oreo9thelord · 3 months
So I was really mad today, but the funniest crap just happened so I don't care about that anymore. I was brushing my teeth and after a solid 5 minutes of aggressive brushing I went to the sink spit out what was in my mouth and I don't know what happened but my brain decided to spit all of the liquid in my mouth onto the ground instead of the sink. I might be genuinely brain-dead because how does some one fuck up this badly. Like I literally looked at the sink, moved away and then spit on the ground. Laughed for like 5 minutes because of that
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oreo9thelord · 3 months
It turns it was just because I was staying at my grandparents home. That place is CROWDED. Really made me stressed, but now I'm all good
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oreo9thelord · 3 months
Every other thought in my head has been replaced with "I think I'm going insane" I can't have a moment of peace without "I think I'm going insane" and it's making me go crazy. This is too much
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oreo9thelord · 3 months
I think I'm dissociating
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oreo9thelord · 3 months
Toothpaste Taste ranking
i accidentally swallowed a lot of toothpaste while brushing my teeth so I'll take this chance to rate it's taste
Brand : Signal (taste will vary from brand to brand)
Texture :
Wasn't bad by any means but wasn't really great, quite average. The texture was like water but thicker, not too thick like a good but definitely not as smooth as normal water
Texture rating : 6.5/10
Taste :
Not that great to be honest. The fluoride makes it taste kinda like chalk, not good by any means but ya take what ya get. The taste isn't really the type of taste to be associated with a liquid so it was kinda weird, it was chalky and boring. Didn't pop or cause any reaction, in fact it looks like 5 minutes for the chalk taste to come in. Before it was just kinda like dirt. Texture rating 5/10
Overall Rating : 6/10
While definitely not something I'd recommend I think it was a unique and interesting experience tasting toothpaste. I think it could have benefited with a few more spices to make the taste pop more instead of deflating in your mouth. That's all, good night.
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oreo9thelord · 5 months
when somebody keeps insulting you and you have the perfect response to absolutely rip them to shreds but realize that would be kinda mean and you don't hate that person enough to do that to them
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oreo9thelord · 5 months
It was number 2
crap.. so there are two possibilities right now:
I am suicidal
I'm just tired because it's 6:20 AM.
They are equal in probability
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oreo9thelord · 5 months
crap.. so there are two possibilities right now:
I am suicidal
I'm just tired because it's 6:20 AM.
They are equal in probability
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oreo9thelord · 5 months
Y'all ever get an asshole teacher? So this is kinda a rant but I'm angry rn so I'll continue (why am I apologetic this is my fucking account) anyways some background. So for the past couple years I was the top kid in class, I always had the best score. And at the end of the year when they calculate the grade I was always the one with the best grade and the teachers gave me gifts because I was such a good student, so anyway we just moved and I'm at a new school with new teachers, this really short teacher who ill call
Ms. A (the a stands for asshole) so Ms. A was my Arabic teacher and while I didn't really like Arabic I would still get good grades in it, but for some reason from the very start she just had a vendetta against me, getting mad when I asked her questions because i didn't understand something and talking to my parents and telling them I'm "unintelligent" and "one of my worst students" now of course my parents have common sense and knew she was just spewing BS but she continued being angry at me for the whole semester. But at the end of the semester at the half-year exams (which take place in between two semesters and are the second most important exams that count for 1/3rd of your calculated average) I was nervous for the exam but luckily after the exam I compared my answers to the book and found that I was supposed to get 100% because I answered everything correctly, then I get an 88. Which compared to my other grades is tragic, i KNEW but when my dad who now became a teacher at my school asked her about this grade Ms. A said "oh he had made a mistake at this part" which was BS because I answered the question one to one to the answer in the book and when asked about this she said "oh no he actually made a mistake at this part not this one" which is just, what???? And she REFUSED to show us the exam paper so I could see my "mistake" without giving a clear reason. In the second semester Ms. A was assigned a different class that was still in the same school, at the end of the year when our grades were calculated I was 8th, because of her I got 8th, now that wasnt what made me angry the most. I wanted to confront Ms. A, to actually know what the hell I got "wrong" what gave me a grade that crushed my soul and made me cry, but when I asked my parents to let me talk to her they said things like "this just happens" and "it's fine dont worry" and "it isn't worth it" this was an injustice, she was corrupt and mad and making shit up just because of her ego but "it isnt worth it"? Really? It isn't worth it to let everybody know that she is a fraud, that she refuses to correct her behaviour? Is it really not worth it to let the other students she teaches finally rest? I spoke with them they said to me that they don't like her, that she isn't a good teacher, but none of them are brave enough to actually do anything about it and I'm not strong enough to do anything too. She still teaches there, and after my dad talked to her she says crap like "oh he's such a smart student" and stuff like that because my father is now teaching at the same school. And she greets me with her evil grin when she walks past me, I bet she thinks she's "such a great teacher" and that "I would be lucky" if I was taught by her again, keep in mind none of her teaching made sense to me, I had to get my parents to help me understand the subjects to even study because of her crap teaching. Alright rant over everybody have a good day
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oreo9thelord · 5 months
you know what. Fuck you I'm headcanoning you as not real
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oreo9thelord · 6 months
I'll keep using em, the strong shall live another day, the weak will die
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oreo9thelord · 6 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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