orangesungie · 6 years
Whisper Challenge | Park Jisung (NCT)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: mild cursing (calm yo tits its casual manner u know how teenies are)
"I... La...La? Love! ..you...? Wait, what-?"
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Best Friends.
Sure, nothing against that. But what if I see him in another way? What if I want us to look different from what other people see us as.
"Oh wow, you two are so close! It’s fascinating, really."
"Your bond is stronger than iron haha, I wish I had friends like that."
"You two stick together like chewing gum, man."
Haha, yes I know right?
It was one cozy summer night, when Jisung and you spend your time together in your gloomy living room yet again. Just like you always do when Jisung’s boredom gets the best of him as he sprints over to your place without any warning. On this particular night, it seemed as if it couldn't have been any more boring than it ever has. The only difference being… that you’re internally not as calm as you seem on the outside, dangling your arms over the side of the couch while Jisung out of the blue decides to rest his head on your lap. You were thanking god that he had his eyes closed while your cheeks flushed red, otherwise there could have been a huge confusion between you two best friends.
“Yeah?” You looked down at him, barely biting back your smile of adoration. But his eyes are closed anyway, so why bother?
“I know this sounds childish but-“
“Jisung you are a child.”
“- shut up, asshead.”, lovely, “No, but what I planned to say was, how about we play something?” Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as Jisung slowly flattered his eyes open to stare up at your questioning expression. He somehow manages to get back up into a sitting position again, purposefully ignoring his cracking bones that put quiete a toll on him after dance practise this morning. You felt bad for Jisung but yet at the same time you really admired his hard work and how he puts all of his power and determination into what he truly loves.
"Like, come on something like those games those youtubers used to hype up a few years ago. You know that whisper challenge thing don't you?" The longer he talked, the higher raised your eyebrows at this oddly specific idea that popped into his head out of the blue. You definetely knew which game he was talking about, one person puts on headphones and plays almost deffening loud music, while trying to figure out what the other person was trying to say by reading it off of their lips. Wow, staring at Jisungs lips definetely wasn't planned in your schedule today, but were you complaining? The rapid beat of your heart speaks for itself.
"That's stupid."
"We literally have nothing else to do, (Y/N)"
"Well I mean... I guess." Jisungs face lit up as he jumped up to get his headphones from his jacket, which he carelessly threw across the floor after he arrived. Well damn, puppy is more exited than expected,,, wait, did I just call him puppy in my head-
"Alright!", Jisung exclaimed exitedly as he plopped down right next to you, plugging the headphones into his phone and already plopping one of them in, "I'll try to guess first, alright?" You nodded at him, making him plop the other headphone in as you awkwardly shifted to sit directly across from him. Shit. What. To do. Now?
You watched him bounce around a little to Taeyeon's song why, as he waited for your cue that you're starting. How you knew which song he was listening to? First of all, this fanboy is really obvious. Second of all, he was literally blasting it so loud that the music leaked out of his ears and he didn't even seem phased by it. However, not wantig him to wait for too long you literally tried to tell him the first thing that came to mind.
"Chenle stinks like fish." Jisung obviously didn't get that at first try, ending up with him looking at you with huge eyes in confusion, with his mouth hanging slightly open. He looked so cute just now that you were struggling not to coo at him and blush out of pure joy and embarrasment.
"Chen-Le.", you waited for his nod, "stinks."
"king?!" Jisung seemed visibly disgusted at what he thought you were trying to say, as you broke down laughing, quickly waving off his idea as he was trying to recover from his shock.
"S t i n k s." You exaggerated your movements and added a little fanning gesture to try to bring the message across properly. Jisung seemed to have understood, his confusion quickly turning into a little grin.
"Like. Fish!" Jisung broke into a small laughter and pulled his headphones out as he rolled his eyes at you.
"I mean, you're not wrong. Your turn now!" You hesitantly took his headphones while he tried to look for a good song to play while you're trying to guess what he's saying. You were kinda scared of embarrassing yourself infront of him, taking too long to guess the answer which is so ridiculous, but you just didn't know why Jisung was making you feel all kinds of ways, making your palms sweaty and shaky. You were disappointed in yourself. This is not how you should be thinking of your best friend.
Wordless, you plopped in the headphones and tried to relax into the song, as Jisung slowly turned up the volume, scared of scaring you or seriously hurt your ears. Once you thought you reached your limit, you nodded and he put his phone aside, softly smiling at you. Your heart almost stopped at the sight and you felt butterflies being happier than ever flying around in your stomach. Stop this shit. I am not supposed to feel like that, you are such a fucking idiot.
You shook off your thoughts and looked at Jisung, he already seemed to have thought of something, so you tried to pay attention without being distracted by the fuzzy feeling in your tummy.
As expected, you didn't get what he was saying on first try. It seemed to be a really short sentence, or he just spoke to fast. Blinking your confusion away, you shook your head to tell him that you didn't get it and unconsiously leaned in a little further, to really focus on what he was saying.
"...I?" you asked, pointing at yourself and looking at him with big, confused deer eyes. He nodded and repeated himself yet again.
"I... La...La? Love! ..you...? Wait, what-?" You immediately ripped out the headphones, not just confused, completely bewildered even. You must have interpreted it wrong.
"Did you say 'I love you'?!" You stared at Jisung, he however looked down at his fidgeting hands, clearing his throat, his face progressively heating up.
"If that's what you understood... you're better at this game than I thought." Silence. Your mouth dropped open in shook, all sorts of emotions running you over, almost making you teary eyed. Jisung just confessed to you. Jisung, the boy you started to develope feelings for which you never thought he would return, now sits infront of you not even being able to look into your eyes because he liked you back all along.
The longer the silence spread through the room, the more embarrassed Jisung got and misinterprets your silence as a rejection. I had seen this coming, he thought.
"...I'm... i'm sorry I just shouldn't have-" you cut him off by throwing your arms around him and pulling him into a heartful hug, a tear almost rolling down your cheeks out of relieve. He froze into shook.
"Jisung, you have no idea..", you almost whispered into the crook of his neck, "I've liked you for so long, I always have."
You heard his breath hitch, slowly breaking out of shock. He almost couldn't believe what you were saying and you were still hugging him tightly. As he realised reality and played your words back and forth through his mind, a huge smile spread across his face and he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you back just as tight.
"(Y/N)?" You muffeled a quiet 'yes', still not wanting to let go.
"Be mine."
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