Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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may your 2022 be vampiric and homoerotic
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Hey! I have a question. I am studying Norwegian and Swedish at the moment and I just noticed that I have no idea where I can find books and audiobooks in these languages. I tried audible but they don't seem to have any? Do you know where I could find some?
For audio books you could try spotify (I know that they have some Astrid Lindgren books for example), but other than that I don’t know of any good resources. I do have some free resources for regular books:
For Norwegian & Swedish: 
Project Gutenberg
Internet Archive
These two will have many classics from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
For Norwegian: 
Some works are only accessible for Norwegian IP’s - can be resolved if you have a VPN.
For Swedish:
Litteraturbanken (up until early 20th century works - has really high quality epubs and some annotated books as well)
Some (classic) works you can find as pdfs or epubs via university libraries, see for example the university of Gothenburg library
Hope this is helpful! Have fun studying!
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ah yes, my arch nemesis: the first sentence of my essay
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reading about random things. educating yourself on cultures that died ages ago. excitement in learning new languages. having a cup of hot coffee/tea on a rainy sunday morning. staying up late to finish reading that one book. quoting shakespeare for no specific reason. listening to slow music while doing school work. singing your favorite song off key when no one is watching. smiling at animals. wearing clothes that makes you feel comfortable. laying on bed after a long tiring day. late night drives on empty roads. complimenting strangers. helping an elderly person to cross the road. hugging your best friend. smell of earth after rain. making others laugh. holding hands. 
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Should I start the 100 days challenge after the nine-weeks is up? That's in like six business days or so so maybe??? I have so much late work to complete in the next couple of days and if I start it now I know for sure I'll get distracted by the ✨aesthetic✨ of it all
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Me: how to prioritize tasks??? how to focus?? motivation??
My parents: just do it lmao
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Hello friends and enemies,
I have decided to do a masters degree for some fucking reason. Due to these godforsaken circumstances, I am going to be a student again.
Now, based on my experience being an undergrad with my Brain and Misc Issues, I knew that my hubris in pursuing YET MORE EDUCATION would result in having to write a lot of stressful emails, while dealing with a stressful situation.
So, to help myself cope in advance, I’ve decided to write drafts of these emails in advance, so that it’s less agonisingly painful to deal with this shit when it comes up.
And you can use them too!
under the cut, I have some draft emails for when you need to tell your lecturers:
I’m going to miss a lecture.
I have missed a lecture
I will be turning in an assignment late
I have missed a deadline
I have had a personal crisis which impacts my studies.
SEND AT START OF SEMESTER: explaining that you fidget/stim without using the word stim.
Keep reading
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what’s the point of philosophy? İ can make up my own nonsense
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All jokes about being an introvert aside, humans are naturally social creatures and we need stimulation. Whether you're self isolating or your city/town/country is on lockdown, this will affect your mental health if you don't take care of yourself. I know we all joke that we never go outside anyway, but the fact we can't go out, even if we want to, is going to affect us. So I've compiled a list of things to do!
Clean. Cleaaaaaaan. Being in a clean house will make this so much nicer. If you're stuck in your house all day, being in a clean home will help. Plus, it's good exercise.
If you have a garden and can go in it, do! Plant some stuff for spring, tidy it up, feed the birds, whatever.
If you have a Netflix watch list, go through it. Watch stuff in the background while cleaning or something.
If you're sick, change your bed. I've been in bed a lot and I just changed it and it's nice to have fresh sheets instead of my sweaty ones.
Take up a craft. Go on pinterest and diy some shit.
Watch documentaries
Change out of your pyjamas, even if it's just into a hoodie and some sweats. You'll feel better.
If you have schoolwork to do, do it. I know, it's boring, but itll kill some time.
Paint, collage, sketch. Try and improve your skills. Get creative!
Call your family and friends! Facetime or phone. Call your mum, your auntie, your best friend, whoever. We're human and we need contact.
Rearrange your furniture, create a new environment.
Have a clear out of clothes you don't wear anymore
Read!! Read books you haven't read yet or reread your favourite books. Get lost in a different world.
If you're not in school, perhaps teach yourself something. I like to study stuff in my own time. Botany, human evolution, space, anything. Learning stuff is fun when you're not getting graded on it.
Fuck it, learn a new language. Go on omegle or something and talk to people from different countries and test your skills.
Bake, cook, make something. I recommend bread. I have a recipe under my #angie talks tag.
Support small businesses. I'm on a group chat with fellow shop owners and they're all worried about the sales going down. I know, right now you're worried about needing necessities, but shop around on etsy and buy birthday presents, diy kits, jewellery etc. You'll make their week.
If you're sick, open the windows. Its recommended for coronavirus anyway but its nicer to be in bed with the window open.
Watch nature outside your house. For like half an hour today I watched birds. I counted 56 this morning.
Make your own natural remedies for your symptoms. If you're on any medication, as always, check for interactions.
Put on loud music and dance. Get your blood flowing
Check out home workouts on YouTube. Keeping active boosts your immune system and itll pass the time
Make stuff out of trash. Pinterest is full of diy crafts, my favourites are bird feeders out of bottles and planters out of bottles.
Get into your sewing pile and mend clothes
Embroider funky patches
If you're quarantined with family, chat to them. Suggest a family movie night or break out some board games. My husband refuses to play chess with me because I'm too good at it, I've never lost a chess game in my life
Chat to people on tumblr
Journal how you feel or vent to someone. Its frustrating being stuck inside
World build! Make maps of imagined places
Upcycle your clothes and make them look cooler
Make a bucket list
That's all the suggestions I have for now. If anyone is interested in more recommendations for books/movies/shows/stuff to learn, let me know!
Please, look after your mental as well as your physical health. Stay in touch with people, we need togetherness in these times, not isolation. Stay safe, stay healthy♥️
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No editing necessary for this kind of light 🖤
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"Sometimes," said the horse.
"Sometimes what?" asked the boy.
"Sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent."
My grandmother sent me this book (the Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse) for Christmas because she loved it so much. It's so good! I actually started crying at one point, since some of the advice given to the boy hit very close to home.
I'd recommend it to anyone and everyone. It's one of my new favorites, I think.
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dorm friendly magick for broom-closeted student witches
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Got roommates that aren’t into witchcraft/magick? Can’t burn incense in your dorm room? Don’t have time for elaborate rituals between studying for exams and writing papers? I’ve been there. Here are some of my favorite undercover spells and rituals for witches living that college life. 
Journal Magick
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Keep a manifestation journal! Find a journal that really speaks to you and makes you feel good every time you open it, whether it’s a bulky leatherbound tome or has a holographic cover and hot pink pages – what matters is that you feel a connection to it. 
Every morning, write down the things you want to manifest in your journal in the present tense, as if they had already happened. [Note: this works better if you are writing the same thing every day for at least a few weeks. Consistent intent is key!] 
For more information on this type of manifestation, just search “scripting” on YouTube and you’ll find approximately 642934 videos on the subject. 
This is a really great technique for closet witches, because no one is going to be suspicious of you writing in a notebook – plus, it’s normal for people to want to keep their journals private.
Work with correspondences just like you would for a normal spell! You can print out photos of herbs, crystals, tarot cards, astrological signs, or moon phases that correspond to your intention and glue them into your journal (or draw them, if you have artistic talent). You could even get an essential oil that matches your intention and dab a drop of it on the page. You’re essentially creating an altar dedicated to your intention, just on paper instead of in a physical altar space.
Tap into the magick of color by writing your intentions with a pen in a corresponding color (green = abundance/wealth, pink = love and friendship, yellow = academic success, etc.).
Tea and Coffee Magick
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Tea and coffee are already essentially potions, and no one is going to think twice about a college student drinking a lot of coffee/tea. 
Coffee is associated with grounding and protection, and it adds energy to any spell it is added to. Black tea is associated with protection, courage, and abundance. Green and white tea have their own, slightly different magickal uses. Based on these correspondences, you can use coffee and tea as a base for undercover potions!
For mental clarity and memory retention, brew a mixture of black coffee, lion’s mane, chaga, and ginger. For a caffeine-free alternative, brew an herbal tea with rosemary and peppermint. 
To cleanse negative energy and release stress, brew a mixture of black coffee, Ashwagandha, cinnamon, tulsi or basil, and Eleuthero. This is based on a Four Sigmatic blend, lmao.
For a sneaky prosperity spell, brew a mixture of black coffee, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and vanilla. Yes, that is essentially pumpkin pie spice, and yes, you can use a pre-mixed pumpkin pie blend instead of buying the individual spices.
I could go on, but you get the idea. You can customize your morning beverage to suit any magickal or spiritual need. 
Most plants have medicinal uses that are the same or similar to their magickal uses. So if anyone asks, tell them you’re adding these extra herbs for their nutritional and/or medicinal value. 
You can also charge your tea or coffee with crystals. Just set a small crystal associated with your intention (amethyst for mental clarity, black tourmaline for protection, citrine for prosperity, etc.) next to the mug for a few minutes, or place it on top of your coffee maker. Be sure to charge both the crystal and the drink with your intention!
Candle Magick
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If your dorm lets you have candles then congrats, because candle spells are both super powerful and a super easy way to hide your magick in plain sight.
Find a candle in a scent and color that match your intention. For example, you could use a pink, rose-scented candle for a love spell. 
You can find custom spell candles made by witches for witches on Amazon and Etsy, and these have the added bonus of having been specifically created for magickal use. Some of the businesses I’ve personally had good experiences with are Art of the Root (available on Amazon), Esoteric Arts (available on Etsy), and Crystal Journey (Amazon). 
That being said, I’ve gotten good results with $1.99 scented candles from Walmart, so please don’t feel like you need to spend a fortune on special candles for your spell to be successful.
In a pinch, an unscented white candle can be used for any intention. You can get these at the dollar store, and it’s never a bad idea to have a few on hand.
Oil Magick
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Your dorm has a no-open-flames rule, so candles and incense are out of the question. No problem – you can get similar results with essential oils. 
An essential oil literally contains the concentrated essence of a plant. Magickally speaking, this makes them a powerful way to add some oomph to your spells. They’re also commonly used for aromatherapy, so your roommate probably won’t be phased by you diffusing them in your dorm.
You can create custom EO blends the same way you would create an incense blend, by combining different plants based on their correspondences. You can also buy pre-mixed blends online if you’re feeling lazy or if you have a certain blend you know you’re going to use a lot like, say, a focus-enhancing blend for studying.
Another option, and one that’s more traditionally witchy, is to use magickal oils/ritual oils. A magickal oil is an oil that has been created for a specific magickal purpose – it’s like a spell in a bottle. A ritual oil is created for a specific use in magickal ritual. You can find tons of different ways to incorporate these oils into your daily life for some very subtle witchcraft.
You can create your own magickal oils by combining herbs, essential oils, and crystals that match your intention, or you can buy magickal oil blends from witch-owned businesses. Art of the Root has my absolute favorite oils – I have like six different blends, and they’re all ridiculously powerful.
Some ways you can use magickal oils: 1.) wear them as a body oil, 2.) diffuse them like you would an essential oil blend, 3.) use them to anoint and bless objects, like tests or study guides, 4.) add them to spiritual baths, and a million more. [Note: many magickal oils come with real herbs and resins in the bottle. These chunky bits could damage a diffuser, so do keep that in mind.]
Personally, I wear magickal oils on a daily basis in the place of perfume, since most of the ones I own smell really good. As I apply them, I say a small incantation to power them up. For example, if I’m wearing an attraction oil, when I put it on I’ll say something like, “I am powerfully attractive to the people and things that will improve my life.” Which oil I choose to wear depends on the day and the area of my life where I want some extra help. 
Tech Magick
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The nice thing about being a witch in the 21st century is that, if all else fails, you can keep your entire magickal practice contained on your laptop and/or phone. And even if you’re not doing 100% of your witchcraft in a virtual space, you can still use your technology as a tool in your practice. 
Pinterest is the ultimate visualization tool. You can create a virtual altar to a deity or spirit guide by dedicating a Pinterest board to them, or create vision boards for the things you want to manifest, or create a brainstorming space to plan your full moon rituals… the possibilities are endless. 
Keep your Book of Shadows and/or manifestation journal in a Word document. If you’re really concerned about privacy, you can even password protect these documents. Another pro of an electronic Book of Shadows is that most word processors have a “search” function that lets you look things up more easily. 
Make a devotional playlist for a deity or spirit guide. Making Spotify playlists for my deities is one of my favorite devotional acts! I’ll put together all of the songs that remind me of that deity, and I can listen to it anytime, anywhere to instantly connect with them. And don’t be afraid to ask your deities what type of music they like – you may be surprised by the answer!
If any other witches have similar tips, feel free to add onto this! This is just stuff that I’ve found works for me, but magick is deeply personal and everyone will do things a little bit differently. 
And not to shove my content in everyone’s faces, but I did just post a spell to enchant your school notebooks on my YouTube channel, so check that out if you’re interested!
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It was a bad nine weeks, but next will be better. It'll be better.
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