ......
In his days as a soldier... Yuhan was willing to sacrifice himself for his family and the town... As for the butlers and me now... Is he willing to do the same? When I imagine Yuhan disappearing... I feel sad.
You: How do you feel about your life now?
Yuhan: Hmm... Now?
You: Do you think there's no point in dying?
Yuhan: Master...
Yuhan: I'm sorry. It seems my story has upset you.
Yuhan: But... Don't worry, Master.
Yuhan: Now... My way of thinking has changed a bit.
You: Really..?
Yuhan: Yes.
Yuhan: Now, as long as I'm alive... I want to create memories with Master.
Yuhan: Since life is limited by death...
Yuhan: When the time of the end comes... I want it to be filled with happiness.
Yuhan: That's what I think now.
Yuhan: Besides... Now I have a reason not to die so easily.
You: A reason..?
Yuhan: Yes. If I die, master will be sad.
Yuhan: I... I don't want to be the cause of aster's sadness.
Yuhan: When master cries, I want to be by their side and wipe away their tears...
Yuhan: I want to be by your side and be close to your heart...
Yuhan: That's why, Master, from now on...
Yuhan: That sweet and beautiful smile... I want it to always shine on your face.
You: Yuhan...
Yuhan smiled and took my hand.
You: Eh... Yu-Yuhan..?
Yuhan: Master, what I'm about to do... Forgive me for this.
You: What are you...
Yuhan then brought my palm to his face. He touched the inside of it with his lips.
You: Eh!?
Yuhan: ...My sincere feelings and desires... They may be inappropriate in a master-butler relationship.
Yuhan: But up until now, I... I was imagining life with Name-sama.
Yuhan: When the hunt for angels ends and we are relieved of our duties as devil butlers... What will happen to our relationship...?
Yuhan: The moment when I meet master as a man, not as a butler. I can't help but think about it.
You: T-That's...
Yuhan: In my imagination... After so many memories with master...
Yuhan: ... I will return to the moon before master.
Yuhan: That's the end I want to meet.
You: ... Return before me?
Yuhan: I know this contradicts what I said earlier.
Yuhan: If I die first... Master will definitely be upset.
Yuhan: But...
Yuhan: Life without master... I can't think about it anymore.
Yuhan: Even imagining it... It's scary... I can't do anything with it.
Yuhan: ...So that none of us would be sad...
Yuhan: If we could return to the moon together... We would be happy.
You: Yuhan...
Yuhan: What is it... Sorry for such a dark story.
Yyhan: I never thought about something like that before...
Yuhan: When people meet someone important... They tend to become emotional.
Yuhan: But now... If we can touch each other like this and express our feelings...
Yuhan: Instead of talking about death that will occur someday... Let's enjoy the journey instead.
Yuhan: Memories of a walk together...
Yuhan: Until the very end... Let that be our light.
You: Yes.
Let's remember together until the end comes... Hearing Yuhan's words, I nodded. Even when the end comes, we will be together... I silently hoped for that.
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oqwomyo · 1 month
small drabble while I'm waiting for Yuhan's birthday!!!
contains: gn master, Yuhan being the sly fox, Yuhan's fan
author's note: this is literally... the second??? time i write something in English besides the translations, so if there are any mistakes, please don't be shy to point them out. 😭😭😭
The hard material presses against master's chin, forcing them to lift their head and look at the man in front of them. The look of narrowed gray eyes makes master swallow their saliva quite loudly. The butler says nothing, and that makes the master's eyes quickly dart around the room, trying to find an object to focus on, just in order to ignore Yuhan's intense gaze. The man observes master's every move, while a hint of mischief can be seen in his own eyes. A slight smirk plays on his rather soft lips at the sight of the clearly confused master.
The movement of the fan, lifting the master's head higher, involuntarily returns their gaze to the man in front of them. Yuhan does not apply much force, but his gesture clearly feels like a request, or a timid order, to look at him, and not search for ways to avoid keeping the eye contact with him.
When the butler sees that master is still hiding their eyes, he carefully brings his hand to their cheek. As ill luck would have it, instead of the usual cotton gloves, master feels soft and warm skin. Yuhan rarely allows himself to take off his gloves, but apparently today is a special day.
Master mentally notes the tenderness of both the hands and the touch itself. Yuhan has often talked about the etiquette of the tea ceremony and the importance of taking care of your hands, and now the master understands that Yuhan's words were not empty. The butler's hands give off warmth, and there is no roughness that could be inherent in such a hard-working warrior.
"Master, looking at the person who is addressing you is a simple norm of etiquette."
Yuhan's voice does not sound harsh or forceful, but it feels like thunder is rumbling in master's ears. The silence in the room is broken by this simple sentence, the meaning of which makes the lord involuntarily turn their gaze to the butler.
Yuhan slightly squints when the fingers on the master's cheek begin to gently stroke the skin on the face of the person oh so dear to him. He lets out a quiet chuckle, while master looks at him in bewilderment. The butler removes the fan from the master's face, replacing it with his hand, which smoothly slides from his cheek to their chin.
Not allowing the lord to turn their head, Yuhan opens the fan in several centimeters away from the master's ear. They twitch slightly from the unusually loud sound of the fan opening, which makes Yuhan chuckle again.
"I wouldn't want the other butlers to see this immodest gesture on my part."
The master was sure that the door to their room was locked. Master was about to ask what the butler meant when he moved closer to the lord's face. A firm grip on their chin prevented them from turning away. The butler's actions left the master with no choice but to look into his slyly narrowed gray eyes.
Only a moment later did the master realize that Yuhan's nose was almost touching theirs, and master's and Yuhan's lips were too close to each other. Yuhan made another move forward, causing the lord to instinctively move their neck back.
While one of the butler's hands continued to hold the opened fan, the hand on the master's chin slid toward their neck. Long fingers wrapped around the master's neck, as if pulling them closer to the man.
Yuhan closed his eyes. He sighed quietly, taking a step back. The master watches his every move as the butler folds his fan and adjusts his sleeves. He looks at the master through half-closed eyes as they stand motionlessly, trying to return back to the reality.
"Excuse me, master, but keeping a certain distance as a butler is also a simple norm of etiquette."
The master again feels the ghostly feeling of the fan under their chin.
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oqwomyo · 2 months
Butler's wedding party. Lucas's card translation.
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Part 1.
- The Day After the Party -
Because of Lato's proposal at the party... I decided to spend the day with each of the butlers. And today... The day I will spend with Lucas.
- Devil's Palace Hallway -
One morning... When I went out to get some fresh air... One of the butlers came out from the corner of the hallway...
Lucas: Fu, uu~m.. Fu~wa...
Lucas doesn't seem to notice me... He walks up to me, sleepily rubbing his eyes. Not wanting to scare him... I quietly called out to him.
You: Good morning, Lucas.
Lucas: Mhm..?
Lucas slowly raised his head... Suddenly, his eyes widened.
Lucas: ..! M-Master..!?
You: Yes, it's me.
Sorry for scaring you.
Lucas: No, I... Sorry for looking so sloppy...
You: You look sleepy, are you okay?
Are you sleeping well?
Lucas: Yeah, but... I worked all night last night.
Lucas: Actually, after the party... A lot of work came in...
Lucas: Finally, recently... I finished sorting out a big pile of documents.
You: Thank you for your hard work.
Don't overwork yourself.
Lucas: Thank you for your concern.
Lucas: If it helps Master... It's worth the effort ♪
Lucas laughed when he said that, but... There were dark circles under his eyes.
Lucas: Hmm, besides...
Lucas: Meeting Master so early in the morning... It'll be a wonderful day.
Lucas: Besides, today is the day I've been waiting for... "The day I'll spend with Master"...
Lucas: For such a wonderful reward... I could stay up every night. ♪
You: It's bad for your body...
Lucas: Fufu... Of course I'm kidding.
Lucas: As a doctor... I understand the harm this can cause to my body and mind.
You: Would you mind spending the day with me after not sleeping?
If you're tired, should we reschedule?
Lucas: No, absolutely not.
Lucas: I'll go back to bed now and take a nap. There's nothing that can interfere with my plans with Master.
You: I-Is that so?
Lucas: Yes.
Lucas: That's why, Master... Let's have fun together today.
You: U-Uh-huh.
I shook my head at Lucas, who was smiling brightly.
Lucas: Fufu... Then I'll go take a nap.
You: Sweet dreams, Lucas.
Lucas: Yes. My apologies.
After saying that, Lucas left.
Along with the sound of footsteps on the stairs... I heard a loud yawn.
You: (He must be really tired...)
Lucas said, "I'll take a nap before meeting Master." But is it really... Will it be okay if we spend the day together?
You: (I'm a little worried...)
Although I was worried about Lucas's health... As planned, I headed to the garden.
- After a while -
After that, I finished breakfast and... I met Lucas in the garden; we sat down on a bench. It was quite cool for June today, and the sunlight was a little soft.
The early morning breeze that blew from time to time was pleasant... Just sitting on the bench, I felt calm.
Lucas: Um, um... The sun is pleasant today too.
Lucas: A lot has happened... I'm glad I can spend time with master like this.
You: Me too.
Lucas: Fufu... Thank you.
Lucas: Each of these kind words... I feel like it's my reward for my efforts.
Lucas squints his eyes happily, but... There are still traces of tension under his eyes.
You: Are you feeling okay?
Aren't you sleepy?
Lucas: I'm fine.
Lucas: After talking to Master in the hallway... I took a good nap.
Lucas: That's why... ....
You: ...Lucas?
In the middle of the conversation, Lucas turned away from me. And right after that... I heard a yawn.
Lucas: ...Phew. Master, I'm sorry.
You: Are you still sleepy after all?
Lucas: Well, that's right... To be honest, my eyelids are a bit heavy.
Lucas: But... Rest assured that this won't affect our plans.
Lucas laughed, but... His voice seemed less energetic than usual. Even though he had slept a little... Was he still tired after a sleepless night?
You: ...Hey, Lucas.
Lucas: Oya..? Master, what's wrong?
You: I think you should rest.
I want you to sleep now.
Lucas: Uh...
You: I'm worried.
You look tired.
Lucas: Master...
Lucas: ...Thank you. Master is worried about me.
Lucas: It's true that I didn't sleep all night... A rest would definitely be good.
Lucas: But... Just this once, let me not do it.
Lucas: I... Have been looking forward to the day when I can spend time with Master.
You: Lucas...
Judging by Lucas's hesitant smile... He really has been looking forward to this day. Forcing him to rest in the room... I didn't want to do that. So I... decided to offer Lucas a compromise.
You: Then let's rest here?
How about we lie down on the bench and sleep?
Lucas: Eh...? On the bench..?
You: Right.
I'll stay with you until you fall asleep.
Lucas: I-I see... Is that so...
Lucas lowered his eyebrows. He seemed to tense up even more.
Lucas: Of course, if I think about it... Maybe sleeping here can be counted as time spent with Master...
Lucas: While I'm sleeping... Won't Master get tired of it?
You: Then let's talk until you fall asleep.
Lucas: Um...
You: While Lucas is sleeping, I'll sleep too.
I'll rest on the bench across from you.
Lucas looked like he was thinking... And then he smiled slightly at me.
Lucas: ...Okay.
Lucas: When Master cares for me like that... I can't let those feelings go to waste.
Lucas: Then, Master...
Lucas: Your kind words... I think I'll just lie down for a bit.
You: Sleep however you like.
Don't worry about me.
Lucas: That means...?
You: How about relaxing your neck?
I want you to be comfortable.
Lucas: Ah, I see...
Lucas: If you say so... I'll take your word for it.
Lucas stretched out his hand, touching his neck... He loosened his neatly tied tie. Then he waited for me to get up from the bench... Then he gently lowered his body.
Lucas: ....
Lucas looked at me happily.
You: Lucas, what's wrong?
Lucas: Fufu... No, sorry...
Lucas: It's so nice to look at Master... For some reason, I feel happy.
Lucas: Because Master... They're cute no matter how you look at them.
Lucas: I should be sleeping, but... It's almost embarrassing to close my eyes.
You: Lucas...
Lucas: What's wrong... If I don't fall asleep, Master will be worried.
Lucas: I'll watch for a little while longer, and then I think I'll close my eyes.
Lucas: So... Let me imprint Master in my eyes for a little while longer.
You: Uh-huh...
Even though I'm confused... Lucas smiled happily.
- After a while -
In the end, Lucas... Slept peacefully.
You: (As I promised, I'll go to sleep too.)
Lucas: *sleeps*
You: Sweet dreams, Lucas.
After saying that, I sat down on the bench on tge other side and closed my eyes. The weather was too sunny to sleep, but... It was nice to fall asleep in the light.
Part 2.
- Devil's Palace Garden -
- After a while -
Lucas: Fufu.. An innocent sleeping face...
Lucas: How cute... I could watch forever...
I woke up from a gentle voice... I slowly raised my eyelids.
Lucas: Oya..?
You: Lucas..?
Lucas: Yes, it's Lucas.
Lucas: Good morning, master.
Lucas: On my lap... Did you sleep well?
You: On your lap..?
Then... I finally felt it. I should have been sleeping on the bench... Lucas is looking down at me. I felt something soft under my head.
You: ..!!
Lucas: Fufu... Good morning, master.
Lucas: What is it... I was just talking.
You: G-Good morning...
I responded to Lucas's words, although I was confused. I sat down next to him. If I looked around... There was a bench in front of me where Lucas was sleeping. Because the sun was shining on the bench at an angle... I think I slept for quite a while. When Lucas woke up... For some reason, it felt like he made my head lay on his lap.
You: Uh...
Lucas: Hmm... You look like you want to ask, "Why am I on your lap?"
Lucas: Let me explain from the beginning...
Lucas: Master fell asleep on a hard bench... In order not to hurt your body...
Lucas: You need to change your body position.
Lucas: However, even if you lie down... There are no pillows here...
Lucas: So I used my lap as a pillow.
You: I-I see...
Lucas Yes. ♪
Lucas laughed like a mischievous child... But it seemed like he willingly offered me his lap.
You: Thank you for what you did for me.
Lucas: No, no. I should probably be the one thanking you.
Lucas: While you were sleeping peacefully on my lap... I was able to see Master's cute face.
Lucas: Fufu... ♪ A sleeping Master is as beautiful as an embarrassed Master.
Lucas: An innocent profile and a quiet sleeping breath are so charming...
Lucas: I was thinking... I wished this time would last forever.
You: Lucas...
I was almost charmed by Lucas's kind smile... When the word "time" came out of his mouth, I was brought back to reality.
You: ...Ara?
Lucas: ...Oya? What is it, Master?
You: This is...
I completely forgot about it because of Lucas's lap... In the first place, I was only supposed to sleep when Lucas was resting after a sleepless night. But I slept much more than Lucas. He even put me on his lap... I think I made him uncomfortable.
You: (What should I do...)
Lucas must have realized what was going on in my head. He kindly called me.
Lucas: Master. Please don't make such a face.
Lucas: Because Master was sleeping... I had a good time.
Lucas: It's not often that you get the chance to watch the sleeping face of those dear to you. ♪
You: But I'm sorry.
I want to repay you somehow.
Lucas: Repay me..?
You: Is there anything I can do for you?
I will grant any wish.
Lucas: Hm, I see... Master will listen to my request...
Lucas thought for a while... And then he smiled at me.
Lucas: ...Okay
Lucas: If Master wants to do something for me... I can't let this opportunity pass.
Lucas: If that's the case... Then do you mind if I say my request right away?
You: Of course.
Tell me, Lucas.
Lucas: Fufu... Thank you.
Lucas: Then, Master...
Lucas: Can I lie on your lap?
You: ...Eh?
Lucas: Oya..? Maybe you didn't hear it?
You: Did you just say "on my lap"...?
Do you really want to lie on my lap...?
Lucas: Yes. I definitely prefer Master's lap. ♪
Lucas replied with a smile. It seems... He really wants to lie on my lap.
You: (What should I do...)
I was confused by the sudden request, but... The one who said "I'll do whatever you want" was me.
In that case, I should grant his wish. Gathering up my courage, I replied.
You: ...Okay, Lucas.
Let's try it.
Lucas: ....
Lucas: ...Eh?
You: ...Were you just joking?
Lucas: No, that's... That's not it...
Lucas: ...Is it really okay?
You: I said it myself.
This is in order to repay you.
Lucas: Master...
Lucas: Fufu... Today is really a wonderful day... ♪
In the end, I let Lucas lie on my lap... He gently laid his head down.
- A few minutes later-
A few minutes passed and Lucas was laying on my lap... I'm not used to this kind of situation. Speaking of which... Lucas, who is lying on my lap, looks at me happily.
Lucas: Fufu... It's really a beautiful view... ♪
Lucas: Besides... It's warm and very comfortable.
Lucas: Such a happy person... I guess I'm the only one in this world...
Lucas looks at me with a gentle smile. I felt awkward from the way he was looking at me... I covered Lucas' eyes with my hand.
Lucas: Oya..? What are you doing, Master?
You: T-The sunlight must be bothering you...
After listening to my best excuse... Lucas laughs happily.
Lucas: I see... Master is taking care of me.
Lucas: But... Don't worry.
Lucas: In situations like this... It's normal to be a little blinded.
You: Eh..?
After saying that, Lucas gently took my hand. A mesmerizing, narrowed eye was peeking out from under my hand... Lucas gently pressed my hand to his cheek.
You: L-Lucas..!?
Lucas: Fufu...♪ What a beautiful view...
Lucas: Not only kind, but also cute... It's blinding...
Lucas: Right now... I see the most beautiful creature in my life.
You: Uh...
His smile was so beautiful... I was speechless.
Lucas: Master... You promised to spend time with each of the butlers...
Lucas: But... I'm the only butler who get to lay on Master's lap.
Lucas: Fufu... How wonderful...
Lucas: I've been living in the illusion that Master and I are partners... We had such a wonderful time...
Lucas: The person who happily spent time with Master...
Lucas: It's me... But, since I'm the only one...
His eyes look like he's dreaming. I felt awkward again... I covered his eyes again.
Lucas: Fufu... Oya oya... ♪
Lucas' eyes were closed. He seemed to like what I was doing. It seemed like under my hands... Lucas was squinting happily. Because I knew that... I couldn't take my hands away...
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oqwomyo · 3 months
hello!!!! if anyone here has boschi's cards (especially his birthday one!!!) and is willing to record/translate it pls message me!!! (I'll translate my cards if you'd like😭😭😭)
I'm so desperate for content of this man, it's not even funny anymore. 😭
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oqwomyo · 3 months
I saw your tags and I’m now very intrigued like what do you mean yuhan has the SHORTEST TRAGIC BACKSTORY?!?! JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?? like granted I should have known a game about devil cat butlers would have some angst and tragic backstories but god damn 😭😭
there was a miscalculation on my part and yuuhan's is in fact, not the one with the shortest backstory! however that's only because the others have yet to have their backstories be revealed. sorry for the late answer btw, exams have made me pretty tired.
ok so ill briefly explain a bit. this ties in to the requirement to become a devil butler that is, having felt so much despair that one feels like dying. normal people will be swallowed up by the devils they contract with. the despair essentially acts like chains for the devil. so to talk about their pasts in the Briefest Way Possible (lie):
miyaji has beef with lucas on the surface but really it's because he still can't get over the fact that lucas decided to save him from the verge of death instead of someone else he thought was more capable than him while lucas simply chose to save miyaji because he had higher chances of living.
lucas was basically a child prodigy/genius. since young, he's always loved reading books, and even read thick books that even adults struggled to understand. even though he was lonely and had no one to talk to, he still endured it, skipped grades, and became a doctor at the age of 10+. at first he was looked down on for being young, but an older doctor stood up for him. eventually he became the leader of the doctors, but due to his lack of social skills, he struggled to communicate well, which resulted in the doctors hating him. in the end, all the doctors except lucas quit their job. and the group collapsed. (tbf id quit too... imagine being said you didn't work as hard as him and don't have as much brainpower compared to him as well)
ammon has only had his mom since birth and lived with her, selling flowers for a living. ammon would always make sure the flowers would be sold out at the end of the day for his sickly mother, but if he doesn't manage to sell all of them it's heavily implied his mom whips him like he does to himself even now. they were like super poor but ammon still loved his mom because he only had her
berrien has like this super mysterious past but rn it's starting to unravel in chapter 4. he's an orphan and got adopted into a church backed by the grovanas or whatever nobel family to nurture warriors who could fight angels, but surprisingly the church is actually full of love and was ran by someone who fighted angels named Goetia. berrien also met his soon-to-be older brother figure named Beren/Belen. btw all of the kids go by the last name Cliane because goetia wants everyone to become true family.
when berrien was 26 (Beren 29), goetia died from a chronic disease and Beren had to take on goetia's responsibilities. berrien became the one running the church, however shit happened, Beren got demonized, and berrien used his powers to keep Beren alive after forming a contract with his current devil. he's still residing in berrien's basement as of current, but in a coma. berrien still thinks he himself has no rights to be a butler and really does not believe that he's the one keeping the damn thing running
also the church got destroyed like 2400 years ago and yes berrien is 2000+ years old
haures was born into some wack ass family, his dad ran away with some other woman and his mom projected her rage and stuff like that onto haures, and his newborn younger sister Tricia. haures is 10 years older than Tricia. when he was that age, he ran away from home with Tricia (literal baby) because he no longer trusted his mom to take good care of them. after that, when haures was 18, he trained hard to become a soldier under the grovanas nobles so he could afford to let Tricia get treatment for her worsening vision. one heartbreaking scene was when haures showed off his red uniform to Tricia and she said the blue uniform looked good on him... but 5 years later, haures managed to get Tricia's eyes healed!!! surely nothing bad could happen!!!!
sike. haures caught one of the grovanas nobles illegally trafficking humans with some dealer, and arrested him. however that led to the seller getting revenge, and he decided to capture tricia. he stabbed her and threw her into the woods. when haures found her, she only managed to call out to haures before she died after a few breaths. haures was really really really devastated. he sought revenge on the noble, and while the noble didn't die, he was jailed 5 years for harming the noble (not death sentence because he was determined mentally unstable after losing Tricia.). after he got out of jail, he found the noble again and wanted to kill him, but he was reminded of how Tricia admired him for protecting the people and helping those in need, which stopped him. after that, he became a devil butler because of his proficient fighting skills.
lamli was forced to work at a circus by his mom at the age of 10, while starting up with simple duties, he decided to train to become a circus troupe performer so he'd earn more money for his complaining mother. its heavily implied he's abandoned by her and becomes a devil butler because of his nimble body. btw his mom said she never wanted to have lamli right in front of him. jesus.
fennesz was born into a wealthy happy family, and had an older sister. however his war general father lost a war against nobles, and the economy went into shambles. his mom remarried but even though their stepdad was nice, fennesz and his sister ended up strays on the street due to some reasons i forgot of. fennesz would get bullied by kids on the street because of his father's loss in the war, but his sister would always protect him, and they relied on each other for survival. she's very smart, as shown in the story. she also loves history, as she said, it can help people learn from the past. its heavily implied she is dead.
ok flure! flure grew up with his older sister and mother who both did ballet (can one of you have an actual dad for once?), and he also followed in their footsteps. however when he was a child he was bullied for liking stereotypical girly things, like playing with his sister's dolls, doing ballet and having long hair. even though he was laughed at for doing it, he still underwent strict training guided bg his sister and mother. he never found the courage to tell his sister or mom even though his sister could tell something was wrong (heard him crying at night). he still thinks he should be more courageous to this day and thinks he's pathetic. we don't know what happened to his family but they probably died.
i wanted to talk about boschi but i realized idk much about him apart from the fact that he only had his grandmother (who's actually a great caretaker for once!) and he was bullied for being a bookworm/nerd at school and had no friends. though he did actually beat those bullies up later for mocking his grandma when she wanted to take him back home. she didn't want boschi to fight but she said herself she was actually rooting for him when he was fighting LMAOOO love her for that
lono. ok so lono was really poor and had no parents, and he acted as the older brother for the younger kids living on the streets with him. he'd work as someone who'd clean up rubble from battling angels, which was a job that had unstable income since no one knows when angels are gonna appear. they were family basically. lono would rather starve than let his siblings eat less, and his love of cooking originated here because he loved seeing them happy from his cooking. we don't know what happened to them, but they're probably dead
nac was born into a rich family, and has a father, not sure if he has a mother, never mentioned at least. apparently the stein family was great at sales or trading or smth??? they're just some very rich and well-known name. however on his 12th birthday, his butler led him to the forest near the stein mansion, and revealed himself to be someone the stein family harmed. just as he was about to kill lil nac in shock, nac retaliated in defense. and when he realized, he already stabbed the man at his vital point. his dad appears out of nowhere and reveals that he knew this all along, and that the stein family is actually a long line of assassins with sales as their front personas. nac was trained to kill since then, and thought he'd never feel positive emotions again before he became a devil butler. he also has scars all around his body, probably from the assassin work he did.
lato and his non-blood related brother, Aleks I think? were kidnapped by people who wanted to train people to become angel fighters. however unlike berrien, this time it's just pure cruelness and literal torture. they were 8 when this experiment started. not only that, all the children were sold by their caretakers to this place, including lato and aleks' "mother", the head of their orphanage, who they deeply loved and believed in. when lato finally found a way to escape, almost half the children were dead.
and when he told the others, they told lato that they already gave up on escaping, including aleks. from, i suppose, all the suppressed anger and trauma, he burned the experiment facility down, leaving the other kids to die because he hallucinated that they wanted them to be burned so they could be free. after that, lato returned to the orphanage even though he knew the "mother" sold him in the first place. guess what the mother did! that's right she ran back into the orphanage when she saw him, locked the fucking door and told him to get the fuck away from her. and lato burned the orphanage down.
now onto the new butler trio!
teddy is the one with the most details in his backstory so far. when he was young, he Had a twin brother, and teddy was a far cry from who he is now. he was negative and gloomy compared to his brother, who was positive and talented, and people always favored teddy's brother more. but one day, his brother died protecting him from an angel, but since they were so alike people didn't know whether the one that died was teddy or his brother. and after grieving his brother, teddy decided to become him, and used his brother's name to live on as him so people wouldn't be sad, because "teddy" was the one that died. and that led to teddy forming his personality today. teddy is his actual name though, he started using it after he became a knight. he became a knight because he wanted to protect people from angels.
but during an attack by an intelligent angel, namely seraphim, one of the angels that appeared at the end of chapter 1 and also the major antagonist of the story, teddy's entire unit got killed. at the start of chapter 2.5, he recuperated in a hospital, however he kept terrible nightmares (reliving the massacre, and hearing the voices of his comrades asking him why he abandoned them and why he got to survive) and so didn't sleep at all. he eventually snuck out of the hospital to visit their graves, and then started wondering what the point of him still being alive is. he almost threw himself off a cliff before haures and aruji reached him.
hanamaru. ten years before the story, hanamaru was fleeing from something- he walked all the way from the east to the central, and collapsed in a forest. a nun found him and took him back to a church that doubled as an orphanage. however the nun soon fell ill and died, so hanamaru began taking care of the kids in the church after he was saved by her.
but 5 years later, the church was attacked by angels. he was away from the church when the attack happened, and when he came back, all he saw were angels flying away from the ruined church. only 4 kids survived. hanamaru had a breakdown, and kept kneeling and pressing his head against the ground, saying things like "i couldn't protect them", "i swear ill keep them safe next time", implying this is not the first time something like this has happened. he swore vengeance against the angels that day, that he would never forgive them, and himself. so berrien suspects that the 4 kids that survived were the people that kept hanamaru around. who knows what could've happened if they passed as well...
lastly (finally), yuuhan. at the age of 9, he trained to become a soldier of the sardeis family so he could protect his hometown, and made it after 3 years. he quickly rose up in the ranks, being a prodigy. in the main story, he started doubting his loyalty to the family after they attempted an assassination on the devil butlers. and he betrayed the sardeis family and fell into their trap when investigating forbidden records. he got thrown into jail by the head, and the head decided for his punishment, yuuhan's whole village and everyone he knew there will be burned and killed. he could only despair in jail. in the story, after his prison guard left after serving him food, yuuhan started crying. he called out to his father, his mother, everyone from his hometown, apologizing again and again, believing that it's his fault that they died.
after that, the head, fubuki, paid him a visit. fubuki beat yuuhan up, pushed him to the verge of death, but not grave enough injuries to die. yuuhan asked fubuki to kill him, but fubuki refused. he even says he'll force feed yuuhan till the day of his death execution if necessary. however, yuuhan was rescued by the butlers during his execution. (it took place in a forest with tigers. basically the death penalty is getting eaten by tigers) he became a devil butler after that.
holy shit. also im not typing Bastien's since you can read his backstory from the tls available here.
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oqwomyo · 3 months
Butlers' wedding party. Yuhan's card translation.
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Part 1.
After Lato's statement... I spent the whole day with the butlers. And tomorrow will be a day that I will spend with Yuhan. I was looking for Yuhan because I wanted to ask him what he would like to do tomorrow.
Step.. Step..
Yuhan: Hmm... It's definitely different from the Eastern Land.
When I passed by the library... I heard Yuhan's voice. When I looked into the room, Yuhan was reading enthusiastically.
You: Yuhan.
Yuhan: Ah, Master. Good afternoon.
You: Good afternoon.
Yuhan: Did something happen?
You: I was looking for Yuhan.
Yuhan: Arara? Is that so?
Yuhan: At such time...
Yuhan: Could it be... You want to say something about tomorrow?
You: Yes.
I said to him, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"
Yuhan: That's... Sorry for not telling you earlier.
Yuhan: Actually... I couldn't decide what to do myself.
You: Really?
Yuhan: Yes.
Yuhan: I'm still not very used to the culture of the Central Land... There are many things I don't understand.
Yuhan: I think it's better to make plans when I know enough.
You: You're hardworking.
Yuhan: It's not that. A day with Master...
Yuhan: I want it to be enjoyable.
Yuhan: And... If I'm talking about the marriage culture of the Central Land...
Yuhan: When we receive a request related to marriage... I think I'd be able to help.
You: Of course.
Yuhan: Although...
Yuhan: Even though tomorrow is the deadline, I still have work to do. I must say, it was a mistake.
Yuhan: I'm sorry if it'sunpleasantfor Master.
You: I don't think it's unpleasant.
Yuahn: Fufu... Master is a kind person.
Yuhan: Thank you, Master.
Actually, I'm just worried about tomorrow... I didn't think it was unpleasant. Or rather, knowing that he was thinking about tomorrow so seriously... I felt happy.
You: Are you still going to study?
Yuhan: Yes.
Yuhan: There are many things that are different from the Eastern Land... It's quite interesting.
You: Like what?
Yuhan: Yes... Like the costumes and the atmosphere of the ceremony.
Yuhan: What particularly interests me is... The culture of the "first dance".
You: First dance?
Yuhan: Yeah.
Yuhan: The first dance is... A dance performed by the bride and groom during the ceremony.
Yuhan: It seems like the goal of this dance is for the two to open up.
Yuhan: Hold each other's hands... Dancing will remain as a beautiful memory.
You: That's an interesting feature.
Yuhan: Fufu... Yes.
You: What kind of dance do they perform?
Yuhan: In general... Slow-tempo dance seems to be popular.
Yuhan: However, it's up to the bride and groom to decide. It seems like they can choose any dance they like.
You: I see.
Yuhan: Perhaps the master too... Do you find the first dance interesting?
You: Mhm...
A little...
Yuhan: Is that so?
Yuhan: Hm, but...
Yuhan: Master... Would you like to dance with me tomorrow?
You: Eh? We?
Yuhan: Yes.
Yuhan: Although since I'm not actually getting married... It's not really the first dance.
Yuhan: When I first read about this aspect of culture.. The first thing that came to mind was the master's face.
You: Eh..?
Yuhan: If the master and the butler dance... It's probably not good.
Yuhan: However, if master allows... I want to dance with you.
Even though he's aware of his position as a butler... Yuhan still wants to dance with me. I'm glad about that... I wanted to dance with him too...
You: Okay.
Yuhan: Is that really okay, master?
You: Mm-hmm.
I want to dance with you too.
Yuhan: Thank you... Tomorrow will definitely be the best memory.
So, we... Tomorrow will be our first dance.
Some time later...
The first dance... To create a wedding atmosphere... We changed into our formal wear and gathered in the garden.
Yuhan: I prepared the music box for dancing. Now everything is definitely ready.
You: I'm looking forward to it.
Yuhan: Fufu... Yes.
Yuhan: So, today... I'd like to dance the Viennese Waltz with you. (?) (from Japanese ウィンナーワルツ uinna walsu)
You: Viennese Waltz..?
Yuhan: Yes. Unlike a regular waltz, this is a dance with very fast steps.
Yuhan: Because of the high level of difficulty... I haven't learned from Miyaji-sensei yet.
You: I haven't danced it yet either.
Yuhan: Fufu.. I see.
You: Will we be able to dance normally?
Yuhan: Yeah.. I'm sure we can finish the dance.
Yuhan: And I... It's the same with dancing...
Yuhan: I want to try everything new with master to have fun.
You: I see.
Yuhan: Yes. Instead of doing what we already know...
Yuhan: Like that... It will leave a deeper imprint in one's memory.
You: Of course.
It seems hard to dance such a difficult dance... Listening to Yuhan's words... I wanted to do my best.
Part 2.
We decided to practice right away. Following Yuhan's instructions, I learned to dance. First, we held each other's hands. My right hand in Yuhan's... My left one on his shoulder.
Yuhan: Like this.. Straighten your back.
Yuhan: Let's get closer to each other.
Yuhan: If we are far apart.. Our steps will not be in sync.
You: I-I see...
When I brought my body closer... Yuhan supported me, holding my back.
Yuhan: Fufu... That's a wonderful call, master.
Yuhan: So... Let's go slowly at first.
You: Yeah...
Yuhan: One - two - three ♪ One - two - three ♪
You: Uh...
Yuhan: No need to rush.
Yuhan: Move your right foot forward... Then move your left foot back.
Yuhan: Let's go slower.
You: Y-yeah..
Yuhan: One - two - three ♪ One - two - three ♪
Yuhan: You're doing great, Master.
You: Thank you.
Yuhan: Fufu... Wonderful.
Yuhan: I can't believe master is so close to me... It's like a dream.
Yuhan: When we're so close.. I can clearly see master's face.
You: This is awkward...
Yuhan: Arara? Are you embarrassed?
Yuhan: Fufu... You really are a nice person.
Yuhan: But of course...
Yuhan: I know master can see me clearly too... It's embarrassing.
Even though Yuhan says that... He's holding my back securely.
You: It doesn't look like you're embarrassed...
Yuhan: Fufu... I'm just pretending.
Yuhan: In the eyes of my loved ones... I want to seem at least a little manly.
You: Is that so...
Yuhan: Uh-huh.
Yuhan: Although I can maintain my composure in front of someone special... I'm not a man with high self-control.
Although Yuhan says so... I don't feel any embarrassment from him. I can't pressure him further. Instead I focused on dancing.
Yuhan leads the dance well... By continuing to increase the tempo a little, we were able to dance in harmony.
You: You're doing a good job in leading.
Yuhan: Oh? Really?
You: It's easy to dance with you.
Yuhan: Fufu... Thank you.
Yuhan: (I'm glad I trained hard before this.)
You: What's wrong?
Yuhan: No, it's nothing.
Yuhan: The steps seem to be getting more familiar.
Yuhan: Let's keep dancing.
You: Right.
Yuhan: Dancing like this... Can this be considered the first dance?
You: I think so.
Yuhan: Fufu... I'm kind of impressed.
Yuhan: All the time... I wanted the best for the master.
You: Eh?
Yuhan: I met master later than the other butlers...
Yuhan: To have the honor of dancing the first dance with master... I can't understand it.
Yuhan: Although it can't be helped...
Yuhan: That is to say... I'm a little upset.
You: Yuhan...
Yuhan: But the first dance... It's the first dance for both master and me.
Yuhan: Finally, I can give something best to my master.
Yuhan: And most important things for me... They're all for master.
Yuhan: I'm very happy...
You: Is that so...
I heard what Yuhan thought about this dance... The joy of dancing with him for the first time... I felt it in my heart, too.
You: We are happy together.
Yuhan: Yes... Then, please.
And we rewound the music box. While the two of us were pressed against each other, our legs moved vigorously. Even while spinning quickly... Thanks to Yuhan's support, I felt calm.
Yuhan: Fufu... You are beautiful, Master.
Yuhan: With you like this... I am glad I could dance with you.
Yuhan: For you... This is not my first time as a butler, but...
Yuhan: My life from now on...
Yuhan: New things... Let's experience them together.
We enjoyed our first dance while laughing.
After finishing dancing, we bowed to each other.
Yuhan: Thank you, Master.
Yuhan: Aren't you tired?
You: I am a little tired.
Yuhan: Please sit here. I'll get you some water.
You: Thank you.
I sat down in the chair and drank some water. It was so easy for me to dance that I surprisingly forgot about being tired. However, looking at Yuhan... He doesn't even take a breath.
You: It looks like you're full of energy.
Yuhan: Oh? Does it look like that?
You: Isn't that so?
Yuhan: Fufu... Oh, come on...
Yuhan: Of course, I still have some energy in my body, but...
After saying that... Yuhan knelt down in front of me. And, taking my hand... He placed it on his neck.
Yuhan: ...Do you feel it, Master?
You: Um... This...
Yuhan: As I said before... There's not much I can do.
As if to confirm Yuhan's words... His neck is hot... And underneath his skin, there's a rapid pulse.
Yuhan: In front of someone important... I can't suppress the pounding in my heart.
Yuhan: All I can do is smile so they won't notice.
You: Yu-Yuhan..
Yuhan: Fufu.. What is it, Master?
Yuhan: ...Please say my name more often.
Yuhan: If you do, I'm sure...
Yuhan: Every time you say my name, my heart will beat faster.
You: E-erm...
Yuhan: Are you surprised..?
Yuhan: This... This is the image of a man who is enchanted by you.
Following Yuhan's heartbeat... My heart was also fluttering... His thoughts are hidden under his cold face... I accidentally got a hold of them.
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oqwomyo · 3 months
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finally got myself into Japanese akuneko twitter situation. gonna translate these babies later.
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oqwomyo · 3 months
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I think we as a society moved on a bit too fast over Dr. Ratio’s thigh reverb
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oqwomyo · 4 months
Wine Valentine - Ammon story pt.1 & pt.2
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The day after The Valentine's party ended successfully.
While I was resting in my room I remembered the time I spent with Ammon...
A few days ago a party was held at Grosvenor's house...
I was visiting a party venue that Ammon and the others were preparing.
Ammon: So..! Will the wall decorations look like this?
You: Things are going well, aren't they?
Ammon: That's right. We have also decided on which food and wine will be served.
Ammon: The preparations are almost finished. I'll have some spare time.
You: Right.
Ammon: Ah, also. As we've come to Grosvenor's mansion...
Ammon: Aruji-sama. Should we take a walk in the garden?
You: Eh..?
Ammon: I took a glimpse at it as I was preparing for the party. It was a lovely garden.
Ammon: There aren't many chances to visit Grosvenor's garden. I'll make sure to escort aruji-sama properly♪
Ammon: So, aruji-sama... Will you spend some time with me?
You: That seems a bit intimate...
Ammon: Isn't that good..? There's no one here now.
Hanamaru: ... We are literally here?
Ammon: Oh? If it isn't Hanamaru-san.
Hanamaru: Don't "oh" me. We've been here from the very beginning.
Ammon: Hehe. My bad~
Ammon: There's only lord in my eyes...
Bastien: Hm... That's not good, Ammon-san.
Bastien: As aruji-sama's butler... You should always be aware of your surroundings.
Ammon: Are you serious, Bastien..
Yuhan: Fufu... I also don't think that it's good to keep things all to yourself, Ammon-san.
Lato: Me too... I also want to walk alone with aruji-sama.
Ammon: Hehe. Well, I guess I can't just monopolize aruji-sama~
Ammon: The Valentine's Day is almost there... I feel like spending some romantic time with aruji-sama.
You: "Romantic time" you say...
Ammon: Huh? After all, that's what the Valentine's day is about?
Hanamaru: Oh my... Don't just say that, Ammon. We're all holding back here.
Hanamaru: Isn't this right, everyone? We all want to be romantic with aruji-sama?
Yuhan: Now, what is it? I'm a well-mannered butler.
Hanamaru: Liar. For those who say that, it's better...
Yuhan: ...Better..? What is it?
Hanamaru: Nothing.
You: (I wonder what it was...)
Yuhan: Right. By the way, Ammon-san...
Yuhan: As the food and drinks were decided... How about to choose flowers to decorate the room?
Ammon: Right, flowers...
Ammon: In the eastern land... There's a custom to arrange flowers, right?
Lato: Arranging... flowers?
Ammon: Right. It's a bit different in Central land.
Ammon: Combined with a beautiful vase... A well-thought-out beauty.
Yuhan: Yeah. I think it's suitable for Central land.
Yuhan: Aside from ikebana, I think that "Chabana"(?) would also be good.
You: -Chabana...?
-( There are even tea flowers....)
Bastien: Chabana... That's the first time I heard about it.
Ammon: In short, tea flowers are the flowers that are displayed in the tea room.
Ammon: Rather than ikebana, it puts more emphasis on being natural. Seasonality of flowers is also the key.
Ammon: For example, fresh windflowers picked up in nature.
Hanamaru: Heh, as expected from Ammon. You know everything about flowers.
Ammon: Hehe. Well, not that I've done it myself. I just have this knowledge.
Ammon: But, I see. Chabana...
Ammon: In Grosvenor's garden flowers are grown in flower beds. Besides, there are windflowers...
Ammon: It might be interesting to try.
Ammon: That's why I need everyone to quickly pick up some flowers!
You: Eh, now?
Bastien: Looking for flowers..? I'm not sure which I should choose....
Ammon: That's okay. Even if the flower seems simple, that's its charm.
Bastien: I see. Then, Ammon-san will...?
Ammon: I'll arrange the vase.
Ammon: I'll prepare the vase that perfectly matches the atmosphere of Eastern land.
Ammon: I'll bring the catalog... I'd like to hear aruji-sama's opinion.
You: Mine?
Ammon: Of course. You're the guest at the party, after all.
Ammon: I don't think it'll be too difficult. Don't worry too much♪
You: Understood.
Bastien: I see.. I'll leave it to Ammon-san then.
Yuhan: Then, aruji-sama. Please, excuse me for a moment.
You: Mm, good luck.
The butlers bowed. They left me alone with Ammon as they left to pick up the windflowers.
Ammon: They're gone....
You: Let's choose the vase together.
Ammon: Oh-ho? What did you say, aruji-sama?
Ammon: What vase? I've already put one in another room next to ours. (This dude---)
You: Eh...?
Ammon: Hehe. Which flowers would decorate the venue have been decided in advance.
Ammon: We have arranged the perfect tableware... The only thing to do was to decorate it with flowers.
Ammon: Everyone decided to collect flowers by themselves.. I just went along with that♪
You: But, what for..?
Ammon: Hehe. That would be...
Ammon: I will spend some private time with aruji-sama♪
Ammon: Speaking of The Valentine's day... You need to spend time with your loved ones.
Ammon: And speaking of my loved ones, it's aruji-sama, of course.
Ammon: We have delicious wine here...
Ammon: With important to me person... Drinking wine, while being surrounded by beautiful flowers...
Ammon: Well, the flowers are still to be here. While aruji-sama is here, that's already enough.
Ammon: Hehe. What about aruji-sama?
Ammon: With your loved one... You don't want to loose romantic time, do you..?
You: Teasing me like that again...
Ammon: Teasing..? I'm being honest, aruji-sama.
Ammon: The words of feeling the importance of aruji-sama... There's not even a single lie.
Ammon: Thinking how to spend more alone time with aruji-sama... As a result, I alienated other butlers.
Ammon: Hey... What are the true intentions of aruji-sama..?
Ammon: For someone like me... Is it okay to tell my true feelings..?
You: A-Ammon..
I was fully aware that it was the part of his strategy, but... When I look in those serious eyes... I can't help but speak my true feelings.
Lato: Kufufu... That's it, Ammon-kun.
You: !?
Ammon: Oh? Isn't that Lato-san?
Ammon: And everyone else... Have you already finished picking the flowers up?
Hanamaru: No. Actually, we were interrupted by the guard.
Yuhan: He said that the flowers were needed to decorate the party venue...
Yuhan: "You can't pick these flowers! Go to a flower shop!" is what he said...
Yuhan: Jeez.. That's a real problem for those, who can't understand simple beauty.
Bastien: Since we had no other choice, we decided to come back.
Hanamaru: Hehe. Looks like we made the right decision.
Hanamaru: Had it been a bit later, Ammon would pick the most beautiful flower.
Ammon: No wa~y, Hanamaru-san. Don't say such bad things about me.
Ammon: I just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of The Valentine's day. Surely, aruji-sama would understand that it's just for fun♪
Hanamaru: However, why is aruji-sama's face so red?
Lato: It's good that there are vases in other room.
You: U-Uhm...
Ammon: Alright, everyone! There's a little time left to prepare for the party.
Ammon: Let's all work hard to collect the most beautiful flowers♪
Hanamaru: Ah. Changing the topic.
Yuhan: Fufu. But Ammon-san is right.
Yuhan: Since we have time... Let's all work hard to make the best pre-party.
Bastien: Yeah.. That's right.
So I watched as Ammon and the others decorated the venue... I wonder whether Ammon was serious or not earlier...
"So that's how it is" I thought as I flipped through the wine catalog. Ammon was very hospitable at the pre-party... Now, it's my turn to repay him. I bought him wine from Rosetown... And for Ammon... I prepared his favorite cheese. Being happy with him... I wanted to express it in a gift.
Knock knock.
You: Come in.
Ammon: As I said, I came alone, aruji-sama~
Ammon: I heard that you wanted to do something...
Ammon: Hehe. Maybe it has to do something with The Valentine's day~?
You: I want to give this to you.
Ammon: Eh? This is...
Ammon: Wine..? And, could it be..
Ammon: Really... Could it be a Valentine's gift?
You: - That's right.
- Thank you, Ammon.
Ammon: Hehe. Thank you, aruji-sama.
Ammon: This is... Rosetown's wine, right?
You: Apparently it goes well with cheese.
Ammon: Really? You've adapted it to my taste!
You: If you'd like, you can drink now.
When I said that, Ammon sat at the table I had prepared in advance. He took the empty glass and some cheese.
Ammon: Hehe... I had never thought that I would spend The Valentine's day with aruji-sama...
Ammon: Of course, I'll drink some! Because everything is delicious when I'm with aruji-sama.
Ammon: So, excuse me...
As Ammon pour some wine into the glass, he fully enjoys the scent. As he takes one sip... He takes some time to enjoy the taste.
Ammon: ... It's delicious, aruji-sama.
Ammon: The moment you open the bottle, there's a faint fragrance...
Ammon: It felt like flowers had bloomed in my mouth.
Ammon: Aruji-sama's feelings... They feel like flowers with no thorns.
Ammon: Hehe. I can't believe you gave me such a wonderful present...
Ammon: Really... Aruji-sama likes me♪
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As usual, Ammon says something that is hard for me to respond to... But today I was a little braver than usual.
You: I really do.
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Ammon: Eh...
You: I want you to continue being by my side.
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Ammon: Erm... Aruji-sama...
Ammon: That's... Could it be....
Ammon: The revenge for pre-party time?
You: Did your heart flutter...?
Ammon: Hehe. It pretty much did♪
Ammon: I've never expected it from aruji-sama...
Ammon: But... If you allow me to give you a piece of advice...
Ammon: Don't you think the main part was revealed a little bit too early?~
Ammon: If only you could make me more nervous... It'd be more interesting~
You: I'm nothing like Ammon...
Ammon: Hehe. Well, I'm a pro in this sphere.
Ammon: ( Although, if I was more nervous... I doubt that I'd be able to restrain myself...)
You: What's wrong?
Ammon: N-No... Nothing!
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Ammon: Spending The Valentine's day with aruji-sama is the best... I had to clench my teeth.
Ammon: Well then. We have wine and cheese...
Ammon: Just a little bit longer... Is it okay if I spend some more time being happy? Aruji-sama...
You: Of course.
Although I said something like that to make Ammon's heart flutter, I had to gather all my courage up.... I had to back up... I was more nervous, than I thought I'd be. And now... I wonder if Ammon always harbors feelings like that. While I was thinking about it... I spent some time with Ammon on The Valentine's day.
a/n: I really hope you don't mind my adapted translation because holy shit the translation of translator is something. also, please don't mind any grammatical errors, it's literally like midnight and I suck at grammar. hope y'all enjoyed seeing blushing ammon. (because i really did)
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oqwomyo · 4 months
Ammon's Birthday Card 2024 Translation.
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Part 1.
Now is the time when it is getting warmer and the flowers in the garden are starting to bloom beautifully. Tomorrow will be Ammon's birthday. Birthdays this year... I've already decided what I'll give to the butlers. A ring that can be worn on the pinky. Wearing this ring... They say that the meaning of it is to “prevent happiness from leaving.” Having learned this meaning, I immediately went to Ammon, preparing a small rose quartz ring. Wanting to prepare a special atmosphere for presenting a gift, I wrote a letter to Ammon. 
"Let's have dinner together on your birthday." 
After the butlers fell asleep... I left a letter under the door to the butlers' room on the second floor. 
Looking forward to Ammon's reaction to the letter, I fell asleep that day...
*Knock Knock* 
Ammon: Master. Can i come in?
You: Of course.
Come in. 
Ammon: Good morning, master. 
You: Good morning, Ammon. 
Ammon: A love letter from master. I got it right ♪
You: Lo-love letter?
Ammon took my letter out of his pocket.
Ammon: According to the letter, master wants to have dinner with me...
Ammon: What you meant is... That you're going on a date with me today, right?
You: Um...
I explained the situation to him. Today is Ammon's day... I want us to go somewhere together and enjoy the atmosphere of this day to the fullest. At the end I would like to enjoy dinner together... And at dinner we will decide where to go next. I told him that since it is his birthday, I want him to enjoy the day without any hesitation. 
Ammon: Hehe. It's not a date after all~
Ammon: I'm very glad that the master loves me so much ♪
You: "Love you", you say...
Glad you liked it. 
Ammon: Nooo~ Anyway, I'm glad we cleared up this misunderstanding. 
Ammon: After reading this letter... I was so carried away that I thought about a date with the master. 
You: Have you thought about a date?
Ammon: And I still think about it. 
Ammon: Although, it’s probably better not to get too carried away.
Ammon: Having received such a letter from master... I am sure that there is no one who wouldn't be worried. 
You: Fufu, right?
Ammon: Of course. 
You: Have you already decided where you want to go?
Ammon: I have. 
Ammon: Wherever master wants, I will go there too. What would you like to do?
You: I will go wherever Ammon wants. 
Ammon: Hehe. I understand, master. 
Ammon: Master, who prepared such an important day for me... I'll definitely have fun today ♪
Ammon: Then, rely on me today. 
Ammon: Now that we've decided on today's schedule...
Ammon: I still have unfinished business. I'll come pick you up as soon as I'm ready. 
And so... We decided to split up and get ready for the walk. 
*Knock Knock*
Ammon: Master, I'm ready. 
Ammon: Can I come in?
You: Yes. 
Come in. 
Ammon: Excuse me, Master. 
Ammon came into my room again, only in a different suit. 
You: This suit...
Ammon: Hehe. Does it suit me?
Ammon: This suit... I think it suits me. 
Ammon: From master's point of view... Does it?
You: That's a nice suit.  
It suits you. 
Ammon: I'm glad. Fleure made this suit for me. 
Ammon: The way I look in this suit... I'll definitely make sure you don't forget ♪
Ammon: Well, then... Let's go. 
Ammon: There's a carriage waiting outside. 
You: Understood.
And so... We got into the carriage that Ammon had prepared. 
After a few minutes of rocking in the carriage... We were in front of a cafe in Espoir. 
Ammon: So, master. Come in. 
Ammon: This is the cafe for today. 
Ammon: By the way, this is my favorite cafe. 
Ammon: The owner of this cafe is a rare person who treats devil butlers well... I'm sure we'll have a good time. 
You: Right. 
Owner: I was waiting for you. I will now take you to your table. 
It looks like Ammon had reserved a table in advance... As soon as we entered the cafe... The owner took us to a place where we would be hard to notice. 
Ammon: Master...
Ammon: Since we have a date today... Is it okay if I sit with you?
You: Certainly. 
Ammon: Thank you, master. 
Ammon: Then, excuse me. 
Ammon pulled out a chair for me to sit... After that he sat down on the opposite side from me.
Ammon: Master, is it okay if I choose our lunch...? I have one recommendation. 
Ammon: I'm sure, master will like it too. 
You: Then please. 
Ammon: Got it. 
Then Ammon called the owner... Soon they brought us lunch. 
Ammon and I were quite pleased with our lunch. After this we enjoyed tea. 
Ammon: Well, I think now is the time...
Ammon called the owner over and whispered something in his ear. 
You: What did you say?
Ammon: Eh? Nothing. 
Ammon: Well, master... How about a dessert?
Ammon: The desserts in this cafe are very tasty. I hope the master will like it too. 
You: Fine. 
Ammon: Hehe... Got it. 
Ammon: Then.... Mhm?
Suddenly Ammon... As if he realized something, his face became serious. 
You: What happened, Ammon?
When I looked in the direction where Ammon was looking... I saw several well-built men approaching me.
You: These people..?
Ammon: Uh. I do not know either. 
Ammon: But they give off a strange aura. 
Ammon: If they talk to you, I will answer... So please don't go anywhere. 
Man A: ...You two. The devil butler and his master. 
Ammon: Right... Who are you?
Man A: By order of Finlay-sama... We were sent by the Grobaner family. 
Man A: Master of the Devil Butlers... We will take you to the Grobaner Mansion. 
You: Eh? Me?
Man A: Also note that no chaperone is required. The order is that only master is needed. 
Ammon: Are you saying... Only master is called to the Grobaner mansion?
Ammon: This is bad...
Ammon: I can’t just entrust a precious master to strangers like that. 
Ammon: If you take the master, I'm going with you. This is the final decision. 
You: Ammon...
And for some time the men shouted that they would only take me... But in the end, they allowed Ammon to accompany me. 
Ammon: Master... I'm really sorry we're wasting our time on this. 
You: It's okay.
Don't worry.
Ammon: Let's quickly deal with these people... And then we will continue our date. 
Ammon and I followed the men's instructions and left the cafe... We got into the prepared carriage.
Part 2.
Besides me and Ammon, there were other men in the carriage... Tension was in the air. 
Ammon: (This... This is not the road to the Grobaner mansion. At the end of this road... There is a forest and... An unused warehouse. If I remember correctly, this warehouse, according to the latest rumors, is used for kidnappings. You can't believe the rumors, but this is definitely an unsafe place. But I still can’t say that the Grobaner family has nothing to do with these men. Let’s wait a little longer and see how things turn out.)
Ammon: (Besides... If these guys were kidnappers... If it was for money, they would have immediately attacked... As long as there is no danger to master, I will collect information.)
Considering the atmosphere in the carriage and the serious expression on Ammon's face, I became increasingly agitated. 
You: (Is everything really okay...)
Ammon then noticed my condition and whispered to me. 
Ammon: Master, everything is fine. While I'm here, don't worry about anything. 
Ammon: No matter what happens, I will definitely protect master. 
Ammon: However, if you are still worried... Would you like to hold my hand?
Ammon: Here you are, master. 
The previous expression disappeared from Ammon's face as he extended his hand to me. Ammon looked like he was having fun waiting for me to take his hand. Feeling that he was the same as always, I felt relieved. I took his hand and smiled back. 
You: Thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Hehe. My pleasure. 
Ammon: I would be happy if master could rely on me. 
Ammon: .....U~m. And yes, master...
Ammon: Since when is your face so red?
Ammon: Maybe... Are you impressed by my cool speeches?
You: D-Don't tease me in this situation. 
Ammon: Hehe. Cute ♪
Ammon: I'm glad I made master's heart flutter. 
Ammon: Our date may have been interrupted... But my plan will now be even more successful ♪
You: Yeah...
Looking at Ammon's contented face... I feel safe. I waited patiently for the carriage to stop...
You: Oh, has the carriage arrived?
Ammon: Oh, looks like we've arrived at our destination. 
Ammon: Judging by the distance, we are not that far from the city...
Ammon: ...This... There is no doubt that this is the same warehouse....
You: Eh? Warehouse?
Ammon: Ah~ No, no. These are just rumors. 
At the same time... The man who was traveling with us forcefully opened the carriage door. 
Man A: Well, we've arrived. Come out. 
You: Eh?
Man A: Didn't you hear? Come out quickly!
The arrival point was not Grobaner Mansion... I was surprised to hear the man's harsh words... I suddenly lost the ability to move. 
Man A: Tch. Don't you understand?
The man got angry... He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the carriage. I get up in a hurry, but the man's pull causes me to lose my balance on the stairs. 
You: Whoa..!
( I'm falling...!)
Ammon: Master..!
At that moment, Ammon grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. 
Ammon: Ha... That was dangerous. I was scared for a moment. 
Ammon's hand hugged my waist tightly... He supports me so that I don't fall. His hands were much more masculine than I imagined. 
You: T-thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Sorry for catching you so late. I was surprised you were captured so suddenly. 
Ammon: Are you okay?
You: Yes, thanks to Ammon. 
Ammon: I'm really glad...
Ammon: And by the way... Guys, you've had enough...
Man A: Hee...!
Ammon stares at the man who grabbed my arm earlier. The man got scared and took a step back. 
Ammon: Master, let's go out. 
You: Mm. 
As Ammon carefully led me out of the carriage... He took out his whip. 
Ammon: So...
Ammon: It takes a lot of courage to be so cruel to my master.
Ammon: First of all... Who said you can touch master?
Ammon: No one, except me, can touch master without permission.
Unlike the relaxed voice before... Ammon's voice was now filled with anger.
Man A: Hee...!
Man B: Don't be afraid..!
Man B: Even if it's the devil's butler... We have a numerical advantage..!
Man B: This will be an easy win..!
Men: Ooh!
Ammon: .....
You: Ammon...
Ammon: Master, please watch carefully.
Ammon: Bad people, frightening master... I will punish them all ♪
And hearing these lines of Ammon... The enraged people immediately rushed to attack.
Ammon: Master, don't look away from me.
Ammon: Master's passionate gaze... I want you to look only at me.
Ammon: Everything cool that is in me... Don't miss a second!
At this moment everything looked like it was on the stage of a play. Ammon successfully defeated the enemies with his whip. Every time he moved his hand... I heard the sound of the wind and the screams of the kidnappers.
Men: Gha!
Ammon: Hey hey, what's wrong~?
Ammon: Such slow attacks... No matter how hard you try, you cannot defeat me.
It seems that the place where we stopped was an enemy shelter. Enemies appeared one after another. But they immediately fall to the ground.
Ammon: It doesn't matter how many of you there are. I trained hard to protect my master.
Ammon: Today is my birthday... I will do you a special favor.
Ammon: I will make you feel the full force of my whip.
As if to confirm this... His whip never stopped swinging at his enemies.
Ammon: Even if you give up now, it's too late...!
Before we knew it, all the kidnappers had disappeared. Sometimes we could hear groans... It seems that now it is very difficult for them to move.
Ammon: So, this is the end.
Ammon: Hehe. Wasn't it a little overwhelming~?
Ammon: But maybe... The Master will understand how reliable I am.
Ammon: Master, don't you think I was cool?
You: Very cool.
Ammon: Hehe. Thank you.
Ammon: ... By the way... I was with you the whole time, so I think everything is fine, but...
Ammon: Master, are you not injured?
You: I'm fine.
Everything is fine.
Ammon: Yes? That's good...
Ammon: However... When we were riding in the carriage, you were roughly grabbed by the arm...
Ammon: Can I have a look?
You: Fine.
I extended my right hand to Ammon. He looked closely and finally smiled softly, feeling relieved.
Ammon: Okay... It's really okay.
Ammon: From the moment the master was pulled by the hand...
Ammon: I was a little worried that master might have hurt themselves or damaged their arm.
You: I'm sorry to trouble you.
Thank you for worrying about me.
You: Yes.
Ammon: Ha... Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.
Ammon: So, when everything is calm... Let's take a rest, and then go back to that cafe.
Ammon: There is still a carriage left here...
Ammon: But right now I want to take a walk with master.
You: Fine.
Ammon: The cafe is not far from here...
Ammon: Maybe master would also like to go for a walk?
Let's go.
Ammon: Thank you ♪
Ammon: Then...
Ammon: Take my hand, master.
You: Thank you.
Ammon is kind and accompanies me. I remember the feeling of his hand when he held me earlier... The feeling of his strong, courageous hands returned.
Having reported the location of the kidnappers, we returned to the cafe. 
Ammon: So, master. A lot has happened...
Ammon: The walk made me hungry. 
You: That's for sure. 
Ammon: Would you like to try the dessert I was talking about earlier?
You: Yes. 
Ammon: Hehe. 
Ammon: Then, get ready...
Ammon turned to the owner, who was observing the situation, and gave him a signal with his fingers. 
You: Ammon, what is it?
Ammon: This... There will be dessert soon. 
You: Eh? But you haven't ordered anything yet. 
Ammon: It's okay~
Hearing footsteps, I saw a smiling waitress carrying a large plate. There is a magnificent cake on the plate. The red and pink cream decorations are so cute. 
You: In-incredible...
Ammon: Hehe... Are you amazed by this cake?
You: Yes. 
Ammon: Actually, this is the first time I've seen this cake up close. He is as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers. 
You: Why this particular cake?
Ammon: Because... It was baked by my request. 
Ammon: Because only a few cakes are baked per day. I'm glad I managed to order it. 
Ammon: Thanks to the master’s letter yesterday, I managed to place my order on time. 
You: Is that so?
Several cakes a day... Ammon must have placed the order early in the morning. He ordered this cake after reading my letter... I felt happy, knowing that Ammon was trying to please me.
You: Thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Hehe. My pleasure. 
Ammon: To tell the truth, I was so excited to see the letter that I couldn't even sit still. 
Ammon: What would we do with master? What kind of master would I see?
Ammon: I've thought about this a lot. 
Ammon: I wanted to see master’s beloved smile. 
Ammon: That's why... I prepared such a surprise. 
You: Right...?
I'm so embarrassed...
Ammon: Well~ Some troubles happened, so I was wondering what would happen next.... But I'm glad that everything turned out okay. 
Ammon: Master, thank you for inviting me today. 
You: Thank you. 
Ammon: I was able to see master's smile... I'm really happy. 
And then we ate cake together. Ammon's look was so kind... And the cake, and Ammon's look... It was all so sweet. 
After drinking tea and relaxing...We left the cafe. 
And during sunset... We visited a luxurious restaurant to have dinner. 
Ammon booked a remote location. We were able to enjoy our dinner without worrying about our surroundings. 
Ammon: Phew~ It was very tasty. 
You: It was delicious. 
Ammon: Hehe. I'm glad master is happy. 
Ammon: Master... Today was a busy day..
Ammon: At least for a moment... Did your heart flutter?
You: Yes. 
It was trembling. 
Ammon: Hehe, right?
Ammon: Well, I shouldn't ask that...
Ammon: Master was so happy with me... I immediately understood everything. 
You: Wha-What?
Ammon: Watching master... I understood everything. 
Ammon: Master had it all written all over their face. 
Ammon: After all, I can watch master all day and not get tired. 
You: .....Ugh.
Ammon: But, master, is it possible to stay like this?
You: Eh? What do you mean?
Ammon: If this continues... I will begin to disturb the master's heart again. 
Ammon: Are you alright with me constantly flattering you?
Ammon: Hey hey. Next time, make my heart flutter. 
Ammon looks at me with a provoking look. Today he made my heart beat faster... In the end, I want to repay him with the same coin. I got a present for his birthday. 
You: Ammon, take this. 
In that small box that I took out... Of course, there was a small ring in it. 
Ammon: Eh? This..
You: A birthday gift. 
Ammon: Ahaha... Exactly. 
Ammon: I knew master would prepare something... But I didn't think you would hand it to me right now. 
You: Open it. 
Ammon: Right. 
Hearing my words, Ammon carefully opened the box. Inside, rose quartz emitted a gentle and gentle light. And I told Ammon everything. As a birthday present for Ammon, I decided to make a small ring... It meant: “I want Ammon to always be happy.” Therefore, I chose a ring with rose quartz. Rose quartz is considered a talisman in love. Looking at this pink pebble... It reminded me of Ammon, who makes my heart beat faster with his words. Having said this, I carefully placed the ring on Ammon's little finger. 
Ammon: Thank you, master...
Ammon: I have long been familiar with the meaning of rose quartz...
Ammon: But I never expected to receive something like this from master. This is really unexpected. 
Ammon: Suddenly my heart beats faster. 
You: Is it true?
I'm glad. 
Ammon: Making my heart flutter like that... As expected of master. 
Ammon: Hehe... By the way...
Ammon: I can't believe master is expressing their love with rose quartz on my birthday...
Ammon: In other words... Does this mean that the master looks at me in a special way?
You: Um...
In a special way...
Ammon: Oh, no need to be embarrassed. I know how the master feelings.
Ammon: In other words... It's true, right?
Ammon: Hehe. I'm the master's butler, so I won't say anything more...
Ammon: What kind of relationship does master want to have with me? I understand everything perfectly ♪
You: A-Ammon...
Ammon: Teasing master at such moments... It feels a little different. 
Ammon: Master... I always try to make your heart flutter...
Ammon: But feeling how your heart is pounding...
Ammon: My heart also beats for master. 
Ammon: It's not cool to say this, but...
Ammon: Even now... My heart is beating rapidly. 
Ammon: Hehe. I wonder why I said something like this...
Ammon: Now I'm feeling like I'm flying. 
Ammon: But today is my birthday. It's okay if I'm more frank.
Ammon looks at the ring with sincere joy. 
Ammon: Thank you very much. This gift exceeds all my expectations. 
Ammon: Master... I feel like master is taking care of me...
Ammon: No... Besides...
Ammon: I'm also excited talking about my master. 
Ammon: Of course, as a butler...
Ammon: And as a man. 
Ammon: When the master’s heart trembles... Mine trembles too...
Ammon: I'm not alone. 
Ammon: Such possessiveness... Maybe it's not like me...
Ammon: I always want to be with my master and be special to them. 
You: Ammon...
Ammon always acts like a little devil. But only today he made me bashful even more. But even though it touches my heart so much... I can't say that I don't like it. Rather... These conservations with him are somewhat comforting... Today I felt my heart beating faster so often... From the bottom of my heart I was glad that I could spend time with him like this.
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74 notes · View notes
oqwomyo · 5 months
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can we keep them? 🥺
7K notes · View notes
oqwomyo · 5 months
The dynamics between the butlers 🌹
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Lucas & Nac
Lucas: “Morning~”
Nac: “Aah, please wait!”
Bad with mornings
He messes up a lot when getting ready without fully waking up, so Nac fixes it for him
When he stays up late doing research, he messes up twice as much
Even if his eyes are open, it's still hard to tell if he has woken up or not
Actually he's always waking up in a bad mood, so to hide it, he wakes up earlier than anyone else
Always dressed perfectly
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Lucas & Lono
Lucas: “Pain, pain, go away~”
Lono: “S-sorry…”
Scary when angry
If someone gets hurt because they're being reckless, they'll receive more painful treatment than usual
He's bad (is scared) with Lucas
He's aware whenever he's being reckless, so he'll really regret it later
Lono is Lucas's regular patient
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Flure & Lono
Lono: “I told you, you definitely can eat it with this seasoning!”
Flure: “Bell peppers… no way…”
He can't shut up when it comes to food
He often has Flure helping him in the kitchen
Hates vegetables
Lono is close in age with him and easy to talk to, so he can openly show his dissatisfaction
Normally he's quite rude to Lono
Lono's cooking is delicious, so he's grateful to him
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Lato & Flure
Lato: “See, isn't it fun?”
Flure: “Put me down now!”
No interest whatsoever towards other people and all living beings…
Flure and Miyaji (+the lord) are the only ones he has interest in
Extremely high physical prowess and he can't control it
Playfully bothering Flure, thinking it would make him happy, but always ends up making him angry
He's annoyed that Lato treats him like a little brother (But he doesn't hate it)
He's proud of himself for taking care of the bothersome dangerous person that is Lato
He's usually scolding him despite Lato is older than him
Lato doesn't listen to other people, but if Flure's the one saying it, he complies
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Bastien & Lono
Two guys who usually disagrees/fights a lot
Bastien: “I want…”
Harbors one-sided rivalry with Bastien who is skilled in swordsmanship
Surprisingly, Lono is the more reliable one
Drawn to things he likes, he often gets lost
He often doesn't pay attention to what Lono says, but when Berrien says something, both of them follow
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Berrien & Bastien
Berrien: “Uwaaa…”
Bastien isn't particularly close with Berrien, but he does listen to what he says
Due to his affection for living things, he avoids senseless killing
Berrien is terrified of bugs
Rather than hiding this weakness, he openly seeks help from other butlers
Considering that everyone helps him out, he thinks that 'They're all good kids.”
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Lamli & Ammon
Lamli: “Rose-kun, hear me out ♪”
Ammon: “Yes, yes, I've had enough hearing about it~ Also, won't you stop with the Rose-kun?”
He's thinking on what to do to handle this situation
He loves Lucas and the lord
Ammon is one of the few people who listens to him gushing
He has a habit of quickly assigning nicknames to others
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Ammon & Boschi
He lets his guard down when with someone he can be open to
He nonchalantly sleeps a lot
He has the smoothest hair out of all the butlers
He takes care of Boschi's daily life, who is wounded
But, sometimes he messes around because he can (and then gets scolded badly)
It's Ammon's duty to wake Boschi up (he makes herbal tea to wake him up)
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Boschi & Haures
Usually they don't get along well
They recognize each other's strength, so they lean on each other's backs in battle
Boschi: “That was such a crappy move”
Haures: “Shut up. Focus on eliminating the enemies”
He doesn't want to acknowledge Haures's strength, so he fights while cursing
Strong sense of rivalry with Haures
When dealing with Boschi, he's a little more foul-mouthed than usual
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oqwomyo · 5 months
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oqwomyo · 5 months
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A chip may weigh only a few grams, but it has the mighty power to upset the balance of the scale. In the gambler's hands, the chip leaps lightly and lands softly, like a key to destiny. It causes the heart to beat, as if a piece of gold is stricken with rocks. In that split second, the decision for heaven or hell is made.
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oqwomyo · 5 months
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i just want a beautiful hot evil woman that would care for me even if i was a broke trash racoon am i asking too much
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oqwomyo · 5 months
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oqwomyo · 5 months
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But is it a blessing or a curse?♠️
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