orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unproductive at work?
As a BPO agent, your job requires long hours in front of a computer and handling multiple tasks at once.
if you want to boost your energy levels, maintain a clear mind and stay focused, then keep reading! Here's the secret to staying healthy in the fast-paced world of BPO: eating the right food.
BPO Agents Should be Eating This To Stay Healthy
What should I eat after working the night shift?
Many agents are hungry after working the night shift. But which foods keep your tummy full, satisfy you, and prevent unnecessary weight gain?
In this article, we will show you the best foods that BPO agents should be eating to stay healthy while working a night shift.
Sprouted Bread. Sprouted bread is a totally different thing from brown bread, sourdough-type recipes.
As the name suggests, this is whole-grain bread that has been given time to sprout or germinate.
This bread is high in certain nutrients, including protein, fiber, and vitamins B and C. Chia seed jam, almond butter, and berries make a great toast topper.
Whole-grain toast, banana, peanut butter, cacao bits, chopped pistachios, and pomegranate seeds. As delicious as this sounds, you probably can’t be bothered, right? It may be too long to read, and you may get exhausted because of that.
You can toast some whole-grain bread (one slice is enough), spread some crunchy, natural peanut butter, then cut up a banana and drizzle honey or sprinkle cinnamon on top. Yummy!
While bananas give athletes an energy boost, they also contain proteins and magnesium, which can help you get a great night's sleep.
Warmed oats with blueberries and a dollop of Greek yogurt on top. Oats are packed with complex carbs, fiber, and protein, which slowly deliver goodness over a few hours. And that's not all; oats can also help lower our risk of heart disease.
The blueberries actively prevent fat from forming, and the Greek yogurt is jam-packed with protein and calcium, has precious probiotics, and is good for the gut. Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and almonds is also a great meal choice.
Almonds are not only high in nutrients, but they also provide a great source of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.
An apple. Don't you feel like eating a big, hot meal? Try an apple!
Some say eating an apple before bed is not a good idea due to its ability to produce gas, making you severely uncomfortable when trying to sleep.
However, there is overwhelming evidence that eating an apple can help you sleep due to its high levels of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.
Once you get home, eat first, then take a bath and prepare for bed. This can decrease the chance of reflux when eating too close to bedtime.
Green smoothie. If you prefer to drink something after a night shift because you just can't even chew, no worries, we've got you covered!
A green smoothie packed specifically with spinach, nuts, and seeds is rich in magnesium, which relaxes your muscles and, in turn, puts your body in a sleepy state.
Walnuts. Chomping on a few walnuts after a night shift is not appealing, but if you add half a handful of chopped walnuts to oats, maybe we'll all be interested.
Walnuts are one of the best foods to eat to increase the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. They are also linked to reducing high cholesterol and boosting your heart health.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Is it time to leave your job?
Having a job, you can’t stand has the potential to harm not only your professional relationships but also your mental and physical health. So how will you know when you feel like it's finally time to leave your job?
Is it time to leave your job?
Sometimes we get tired at work. It's like everything is a routine. But, when the bad days begin to outweigh the good ones, you might think twice, because maybe it’s time for a change. After all, your work should fill you with energy, not suck the life out of you. It should be something that excites you rather than frightens you.
Having a job, you can’t stand has the potential to harm not only your professional relationships but also your mental and physical health. So how will you know when you feel like it's finally time to leave your job?
In this article, we will give you signs. Just keep on reading!
1. You are no longer being challenged.
Staying in a job where you aren’t pushing yourself to learn new skills or have career growth can leave you feeling like you are approaching a dead end. It is one thing to love what you do and to do it well, but if you’re only doing the bare minimum, it might be a clear indication to quit your job and find a more fulfilling role. Staying in this type of situation might limit your growth potential and also lead to feelings of resentment.
2. There is no room for advancement.
It is expected that your manager should be helping you advance professionally. If they’re not, that can be a clear sign of a lack of opportunity for growth and advancement. If you’re unable to qualify for promotions at a large company, consider looking for something else. And that goes for new businesses as well. Small companies often lack established career paths. But it’s a problem if management is not willing to discuss how your role may change as the team expands. Even in an ambiguous startup environment, there needs to be a plan for career development. If you're wondering whether you have stayed at your company for too long, it might be time to leave it.
3. The work environment is toxic.
If you feel uneasy at work, it’s time to quit. It is a clear indication of a hostile workplace, a bad work-life balance, or worse, burnout. When management focuses on the negative rather than balancing criticism with praise, it can be a sign of a toxic workplace environment. It includes constant gossiping, significant turnover, and an unwillingness to encourage employees to engage in open communication. You should feel comfortable enough at work to voice your opinion. If your co-workers are constantly complaining and your boss is an unpleasant micromanager, it’s time to find an environment that fits you well.
4. You are compromising your values.
Just like personal values, work values have to do with your preferences, purpose, and chosen or desired path. It is essential to consider these values as you explore your current job satisfaction level and think about your future career development or growth. If you feel like you must compromise your morals in order to keep your job, that's a huge red flag (you might think twice or more if that's the case). Have you ever felt pressured to manipulate key performance indicators (KPIs) to receive better performance incentives? When you find yourself consistently operating in those gray areas, it could be a clear indication that it’s time to leave your job.
5. Your pay doesn’t reflect your responsibilities and performance.
If your company is unable or unwilling to pay you fairly for the work you’re doing, you might consider finding another job. While you should be receiving regular cost-of-living raises at a minimum, your compensation should also reflect your responsibilities and performance. Being undercompensated can signify a disconnect between how you and the company view your value and growth potential. And staying in this situation will lead to frustration and resentment over time. Always remember that there are other companies out there that will pay you what you’re worth.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Things to consider when looking for a job.
A huge salary does not always guarantee job satisfaction. Although salary is an incredibly important factor to consider, it shouldn’t be your only consideration when you are looking for a job. You should take the following eight factors into consideration.
Things to Consider When Looking for a Job
Although salary is an incredibly important factor to consider, it shouldn’t be your only consideration when you are looking for a job. It is also important to consider how happy you will be with the job. For instance, a huge salary does not always guarantee job satisfaction. There are also a lot more aspects of the job and company to take into account, all of which are important and should by no means be overlooked. If you are looking for a job, you should take the following eight factors into consideration.
1. Educational opportunities.
Everybody wants to be employed by a company that supports their individual growth in terms of their career. At times, this growth will rely on additional learning and qualifications. An important question to ask during any interview is if there is any investment in the education of their employees.
2. The stability of the company.
The benefits of carrying out enough research on the company can’t be overemphasized. Before making any formal commitments to the company, make sure you do this. Is the company stable and growing, or is there a risk of redundancies in the future? The answers to these questions should influence whether or not you want to work for the company.
3. Opportunities for growth.
Advancement opportunities in the workplace are very important for career progression. Therefore, be sure to ask if there are such opportunities while you are at the interview. By doing this, you will give the interviewers a picture of someone who is interested in staying with the company and is driven and ambitious. It also gives you a clear picture of the potential future of your career if you join.
4. Company culture.
Your enjoyment of your working life will be significantly impacted by the culture of your new workplace. If you can, find out if the company's present and former employees are satisfied with their jobs and how the company treats them. You may get a good sense of the corporate culture by asking your interviewees if they enjoy working there, what the employee turnover rate is, and how often social events are arranged among the employees.
5. The team.
Colleagues are a big influence on the working environment and how effective you will be when working alongside one another. If possible, it is a great idea to try to meet as many potential team members as you can during the interview.
7. Benefits offered.
There are other benefits that you need to consider, as much as the salary is a huge part of the package that the potential employer is offering. Holiday allowances, retirement contributions and matching, insurance, bonuses, and healthcare are a few examples. You must ensure that all of these things are discussed and agreed upon before accepting a position or signing the contract.
8. Working hours.
It is critical to consider your new work schedule in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance and fit other important aspects of your life. Never rely on the fact that a job you are applying for will be a typical 9-to-5 job. Make sure you are aware of the hours you will be required to work, including any overtime requirements and those specified in your contract. Make sure to ask questions during the application or interview process to get a full understanding of how the new job will affect your days. For instance, seek clarification as to whether it's typical for employees to stay for an hour or two after their shift ends or whether you'll frequently be required to come in on the weekends if the position is Monday through Friday.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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"Dead-end job"
Is a common adjective used to describe a call center job. Is this, however, correct?
Let's define the term "dead-end job" first.
Is working as a call center agent a dead-end job?
"Dead-end job" is a common adjective used to describe a call center job. Is this, however, correct?
Let's define the term "dead-end job" first.
Dead-end jobs are those with little or no chance of advancement or reward in the future. Jobs with long hours and limited vacation time combined with minimum wage pay are frequently cited as examples of dead-end jobs. When you work in a job with no room for advancement, it is referred to as a "dead-end job."
While working as a customer service representative is considered a dead-end job due to their regularly long working hours, repetitive work, and the difficulty of dealing with customers' unpredictable behavior, there are a few reasons why it can be beneficial.
Because being a customer service representative does not require any prior experience, most applicants begin immediately after graduating from high school or college, with some having only completed secondary education. With no experience, however, this profession can be an excellent place to start their professional careers, guaranteeing them the skills and abilities to deal with situations. These are customer service and sales skills that teach them how to communicate with a potential customer, consultant, or employer.
You can also start your own business with the decent pay that call center jobs provide. Being an employee and a business owner at the same time, I don’t think I can call it a dead-end job.
Is a call center job a dead end?
No. A call center job, like any other, is not a dead end. You can get a career based on your degree but still feel stuck, not because of the job but maybe because of your attitude. Don't blame your job for keeping you in the same role you were in ten years ago. Do you want to move up the corporate ladder? Improve yourself. Do you want to leave the company someday and start your own business? Make some plans. Do you want to attend school and study something you're passionate about? Make it happen with your call center salary. Doing the same thing you did ten years ago will produce the same results.
No such thing as a dead-end job exists. No work can make us feel stuck if we have a clear goal and good plans for our lives. Many people still regard call centers as stepping stones to greater things. Working in a call center can help you improve your communication skills and deal with difficult people. While making and receiving phone calls, call center agents are gaining real-world experience that they would not have gained by simply sitting in class. As a result, I won't call it a dead-end job.
A person's perception of a dead-end job exists, but any job offers some kind of growth and opportunity. Being a customer service representative comes with its own set of challenges that can help you maximize your potential. A call center job should not be avoided or regarded as a curse because it can lead to significant professional advancement.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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How to handle burnout? 🤔
Maintaining motivation, positivity, and productivity in the BPO industry requires managing the stress that comes with maintaining a work-life balance.
If you want to maintain your physical and emotional well-being while pursuing a successful career, you must learn how to manage burnout in a call center environment.
In this article, we will give you these five tips and tricks to handle your burnout if you're working for a BPO company
Call center Q&A: How to handle burnout?
Maintaining motivation, positivity, and productivity in the BPO industry requires managing the stress that comes with maintaining a work-life balance. It’ll increase your capacity to prevent burnout, which can affect both your health and your capacity to carry out your job obligations if you manage your stress effectively.
If you want to maintain your physical and emotional well-being while pursuing a successful career, you must learn how to manage burnout in a call center environment.
In this article, we will give you these five tips and tricks to handle your burnout if you're working for a BPO company. But first, let's discuss and get a full understanding of its meaning.
What is burnout?
Burnout is a condition of ongoing physical, mental, and emotional fatigue caused by high levels of stress. It is characterized by feeling constantly overwhelmed and having more difficulty keeping up with both personal and professional expectations. It often results in a loss of motivation and interest in work, life, and activities you typically enjoy.
Burnout is most common in people who work in high-stress workplaces, such as emergency service workers, attorneys, and those who hold multiple jobs, but it may also happen to anyone who works too much or feels undervalued.
Now that you already have an idea of what burnout is, we will proceed on how to manage it.
Keep on reading!
1: Enjoy your day off and vacation leave.
Consider planning a vacation to take a break from work for at least a few days and enjoy some alone time or time with your friends or loved ones. Plan a trip somewhere new, stay home and unwind, or take the time to accomplish a personal project you haven't had time for.
2: Always take care of yourself.
Self-care might help you set yourself up mentally to avoid exhaustion and burnout. Some forms of self-care include exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, meditating, and pursuing a hobby or interest.
3: Have purpose in whatever work you do.
Consider how your work enhances the lives of others and how you may have a greater influence by giving your daily tasks more purpose. Pay attention to the areas of your job that you enjoy, such as interacting with coworkers or if your work is aligned with your passion. But if you actually want to pursue what you really want to do, you can decide to change occupations or careers in order to feel fulfilled.
4: Have some hobbies.
Hobbies can help keep you distracted. It can focus you on something other than work and keep your mind off of it. Consider taking up baking classes on the weekends or joining a book club so you can read during your lunch breaks. This can be really useful if you want to improve your creative abilities because of a routine job.
5: Seek for a support system.
Try to reach out to your friends and family for help if you experience signs of stress or exhaustion. Stress can often be reduced by simply talking to others, and if you ask for help, family members may give you advice or assist you in taking action to make things better. Making an effort to form closer bonds with your coworkers may improve your attitude toward your job and make you feel more connected to your coworkers.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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“Filipino Time” is so outdated.
It not only affects our daily schedules but also tends to have a negative effect on our public image as individuals and also our image as a people representing our country.
Let me give you five reasons why arriving early at work or any meetups is actually beneficial to you. 🥰
5 Reasons Why You Should Arrive Early at Work
“Filipino Time” is so outdated. Sure, it is funny when you chat “OTW na ako!” when you are still in the bathroom in the middle of your bath while the other party is waiting for you at the agreed-upon meetup place but this toxic Filipino habit needs to end. It not only affects our daily schedules but also tends to have a negative effect on our public image as individuals and also our image as a people representing our country. Let me give you five reasons why arriving early at work or any meetups is actually beneficial to you.
1. It shows your professionalism.
Arriving early at work can help you showcase your professionalism. It shows your employer you are reliable and it will ensure that you have a positive image with your supervisors. This will definitely help you when the time comes you are applying for a supervisory position. Just make sure you arrive early at work constantly without fail as consistency is key to your positive image.
2. Arriving early to work reduces stress.
Reducing stress at work is very important and one can do this by going to work earlier than the start of your shift. When you arrive early at work you have ample time to do personal stuff like cleaning up your workstation or maybe go to the bathroom to freshen up. You can even have coffee with a light snack like crackers or biscuits. Doing this gives you the feeling of preparedness and this should last the whole day as you go about your work.
3. It gives you time to socialize with co-workers.
Working at an office means you would need to socialize with your officemates. Doing this makes your work life easier. Having a good relationship with your co-workers means you have friends you can depend on when you are in need of work-related stuff like deadlines and additional work. Also, it is not always about work. Spending time with your co-workers builds friendships that oftentimes extend outside your work setting. You can actually build lasting relationships with your co-workers and could even go as far as finding life partners at work but I would not recommend that (wink).
4. Going to work early improves your time management skills.
Time management is an essential skill that your superiors look for when considering an employee for promotion. An employee with good time management skills is very reliable as they would consistently finish their assigned tasks on time or even ahead of schedule. When you arrive early at work you give yourself breathing space to finish your assigned tasks ahead of schedule. If something goes wrong and believe me at some point it will, you will have enough time to make adjustments and finish your tasks and you would still be within schedule.
5. It helps with the overall productivity of the office.
When you arrive early to work you get to your workstation without distractions. This ensures your overall productivity is high during work hours. If you arrive late, you will cause distractions to your office mates that will affect their productivity as well.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Have you been taking calls for days, months, or years and yet you are still confused about what is the industry you are working with does? 🤔 Here is a comprehensive guide to what Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies do & how they help businesses succeed.
What does a BPO company do?
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors.
Although BPO was first only used by manufacturing companies, such as soft drink manufacturers, who outsourced large portions of their supply chains, it is today used for the outsourcing of many different goods and services.
Also, a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company is an organization a business hires to perform certain process tasks to make the business operate successfully.
Some of the services that can be "outsourced" include accounting, payroll, human resources, IT services, data recording, telemarketing, social media marketing, or even a particular production process, among many others.
BPO fills the supplementary business functions with services that could be technical or non-technical.
A better understanding of Business Process Outsourcing…
Many businesses, be they startups or large companies, opt to outsource processes as new and innovative services are rapidly becoming available in today's ever-changing, highly competitive business climate.
Contrarily, front-office BPO tasks commonly involve customer-related functions like tech support, sales, and marketing.
What is the goal of BPO and what are its types?
BPO is the abbreviation for "business process outsourcing," which refers to when companies outsource business processes to a third-party (external) company. One of the primary goals is to cut costs, free up time, and focus on the core aspects of the business.
There are two types of BPO: front-office and back-office.
Back-office BPO entails the internal aspects of a business, such as a payroll, inventory purchasing, and billing. It is also known as “internal business functions”. These are the functions that are aimed at the stakeholders within the organization. Most times, back-office functions are processes that will require an entire department, budget, and a large number of personnel to do; While front-office BPO focuses on activities external to the company, such as marketing and customer service. It is also known as “external business functions”. Front-office functions include customer relations services, marketing, and sales. It is all about finding new customers for business and satisfying the needs of existing customers.
What are the types of BPO companies?
There are three primary types of BPO companies: These are local outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, and nearshore outsourcing.
Local outsourcing - is done by a company that is in the same country as your business. Offshore outsourcing - is a company that is in another country; And nearshore outsourcing - is a company that is in a country that is not too far from your country.
What is a BPO Call Center?
On behalf of other businesses, a BPO call center handles outsourced incoming and outgoing customer calls. Many BPO call centers will have agents who can handle customer complaints or inquiries for a variety of different companies, often within a specific specialty. For example, one call center agent may be able to field technical support phone calls for a variety of vendors or manufacturers.
Business process outsourcing (BPO) utilizes third-party specialists to carry out some part of a business process or operation (as opposed to outsourcing the entire production). BPO can lower a company's costs, increase efficiency, and provide flexibility. At the same time, the BPO industry is rapidly growing, which means that in our increasingly global economy, process outsourcing is not going anywhere. Sooner or later, this industry will get to the top. As technology evolves, it also arises.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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After completing their studies, many young adults find themselves unsure of their next steps. If you're one of them, don't worry! We can help. 😉 By joining our team, you'll have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of customer service while gaining valuable experience in the BPO industry. 🤗
🧡 Build a #MeaningfulCareer with Orbit.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Are you a BPO agent looking for a new challenge? We offer training and development opportunities, which can help you improve your skills and advance in your career. 😍 Come and join our Manila site!
🧡 Build a #MeaningfulCareer with Orbit.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Join our team of experienced call center agents and take your career to the next level! We have several job openings for professionals with a proven track record in customer service. Receive a starting salary of up to 22,000 a month!
🧡 Build a #MeaningfulCareer with Orbit.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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No call center experience? No problem! 😉 We're hiring college undergraduates for entry-level positions in North EDSA. Get your HMO on Day 1 and earn a night differential in our nightshift account.
🧡 Build a #MeaningfulCareer with Orbit.
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orbitcareerhub · 1 year
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Looking for a fresh start in your career? We're hiring high school graduates for CSR roles. Earn a basic salary of up to 23,000 a month!
🧡 Build a #MeaningfulCareer with Orbit.
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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How do I get promoted? If you are working hard but haven’t received any recognition from your boss, here are nine tips to help you. Check it out by visiting our website - orbit-teleservices.com
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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What should I eat after working the night shift?
Many agents are hungry after working the night shift. But which foods keep your tummy full, satisfy you, and prevent unnecessary weight gain?
In this article, we will show you the best foods that BPO agents should be eating to stay healthy while working a night shift.
Sprouted Bread.
Whole-grain toast, banana, peanut butter, cacao bits, chopped pistachios, and pomegranate seeds.
Warmed oats with blueberries and a dollop of Greek yogurt on top.
An apple.
Green smoothie.
-- Read the full blog at orbit-teleservices.com Written by: Carmela Lim
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Orbit Teleservices is an advanced Business Process Outsourcing Company providing high-quality yet cost-effective customer management and business process solutions. We are continuously looking for top talents to join our team. We achieve stability in our organization by treating our employees the same way we treat our valued clients, with utmost care.
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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It might help you! Here are some tips!
Chewing gum, turning up late, and even swearing - these are the things recruiters know all too well will most likely land an applicant's CV in the trash can, not on the client’s table.
While recruiters are great at reminding applicants what they should do before, during, and after the final interview, they still seem to be making these mistakes, costing them the job.
So, in this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to pass your final interview. Don’t worry if you failed your previous interviews; take time to read this because it might help you!
They skip breakfast.
They smell smoke.
They turn up late.
They bring too much stuff.
They’re too informal.
They swear.
They appear too shy.
They tell white lies.
-- Read the full blog at orbit-teleservices.com Written by: Carmela Lim
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Orbit Teleservices is an advanced Business Process Outsourcing Company providing high-quality yet cost-effective customer management and business process solutions. We are continuously looking for top talents to join our team. We achieve stability in our organization by treating our employees the same way we treat our valued clients, with utmost care.
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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Budgeting doesn’t always have to mean spending less.
The first step in taking charge of your financial situation and making your money work for you is developing a healthy budget. You can use the money to pay off debt, put money into savings, and feel more relaxed and less anxious.
Budgeting doesn’t always have to mean spending less; sometimes it just means prioritizing the important things before treating yourself.
By keeping track of your income and expenses each month, you may learn to manage your money effectively and achieve your goals on schedule.
Creating a budget.
Using your budget
Practicing good budget habit.
-- Read the full blog at orbit-teleservices.com Written by: Carmela Lim
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Orbit Teleservices is an advanced Business Process Outsourcing Company providing high-quality yet cost-effective customer management and business process solutions. We are continuously looking for top talents to join our team. We achieve stability in our organization by treating our employees the same way we treat our valued clients, with utmost care.
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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Want to buzz off?
We all have these moments when we don't want to do anything and just want to buzz off. This is not a problem if we are just staying at home, but it must be resolved when we feel it in our job, because there may be times when our job is unexciting, unchallenging, and extremely boring. Especially when we have a work routine that we may become bored with eventually. We get up, prepare for work, work long hours, then prepare to go home, and then repeat. This may result in a desire not to go to work, which can be a bigger issue. So, here are five ways to combat workplace boredom.
Redesign your workstation
Keep feeding your curiosity
Interact with colleagues
Get enough sleep
Take a break
Read the full blog at orbit-teleservices.com Written by: Carmela Lim
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Orbit Teleservices is an advanced Business Process Outsourcing Company providing high-quality yet cost-effective customer management and business process solutions. We are continuously looking for top talents to join our team. We achieve stability in our organization by treating our employees the same way we treat our valued clients, with utmost care.
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