orangedavecopy · 11 years
no i dont think i have. i havent met many people actually i wasnt very social in game. yea im davesprite and i dont have other names... i do but i dont like them or i dont care. so aradia youre the ram chick thats pretty cool. whats up?
+ orangedavecopy
hell0, i d0n’t believe y0u have met me. my name is aradia. aradia megid0. It is nice to met you physically davesprite. davesprite is what y0u are called yes?
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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"Maybe it's time I actually went out to talk to people. It's getting pretty boring just hanging around and watching." Davesprite squinted as he went outside into the sun. "Where do you even find people again?" 
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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"My necklace. It's pretty important you know."
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
Davesprite? It's John, and things are kind of crazy and I'm panicking a bit but I'm doing okay, but do you know if you're my Davesprite? My pesterchum isn't working but I have this connection somehow, and I'm hoping you're just from the future of my timeline? Did I ever turn you human in an ectobiology accident, and if so do you know where I am and where you are and how we turned us back? Okay maybe that's not so likely, but let me know either way? The sprite thing is freaking me out.
woah mah first off this sprite thing isnt freaky its pretty fucking cool
could you fly before? i think now... unless you were god tier
i dont think im your davesprite so sorry about that nor do i know if you can even turn back. if so then someone has been holding that information from me
dont freak out just enjoy it
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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oh thats pretty cool
what do you do as a devil? do you only fantasize about someone bleeding out? 
thats pretty sadistic... what about a cause? i didnt understand that part
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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you did not just say spermwand before pussy devastator 
dave i am ashamed
i am ashamed you didnt say anal destroyer before pussy devastator
you missed your chance
===> Greet orangedavecopy
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spermwand prick pussy devastator—
oh are we talking about something else now sorry
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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dicks are already weird why would you make it weirder by giving it a name?
i never understood that
then again i am weird so i cant say much
===> Greet orangedavecopy
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theres lots of nicknames for a dick man
schlong weiner boinker meatrod
you name it
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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why are you even out for blood 
are you a vampire or something because last time i checked only the jade trolls could be vamps
im so confused man despite that you seem pretty cool blood lust troll lady
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
ooc: Well frick frack snapback quater back crackerjack biofeedback thumbtack I did it again.
I'll be on here more. My other blog is boring. 
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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now now dont get uppity 
all of you are different and want different futures just asking
why would you nickname your dick its a dick calling it a baby maker doesnt make it fancy
===> Greet orangedavecopy
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dude davesprite hell no
i will probably not ever get babies ever
its just a nickname for my dick ya know
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
hell yea its a conquest were taking over..
well i havent got that planned out though your problems are going to build up and backfire on you you have to get that stuff go
yes sunflower seeds are the best snack for me do you not get happy when you get food?
wwell shit if conquest is wwhat wwere doin ivve obvviously come to the right place
more problems than youd be able to comprehend im sure … your day is good because you found yourself a snack not evven a great one just an avverage one
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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being like this has its bonuses
think of it like ad block you get no more random pop ups
i didnt know you were big on the baby making or are you making plans for your future
if you get one
===> Greet orangedavecopy
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shit thats true dude no dick dave
thats actually a little depressing i might lose my babymaker if i die
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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thats some pretty twisted stuff youve got goin on over there
i was just meandering and then bam i run into you
no need to be so malicious im just a guy wanting to say hi
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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advice? nah not today that takes up time and energy which i dont have right now
you could say im happy to see you but theres no punchline since the lack of legs also mean a lack of another part in that region for the joke
===> Greet orangedavecopy
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sup davesprite
did you come to give me more so-called advice or are you just happy to see me
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
ooc: One of the coolest things you'll read
“Olympus Overdrive”
More like, Please hold me it’s beautiful. 
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
ooc: Oops I forgot I existed on this blog. I should really get on more.
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orangedavecopy · 11 years
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Guys, it’s Christmas so here’s a shitty transparent Kringlefucker for all your holiday needs.
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