orangefolks · 6 years
6 Signs you Should Invest in Quality Control and audit in China
6 Signs you Should Invest in Quality Control and audit in China
A lot of employers are buckling down to push their products in the fiercely competitive market and trying hard to win their customers. While some are successful in their endeavors, most of them are failing to achieve their business objectives.
What might be the probable reasons behind the failure? Chances are high they are overlooking some of the signs that are doing more harm than good. Here we…
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orangefolks · 7 years
8 Trends in Artificial Intelligence for 2018
8 Trends in Artificial Intelligence for 2018
By this point in 2018, we have come a long way with technology. We have virtual reality headsets, phones with the same capabilities as most desktops, and artificial intelligence that helps us with everyday life. Especially when it comes to artificial intelligence, there are a lot of trends to watch in 2018. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of these trends and what they mean.
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orangefolks · 7 years
Using Promotions to Get Customers to Use Online Ordering Interfaces
Phones today are filled with a variety of apps. Some are used for entertainment while others are presented as a way to increase efficiency or accountability. The smartphone has become a must-have item for most people. Today, restaurants are starting to take advantage of this phenomenon by creating their own app that allows consumers to look through a menu, place an order, or set up a reservation.…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Do You Need an Order Management Business App?
If you run a business, an order management business app is an important thing to consider. Such an app can streamline your sales, inventory and orders all in one handy place. This makes it easy to keep track of what you’ve sold, what you have left and what you need to reorder. There are many choices out there, so it makes sense to explore your options and find the one that works best for you.
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orangefolks · 7 years
Top advantages of having an app for your restaurant
Top advantages of having an app for your restaurant
Digital Marketing in recent times have successfully created a competitive landscape in the food industry.
Sustaining proper sales and retaining patrons have become a major requirement for all. Digital media has exposed individuals to new choices and has wielded a strong influence over the process of their discovery.
Here comes the food apps which has ensured extended outreach for all potential…
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orangefolks · 7 years
10 Technologies That Are Transforming Software Development
10 Technologies That Are Transforming Software Development
Can you believe that there was a time where only on a good day did developers have enough money to hire someone to toggle all the switches to input their code for them?
It reminds me of the days back when iPhone first came out and it did not have the ability to video yet…
You might have had a smartphone, but if you wanted to capture that video of your baby’s first steps, you would still need a…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Top Reasons for Selecting LED Lighting Over Other Lighting Solutions
Top Reasons for Selecting LED Lighting Over Other Lighting Solutions
LEDs have swept the conventional lighting marketplace for a variety of reasons, most notably their extended lifespan, reduced energy consumption and significantly lower maintenance requirements. Unlike the traditional incandescent and CFL Lights, the LED lighting solutionsare a cost-efficient alternative. Be it in home or in your office, LED lights offer sustainable solution in the most hassle…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Digital marketing: A crucial need for today’s business market
Digital marketing: A crucial need for today’s business market
Digital marketing is holding an important place in the list of priorities; the reason is quite simple as the more people will going to use the internet the more digital marketing is needed. After all, it’s a process that makes equal platform for a customer and the businessman to share their experience that they have from the digital channel. Not just that, it also helps in increasing the…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Five super important points to add in your websites design
Five super important points to add in your websites design
This is so weird that only in 5 seconds a visitor makes a decision about what you do and what your company does, not even that but also they decide your website is worthy to stay or to not. So this means that it important to make a great impression on the visitors so they find the website informative as well hold their attention for a long time. Web designing here plays a heroic role and that’s…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Key Elements of the Best Online Food Ordering Systems
Key Elements of the Best Online Food Ordering Systems
Be Clear and Concise
When designing your online ordering system, the best thing you can do is to just keep it simple. The perfect system is intuitive and easy to use. We’ve all seen ordering pages with obscure or blank boxes, missing descriptions, inaccurate information and hidden prices–these are exactly what should be avoided. If at all possible, try to make the process, from item lists to…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Identifying the Bottlenecks in the Process of Software Test Automation
Identifying the Bottlenecks in the Process of Software Test Automation
Software performance testing is the best means of quality assurance. People in the IT have long realized the immense value of good testing of software applications to ensure that they perform perfectly well under the expected workload. Easy as it may sound, software performance testing involves a complicated procedure. Consequently, while software testing is done with the intention of finding…
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orangefolks · 7 years
Why should you choose LED lights for your home?
Why should you choose LED lights for your home?
LED lights are the most power saving mode of homeillumination today. This intelligent green lighting revolution isan obvious choice for interiors and exteriors. Here are some quick checks as to why you should switch to LED lights for home use.
Save money
LED light bulbs save an estimated 80% or more on energy costs. LED manufacturers in Indiaclaim that LED Lights may cost you 30-40% more…
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orangefolks · 8 years
How Smart Card Applications Works for Business and Public Service
How Smart Card Applications Works for Business and Public Service
I recently got myself a TAP card. It’s Los Angeles county’s public transit card. Most large cities have adopted some form of card to make it quicker and easier for you to pay. The TAP card and other transit smart cards do much more. It’s called a TAP card because you simply tap it on a terminal using NFC, and you’re done. The feature that I found most useful is the ability to use it between…
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orangefolks · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq3rh2f4HvE)
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orangefolks · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piA6x7LFjF0)
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orangefolks · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_KKZQmvLHc)
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orangefolks · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1lzPEvN38I)
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